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docker version command shows server version as "library-import"

I am trying to upgrade docker-engine to 23.0.0 as a part of buildroot installation. I have upgraded all the prerequisite packages i.e golang, containerd, docker-cli, runc, etc to the required higher ...
Jay's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get updated date of an iOS app version using App Store Connect REST API?

We want to show when the app's version was updated. AppStoreConnect REST API response doesn't contain the updated date of the version. Using apps/{app_store_id}/appStoreVersions to fetch app versions ...
Beu's user avatar
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Unable to upload .tar.gz file greater than 500Mb

I want to upload a .tar.gz file (>500mb) to a URL using javascript. Here is my approach async uploadMapFile(url, FilePath, mapType) { try { let body = await _fs.promises.readFile(FilePath); ...
Nilesh Mishra's user avatar
1 vote
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Flutter Project Hitting not found on Windows 11 Home

Unable to launch flutter app on Windows 11 Home device. Even flutter doctor -v shows no error. Does this mean i have to get a Mac ? Hitting the error during VS code run without debugging/Start ...
superhuman1314's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Jest ES6 Modules: Cannot use import statements

I'm writing an ES6 application. I have the "type": "module" in package.json. devDependencies are: "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^29.5.12",...
sineverba's user avatar
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1 answer

Draggable corners of polygon in compose google maps

I have a map with code: var geoPoints by remember { mutableStateOf(listOf<LatLng>()) } val markers = mutableListOf<Unit>() GoogleMapView( mapGesturesEnabled = mapGesturesEnabled, ...
edi233's user avatar
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2 votes
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Jetpack Compose - Media3 Exoplayer fills controller overlay but not artwork

I'm building a video player using the latest media3 Exoplayer, using Jetpack Compose: The issue I am facing is that if I set the PlayerView to fullscreen AndroidView(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),....
Monica Ivan's user avatar
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What factors will affect the thread scheduling latency in the system?

The perf sched latency tool can calculate the latency of a thread being scheduled by the operating system, which is the time between wakeup and schedule-in of task. /* * Explanation of delta-time ...
Frontier_Setter's user avatar
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AWS amplify assume role in different AWS account

First of all apologies for the long post. I have 2 AWS accounts and the scenario is like that: The first AWS account (let's call it 1111) and cognito user pool is configured. This cognito user pool ...
Stavros Zavrakas's user avatar
1 vote
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Keyboard is immediately hidden when focus TextField in LazyVStack (SwiftUI)

I have a stack of cards, each card having a TextField, when focus a text field positioned at the bottom of the screen (on the area where the keyboard will appear) the card disappears, thus the ...
Sorin Lica's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Job: File Loading into RAM Instead of Disk

I have an AWS Fargate job that reads data from a database table in batches, writes the results to a file in the /tmp directory using the Python tempfile library, and then processes the data from the ...
Fran Arenas's user avatar
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Incompatible Checkpoint and application versions with AWS Managed Flink

I have an AWS Managed Apache Flink application. We have 2 input data streams and 2 output datastreams. Each time I do bigger changes (e.g. we change the data formats on the input and output streams, ...
ForestG's user avatar
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Why is version patch not being incremented using Gitversion in Github Actions?

I am using GitVersion with Github Actions with main branch. When a new tag is pushed to main branch, e.g. v2.0.0, I want to increase the patch: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, ... I have the following Github ...
Miguel Moura's user avatar
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First version after tag push has patch equal to 1 and not 0. Why?

I am using GitVersion with Github Actions with main branch. When a new tag is pushed to main branch, e.g. v2.0.0, I want to increase the patch: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, ... I have the following Github ...
Miguel Moura's user avatar
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2 answers

Camera permission are been ignore in Kotlin app

I as developing an app which make use of a camera future using cameraX plugin and Kotlin lenguage. My problem come with the camera permision which is returning '-1' when call: requestPermissions(...
Manuel Lucas's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

RewriteRule ^$ : eventually want to redirect / to /something_else/index.html

I've apt install apache2 for 100% stock ubuntu 22.04 apache2 , run a2enmod rewrite, added these lines to ./sites-available/000-default.conf, and restarted apache2. LogLevel info ssl:warn rewrite:...
Dan MacNeil's user avatar
0 votes
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How to fence code blocks with line numbers correctly and update the code-block CSS

I'm trying to add line numbers to fenced code blocks in markdown with Jekyll. Moreover, I am trying to find ways of updating the code CSS style. Regarding the first question I am trying to follow the ...
Jose Ramon's user avatar
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1 answer

error "Failed to execute send on Websocket: Still in CONNECTING state" in Django Channels Production environment using SSL

I'm currently deploying an application using Django Channels in Production environment. The target application is based on the sample app from the official django channel documentation. https://...
Tio's user avatar
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1 answer

Building a custom test slice for Spring Retry

As the title says, I am trying to build a test slice for testing a method annotated with @Retryable. I know that I can create a test using @SpringBootTest or some other such extremely wide-net ...
EaterOfFromage's user avatar
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Use Better Jinja together with HTMLHint?

I've been using Better Jinja in a project to get syntax highlighting of Jinja code inside of HTML files. I associated all html files with Better Jinja like this: "files.associations": { &...
Martin Maciaszek's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to invite connectios to follow a company page via LinkedIn API?

LinkedIn provides a possibility to send company invites from company admin page. I checked their API and found standard invites only. What's about an invite to follow LinkedIn page (company page)? ...
Oleksandr Misiuk's user avatar
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Problem with initialize react native application

I want to create new app but upon running init I'm facing issue on first step - Resolving packages. Command: npx react-native init doggo --verbose Error: debug Installing template from react-native@...
Fifis's user avatar
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Graphql is throing an error: Field error in object 'hepatitisLabConditionGroupInput' on field '$.conditionIds': rejected value [null];

I am looking a way to pass an Int array to a GraphQL mutation. I am not sure what I am doing incorrect here.I am getting this error: Field error in object 'hepatitisLabConditionGroupInput' on field '$...
shortduck's user avatar
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LOADADDR in section with ALIGN

A common pattern I see in linker scripts when specifying RAM variables which needs to be initialized is to use the AT command and save symbols for the start and end VMA address, in this case I named ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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Interrupt handling with push buttons in ARMv7

I am trying to trigger an interrupt when a push button is pressed but I can't get service_irq to trigger. The push buttons light up green and the _start function seems to work, as far as I can tell. ...
bob's user avatar
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AWS Cloud9 editor Typescript issues

I'm starting to use Typescript in my projects, however the Cloud9 editor often shows errors other editors (eg VS Code) do not. For example if I install the boilerplate NextJS (14) $ npx create-next-...
quickshiftin's user avatar
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2 answers

Micronaut @ConfigurationProperties not loading in a List of pojos correctly

I have the following property in my application.yml file: payment-routing-config: drivers: - id: 'ANETC' weight: 80 backups: ['EPAYC', 'NMIC', 'ANETD'] - id: 'EPAYC' weight:...
testing123's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can't connect to MongoDB single-node replica set via Mongo Atlas

I've been trying to set up a Mongo replica set in my local environment via Docker Compose such that I can test Transactions locally. I followed this setup here, and it seems to spin up fine - my API ...
forkball's user avatar
-1 votes
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Solving Hcaptcha using 2captcha to automate website search (Python)

I'm trying to automate a web search via Python. The website is behind hCaptcha but I'm using a 2captcha solver. Although, I've replicated web browser's behavior, I'm still being asked to solve the ...
αԋɱҽԃ αмєяιcαη's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

PyTorch: AttributeError: 'torch.dtype' object has no attribute 'itemsize'

I am trying to follow this article on medium Article. I had a few problems with it so the remain chang eI did was to the TrainingArguments object I added gradient_checkpointing_kwargs={'use_reentrant':...
Lidor Eliyahu Shelef's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

d3.js trend area chart with grid axis

I have a line chart - and want to adjust it to take on different styles/create trend lines. Showcasing the current time with an axis line and adding a trend area/circle point. Generating icons/alerts ...
The Old County's user avatar
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Loading different USDZ animations on the same rig USDZ model

I am trying to load multiple Mixamo 3d animations on one USDZ model. All the exported animations are USDZ animation files and the main USDZ model file have the same exact rig. All animations where ...
Attila Zalanyi's user avatar
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embedding flutter in a web app (memory management)

I've embedded a flutter app in an angular dart web app. While testing, I've put print statements in the "create" and "dispose" of my providers and am only seeing the create ...
cjmarques's user avatar
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refresh AWS Cognito access token workflow in browser with javascript v2

I've got a simple web app (I'm not really a dev) which I've based off of this tutorial. Everything I've done is written in plain javascript (no React, etc) and gets deployed to a git repo with .js ...
user1554752's user avatar
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How to check price "nearness" to user drawn Support or Resistance?

How to check price "nearness" to user drawn Support or Resistance ? In Amibroker AFL, i'd like to check if closing pricing is near a support or resistance. Support and resistance are ...
stighy's user avatar
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Django query doesn't return the instance that I just saved in database

I'm working on a project that requires to trace the events related to a process. In my case I have Registration and RegistrationEvent models with the latter connected throug a ForeignKey to ...
Zeno Dalla Valle's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I make jest support importing HTML file inside TS files?

I have a project that has some script to build typescript web-component in it (here). I use rollup and typescript to build my web-components and my web-component file is like this: import HTML from './...
javad bat's user avatar
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How to set themes dynamically?

I want to add themes to my application. For this I added color picker dialog. When the user will select the color from color picker theme of the application should change, I want to change the color ...
user5881997's user avatar
3 votes
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Blazor unable to reach due to network setup

I have a Blazor .NET 8 server-side app working correctly on an unsecured machine, and am trying to move it to a machine that has no direct outbound internet access; only via web proxy. The app uses ...
M.M's user avatar
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3 answers

How to configure Envers with @OneToMany and @EmbeddedId on the Many side

I have a User entity and a UserCompanyRole entity. The UserCompanyRole has a composite primary key. Each User can have multiple roles. I know composite primary keys should be avoided and I have ...
Vlad Topala's user avatar
1 vote
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Error updating Flutter project: CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "webview_flutter_wkwebview"

When attempting to update my Flutter project to a new Flutter version, I encountered the following error related to CocoaPods and the webview_flutter_wkwebview plugin: [!] CocoaPods could not find ...
Faiz Ahmad Dae's user avatar
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react bundle analysis fails, source-map-explorer unable to map

I am trying to analyze my react bundle size to see which dependencies are causing its relatively large size of >1MB. I stumbled upon and ...
Mystical's user avatar
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Why do some of the geom_text labels flipped when added on a dodged geom_col?

I have the following dataframe df: df <- structure(list(ID = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4), Group = c("A", "B", "A", "B", "A", "B", "B&...
benson23's user avatar
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How to add headers in salesforce HTTP Callout Flow

I have created one salesforce HTTP callout Flow referring POSMAN collection that my colleague gave me. when I debug it, it gives the following error. Callout failed for invocable action ...
Divyesh Jesadiya's user avatar
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Node throws an error " Cannot find type definition" only on few computers/environments

I recently took over a new project which is developed with strapi CMS. It's written on typescript and the developers who work on it have it run on their macbooks without any issue. However, When I ...
Jey's user avatar
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ANR about Unsafe.park (Native method) in play console

Using SignalR SDK for android (signalr-client-sdk-android) after hub proxy connection established getting ANR in play console about at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park (Native method) I have checked ...
Learning Always's user avatar
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Nuxt SSR DEV mode: proxyRequest does not work with node 19+ (works with 18)

This catch-all server middleware in my Nuxt 3 App works with Node 18: server/api/[...].ts import { joinURL } from 'ufo'; export default defineEventHandler((event) => { const config = ...
Tim's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Xcode hangs when opening a project - how to reset ALL settings?

I am running Xcode 15.2 on macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 (23D60) on a M1 Pro Macbook. When I try creating a new project, or try opening an existing one, Xcode hangs for around 10-15 minutes before opening the ...
deloki's user avatar
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How to inject a QR code image for end-to-end testing a QR code scanning app

End-to-end testing an app with QR-code scanning features seems to be difficult. Is there a way to kind of inject a QR code image into an Android device or simulator to automate this scanning process? ...
stoefln's user avatar
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Grammar for combinations of Numpy arrays

For a specific application, I do a GUI to manipulate some data (internally: numpy 1D arrays), and plot them. The end-user can choose in the UI to plot various series a, b, c. Now I also need to allow ...
Basj's user avatar
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