Thanks to @MilesSabin's answer I can write a type level Fibonacci sequence:
sealed trait Digit
case object Zero extends Digit
case object One extends Digit
sealed trait Dense { type N <: Dense }
sealed trait DNil extends Dense { type N = DNil }
case object DNil extends DNil
final case class ::[+H <: Digit, +T <: Dense](digit: H, tail: T) extends Dense {
type N = digit.type :: tail.N
/* The `A`th Fibonacci number is `B` */
trait Fib[A <: Dense, B <: Dense]
object Fib {
implicit val f0 = new Fib[_0, _0] {}
implicit val f1 = new Fib[_1, _1] {}
implicit def f2[A <: Dense, P <: Dense, P2 <: Dense, F <: Dense, F2 <: Dense]
(implicit p: Pred.Aux[A, P],
p2: Pred.Aux[P, P2],
f: Fib[P, F],
f2: Fib[P2, F2],
sum: Sum[F, F2]): Fib[A, sum.Out] = new Fib[A, sum.Out] {}
implicitly[Fib[_7, _13]]
What I'd really like to be able to do is get a Witness
for Dense
and use it like:
def apply[Out <: Dense](n: Dense)(implicit f:Fib[n.N, Out], w:Witness.Aux[Out]): Out
= w.value
Scala tells me that it can't summon a Witness
instance. I'm guessing this is because my type-level encoding of natural numbers is a linked list of bits and that's not a singleton type. I can't understand why Witness
won't work since there is only a single inhabitant for a class like _7
What I'm trying to do is materialize a value for a type that only has one possible value. That way I can get an Out
directly from apply
I think a possible solution might leverage implicit macros.
Any and all ideas are welcome. I encourage you to leave a note if the question isn't clear.