Questions tagged [md5]

Cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value. MD5 is no longer considered a secure hash and should not be used to protect sensitive information like passwords

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1095 votes
34 answers

How can I generate an MD5 hash in Java?

Is there any method to generate MD5 hash of a string in Java?
Akshay's user avatar
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573 votes
22 answers

Getting a File's MD5 Checksum in Java

I am looking to use Java to get the MD5 checksum of a file. I was really surprised but I haven't been able to find anything that shows how to get the MD5 checksum of a file. How is it done?
Jack's user avatar
  • 21k
472 votes
9 answers

Generating an MD5 checksum of a file

Is there any simple way of generating (and checking) MD5 checksums of a list of files in Python? (I have a small program I'm working on, and I'd like to confirm the checksums of the files).
Alexander's user avatar
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417 votes
7 answers

Calculate MD5 checksum for a file

I'm using iTextSharp to read the text from a PDF file. However, there are times I cannot extract text, because the PDF file is only containing images. I download the same PDF files everyday, and I ...
broke's user avatar
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394 votes
10 answers

How to get MD5 sum of a string using python?

In the Flickr API docs, you need to find the MD5 sum of a string to generate the [api_sig] value. How does one go about generating an MD5 sum from a string? Flickr's example: string: ...
super9's user avatar
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315 votes
22 answers

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

There are many MD5 JavaScript implementations out there. Does anybody know which one is the most advanced, most bugfixed and fastest? I need it for this tool.
powtac's user avatar
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291 votes
24 answers

Is it possible to decrypt MD5 hashes?

Someone told me that he has seen software systems that: retrieve MD5 encrypted passwords from other systems; decrypt the encrypted passwords and store the passwords in the database of the system ...
John B's user avatar
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214 votes
13 answers

Get the MD5 hash of big files in Python

I have used hashlib (which replaces md5 in Python 2.6/3.0), and it worked fine if I opened a file and put its content in the hashlib.md5() function. The problem is with very big files that their sizes ...
JustRegisterMe's user avatar
211 votes
21 answers

Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

I use the following C# code to calculate a MD5 hash from a string. It works well and generates a 32-character hex string like this: 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 string sSourceData; byte[] ...
Muhamad Jafarnejad's user avatar
200 votes
5 answers

Simple (non-secure) hash function for JavaScript? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Generate a Hash from string in Javascript/jQuery Can anyone suggest a simple (i.e. tens of lines of code, not hundreds of lines) hash function written in (browser-compatible) ...
mjs's user avatar
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198 votes
9 answers

Hashing a file in Python

I want python to read to the EOF so I can get an appropriate hash, whether it is sha1 or md5. Please help. Here is what I have so far: import hashlib inputFile = raw_input("Enter the name of the ...
user3358300's user avatar
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195 votes
1 answer

Different results with Java's digest versus external utilities

I have written a simple Java class to generate the hash values of the Windows Calculator file. I am using Windows 7 Professional with SP1. I have tried Java 6.0.29 and Java 7.0.03. Can someone tell ...
Mike Viens's user avatar
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190 votes
9 answers

Maximum length for MD5 input/output

What is the maximum length of the string that can have md5 hashed? Or: If it has no limit, and if so what will be the max length of the md5 output value?
Arun David's user avatar
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171 votes
28 answers

In Java, how do I convert a byte array to a string of hex digits while keeping leading zeros? [duplicate]

I'm working with some example java code for making md5 hashes. One part converts the results from bytes to a string of hex digits: byte messageDigest[] = algorithm.digest(); StringBuffer ...
Eugene M's user avatar
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170 votes
4 answers

How do I calculate the MD5 checksum of a file in Python? [duplicate]

I have written some code in Python that checks for an MD5 hash in a file and makes sure the hash matches that of the original. Here is what I have developed: # Defines filename filename = "file....
user2344996's user avatar
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168 votes
8 answers

How many random elements before MD5 produces collisions?

I've got an image library on Amazon S3. For each image, I md5 the source URL on my server plus a timestamp to get a unique filename. Since S3 can't have subdirectories, I need to store all of these ...
Ben Throop's user avatar
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162 votes
9 answers

Is MD5 still good enough to uniquely identify files?

Is MD5 hashing a file still considered a good enough method to uniquely identify it given all the breaking of MD5 algorithm and security issues etc? Security is not my primary concern here, but ...
Ranhiru Jude Cooray's user avatar
150 votes
7 answers

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA family functions?

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2 on "standard" laptop x86 hardware? I'm interested in general information, not specific to a certain chip. UPDATE: In my case, I'm ...
Mick's user avatar
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148 votes
19 answers

How can I convert a String to an MD5 hash in iOS using Swift?

I want to convert a string like "abc" to an MD5 hash. I want to do this in iOS and Swift. I have tried using the solutions below but they were not working for me: Importing CommonCrypto in a Swift ...
user3606682's user avatar
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146 votes
10 answers

Random hash in Python

What is the easiest way to generate a random hash (MD5) in Python?
mistero's user avatar
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140 votes
14 answers

PHP best way to MD5 multi-dimensional array?

What is the best way to generate an MD5 (or any other hash) of a multi-dimensional array? I could easily write a loop which would traverse through each level of the array, concatenating each value ...
Peter John's user avatar
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136 votes
11 answers

SHA1 vs md5 vs SHA256: which to use for a PHP login?

I'm making a php login, and I'm trying to decide whether to use SHA1 or Md5, or SHA256 which I read about in another stackoverflow article. Are any of them more secure than others? For SHA1/256, do I ...
Tony Stark's user avatar
134 votes
5 answers

MD5 algorithm in Objective-C

How to calculate the MD5 in Objective-C?
Biranchi's user avatar
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133 votes
9 answers

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

I read some docs about md5, it said that its 128 bits, but why is it 32 characters? I can't compute the characters. 1 byte is 8 bits if 1 character is 1 byte then 128 bits is 128/8 = 16 bytes right? ...
hash_jr90's user avatar
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125 votes
14 answers

How to calculate md5 hash of a file using javascript

Is there a way to calculate the MD5 hash of a file before the upload to the server using Javascript?
LuRsT's user avatar
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121 votes
7 answers

Is there an MD5 Fixed Point where md5(x) == x?

Is there a fixed point in the MD5 transformation, i.e. does there exist x such that md5(x) == x?
user avatar
118 votes
7 answers

SHA-256 or MD5 for file integrity

I know that SHA-256 is favored over MD5 for security, etc., but, if I am to use a method to only check file integrity (that is, nothing to do with password encryption, etc.), is there any advantage of ...
Dave's user avatar
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116 votes
12 answers

How to generate an MD5 hash from a string in JavaScript/Node.js?

How to generate a MD5 hash using Javascript/Node.js? I already have a fileVideo string and I need to generate a MD5 hash for the string. var fileVideo = "my string"; string md5 = ...
Taras Kravets's user avatar
112 votes
13 answers

How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1?

As I want to use Google maps in my application, I need the debug certificates' MD5 fingerprint. I tried following.: (Here I copied the debug.keystore file from C:\Documents and Settings\...
Prachi Kshirsagar's user avatar
107 votes
12 answers

Can two different strings generate the same MD5 hash code?

For each of our binary assets we generate a MD5 hash. This is used to check whether a certain binary asset is already in our application. But is it possible that two different binary assets generate ...
Lieven Cardoen's user avatar
104 votes
16 answers

How come MD5 hash values are not reversible?

One concept I've always wondered about is the use of cryptographic hash functions and values. I understand that these functions can generate a hash value that is unique and virtually impossible to ...
barfoon's user avatar
  • 27.8k
104 votes
7 answers

How to get a MD5 hash from a string in Golang?

This is how I started to get a md5 hash from a string: import "crypto/md5" var original = "my string comes here" var hash = md5.New(original) But obviously this is not how it works. Can someone ...
cringe's user avatar
  • 13.6k
99 votes
16 answers

MD5 hashing in Android

I have a simple android client which needs to 'talk' to a simple C# HTTP listener. I want to provide a basic level of authentication by passing username/password in POST requests. MD5 hashing is ...
Squonk's user avatar
  • 48.8k
96 votes
8 answers

AmazonS3 putObject with InputStream length example

I am uploading a file to S3 using Java - this is what I got so far: AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials("XX","YY")); List<Bucket> buckets = s3.listBuckets(); s3.putObject(...
JohnIdol's user avatar
  • 49.5k
93 votes
8 answers

Converting a md5 hash byte array to a string

How can I convert the hashed result, which is a byte array, to a string? byte[] bytePassword = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) { byte[] byteHashedPassword = md5....
Blankman's user avatar
  • 263k
84 votes
1 answer

RoR - MD5 generation

How can I encrypt a string with MD5 in Rails 3.0 ? pass = MD5.hexdigest(pass) in a model yields uninitialized constant MyModel::MD5
Mithun Sreedharan's user avatar
81 votes
8 answers

MD5 hash from file in C++

How to get the MD5 hash of a file in C++?
user145586's user avatar
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79 votes
6 answers

encrypt and decrypt md5

I am using code $enrypt=md5($pass) and inserting $encrypt to database. I want to find out a way to decrypt them. I tried using a decrypting software but it says the hash should be of exactly 16 bytes....
Tomer's user avatar
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78 votes
3 answers

Security & Authentication: SSL vs SASL

My understanding is that SSL combines an encryption algorithm (like AES, DES, etc.) with a key exchange method (like Diffie-Hellman) to provide secure encryption and identification services between ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
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75 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to access the compressed data before decompression in HttpClient?

I'm working on the Google Cloud Storage .NET client library. There are three features (between .NET, my client library, and the Storage service) that are combining in an unpleasant way: When ...
Jon Skeet's user avatar
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74 votes
8 answers

How are hash functions like MD5 unique?

I'm aware that MD5 has had some collisions but this is more of a high-level question about hashing functions. If MD5 hashes any arbitrary string into a 32-digit hex value, then according to the ...
Aly's user avatar
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73 votes
16 answers

How to generate an MD5 checksum for a file in Android?

In my app I have a requirement to generate an MD5 checksum for a file. Could you please tell me if there is any way in which this can be achieved? Thank you.
Ingrid Cooper's user avatar
73 votes
9 answers

What is the best way to create a random hash/string?

What is the best way of generating a hash for the purpose of storing a session? I am looking for a lightweight, portable solution.
Eric Gates's user avatar
67 votes
7 answers

What is currently the most secure one-way encryption algorithm?

As many will know, one-way encryption is a handy way to encrypt user passwords in databases. That way, even the administrator of the database cannot know a user's password, but will have to take a ...
Teekin's user avatar
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63 votes
2 answers

What checksum algorithm should I use?

I'm building a system which needs to be able to find if blobs of bytes have been updated. Rather than storing the whole blob (they can be up to 5MBs), I'm thinking I should compute a checksum of it, ...
Julien Genestoux's user avatar
61 votes
8 answers

Computing an md5 hash of a data structure

I want to compute an md5 hash not of a string, but of an entire data structure. I understand the mechanics of a way to do this (dispatch on the type of the value, canonicalize dictionary key order ...
Ned Batchelder's user avatar
60 votes
3 answers

What's the shortest pair of strings that causes an MD5 collision?

Up to what string length is it possible to use MD5 as a hash without having to worry about the possibility of a collision? This would presumably be calculated by generating an MD5 hash for every ...
Alf Eaton's user avatar
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55 votes
17 answers

What is the best "forgot my password" method? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Forgot Password: what is the best method of implementing a forgot password function? I'm programming a community website. I want to build a "forgot my password" feature. ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar
54 votes
4 answers

Google Maps API for Android, getting SHA1 cert instead of MD5

When I try to get the MD5 fingerprint using keytool, I get a SHA1 fingerprint instead and the Google Maps doesn't recognize it. How do I get the MD5 fingerprint?
Brahadeesh's user avatar
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53 votes
2 answers

Check if string is an MD5 Hash

I accidentally stopped hashing passwords before they were stored, so now my database has a mix of MD5 Passwords and unhashed passwords. I want to loop through and hash the ones that are not MD5. Is ...
kmoney12's user avatar
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