i'm recently working on 3-tier architecture on ubuntu virtual machines , 1 desktop and 2 servers,
Their network configuration is set to bridged Adapter in order to communicate with the wifi card directly
Machine | Role |
Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 | Apache 2.4.52 |
Ubuntu Server 1 22.04 | PHP-FPM 8.1 |
Ubuntu Server 2 22.04 | MySQL 8.0.36 |
- First i've enabled proxy,proxy_fcgi and rewrite modules because apache and phpfpm communicate using fastcgi protcol , configured my apache virtual host and set sethandler ip to phpFPM_serverIP:port(9000) ,reloaded the apache2 service and checked the service and it works fine
My Virtual Host
- after that i passed to phpfpm server where i set the listen directive to phpFPM_serverIP:port(9000) ,reloaded the service phpfpm ,checked it and everything works fine also
- same steps for mysql where i set the bind-address to mysqlserverIp restarted the service and it works fine also
Test phase
- while testing without the filesMatch directive ,the access to a php file such as types.php is fine
- but when adding the mentionned directive in order to set the connection between phpfpm and apache ,he returns file not found , i tought maybe i should change the file permissions which what i have done as u see in the hierarchy but i get the same output , i've also checked the configuration files in both phpfpm and apache machines (especially the ip addresses) and the values are well-set ,also chekced the firewall permissions on both sides and they allow from any host with port 9000(phpfpm) and 80(apache)
- also i've asked chatgpt about the error , he suggested same solutions as mentionned before but nothing works
Any Solutions guys cuz i'm a newbie to handling these type of architectures and i wasted too many time in searching for a solution , and thanks in advance
Note : all the process that i've done is following chatgpt (as i said before i'm a newbie XD)
chat.openai.com/share/cbb85936-245a-47c1-95e3-02f20c759936 , in this link u'll find the error that i've got when accessing to apache error log