I'm using R to plot some data I pull out of a database (the Stack Exchange data dump, to be specific):
select year(p.CreationDate) year,
avg(p.AnswerCount*1.0) answers_per_question,
sum(iif(ClosedDate is null, 0.0, 100.0))/count(*) close_rate
from Posts p
where PostTypeId = 1
group by year(p.CreationDate)
order by year(p.CreationDate)
The query works fine on SEDE, but I get this error in the R console:
Error: <SQL> 'SELECT *
select year(p.CreationDate) year,
avg(p.AnswerCount*1.0) answers_per_question,
sum(iif(ClosedDate is null, 0.0, 100.0))/count(*) close_rate
from Posts p
where PostTypeId = 1
group by year(p.CreationDate)
order by year(p.CreationDate)
) "zzz11"
WHERE (0 = 1)'
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1587: 42000: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.
I reckoned "Statement(s) could not be prepared." meant that SQL Server didn't like the query for some reason. Unfortunately, it didn't give any hint about what went wrong. After fiddling with the query for a bit, I noticed it was wrapped in a subselect, according to the error message. Copying and executing the full query as constructed by one of the libraries in the chain, SQL Server gave me this more informative error message:
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified.
Now the solution is obvious: remove (or comment out) the order by
clause. But where is the detailed error message in the R console? I'm using Rstudio, should that matter. If I could get the full exception right next to the code I'm working on, it would help me fix bug a lot quicker. (And just to be clear, I get cryptic errors from dplyr::tbl often and typically use binary search debugging to fix them.)
? Does that improve anything overdbplyr::sql
?The ORDER BY clause ... is also specified.*
Unfortunately, I'm using mssqlodbc itself, not freetds (never found it to be stable), so I cannot rule out if it's driver-specific or generic indbplyr
. @JonEricson, can you confirm if the bug still presents itself with FreeTDS? If not, I suggest this question can either be closed or self-answers as resolved-by-updates.