Questions tagged [gamecontroller]

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55 votes
1 answer

Game Command format between bluetooth controller and console

I am creating an Android project, in which I have to make an android wearable smartwatch as a game controller that can send commands to games running on a handheld device connected to that smartwatch ...
Manish Dubey's user avatar
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52 votes
3 answers

Pygame Xbox One Controller

I am trying to run some code that will allow the user to control with an Xbox Controller. I have it working with the Xbox 360 controller using Pygame. Then when I try to use the Xbox one controller ...
Rjbeckwith's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do I create a virtual gamepad?

How would I go about creating a "gamepad" which appears to DirectInput applications as a normal game controller but the state of its controls is actually defined by software?
Dataflashsabot's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do I connect to a external game controller in swift - apple tv

I have followed this tutorial here: to connect a external game controller to the ...
Rishi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I use Apple's GameController framework from a macOS Command Line Tool?

I'm trying to get the following code to work as a macOS command line tool. It is important that this not be a Cocoa app, so that is not an option. This same code works perfectly in the same project ...
Patrick Hogan's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to make a Game Controller vibrate using Xcode?

I've been using Apple's GameController framework so far, but there's no possibility to make the controller vibrate. I'm searching for something similar to Unity's Handheld.Vibrate(), but the last ...
Valentin's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to prevent game controller button B from quitting app / navigating back to menu in tvOS

The game controller button B is, by default, quitting the app and navigating back to the tvOS home screen. At first I thought this was intuitive, but quickly realized that's what the Nimbus MENU ...
Bobjt's user avatar
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If Steam can map the guide button on the Xbox 360 controller why can't I

I want to map the Xbox Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller. I've been searching for a possible solution for some time now and from the looks of my google results it seems that the only way to do ...
Nobbe's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

iOS Swift Interrupt Keyboard Events

I have problem to intercept keyboard events. I have connected my iOS with SteelSeries Free (gamepad controller) which when connected to iOS will be detected as a Bluetooth Keyboard. This is tested ...
CodingBird's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Supporting both GCController and IOHIDDeviceRef

I'm working on OS X app which has support of game controllers. It must support controllers both originated from IOKit HID and GameController.framework. Problem I'm facing is that most of MFi ...
Shchvova's user avatar
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1 answer

Why won't SDL detect my iBuffalo game controller on Linux (PocketCHIP)?

I recently obtained an ARM-based Linux computer called a PocketCHIP. It's a great little computer! I'm working on writing a program which uses SDL 2.0.4 and my iBuffalo USB gamepad. However, SDL does ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Keyboard as game controller, handling multiple keys in Swift

I'm trying to make a spaceship move on the screen with the keyboard. I manage to deal with key events, but I noticed that when multiple keys are kept down at the same time, it won't behave correctly ...
BadgerBadger's user avatar
3 votes
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Trouble reading game controller in iOS Swift Playgrounds

I've been tinkering with Swift Playgrounds to learn Swift and SpriteKit. Until now, things were going great. I was able to put together a simple but fun game developed entirely on a 9.7" iPad Pro. ...
zeiche's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to set up GCController valueChangeHandler Properly in Xcode?

I have successfully connected a steel series Nimbus dual analog controller to use for testing in both my iOS and tvOS apps. But I am unsure about how to properly set up the valueChangeHandler portion ...
jwade502's user avatar
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GameController button support in the background

I am using the GameController framework to build a SwiftUI macOS app, that can detect when buttons on an Xbox Controller are pressed. When the view is the foreground ( active window present ), I can ...
angryip's user avatar
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2 votes
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tvos 15 - Siri Remote not returning in the array: GCController.controllers()

in swiftUI & tvOS 15, when calling the GCController.controllers() to get the list of controllers connected to the apple tv, import GameController ... let siriRemoteAsGameController = ...
Shaybc's user avatar
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iOS Game Controller framework : How to use "startWirelessControllerDiscoveryWithCompletionHandler"

When game controller be paired from system setting, all is fine. But I want to discover & pair game controller in my app. Actually I found that it seems feasible by Apple's docs. doc link : ...
Gray lin's user avatar
2 votes
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Programmatically Press a Game Controller Button on Windows

TLDR Have a USB Game Controller, searching for a method in any Windows compatible language to press a button on it. Detail I have Windows gaming PC and a set of four Ultimarc Ultrasticks built ...
Evan's user avatar
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How to test/handle SDL2 game controller inputs?

I am trying to figure out how to properly handle game controller inputs in an SDL2 program. I have written a program which is able to handle inputs from my game controller on my Mac, but not on my ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Amazon app Game Controller requirement notification

I have an app in the Amazon store that is targeted for Fire TV (box and stick). It works great just using the remote. However when starting the app, there is an annoying notification to the user 'Game ...
galaxigirl's user avatar
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How to use iPhone as Game Controller for OS X, iOS or tvOS [closed]

I am looking for some sample code that would allow an app on iOS to function as a game controller for an app running on OS X (and in future tvOS or another iOS device such as the iPadPro). The ...
Duncan Groenewald's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick() not working in SDL 2

I'm working on a game that will use SDL 2.0.3 for most of the back-end code (rendering, events, game controllers, etc...). So far I've been able to figure out most of my problems, but this issue doesn'...
QubicGames's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Game controller button number incompability between SDL2 and other tools (Windows' and online tools)

I'm trying to make a 1 to 1 mapping between physical game controller device and virtual device (vJoy). What I want to achieve is when button no X is pressed on physical device, make button no X ...
Yunus Yurtturk's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

GCVirtualController not displaying with SKScene

The Virtual controllers appear but are then obscured by objects added to the view. I've also tried adding the virtual controllers in the UIViewController but this doesn't work either. Is it possible ...
originalmyth's user avatar
1 vote
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How not to let Home button quit your tvOS app in SwiftUI

In UIKit we can use GCEventViewController to intercept the game controllers from propagating Home button presses to the responders (and have them quit our app) by setting ...
TarqTeles's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

python how to detect key combinations with opencv waitkey library?

I am having a machine learning project which is designing autonomous driver for speed dreams game in linux. In this case I have to find a way to get keyboard outputs to actual 1-dimensional array like ...
masouduut94's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Rotate a GameObject?

I'm watching unity tutorials and in the control code of the ship I would like to make it rotate on its axis, that is, it can rotate 360 ​​degrees continuously while I press the right key for example. ...
Meta Code's user avatar
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GCController framework (OSX) not generating notifications

I'm trying to integrate the GCController framework into my project. I'm not so familiar with Objective-C, so please excuse my ignorance around how this is supposed to work. I have a class that ...
Tim Kane's user avatar
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2 answers

Game controller layout detection - swift

How do I detect the game controllers layout from apple tv? I want to change the controls if the layout is different for the controller which will make the game easier to play. .For example, the apple ...
KingCoder11's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

tvOS GameController At what point does GCController.controllers become populated after launch?

I'm trying to read the GCController.controllers() array after my app has launched to know which controllers were already connected to the AppleTV at app launch. But GCController.controllers().count is ...
Geoff H's user avatar
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1 answer

Moving skspritenode with Game Controller (ThumbStick) Swift

I try to build 2d - top down game, and I have player(skspritenode) and I want to move him when I use the thumbstick. I use this code: gamepad its GCExtendedGamepad if gamepad.leftThumbstick.xAxis....
Sqweelow's user avatar
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1 answer

Dual Virtual Joystick for iOS simultaneous use

I'm using a virtual joystick for SpriteKit, and it works great. I have tried either JCInput version, or SpriteKit-Joystick version. Both were used for the movement, and used them on the left. This ...
Septronic's user avatar
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0 answers

How to detect when a game controller gets connected in Android

I'm trying to make a native module for React Native/Expo using Expo Modules API to support game controllers in my app. On iOS there is a notification/event that is posted immediately after a game ...
Mehrdad Moradi's user avatar
1 vote
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Does iOS libSDL 2.012 require bluetooth confirmation?

I just updated SDL to 2.012 for my game-app and it seems my game is now required to ask for permission at start, as SDL looks for Bluetooth GameControllers? Is there any way to get around this ...
Viktor Sehr's user avatar
1 vote
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Alternative for HID API to implement Game controller for MacOS application?

I am working on a game targeting Mac and iOS, which has game controller support implemented recently. I use Game Controller (GC) framework for PS4/ XBox controllers and HID API included in IOKit for ...
Fred's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you send single data when the button is pressed and not looping on the inside and stop the action when the button is release

So i am developing a controller in my mobile app using java and currently whenever i touch the button it will send 3 data in a row. when it should only be sending one data and another data when the ...
yen bico's user avatar
1 vote
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Prevent game from capturing mouse

I'm working on a program for accessible PC gaming for people with mobility limitations. It will be like an on screen keyboard, except it will be a game controller. The problem is that most games ...
dude8604's user avatar
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Suggestions needed - custom VR remote/controller development

I am interested in building my own custom wireless mobile/desktop VR controller/remote to work with my Unity3d dev. Here are some questions for your advice/feedback/comments, many thanks. How would ...
Ghettokon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In A-frame, how do I make a game-controler.api 'gamepadbuttondown:0' mimic an onClick event in javascript

I'm trying to make a light-switch on the wall in A-Frame control ambient lighting. I placed actual lights in the scene so I could name them, and use javascript to make the changes. Since I could not ...
Ronk's user avatar
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Supporting MOGA game controllers on Android TV

I would like to upgrade one of our MOGA-compatible games to support Android TV. Is MOGA game controllers supported by Android TV? Is MOGA still around? Their Facebook page is not updated since last ...
Lim Thye Chean's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Close iAd interstitial with a Game Controller

I'm making a Sprite Kit game that fully supports wireless game controllers. Using one means you won't always be able to touch your screen for some little actions. (For example, if you use an iPad as ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Different bits for the same buttons in two different game controllers (joyGetPosEx)?

I have two different game controllers, and I've been using joyGetPosEx (Windows API) to get information from them. They each have buttons with the same physical labels, but some of those buttons have ...
Bob Vesterman's user avatar
1 vote
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Visual Basic -- Key List (Gamecontroller?)

How can I find a specific value for Gamecontroller-Key? I want to use them for a script in a game. Example: isKeyPressed(Settings.GetValueKey("Key", Keys.X)) Here are the only key-values I found: ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

BLE and Bluetooth gamepad options for Oculus

I'm planning to build a mobile app that sends over BLE a joystick commands with HID over GATT. Does Oculus external gamepad option will be able to connect to it? or it works only with Bluetooth?? ...
Michael Vish's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SDL2_pollevent() Controller dpad continuous hold?

I'm trying to register controller button/dpad presses and continuous hold of said buttons that way it spits the output out continuously instead of one press at a time and then exiting the poll event ...
alm2022's user avatar
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1 answer

How to select and click on child views of Android ViewPager2 with Dpad/Game Controller

I am investigating Bluetooth Dpad and game controllers in my current Android Project. I can successfully select and click on all my UI widets within my App. However I have a ViewPager2 that holds ...
Hector's user avatar
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1 answer

Get angle of direction from GCExtendedGamepad.leftThumbstick

How do I get the angle of direction from the left/right thumb-stick of a game controller in swift? Any help would be appreciated.
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SDL 2.0 - SDL_GameControllerGetButton not working

I am developing an application that needs to display which buttons are pressed on a joystick. For this, I used SDL to read the state of my joysticks, the code is: bool JoystickInfo::getButton (const ...
Alex Spataru's user avatar
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C# controller support without XNA or DirectX

I'm trying to build a Windows game without the now sunset XNA or DirectX, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to create controller support (mostly just XBox controllers). Is there anything in ...
Shadow0144's user avatar
0 votes
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Simulate keyboard key press in Python to play games on Linux?

I'd like to simulate keyboard events, mainly WASD from Python to control games on Linux. So far, I've tried PyKey and Keyboard module but unfortunately, they are unable to simulate the keypress in a ...
Wor Chan's user avatar
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