Questions tagged [type-level-computation]

A computation that is performed at compile time as part of the compiler's type checking phase.

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53 votes
0 answers

Materialize the Value for a Type that has One Inhabitant

Thanks to @MilesSabin's answer I can write a type level Fibonacci sequence: sealed trait Digit case object Zero extends Digit case object One extends Digit sealed trait Dense { type N <: Dense } ...
beefyhalo's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

Testing an assertion that something must not compile

The problem When I'm working with libraries that support type-level programming, I often find myself writing comments like the following (from an example presented by Paul Snively at Strange Loop ...
Travis Brown's user avatar
48 votes
1 answer

Why is the Aux technique required for type-level computations?

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here, since I'm pretty new to Shapeless and I'm learning, but when is the Aux technique actually required? I see that it is used to expose a type statement by ...
Edoardo Vacchi's user avatar
42 votes
1 answer

Using the "Prolog in Scala" to find available type class instances

Considering, I would like to "abuse" the Scala type system to find all instances of e.g. CanBuildFrom that match a given criteria. Prolog ...
Erik Kaplun's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

What are some examples of type-level programming? [closed]

I do not understand what "type-level programming" means, nor can I find a suitable explanation using Google. Could someone please provide an example that demonstrates type-level programming? ...
Vanio Begic's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Difference between Haskell and Idris: Reflection of Runtime/Compiletime in the type universes

So in Idris it's perfectly valid to write the following. item : (b : Bool) -> if b then Nat else List Nat item True = 42 item False = [1,2,3] // cf. ...
ruben.moor's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Matching on type level Nat in GHC 7.6

My question is probably easiest to explain in the form of an example: type family Take (n :: Nat) (xs :: [k]) :: [k] type instance Take 0 xs = '[] type instance Take (n+1) (x ': xs) = x '...
Andy Morris's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Haskell singletons: What do we gain with SNat

I'm trying to grook Haskell singletons. In the paper Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons and in his blog post singletons v0.9 Released! Richard Eisenberg defines the data type Nat which ...
Jogger's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Creating a fold that allows the type to change after each repeated function call, in order to call a function n times without recursion

I am trying to use a dfold defined here dfold :: KnownNat k => Proxy (p :: TyFun Nat * -> *) -> (forall l. SNat l -> a -> (p @@ l) -> p @@ (l + 1)) -> (...
LambdaScientist's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Haskell Type Level Equality

Haskell has a resticted syntax to define type families: (1) type family Length (xs :: [*]) where (2) Length '[] = 0 (3) Length (x ': xs) = 1 + Length xs On the lines (2) and (3) on the ...
Jogger's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Are there "type-level combinators"? Will they exist in some future?

Much of what makes haskell really nice to use in my opinion are combinators such as (.), flip, $ <*> and etc. It feels almost like I can create new syntax when I need to. Some time ago I was ...
Rafael S. Calsaverini's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Applying a fixed-length-vector-function to the inital part of a longer fixed-length-vector

I have the following definition of fixed-length-vectors using ghcs extensions GADTs, TypeOperators and DataKinds: data Vec n a where T :: Vec VZero a (:.) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (...
phynfo's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How does haskell resolve overlapping instances?

Please excuse me if I use the wrong terminology, I am much a beginner in haskell type manipulation... I am trying to use overlapping instances with functional dependencies to do some type-level ...
rtpg's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Generate function of given arity in Haskell using type numbers

Assume I have encoded the natural numbers in Haskell types, and that I have a way of adding and subtracting from them: data Zero data Succ n -- ... I have seen various bits of code which create the ...
Jonathan Sterling's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

haskell - generate an instance for all classes except one specific type

Is it possible to do something like class T a class U a instance U () instance ( NOT U a ) => T a Context: I am trying to write a function that takes HLists and removes elements of a certain ...
rtpg's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Explain the `LowPriorityImplicits` pattern used in Scala type-level programming

When looking at the source of some Scala libraries, e.g. shapeless, I often find traits named LowPriorityImplicits. Can you please explain this pattern? What is the problem that is solved, and how ...
ziggystar's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get a compile-time error if there's no matching closed type family instance?

I have a closed type family which has no catch-all case: {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} type family Foo a where Foo Bool = Int Foo Int = Bool Is there a way to force the type checker to ...
Cactus's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What is the purpose of the emptyCoproduct and coproduct methods of the TypeClass trait in Shapeless

It is not fully clear to me what is the purpose of the emptyCoProduct and coproduct methods of the TypeClass trait in Shapeless. When would one use the TypeClass trait instead of the ProductTypeClass?...
jedesah's user avatar
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11 votes
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Scala type level programming - representing a hierarchy

I'm learning about type level programming in Scala and I'm curious if it's possible to represent a tree or hierarchy using type level programming. The simple case would be a multi-level tree A_ | ...
NightWolf's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Exporting type-operators from modules

How do you export type-operators? Considering they can clash with normal operators, there must be a special syntax if it's possible.
Shou's user avatar
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11 votes
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Scala Shapeless Code for Project Euler #1

I am new to shapeless and have been trying to practice some type level programming. I took Problem #1 from Project Euler as my first challenge. I started by writing regular scala code: object ...
beefyhalo's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

In GHC.TypeLits what is someNatVal good for (which we can't accomplish with natVal)?

I'm trying to understand GHC.TypeLits, and specifically someNatVal. I understand the way it's used in this blog post here, but as mentioned the same example could have been implemented using natVal, ...
jberryman's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

scala path dependent types and type level proofs

I am currently trying to define a model of a clocked dataflow language in scala. A flow virtually represents an infinite sequence of values of some type T, paced by some clock C (a clock indicates ...
remi's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Change fixity of function type (->)?

Doing some type-level computation I've come to a point where I want to change the fixity of -> because it can't be mixed with left associative type operators of fixity 0. I know it doesn't work ...
Shou's user avatar
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10 votes
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How can I extract this polymorphic recursion function?

I'm doing so fairly fun stuff with GHC 7.8, but have ran in to a bit of a problem. I have the following: mkResultF :: Eq k => Query kvs ('KV k v) -> k -> ResultF (Reverse kvs) (Maybe v) ...
ocharles's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Scala type constraint to check argument values

I'm trying to implement Conway's surreal numbers in Scala. A surreal number is defined recursively – as a pair of sets of surreal numbers, called left and right, such that no element in the right set ...
siarhei's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to prove double negation for type level booleans?

I have the following module: {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, RoleAnnotations #-} module Main where import Data.Coerce (coerce) -- logical negation for type level booleans type ...
Tobias Brandt's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Shapeless HList type checking

I am using Shapeless and have the following method to compute the difference between two HLists: def diff[H <: HList](lst1: H, lst2:H):List[String] = (lst1, lst2) match { case (HNil, HNil) ...
triggerNZ's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why does my functional dependency conflict disappear when I expand the definition?

I was trying to implement Integers at the type level in Haskell. To start I implemented natural numbers with data Zero data Succ a I then extended this to the integers with data NegSucc a I ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Creating a completely dependent concatenation

A nice true fact about concatenation is that if I know any two variables in the equation: a ++ b = c Then I know the third. I would like to capture this idea in my own concat so I use a functional ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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9 votes
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Vinyl: compose record type aliases

In Vinyl, I can define a type alias for a record to make it easier to export to other modules: import Data.Vinyl name = Field :: "name" ::: String age = Field :: "age" ::: Int type Person = ["name" :...
Impredicative's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Numeric type signature

Is it possible to create a type with a numeric argument? i.e. if I want to create a type of integers with a fixed bit-width: newtype FixedWidth w = FixedWidth Integer addFixedWidth :: FixedWidth w -...
pat's user avatar
  • 12.6k
9 votes
3 answers

Experience reports using indexed monads in production?

In a previous question I discovered the existence of Conor McBride's Kleisli arrows of Outrageous Fortune while looking for ways of encoding Idris examples in Haskell. My efforts to understand McBride'...
insitu's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Haskell type family instance with type constraints

I am trying to represent expressions with type families, but I cannot seem to figure out how to write the constraints that I want, and I'm starting to feel like it's just not possible. Here is my ...
user3773003's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

When to use existential type vs. dependent pair in Haskell?

When would one want to use a specialized existential type vs. a dependent pair (also called a dependent sum or sigma type)? Here is an example. The following is a length-indexed list and dependently-...
illabout's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

haskell - How can I go from values to types?

Imagine I have the following data types and type classes (with proper language extensions): data Zero=Zero data Succ n = Succ n class Countable t where count :: t -> Int instance Countable ...
rtpg's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

how to create custom type error on constraint violation

I have a class instance that has some relatively unintuitive constraints. This results in unreadable error messages if this constraint is violated. What I would like to do is provide a custom type ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Can I get GHC to infer a constraint past a GADT pattern match?

I would like to get GHC to infer a constraint past a GADT pattern match. For instance, suppose I have two expressions, each with an inferred constraint: f :: _ => a g :: _ => a (In my use case, ...
Sam Derbyshire's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Bidirectional Functional Dependencies

I have a type class that looks a bit like the following: class Foo a b | a -> b where f :: a -> Bool g :: b -> Bool h :: a -> b -> Bool Or at least these are the bits that are ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is '[] and ': in Haskell?

I've seen this '[] and ': syntax in a few places, most notably in heterogeneous lists packages like HList or HVect. For example, the heterogeneous vector HVect is defined as data HVect (ts :: [*]) ...
mcmayer's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to trigger a type family pattern match error in Haskell?

Is Haskell able to indicate a type family match error? For example, using a closed type family: type family Testf a where Testf Char = IO () Testf String = IO () The type of Testf Int is just ...
rityzmon's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is this Haskell Syntax (type level operators?)

What does '[] or ': signify in Haskell code? Some examples - Example 1: data OrderPacket replies where NoOrders :: OrderPacket '[] Example 2: data Elem :: [a] -> a -> * where EZ :: Elem ...
Anupam Jain's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there any connection between `a :~: b` and `(a :== b) :~: True`?

Is there any connection implemented between propositional and promoted equality? Let's say I have prf :: x :~: y in scope for some Symbols; by pattern matching on it being Refl, I can transform ...
Cactus's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Behavior of type level naturals in GHC 7.8

If you want vectors indexed by their length you can do something like this: {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, StandaloneDeriving #-} data N = P N | Z type family Add ...
user2407038's user avatar
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8 votes
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In Scala, is it possible to "curry" type parameters of a def?

Let's suppose I have a def that takes multiple type parameters: def foo[A, B, C](b: B, c: C)(implicit ev: Writer[A]) However, the intended usage is that type parameters B and C should be inferred (...
tksfz's user avatar
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8 votes
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Type safe lookup on heterogeneous lists in Haskell

I want to develop a type safe lookup function for the following data type: data Attr (xs :: [(Symbol,*)]) where Nil :: Attr '[] (:*) :: KnownSymbol s => (Proxy s, t) -> Attr xs -> ...
Rodrigo Ribeiro's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Map Shapeless hlist type F[T1] :: ... :: F[Tn] :: HNil to the type T1 :: ... :: Tn :: HNil (type level sequencing)

I'm building a generic function that takes in a HList of the form F[T1] :: ... :: F[Tn] :: HNil, converts that into a F[T1 :: ... :: Tn :: HNil] and then needs to pass that into a block that was ...
Erik Kaplun's user avatar
  • 37.5k
8 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't this code infringe the "saturation requirement of type families"?

I have this minimal working example (culled from the singletons library) of mapping a type family over a type-level list: {-# language PolyKinds #-} {-# language DataKinds #-} {-# language ...
danidiaz's user avatar
  • 27.1k
7 votes
3 answers

how to write an `Invert` type in typescript to invert the order of tuples

type a = [1,2,3] type Invert<T extends any[] & {'0': any}> = ??? type b = Invert<a> // should yield [3,2,1] I am stucked to figure out the definition of Invert type of a tuple, also ...
钵钵鸡实力代购's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

mapping over HList inside a function

The following code seems obvious enough to compile and run case class Pair(a: String, b: Int) val pairGen = Generic[Pair] object size extends Poly1 { implicit def caseInt = at[Int](x => 1) ...
arapmv's user avatar
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