Questions tagged [vcl-styles]

Rad Studio XE2 introduced a feature called VCL Styles. This functionality allows you to apply a skin (theme) to any VCL Forms application. For more information, you can check the official documentation, VCL Styles Overview.

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51 votes
0 answers

How do I write a TDBCtrlGrid VCL Style custom class?

There are lots of questions here about XE2 VCL Styles and custom colors for Buttons, Panels, edits, etc, and VCL Styles. As much as I wish the existing questions covered it, they don't... So DB ...
Warren  P's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

What can I do about maximized, styled windows, which show their borders on adjacent monitors?

On a multi-monitor system, a "blank" VCL application maximizes fine, but the same application with styles enabled (and one chosen as default) maximizes incorrectly. What I'm seeing is the right-hand ...
DaveS_Lifeway's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How to disable VCL styles in Delphi

I am using the new VCL styles system in Delphi XE2. It works great, but I wish to disable it for a particular form that has a number of images on it (a splash/about form). Problem is I can't seem to ...
Alan Clark's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Delphi VCL styles tutorial - how to change the style at runtime

Is there a good VCL Styles tutorial where we see how to dynamically (in run time) load/change the style ? This should work with Delphi XE2 and up, since XE2 is the first version with VCL Styles.
philnext's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is there any Delphi XE2 styles gallery?

In XE2 there is a new function : 'styles', for VCL(.vsf) and Firemonkey (.styles), and some are provided in C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\Redist\styles directory. As it seems to be ...
philnext's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How I can change the color of a TPanel with the VCL Styles enabled?

I need to change the color of a TPanel when the VCL styles are enabled. I tried using and modifying the code listed in the article Changing the color of Edit Controls with VCL Styles Enabled, but it ...
Salvador's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Disabling TButton issue on a VCL styled form

When I try to disable a Button on a styled VCL from using the follwing line of code TButton(Sender).enabled:= False; I get the this result (Button disabled at runtime) instead of this!! (Button ...
Raul's user avatar
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8 answers

VCL Styles - client size of form reduced

I don't know if it's a bug... But when I set any other VCL style except for "Windows", the window width is reduced. - Is there any solution for this? UPDATE I submitted this to QC: http://qc....
djsoft's user avatar
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How I can apply a vcl style to a TPopupmenu?

I'm using the vcl styles in a Delphi XE2 application, but when i popup a TPopupmenu this is show using the native windows look and feel, exist any way to apply the vcl style colors to the TPopUpMenu?
Salvador's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

how to make a transparent form when a VCL Style is enabled?

I'm using the following code to make a form transparent, but when the application has a VCL style enabled the form is paint with the background color of the VCL style instead of be transparent. uses ...
Salvador's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to manually include a VCL Style in my application?

I have an application which uses conditionals to be able to compile it either as a VCL Forms Application or as a Windows Service Application in Delphi XE2. However, since I have manually altered the ...
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
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10 votes
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Using custom styles shows invalid characters when right-clicking a file in TOpenDialog

See steps below to reproduce. Works well in XE2 but not XE8. Create a new VCL Forms Application - Delphi Place a TButton and a TOpenDialog on the form In the button OnClick event call OpenDialog1....
Thomas's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to get the Forms background color with VCL.Styles

Some components paint their color with the Color property setting even when vcl,styles are used. So when using a Metro dark style (nearly black) and a components color is set to clWindow the ...
Bill's user avatar
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3 answers

Visual bug in Windows title bar with VCL Styles enabled application and display scaling

Currently I am testing various aspects of VCL styles enabled applications. I noticed, that with Windows scaling higher than the default 96 dpi/100%, the icon and the title bar text of the VCL Form ...
Tom Major's user avatar
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TDateTimePicker VCL Styles glitch in XE2 that only happens on Windows Classic Theme

I guess this is yet another reason why VCL styles are not ready to be really used. TDateTimePicker control looks fine without VCL styles. Turn on any vcl style, and I get this appearance: I can turn ...
Warren  P's user avatar
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9 votes
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VCL Styles breaks randomly

I have a control derived from TMemo. It worked nice until I used for the first time with Delphi XE7 VCL Styles. Under Delphi XE7, styles are not applied to the scroll bars of the control. If dark ...
IceCold's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

VCL-Style Issues in DLL

I have developed a DLL having one form. I have set a style to it using below code. library TestLib; uses Vcl.Themes, Vcl.Styles,.... . . exports function1, function2; begin TStyleManager....
Dev's user avatar
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Style properties for TDateTimePicker

A TDateTime picker is a ComboBox where the drop-down list is replaced with a calendar. I use XE2 VCL Styles and changing style does'nt affect TDateTimePicker Color & Font Color. I have change the ...
philnext's user avatar
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combobox doesn't use vcl style highlight color.

I'm using a combobox with the vcl styles enabled, but when i run the application the highlight color used by the combobox is the windows highlight color and not of the vcl styles. How i can fix this,...
Salvador's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Changing Delphi styles at runtime doesn't allow dropping files to the form

I have the following procedure that allows droping files from windows, the dropping works just fine but when I change the style at runtime using (TStyleManager.TrySetStyle(styleName)), the form accept ...
Raul's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Delphi XE2: Reloading a custom VCL style from file?

I'm loading a custom style from file using: TStyleManager.LoadFromFile(filename) When the file is changed I want to load it again. But if I try that I get a EDuplicateStyleException because the ...
Ville Krumlinde's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Property "ofOverwritePrompt" for TSaveDialog does not work when VCL Styles are used in Delphi 10.1 Berlin

Create a new VCL Forms application On the main form add a Tbutton and a TSaveDialog Set "ofOverwritePrompt" to True in properties for the SaveDialog1 Use: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: ...
Thomas's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

VCL Style from DLL is affecting TMenuItem in Application

I am using Delphi XE6 and VCL styles. I have main application and dlls. My main application has enabled runtime themes and I am using vcl style files. I did quite similar thing to my DLLs. I enabled ...
Nix's user avatar
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Program icon looks curious in the title bar when using a VCL style

Using Delphi XE7 on a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit system. If I choose 'Charcoal Dark Slate' VCL style, the 16x16 pixel titel bar icon down-sized from the 32x32 program icon looks not like expected. It ...
Nobby's user avatar
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How i can Skin the message box of my app when the vcl styles are activated?

I'm using the Application.MessageBox to show messages on my VCL application, but when the application had a vcl style applied the message window is shown with the windows style instead of the current ...
Salvador's user avatar
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7 votes
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Styling only one VCL component in Delphi

I know, that it's possible to disable custom styling for components, but how can I enable styles for only one component class? For example leave the whole form and all components on it unskinned, and ...
Zelenov's user avatar
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Delphi XE2, how to keep form ON TOP after changing VCL styles

I encountered a weird issue with XE2: I'm using HWND_TOPMOST with SetWindowPos to set my form on top, but if I switch VCL styles at runtime, the window isn't topmost anymore, and unsetting/re-setting ...
hikari's user avatar
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With VCL Styles TProgressBar.Style := pbstMarquee does not work

When I use pbstMarquee on progress bar control with VCL Styles, marquee animation does not work. Steps to reproduce: File > New > VCL Application Put TProgressBar on main form > TProgressBar....
JH Jang's user avatar
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TActionMainMenuBar, VCL-Styles and MDI buttons(Minimize, Close etc) not being styled.

I'm trying to make TActionMainMenuBar display styled MDI buttons like a TMainMenu does. Any suggestions? I can't stop using MDI for this project.
Marcio Rodrigues's user avatar
7 votes
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VCL-Styles embedded in dll?

How do I embed Delphi XE2 VCL-Styles in a dll? The Application - Appearance page is not visible in project settings for DLL-projects. I tried defining them in a rc-file included with a $R directive ...
Ville Krumlinde's user avatar
7 votes
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Delphi XE2 Style: Main Menu Ignored

I have applied a style to a VCL application in Delphi XE2, but it works OK, but it seems that the main menu has ignored the style. See attached image. Is this a normal behavior? Any advice on how to ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Exclude VCL Styles from styling Dialog / ShowMessage borders

Is there any way to exclude VCL Styles from styling a system dialogs' border. Sepecifically a dialog that is shown by calling MessageDlg or ShowMessage. I read some articles on "The Road To Delphi" (...
ChrisB's user avatar
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How do i apply to VCLStyle for TLinkLabel

I tried to apply VCLStyle for TLinkLabel. Sadly, I can not display underline(sentece of A Tag) TLinkLabel.Caption := 'Sma<a>pl</a>e'; How do I solved this ? To solve this problem, but ...
JH Jang's user avatar
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How to Create a Vcl-Theme-Style for my own Component?

I use the BitmapStyleDesigner.exe (shipped with delphi xe5) to edit vcl styles to my application. How can i add a custom component to the styler palette? i want my TMyButton, which inherits TButton,...
linluk's user avatar
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Delphi XE2, vcl styles recreating window handle

After applying a new style at runtime the MainForm of my application creates a new window handle – is there any way to stop this or reassign the Handle as I a getting a tonne of the following error: '...
Elissa's user avatar
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DevExpress ExpressSkins or VCL Styles?

I am working on a big legacy application written in Delphi. Most of the components are VCL and DevExpress QuantumGrid components. I would need to update the UI to support various styles and a more ...
RM.'s user avatar
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How can I apply Delphi XE2 skins to forms in a DLL?

Using Delphi XE2, you have the option to embed custom styles (skins) to a VCL project. Everything works fine. Now I have some forms into a separated dll that I show dynamically. Of course those are ...
Lobuno's user avatar
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Flat toolbar buttons with Delphi VCL Styles enabled?

Without VCL styles enabled, my TActionToolbar(s) look like flat toolbars. However, if I enable pretty much any VCL style, suddenly all the toolbar buttons look like 3d buttons. The VCL Style Viewer ...
Jessica Brown's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I get the Style Name of a vsf file (VCL Style file)?

I have an application written in delphi-xe2, now i'm adding VCL styles support, So i want to build a menu to choose the vcl style file to load and apply, this part is working fine , the menu is build ...
Salvador's user avatar
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Resize Form even if it is borderless - Remove bevel edge

Using the following code to make a borderless form resizable works great: type TForm1 = class(TForm) protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; end; procedure ...
Marcoscdoni's user avatar
5 votes
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TSaveTextFileDialog and Vcl Styles

I'm using the TSaveTextFileDialog component in Delphi XE3, but when a VCL Style is enabled, the encoding combobox is drawn using the current VCL style. How can I fix this, I mean disable the VCL ...
Salvador's user avatar
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TreeView's ScrollBar Not Accept VCL theme when mirroring

TTreeView's ScrollBar does not accept VCL themes when mirroring the Treeview by this code: procedure SetWinControlBiDi(Control: TWinControl); const WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT = $00100000; ...
smartiz's user avatar
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Caption of PngBitBtn does not appear when runtime themes are enabled

I made simple project with one PngBitBtn and then compiled it with following configuration: runtime themes are disabled Debug mode - OK Release mode - OK runtime themes are enabled Debug mode - OK ...
Tim's user avatar
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Changing font of TActionMainMenuBar when using Vcl styles

Normally one could change the font of a TActionMainMenuBar or TMainMenu like this: Screen.MenuFont.Name := 'Calibri'; When using Vcl styles this isn't possible any more if a StyleHook is registered ...
Peter's user avatar
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TMainMenu is not shown when the vcl styles is removed from the NC Area

I'm using this code to remove the vcl styles from the non client area of a form. type TFormStyleHookNC= class(TMouseTrackControlStyleHook) protected procedure PaintBackground(Canvas: TCanvas)...
Salvador's user avatar
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VCL-Styles menu hotkey inconsistency

I've noticed that when VCL-Styles is enabled, items in menu will be selected with hotkeys even without Alt-key is pressed. This interferes with the rest of my user interface and I find it very ...
Ville Krumlinde's user avatar
5 votes
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Delphi TSplitter flickering issue

I am using Delphi with VCL styles enabled and I would like to change the color of the TSplitter for my form. I override TSplitter.Paint in an interposer class to paint a darker color than the default ...
spurgeon's user avatar
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How can I make a TListView header caption centered in a VCL styled application?

I'm having a list view control (ListView here), and I'm filling it by the code like this: var Item: TListItem; Column: TListColumn; begin ListView.ViewStyle := vsReport; Column := ...
Dauezevy's user avatar
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Delphi XE2 VCL styles not drawing TabSheets correctly

I am working on a large delphi application with a tonne of legacy code that is being converted to xe2. I am implementing the vcl styles and for the most part there is no problem. However on some ...
Elissa's user avatar
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VCL component Opacity/transparence

Is it possible to make e.g 20% transparent TMemo or other vcl component? like TButton or TEdit? While googling for solution I've found this: From Here, then I thought, if I draw image on form (...
user2200585's user avatar

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