Questions tagged [gamecontroller]

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27 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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55 votes
1 answer

Game Command format between bluetooth controller and console

I am creating an Android project, in which I have to make an android wearable smartwatch as a game controller that can send commands to games running on a handheld device connected to that smartwatch ...
Manish Dubey's user avatar
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3 votes
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Trouble reading game controller in iOS Swift Playgrounds

I've been tinkering with Swift Playgrounds to learn Swift and SpriteKit. Until now, things were going great. I was able to put together a simple but fun game developed entirely on a 9.7" iPad Pro. ...
zeiche's user avatar
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Programmatically Press a Game Controller Button on Windows

TLDR Have a USB Game Controller, searching for a method in any Windows compatible language to press a button on it. Detail I have Windows gaming PC and a set of four Ultimarc Ultrasticks built ...
Evan's user avatar
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How to test/handle SDL2 game controller inputs?

I am trying to figure out how to properly handle game controller inputs in an SDL2 program. I have written a program which is able to handle inputs from my game controller on my Mac, but not on my ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Why is SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick() not working in SDL 2

I'm working on a game that will use SDL 2.0.3 for most of the back-end code (rendering, events, game controllers, etc...). So far I've been able to figure out most of my problems, but this issue doesn'...
QubicGames's user avatar
1 vote
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How to detect when a game controller gets connected in Android

I'm trying to make a native module for React Native/Expo using Expo Modules API to support game controllers in my app. On iOS there is a notification/event that is posted immediately after a game ...
Mehrdad Moradi's user avatar
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Does iOS libSDL 2.012 require bluetooth confirmation?

I just updated SDL to 2.012 for my game-app and it seems my game is now required to ask for permission at start, as SDL looks for Bluetooth GameControllers? Is there any way to get around this ...
Viktor Sehr's user avatar
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Alternative for HID API to implement Game controller for MacOS application?

I am working on a game targeting Mac and iOS, which has game controller support implemented recently. I use Game Controller (GC) framework for PS4/ XBox controllers and HID API included in IOKit for ...
Fred's user avatar
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Prevent game from capturing mouse

I'm working on a program for accessible PC gaming for people with mobility limitations. It will be like an on screen keyboard, except it will be a game controller. The problem is that most games ...
dude8604's user avatar
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Suggestions needed - custom VR remote/controller development

I am interested in building my own custom wireless mobile/desktop VR controller/remote to work with my Unity3d dev. Here are some questions for your advice/feedback/comments, many thanks. How would ...
Ghettokon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In A-frame, how do I make a game-controler.api 'gamepadbuttondown:0' mimic an onClick event in javascript

I'm trying to make a light-switch on the wall in A-Frame control ambient lighting. I placed actual lights in the scene so I could name them, and use javascript to make the changes. Since I could not ...
Ronk's user avatar
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Supporting MOGA game controllers on Android TV

I would like to upgrade one of our MOGA-compatible games to support Android TV. Is MOGA game controllers supported by Android TV? Is MOGA still around? Their Facebook page is not updated since last ...
Lim Thye Chean's user avatar
1 vote
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Different bits for the same buttons in two different game controllers (joyGetPosEx)?

I have two different game controllers, and I've been using joyGetPosEx (Windows API) to get information from them. They each have buttons with the same physical labels, but some of those buttons have ...
Bob Vesterman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Visual Basic -- Key List (Gamecontroller?)

How can I find a specific value for Gamecontroller-Key? I want to use them for a script in a game. Example: isKeyPressed(Settings.GetValueKey("Key", Keys.X)) Here are the only key-values I found: ...
John's user avatar
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Retropie Game Controller using evdev python module

I programmed the following script to simulate a game controller evaluating the gpio pins of raspberry pi in retropie os: from evdev import UInput, ecodes as e from gpiozero import Button from time ...
Palusii's user avatar
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How do I merge the inputs from two game controllers?

I'm working on a motion control program that turns joy-con motions into virtual Xbox 360 button presses. It works using two joy-cons as a pair. But my difficulty is in adding a second pair (four joy-...
Standie's user avatar
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\[GCDevicePhysicalInputStateDiff.changedElements nextObject\] keeps returning the same value over and over

I'm trying to implement the GameController framework in Objective-C and I hit a bit of a roadblock as I don't understand why can't I just iterate over changed inputs. The loop never ends and ...
Ernest Zamelczyk's user avatar
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Add gamepad/game controller support to flutter app tried many libraries but none working

i tried many libraries none of those working i tried native code in flutter but method cannont be continuosly invoked any suggestions Adding support of gamepads to Flutter app Also are there any ways ...
KRUSHNA PATIL's user avatar
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No key / motion events triggered from connected game controller in Android Activity

I am developing a game for Android. Want to add game controller support.I read documentation how to add it., but nothing ...
Ольга Акиньшина's user avatar
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Windows.Gaming.Input.RawGameController: uniquely identify device between different applications

I am using Windows.Gaming.Input.RawGameController to receive input from gamepads, joysticks and similar devices.
Nick Thissen's user avatar
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Game controller support in Xamarin.Forms

We have a Xamarin.Forms game. We'd like to support game controller input from Razer Kishi on Android. Is it possible to achieve and if yes, how? Also, as a follow-up question: Is it possible to have a ...
Tommi Gustafsson's user avatar
0 votes
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How do you parse information from a Human Interface Device / HID?

I may not even know enough about interacting with HIDs to ask a good question, but here's my best shot so far. I am using C# and am on Windows currently. I have been researching how to interact with a ...
Brett Lesnau's user avatar
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Android: reading gamepad (gamecontroller) events from an application not in view

Reading USB gamepad events (button press etc.) from an application in view (focus) might not be an issue on Android. The problem is that I need these events from a persistent application/service/etc. ...
Zoltán Bíró's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to integrate an HID USB Controller?

I'm at a standstill. I have this non-standard game controller which I would like to integrate into an application. It has three joysticks, and fifteen possible buttons. It is an HID compliant USB-...
M28's user avatar
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Make controller view to act as a game controller Android

I am following below links to making controller view Now view part has been done ...
Manish Dubey's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How can I create a "virtual joystick" based on GCController?

I'm building a framework to simplify the reuse of the GameController framework in game projects. When I had to think about unit tests, I realized that I can't emulate the joystick events, any ideas to ...
Anderson Santos Gusmão's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is there any way to make python act like a game controller?

I want to control games with python. I need python to act like a game controller and do what i code. I couldn't find things about this. I'm waiting for your help. Thanks. edit : I pretty much did it ...
Talha D.'s user avatar