Questions tagged [alwayson]

High-Availability and Disaster Recovery functionality, for SQL Server 2012 and later. A primary read/write database and up to 4 secondary database for reporting or disaster recover. There are several fail over and configuration options

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13 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to enable Always On for Azure websites through management/resource management APIs?

I am writing some code for automatic deployment of Azure websites (including the creation of the website in Azure). I'm using the Azure Management Libraries and Azure Resource Management Libraries ...
Hallgeir's user avatar
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11 votes
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Select from sequence with SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() returns NULL when high disk usage

I encounter that SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() returns NULL sometimes in production environment. I've crossed a lot of similar questions here, the most close one is: SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar returns ...
flam3's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Encryption with an AlwaysOn cluster

I have a database that was moved off of an old SQL Server 2008R2 instance and into a SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn cluster. There are several fields within the database that are encrypted using SQL ...
dparsons's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn synchronous replica is not actually synchronous for reading

I'm trying to read data from synchronous secondary replica just after writing data to primary replica. But my data is not present on secondary. There is a latency about 100-500ms before data appears ...
Dmitriy Startsev's user avatar
8 votes
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How to show current position of a slider over the thumb always

How to show a slider control with a tooltip/label under the thumb showing the value (timespan) always while it moves with/without user dragging. I tried AutoToolTipPlacement="BottomRight" ...
newbie14's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

AlwaysOn Availability Group Listener access

This question is about the correct way of accessing an Availability Group Listener? Assume I have two AlwaysOn Availability Groups with the following AG's: AG1 and AG2. I also have 2 listeners called ...
zurebe-pieter's user avatar
7 votes
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Using ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly with stored procedures which insert data to temp tables

I'm using SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn listener and I want to use a connection with ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly parameter for calling some stored procedures, and this is my question: stored procedures ...
Masoumeh Karvar's user avatar
6 votes
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Microsoft AlwaysOn failover solution and Delphi

I'm trying to make a Delphi application to work with AlwaysOn solution. I found on Google that I have to use MultiSubnetFailover=True in the connection string. Application is compiled in Delphi XE3 ...
Tiberius Cocarlea's user avatar
5 votes
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Dirty Reads in SQL Server AlwaysOn

I have a pair of SQL Server 2014 databases set up as a synchronous AlwaysOn availability group. Both servers are set to the Synchronous commit availability mode, with a session timeout of 50 seconds. ...
Paul's user avatar
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4 votes
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Connecting to read only instance of Always On availability group

Good day, I have a performance related question with regard to reading from a read-only instance of an availability group. To my understanding (sorry I'm not very knowledgeable with Always On(AO)) ...
D. Jonker's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to programmatically add a database to an existing Always On Availability Group (AOAG)?

I'd like to programmatically (T-SQL scripts) create a new database, and then add it to an existing Always On Availability Group (AOAG). So far, I'm ok with creating the database, creating a full ...
Alex Sanséau's user avatar
3 votes
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Performance impact on primary instance when querying read-only replica

I am currently working on an application that continuously queries a database for real time data to be displayed. In order to have minimal impact on systems which are writing to database, which are ...
D. Jonker's user avatar
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MSDTC in Always On Availability Groups

The company I work for would like to use Always on availability groups architecture in our SQL Server supported application. we have 3 databases straight off of installation and one of those is ...
DorD's user avatar
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Sql jobs failed randomly to acquire connection after the activation of the Always ON feature

Since we activated the Always On mode on our server, we have some issues regarding our SQL jobs (running SSIS package) which failed randomly with this message : Failed to acquire connection "DB&...
ElRoro's user avatar
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AlwaysOn AG does not failvover on restart of SQL Server Windows service

I am trying to test the SQL Server AlwaysOn availability group behavior of my application database. I have created the availability group and able to simulate a failo ver from cluster manager, or from ...
Dhawalk's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Trap SQL Failover Exceptions

I am utilizing the NuGet package Polly to implement retry logic that traps Failover SQL Exceptions. I have a SQL Server Always On High Availability set up in Azure. Rather than trap all SQL ...
Bert's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to enable Ambient Mode (Always On) in a FragmentActivity on an Android Wear App?

I have an android wear app that contains a FragmentActivity: public class MyFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity With 2 Fragments: public class MyFirstFragment extends Fragment and public ...
Moataz Mekki's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can a Sql server AlwaysOn group be a transactional replication subscriber?

If I have a Sql server AlwaysOn Availability Group, can I do a transactional push replication to it?
Mathias Rönnlund's user avatar
2 votes
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SQL AlwaysOn - What if you don't use it as a cluster/failover?

I've been proposed a concept of using two SQL servers using AlwaysOn as a form of replication. With the Primary receiving all data, the secondary being a readonly server for a reports source. Since ...
Joseph Morin's user avatar
2 votes
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Database is read-only error in Secondary Replica of Alwayson Groups

I tried many things and analyzed lots of documents but I haven't found a solution yet. I have three virtual machines in VmWare called (DC,SQLServer01,SQLServer02). All of SQL Servers are member of a ...
omeerkorkmazz's user avatar
2 votes
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tSQLt on SQL Server 2017 AG with DTC enabled

I receive the following error when I am running tSQLt tests on SQL Server 2017 that is setup in an Always On availability group that is configured with DTC_SUPPORT = PER_DB on the AG group. If I turn ...
silverbullettruck2001's user avatar
2 votes
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SQL Server 2012 Create user from SQL query

I have a table of system users each of whom need a database user of their own that the system uses to access the DB(Not my idea..). The system has it's own login. This is creating a problem with the ...
Jansky's user avatar
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SMO Equivalent to SET HADR OFF

In SMO (C#), what is the equivalent to... ALTER DATABASE db SET HADR OFF; I've looked in the documentation for both the Database and AvailabilityDatabase classes and nothing is really jumping out at ...
Dan Forbes's user avatar
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Connection string for entity framework to connect to SQL High Availability servers

I am developing an application using Entity Framework. In this application, the target database is a SQL 2012 High Availability Cluster Servers which has two members. One configured as primary, and ...
Syakur Rahman's user avatar
2 votes
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Why can't my PHP 5.4 webserver speak to my multi-subnet failover cluster using SQL Always On?

We've recently implemented a SQL Server 2012 Always On failover cluster. The go-live is in 2 weeks time and some concerning issues have come up. Previously we were dealing with servers in the same ...
Jansky's user avatar
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SQL Server 2016 secondary often issued error 3456, how to prevent SQL database error 3456?

Could not redo log record (410417:192254:28), for transaction ID (0:1838907632), on page (1:761914), allocation unit 72057594280869888, database '****' (database ID 5). Page: LSN = (410417:191949:3), ...
JoyceLuo's user avatar
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SQL Server AG on Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster and I deploy SQL Server Always On Availability Groups operator on it, but after 2 or 3 days the SQL Server pods get restarting rapidly and they don't work till I delete ...
meisam bahrami's user avatar
2 votes
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"Enable Always on support..." for SSIS through C# or powershell

I would like turn on Always on support for SSIS. I am able to do this using the UI (Right click on Integration Services Catalogs, click "Enable always on Support"). I would like to see if there is a ...
Raman's user avatar
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Unable to create availability group - tried all suggestions on the net

After several trials I keep getting this error message when setting new availablity group, please help me out. Create failed for Availability Group 'SQLAVG'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management....
HichemSeeSharp's user avatar
2 votes
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SSRS report snapshot not releasing transaction and causing tempdb bloat

Scenario: I have a SQL Server 2016 Always On cluster for production data with a readable secondary used as the source of our reporting. I access this data from a different server where our SSRS ...
Bryan Maynard's user avatar
2 votes
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how can I determine if microsoft failover cluster has a quorum (in powershell)

I'm trying to determine if my microsoft failover cluster has a quorum (in powershell). Cmdlet Get-ClusterQuorum gives me quorum configuration - but I need a state. Cmdlet Get-Cluster | fl * gives me ...
Pavel Maltsev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn

Is it possible to determine to which endpoint a client is connecting to. i.e. SQL Availability Group Listener endpoint or the SQL Instance itself. The Problem I'm facing is simple. I've recently ...
user2889862's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Connection Timeouts When Using Multisubnetfailover=True

Recently I found that connections were failing from one of our webservers to an MSSQL AlwaysOn Listener. The listener has two IP addresses because it spans subnets so we are specifying ...
vesuvious's user avatar
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SQL Server always on - Indexes on secondary

We have SQL Server 2016 installed with Always ON enabled. Let's say for simplicity, we have one primary and one secondary. I want users to connect to the secondary only with read only access not the ...
AbuTaareq's user avatar
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Tsql - getting list of instances in the alwayson Availability group

I want to connect to the listener in the AlwaysOn availability group and by running a query I will get the list of instances that are part of the AlwaysOn . For example: I has listener "MylistenerHost"...
itzik Paz's user avatar
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1 answer

SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability

I have two server SQL Server 2016 and I want to implement the AlwaysOn Availabiliy. The first server is Read_Write The second server is Read_Only I configured an AlwaysOn Availability as folowing : ...
mchaari's user avatar
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AlwaysOn with TDE and Downtime

I'm fairly new to using TDE encryption with AlwaysOn Availability Groups. I have a few questions regarding application of the TDE certificate on a live database instance: What kind of downtime have ...
Steve Hold's user avatar
1 vote
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Join an Existing Database to An Availability Group

I'm porting some existing (dynamic) SQL to C# via the SMO namespace. I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to join an existing database to my AlwaysOn Availability Group, though. The SMO ...
Dan Forbes's user avatar
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2 answers

Restoring a SQL Server 2012 database in high availability

I have a database which is in always-on high availability mode synchronized with another database on a different instance. How can I restore from a .bak file into the primary database using T-SQL? I'...
Stew's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Group, always connect to primary server

I have configured an AlwaysOn Availability Group without any problem. The database is mirrored synchronously and both SQL Server works correctly. I have created an Availavility Group Listener and ...
Joorge Leal's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012 Always on has high logcapture wait type

From reading, I can see the Work_Queue wait can safely be ignored, but I don't find much about logcapture_wait. This is from BOL, "Waiting for log records to become available. Can occur either when ...
Skeeboe's user avatar
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bringing back a TDE database in AlwaysOn gives an error

We recently added a new disk to our SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn environment, configuration is equal on both nodes. I wanted to move some databases to this new disk. (all databases have TDE enabled, ...
Wilfred van Dijk's user avatar
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MSSQL case with raiserror statement error?

I am trying to check if the availability group is running on correct primary replica. I want to create a job that will fail if primary replica is not specific server. SELECT CASE WHEN ...
Martina's user avatar
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Moving Database from one availability Group to another sitting on different SQL Instance

We have Always on configured with Three Cluster Node ( 2 in same data center for HA and other one in different data center for DR). Each of the Node has three SQL instance on them. We have created one ...
Dheeraj's user avatar
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AWS Aurora High Availability High Level Diagram

I am trying to find high level system documentation how AWS Aurora High Availability works. Below is a diagram on how MSSQL AlwaysOn works. Our company is thinking of migrating from MSSQL to Amazon ...
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TFS2013 to TFS2017 / Single SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2014 AAG

My current environment is on a single vm: TFS2013 SQL Server 2012 (dedicated instance, installed on the same vm) 1 project collection Reporting configured My migration target environment is: New VM ...
stephanejulien's user avatar
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read-only intent in high availability replicas SQL server 2014

We have 2 sql server replicas in Always On cluster and when we tested for performance issues we saw that only the primary is working (read and write). the primary is set to read-write and the ...
sergey efimov's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure Internet Facing Multi Region Load Balancer

I am creating a multi region AlwaysOn Sql Availabilty group. I have 2 VM's in the East and 1 VM in the West. I need to load balance these with a public facing load balancer. Is it possible to create ...
Derek Williams's user avatar
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SQL Server 2014 Cluster Failover Instance, how to reconnect on failover?

I've setup an Windows Server Failover Cluster in a test environmnet, and installed a clustered SQL Server 2014 instance on it. The cluster has two nodes, and the network name is SQLINSTANCE. Now from ...
Jeroen1984's user avatar
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What is HADR SEEDING TEST database in High availability server, in sql server?

Our servers belongs to Always On Availability Group. In both node we could see a database like "HADR SEEDING TEST" has been created in our server. We don't know when was it created. How is it ...
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