Questions tagged [uiviewcontroller]

The UIViewController class manages the views in iOS apps and mediates the interaction between an app's views, its underlying model objects, and the overall workflow.

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1500 votes
44 answers

Passing data between view controllers

I'm new to iOS and Objective-C and the whole MVC paradigm and I'm stuck with the following: I have a view that acts as a data entry form and I want to give the user the option to select multiple ...
Matt Price's user avatar
  • 34.6k
637 votes
18 answers

How to tell if UIViewController's view is visible

I have a tab bar application, with many views. Is there a way to know if a particular UIViewController is currently visible from within the UIViewController? (looking for a property)
Rob Bonner's user avatar
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351 votes
18 answers

Instantiate and Present a viewController in Swift

Issue I started taking a look on the Swift Programming Language, and somehow I am not able to correctly type the initialization of a UIViewController from a specific UIStoryboard. In Objective-C I ...
E-Riddie's user avatar
  • 14.7k
329 votes
11 answers

Looking to understand the iOS UIViewController lifecycle

Could you explain me the correct manner to manage the UIViewController lifecycle? In particular, I would like to know how to use Initialize, ViewDidLoad, ViewWillAppear, ViewDidAppear, ...
Lorenzo B's user avatar
  • 33.4k
285 votes
42 answers

How to find topmost view controller on iOS

I've run into a couple of cases now where it would be convenient to be able to find the "topmost" view controller (the one responsible for the current view), but haven't found a way to do it. ...
Hot Licks's user avatar
  • 47.3k
268 votes
25 answers

Programmatically set the initial view controller using Storyboards

How do I programmatically set the InitialViewController for a Storyboard? I want to open my storyboard to a different view depending on some condition which may vary from launch to launch.
Jagdev Sendhav's user avatar
257 votes
10 answers

Prevent segue in prepareForSegue method?

Is it possible to cancel a segue in the prepareForSegue: method? I want to perform some check before the segue, and if the condition is not true (in this case, if some UITextField is empty), display ...
Shmidt's user avatar
  • 16.6k
254 votes
5 answers

Explaining difference between automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars, edgesForExtendedLayout in iOS7

I have been reading a lot about iOS7 UI transition. I am not able to get what these three properties automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars, edgesForExtendedLayout?? ...
user1010819's user avatar
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253 votes
13 answers

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

What I am trying to do is click a button (that was created in code) and have it call up a different view controller then have it run a function in the new view controller. I know it could be done ...
Mytheral's user avatar
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251 votes
29 answers

Get top most UIViewController

I can't seem to get the top most UIViewController without access to a UINavigationController. Here is what I have so far: UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController?....
Zoyt's user avatar
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234 votes
37 answers

Changing the Status Bar Color for specific ViewControllers using Swift in iOS8

override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle { return UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent; } Using the above code in any ViewController to set the statusBar color to White for a specific ...
Anuj's user avatar
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225 votes
8 answers

Disable the interactive dismissal of presented view controller

iOS 13 introduces a new design of modalPresentationStyle .pageSheet (and its sibling .formSheet) for modally presented view controllers… …and we can dismiss these sheets by sliding the presented view ...
Jakub Truhlář's user avatar
211 votes
11 answers

Access Container View Controller from Parent iOS

in iOS6 I noticed the new Container View but am not quite sure how to access it's controller from the containing view. Scenario: I want to access the labels in Alert view controller from the view ...
Adam Waite's user avatar
  • 19.2k
210 votes
17 answers

Add a UIView above all, even the navigation bar

I want to display, above any other views, even the navigation bar, a kind of "pop-up" view that looks like this: full screen black background with a 0.5 alpha to see the other UIViewController ...
Nicolas Roy's user avatar
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203 votes
33 answers

How to set Status Bar Style in Swift 3

I'm using Xcode 8.0 beta 4. In previous version, UIViewController have method to set the status bar style public func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle However, I found it changed to ...
Willjay's user avatar
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201 votes
30 answers

Get to UIViewController from UIView?

Is there a built-in way to get from a UIView to its UIViewController? I know you can get from UIViewController to its UIView via [self view] but I was wondering if there is a reverse reference?
bertrandom's user avatar
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170 votes
13 answers

Detecting sheet was dismissed on iOS 13

Before iOS 13, presented view controllers used to cover the entire screen. And, when dismissed, the parent view controller viewDidAppear function were executed. Now iOS 13 will present view ...
Marcos Tanaka's user avatar
168 votes
12 answers

Given a view, how do I get its viewController?

I have a pointer to a UIView. How do I access its UIViewController? [self superview] is another UIView, but not the UIViewController, right?
mahboudz's user avatar
  • 39.3k
167 votes
4 answers

UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?

I have always been a bit unclear on the type of tasks that should be assigned to viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: in a UIViewController subclass. e.g. I am doing an app where I have a ...
dugla's user avatar
  • 12.9k
161 votes
17 answers

How to check if a view controller is presented modally or pushed on a navigation stack?

How can I, in my view controller code, differentiate between: presented modally pushed on navigation stack Both presentingViewController and isMovingToParentViewController are YES in both cases, so ...
meaning-matters's user avatar
157 votes
6 answers

Fatal error: use of unimplemented initializer 'init(coder:)' for class

I decided to continue my remaining project with Swift. When I add the custom class (subclass of UIViewcontroller) to my storyboard view controller and load the project, the app crashes suddenly with ...
Pratik Bhiyani's user avatar
156 votes
16 answers

Display clearColor UIViewController over UIViewController

I have a UIViewController view as a subview/modal on top of another UIViewController view, such as that the subview/modal should be transparent and whatever components is added to the subview should ...
hightech's user avatar
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151 votes
25 answers

How do I Disable the swipe gesture of UIPageViewController?

In my case parent UIViewController contains UIPageViewController which contains UINavigationController which contains UIViewController. I need to add a swipe gesture to the last view controller, but ...
user2159978's user avatar
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150 votes
25 answers

Detect when a presented view controller is dismissed

Let's say, I have an instance of a view controller class called VC2. In VC2, there is a "cancel" button that will dismiss itself. But I can't detect or receive any callback when the "cancel" button ...
user523234's user avatar
  • 14.6k
146 votes
17 answers

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

Since my app got support for all orientation. I would like to lock only portrait mode to specific UIViewController. e.g. assume it was Tabbed Application and when SignIn View appear modally, I only ...
Thiha Aung's user avatar
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145 votes
10 answers

How to get root view controller?

I need an instance of root view controller. I tried those approaches: UIViewController *rootViewController = (UIViewController*)[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController]; ...
Streetboy's user avatar
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142 votes
6 answers

Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?

NavigationControllers have ViewController stacks to manage, and limited animation transitions. Adding a view controller as a sub-view to an existing view controller requires passing events to the sub-...
TigerCoding's user avatar
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139 votes
21 answers

Completion block for popViewController

When dismissing a modal view controller using dismissViewController, there is the option to provide a completion block. Is there a similar equivalent for popViewController? The completion argument is ...
Ben Packard's user avatar
  • 26.3k
138 votes
13 answers

viewWillDisappear: Determine whether view controller is being popped or is showing a sub-view controller

I'm struggling to find a good solution to this problem. In a view controller's -viewWillDisappear: method, I need to find a way to determine whether it is because a view controller is being pushed ...
Michael Waterfall's user avatar
137 votes
20 answers

Get the current displaying UIViewController on the screen in AppDelegate.m

The current UIViewController on the screen need to response to push-notifications from APNs, by setting some badge views. But how could I get the UIViewController in methodapplication:...
lu yuan's user avatar
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128 votes
16 answers

How to use single storyboard uiviewcontroller for multiple subclass

Let say I have a storyboard that contains UINavigationController as initial view controller. Its root view controller is subclass of UITableViewController, which is BasicViewController. It has ...
Agustinus Verdy's user avatar
127 votes
14 answers

Dismissing a Presented View Controller

I have a theoretic question. Now İ'm reading Apple's ViewController guide. They wrote: When it comes time to dismiss a presented view controller, the preferred approach is to let the presenting ...
nikitahils's user avatar
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123 votes
4 answers

How do I create a custom iOS view class and instantiate multiple copies of it (in IB)?

I am currently making an app that will have multiple timers, which are basically all the same. I want to create a custom class that uses all of the code for the timers as well as the layout/...
Michael Campsall's user avatar
123 votes
5 answers

How do I make a custom initializer for a UIViewController subclass in Swift?

Apologies if this has been asked before, I've searched around a lot and many answers are from earlier Swift betas when things were different. I can't seem to find a definitive answer. I want to ...
Doug Smith's user avatar
  • 29.9k
122 votes
5 answers

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate

consider the following scenario: I have a storyboard-based app. I add a ViewController object to the storyboard, add the class files for this ViewController into the project and specify the name of ...
Matthias D's user avatar
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120 votes
9 answers

how to change uiviewcontroller title independent of tabbar item title

I am setting my view controllers title like this in view did load: self.title = @"my title"; prior to this I set the title in story boards for the view controller and navigation controller it is ...
Atma's user avatar
  • 29.5k
119 votes
11 answers

UIView touch event in controller

How can I add UIView touchbegin action or touchend action programmatically as Xcode is not providing from Main.storyboard?
dhaval shah's user avatar
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115 votes
16 answers

Removing viewcontrollers from navigation stack

I have a navigation stack, with say 5 UIViewControllers. I want to remove the 3rd and 4th viewcontrollers in the stack on the click of a button in the 5th viewcontroller. Is it possible to do this? If ...
Jean Paul's user avatar
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110 votes
12 answers

presentViewController and displaying navigation bar

I have a view controller hierarchy and the top-most controller is displayed as a modal and would like to know how to display the navigation bar when using 'UIViewController:presentViewController:...
Jonas Gardner's user avatar
110 votes
4 answers

Why can't I call the default super.init() on UIViewController in Swift?

I am not using a UIViewController from a storyboard and I want to have a custom init function where I pass in an NSManagedObjectID of some object. I just want to call super.init() like I have in ...
SirRupertIII's user avatar
  • 12.4k
107 votes
2 answers

How does View Controller Containment work in iOS 5?

In WWDC 2011 Session 102, Apple introduced View Controller Containment, which is the ability to create custom view controller containers, analogous to UITabBarController, UINavigationController, and ...
Gregory Higley's user avatar
105 votes
4 answers

What does addChildViewController actually do?

I'm just dipping my feet for the first time into iOS development, and one of the first things I've had to do is implement a custom container view controller - lets call it SideBarViewController - that ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 148k
100 votes
14 answers

Custom init for UIViewController in Swift with interface setup in storyboard

I'm having issue for writing custom init for subclass of UIViewController, basically I want to pass the dependency through the init method for viewController rather than setting property directly like ...
Pigfly's user avatar
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97 votes
3 answers

iOS Nested View Controllers view inside UIViewController's view?

Is it typically bad programming practice in iOS to have a nested view controller's view inside UIViewController's view? Say for instance I wanted to have some kind of interactive element that responds ...
Skyler's user avatar
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97 votes
5 answers

Leaking views when changing rootViewController inside transitionWithView

While investigating a memory leak I discovered a problem related to the technique of calling setRootViewController: inside a transition animation block: [UIView transitionWithView:self.window ...
benzado's user avatar
  • 83.3k
96 votes
8 answers

Adding a view controller as a subview in another view controller

I have found few posts for this problem but none of them solved my issue. Say like I've.. ViewControllerA ViewControllerB I tried to add ViewControllerB as a subview in ViewControllerA but, it's ...
Srujan Simha Adicharla's user avatar
95 votes
4 answers

Swift: Custom ViewController initializers

How do you add custom initializers to UIViewController subclasses in Swift? I've created a sub class of UIViewController that looks something like this: class MyViewController : UIViewController { ...
BadmintonCat's user avatar
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95 votes
7 answers

Container View Controller Examples [closed]

Can anyone point me to any good examples of creating a Custom View Controller as a Container View Controller? The only documentation I can find is a couple of paragraphs in the UIViewController Class ...
Undistraction's user avatar
94 votes
8 answers

presentViewController:animated:YES view will not appear until user taps again

I'm getting some strange behaviour with presentViewController:animated:completion. What I'm making is essentially a guessing game. I have a UIViewController (frequencyViewController) containing a ...
HalfNormalled's user avatar
93 votes
20 answers

Programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

I got an error message during navigating from first view controller to second view controller. My coding is like this one let vc = LoginViewController(nibName: "LoginViewController", bundle: nil) ...
Nurdin's user avatar
  • 23.7k

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