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can't retrive all the data from the access database in table view (Java FX 8

EmpView.setOnAction(event -> { ObservableList<Employee>data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); TableView<Employee>empTableView = new TableView<>(...
user23925284's user avatar
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Firestore data not saving: receiving error upon clicking save button

/TrafficStats(31499): tagSocket(3) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 W/Firestore(31499): (24.11.0) [WriteStream]: (a60a66d) Stream closed with status: Status{code=UNAVAILABLE, description=Channel ...
Minahil's user avatar
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How to clear GPU in training loop using Keras?

I've been exploring methods to train multiple models within a single codebase. The aim is to generate various models using different seeds to assess diverse architectures and training data. The data ...
Agenor Maradiaga's user avatar
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Godot Android program crash without logs

I have a Godot project (source, check 'compile_fail' branch) which crashes on startup, but for some reason only on Android; I can run it on PC just fine. video demonstrating this issue Logcat does not ...
Descriptor's user avatar
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1 answer

restrict .form-text width to input's width

How is it possible to restrict the width of the .form-text based on the width of the above input? I'd like to layout an <input> in a Bootstrap application with a .form-text for some additional ...
orange's user avatar
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Spring Websocket CORS issue

I have a web application served by an Angular frontend and Spring Boot backend. They are deployed with a multi-stage Docker build on the same server. I had an issue of the websocket on Angular not ...
Testing's user avatar
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What is the standard threshold value that is best for accuracy when employing Euclidean distance as a metric for gauging textual similarity?

I'm using Euclidean distance as a metric to compare two sentences for similarity while clustering them using my custom incremental KMeans algorithm. The current threshold value I'm using is 0.7 which ...
sanjay M's user avatar
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How do sql server synchronous commit do in AlwaysOn group to avoid data loss risk

The official document sys that synchronous-commit with automatic failover will not lose data. But I'm still confused how this is guaranteed. Actually I'm confused how the replication, commit, ack of ...
Godvania's user avatar
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Changing pick chance of multiple elements in weighted set

I have a weighted set implementation that works off a map in the data structure: class WeightedSet<T> { Map<T, Double> weights = new HashMap<>(); double sum; } This ...
Cam J's user avatar
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phpfpm and apache configuration not working

i'm recently working on 3-tier architecture on ubuntu virtual machines , 1 desktop and 2 servers, Their network configuration is set to bridged Adapter in order to communicate with the wifi card ...
Adem Sghaier's user avatar
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JMETER Regular Expression Extracto. How can i get the specific extractor using the response i get below

Im not sure why the regexp extractor gives me a 'null' value Response GET http://t1vm-esource01/eSourceUAT/esoa%20printing/Reports/soa.ashx?docIndex=null&mastKey=SF8962 Heres my regular expression:...
Von Prejillana's user avatar
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Connect random point with non self intersection right angle polylines

I've found some posts and known that radom points could be sorted using a ciecle. Then a non self intersection polyline could be drawn follwoing the sorted point order. However, in my case, I need ...
MiralKong's user avatar
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How to count the number of time series data for multiple device groups in Apache IoTDB?

Is there a way to implement count(column) group by column in Apache IoTDB? I need to group the devices and count the number of timeseries data in each device group. I want to know are there any method ...
shuww's user avatar
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When to use Azure Network interfaces' application_gateway_backend_address_pools

I went through Azure documentation on Application gateway & network interfaces but couldn't find information about when to use application_gateway_backend_address_pools I have a usecase where I ...
ArigatoManga's user avatar
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Perpetually running error "Error: cannot have attributes on a CHARSXP"

I am a bit at a loss. I am now revisiting some script that I used multiple times before, which involves stringi, stringr, dyplr, data.table packages. In the past it ran like a charm. Now however I ...
MariaS's user avatar
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After git lfs migration, "refusing to merge unrelated histories" happens when pull

I applied git LFS to my repository. The commands I used were: ( There are no branches in this repository. ) git lfs migrate import --include="*.uasset" git push --force origin master There ...
passion053's user avatar
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Installing libpostal in Databricks

I am trying to install libpostal python wrapper in Databricks. pip install postal ended up with CalledProcessError: Command 'pip --disable-pip-version-check install postal' returned non-zero exit ...
soiryk139's user avatar
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combining multiple mutablestates

just started picking up Compose MP and have been running into difficulty combining 2 sources of mutablestates to a new mutablestate or flow within a viewmodel. per documentation https://developer....
Shay_A's user avatar
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How to read Obsolete JSON attributes but not write them?

I need to read older JSON with [Obsolete] properties, but when writing JSON only the [Required] properties should be written. I still have a mix of older Newtonsoft.Json and newer Text.Json in .NET 8, ...
PieterV's user avatar
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If I have a network image path, I want to upload to firebase storage. How can I upload image by image url?

I want to upload the network image path to the storage. The image URL like
fjf fjfj's user avatar
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SQL: How to declare AS before SELECT?

How can I rewrite SELECT x, "noflowizts tidbits" AS n, z, bloflvopitz AS b Just as SELECT x,y,n,b Then I could even write SELECT x, CONCAT(n,z), y For this one query, I simply want to ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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python_TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

I have successfully instantiated the instance object of the class, and the "dynamics" attribute is a method and has been instantiated successfully, but when using "dynamics" I get ...
my Sun's user avatar
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Issues with Next/Link with app folder - How can I stop 404'ing?

So here I have a part of my NavBar() {/* Desktop Nav */} <div className="hidden md:flex items-center space-x-6"> <Link href={item1Href}> <...
Aeryn G's user avatar
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Webview as overlay in Broadcast Upload extension

I am currently developing a screen broadcasting application aimed at assisting users in streaming games to social networking platforms. To achieve this goal, I am utilizing the Broadcast Upload ...
Nguyen Hoang's user avatar
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Wpf DataGrid Formating

There are some features of DataGrid which i want to format. How to remove it ? I tried set border bottom for header but it just shown short line. Row 15 is the last, but scrollbar can scroll over row ...
Ryan Tran's user avatar
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Why my Flutter WebView app is running on lower frame rate than a regular browser?

I have made a WebView app for my simple and light local website. It feels very fast and responsive on a regular mobile browser app (Firefox, Chrome, Edge and etc..). But on my Flutter WebView app, it ...
Centaurus A's user avatar
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WDF Driver: Device driver cannot initialize for this hardware. An invalid parameter is passed to a service or function

I am developing a driver based on ACX. I am developing and building it upon the sample Windows provide here ACX audio driver. I have added the support of dynamic enumeration and setup of audio device ...
Harsh Kumawat's user avatar
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System sound play on some sound ID and not on some others

I have below code. Here is the status. Sound 1304 will be played on both MacBook Pro OSX 14.2.1 Xcode preview mode and iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17.4.1. Both sound 1211 and 1016 will be played on OSX only. ...
YellowLarry's user avatar
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How do I remove and replace line breaks from my clipboard while using snippets in Visual Studio Code?

I am planning to replace every line break in my clipboard with a space, followed a vertical bar and then another space. For instance, if my clipboard has the following text: My Clipboard Content the ...
Venti1707's user avatar
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MIM error with cpanel when uploading a vue.js app

guys i trying to host my vue.js project on cpanel and when i upload the dist and open it on my browser it shows that (Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server ...
amer wild's user avatar
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Synthesize & play audio tones on android

I'm trying to write an android app that can simulate RC car sound. Looking to play bunch of frequencies together (aka Tone) but sinusoidal sum of those frequencies doesn't sound good, it sound ...
Taranfx's user avatar
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Forcefully subclass a Java class with package-private constructor

I want to forcefully make a class in another library open to subclass. The class itself is public, but its only constructor is package-private. I have already explored generating a class with the ...
Christopher Madrigal's user avatar
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ActiveMQ on Ubuntu 22.04 on VM starts but immediately exits

This installation was done on my KVM/Ubuntu by apt install, but I had the same problem after installing via download and unzipping everything in /opt and setting up the service file, etc. When I use &...
Mexicano_con_ingles's user avatar
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Create JsonValue from multiple columns in Rust Polars DataFrame

I have a DataFrame with two columns in it, one an integer and one a string. For each row, I need to combine these two values into a JSON object with a certain schema. Then I need to bind a vector of ...
Nick K9's user avatar
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Error expect a class but get str instead in python

I was running the main to test method read in python3, and recieved error: expect type Program got'str' instead. Where was wrong and how to fix it? Import pyprog Class Program: def init(self): def ...
Jenn Chen's user avatar
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How to get specific data from MongoDB in node js, using GET method?

I have some collections stored on a remote MongoDB server. I am trying to get a specific collection based on a city name. I am using POSTMAN to simulate a GET request, but a different GET method is ...
Driver's user avatar
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Why use the (this) for a method that already has context, and how to use arrow syntax

I have an issue. I am learning JavaScript coding from a book I got and it is going pretty well. I went from not knowing anything at all to knowing how to store, modify and use data in about a week, ...
Mgonzalez08's user avatar
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TypeError: argument 1 must be pygame.surface.Surface, not str

I keep getting this error message when trying to run my code in pygame, it allows me to open to window but when I try to input a direction key it gives me this error code. in redraw_game_window ...
Carter Luscombe's user avatar
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I can't use Flutter_session when i add it to dependencies

I want to use the function about FlutterSession().set() & FlutterSession().get(). flutter clean flutter pub get flutter pub get I can't use the flutter session method. Or flutter has other ways ...
JANE's user avatar
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I want to generate heatmaps from clip model (contrastive learning)

I tried so many times to generate heatmaps from clip model, this model is little different than standard clip model as i am using multi encoders and concat them before feeding it to clip model. ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Incorporating a websocket in my react-native application and having it update a screen if the screen is currently active

I have a websocket that updates data and it exists on my main screen that has a tab navigator. If one of my tabs is open i would like for it to update in real time. I've been having some trouble on ...
davion williams's user avatar
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Docker container works fine locally, but gives error when trying to run on Azure

Brief Overview I have a docker image that runs perfectly fine on my local device (macOS 14.3.1), but when I try to run the exact same image on azure container apps, it throws an exception. Any help ...
Sunny's user avatar
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Why does my custom instruction simulation run incorrectly?

After seeing this C function: double clamp (double x ) { return x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : x ; } I want to design a custom instruction named 'clp' , it uses F extesnion. The instruction format I ...
沈思远's user avatar
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Cannot push into Mercurial, End of script output before headers: hgweb.cgi, TortoiseHg command returned code 255

I'm having some trouble with Mercurial. It was working fine, and after a few pushes it starts returning error. I am using TortoiseHg and the log returns command returned code 255 When I check the log ...
Huy Pham's user avatar
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Is it possible to display a 3d path using latitude, longitude and altitude on a map?

I know it's not directly possible to do it with poly lines, however are there workarounds? Would MapKit allow to display a 3d object built in SceneKit directly on a map and allow rotating around it? ...
Maklaus's user avatar
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How to get direct link download from google driver

i have i fileID image in google driver i know can use for download use webContentLink{fileID}{fileID}&export=...
Satoshi's user avatar
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How to move image from to left to the right?

Issue with Moving Image to the Right in HTML/CSS I'm encountering a problem while trying to move an image to the right within a section of my HTML page using CSS. Despite attempting methods like using ...
Stampede Baloy's user avatar
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How to get the current price and time in TreadView based on X-axis and Y-axis

widget.onChartReady(function () { widget.subscribe('mouse_up', function (params) { console.log('mouse_up:' + JSON.stringify(params)); // params:{"clientX":...
Philips Trevor's user avatar
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Project Reactor Mono.just inside a flatMap

trying to search some information regarding the usage of this but not yet found a definitive answer to this. the usage of flatMap on blocking operations (non reactive). when some operations like ...
pomm's user avatar
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what is causing the Parser error: syntax error for a module?

I'm trying to fix all of the errors for a 3d model in Open Scad, and in the main module for the where I put the smaller module parts together. also if there are any problems with how the question ...
Nathaniel McCoy's user avatar

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