Questions tagged [xming]

X server for windows

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75 votes
8 answers

Running graphical Linux desktop applications from WSL 2 – "Error E233: cannot open display" [closed]

How can I run graphical Linux desktop applications from the command line of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)? First, I installed WSL 2 following these steps on how to install Linux on Windows with ...
ASE's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

How windows handle the clipboard interface with Xming?

My question comes from a problem: I Use Xming on Windows 7 to connect to a Linux host (through PuTTY) in order to start and display a gnome-terminal. I have some troubles using the Windows clipboard: ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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39 votes
14 answers

Forward X11 failed: Network error: Connection refused

I have a VPS which OS is CentOS6.3. I want to run startx via PuTTY and Xming. But, it produces this error: PuTTY X11 proxy: unable to connect to forwarded X server: Network error: Connection refused ...
TJM's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

tkinter in Ubuntu inside Windows 10. Error: "no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable"

I have recently installed the Ubuntu app for Windows 10 so that I can use it for a class. I am following some cryptic assignment directions to "try out tkinter". I installed the package python3-tk ...
Zach 's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Xming Display is very slow when using SSH

I am using SSH and Xming to run Simics simulator and connect to some Linux guest machine. I use x11 Tunneling. The x server seems to be very slow and I need to spend a long time to run a single ...
Moonwild's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

SSH into vagrant with X server set up

I am running into problems with setting up X11 forwarding on vagrant VM. I am running Xming for X server and PuTTY as my SSH client. This is what I get when I run vagrant ssh-config: Host default ...
Matt's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Use xming / vcxsrv / xwin to setup two screens for i3wm [closed]

I'd like to use i3 on my Windows 10 Linux subsystem with two monitors. With: vcxsrv.exe :1 -nodecoration -wgl -multimonitors -screen 0 3840x1160 I can create one large Window that spans over my ...
Horst Lemke's user avatar
5 votes
9 answers

Using Xming X Window Server over a VPN

I have the Xming X Window Server installed on a laptop running Windows XP to connect to some UNIX development servers. It works fine when I connect directly to the company network in the office. ...
David's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Netbeans Forwarded over X11 Font Problem [closed]

I'm trying to forward my IDE, Netbeans, over ssh to the Xming server on my Windows Desktop. I'm able to get Netbeans to launch and run, but the fonts look terrible because they aren't being anti-...
jcnnghm's user avatar
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2 answers

alt-b, alt-f does not work in xterm

I use xterm under cygwin/Xming. Alt+B (jump one word backwards) and Alt-F (one word forward) do not work, but instead display some diacritical characters or something. I have created a file ....
user438611's user avatar
4 votes
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Type Chinese into VcXsrv(or other X Server) using Windows-pinyin IME

I want to run IDEA in WSL(windows subsystem for linux) so I followed wsl-tutorial. But I don't want xfce4 desktop because costs performance, so I just install needed GUI packages and run IDEA ...
Archon's user avatar
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0 answers

How can xming work with OpenGL?

I have an OpenGL (Java + applications) application deployed on a Linux machine. I need to start this application from a Windows machine, display and operate it on Windows. My application shows a whole ...
mb3_48900's user avatar
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1 answer

Xming not connecting on Windows 7

I have just installed Xming on a Windows 7 Ultimate system. I have another machine on the LAN running Ubuntu and am trying to have its X11 apps appear on the Windows system. This has worked in the ...
Jonny's user avatar
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Discrepancy in $DISPLAY configuration required to get X to work over SSH

I connect to two different SSH servers A and B using PuTTY+Xming from Windows. On server A, echo $DISPLAY yields localhost:10.0 (already set somehow); while on server B, I've manually set the ...
silvernightstar's user avatar
3 votes
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Java swing menu doesn't stay up

So I'm running netbeans 7.0-1 using Arch Linux. I'm running xming for my x-server. What's going on is, when I use netbeans' Desktop Applications, it starts with two menus: File and Help. Whenever I ...
poy's user avatar
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3 answers

Avoid opening browser on remote server during selenium call

I have written a selenium application using webdriver. I wish to run it on a remote server. When I do that by logging into the server via putty (along with Xming), the selenium tries opening the ...
Aryabhatt's user avatar
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SSH using Putty and Xming: how to reconnect to display after logout?

I am using Putty and Xming to SSH to a remote linux machine. I use screen so that I can keep things running in the background after I logout or a dropped connection. However, when I reattach back to ...
zacho's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Configure Xming display on WSL2

I'm trying to configure an Xming display on my WSL2, and after an amount of troubleshooting attempts, I'm quite clueless. For details: System: WSL2 on Windows10Pro Xming: installed. Some hopefully ...
Ori5678's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting gnome-terminal via SSH and Xming

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 in VirtualBox with a hosted network adapter, everything on Windows. I have set up openssh on Ubuntu listening to port 3220. I can log on successfully with PuTTY, I can run ...
Yvon's user avatar
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Using conemu terminal with Xming

I am using ConEmu which is a great terminal for Windows. I am also using MobaXterm which has a built in X server to allow me to run Linux applications have have their GUIs run on my Windows machine. ...
Gregory Kuhn's user avatar
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2 answers

Xming - cannot enter any text

Whenever I try to enter something in a input place holder I get the below error: init_screen_visuals:1336: init_screen_visuals (--) 3 mouse buttons found (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31 ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Update titlestring in Vim when I enter/leave the commandline

Correct setting: add |redraw at the end augroup CmdLineStatus_to_Title autocmd! autocmd CmdlineEnter * set titlestring=CommandlineMode|redraw autocmd CmdlineEnter * set titlestring=%F\ %{...
llinfeng's user avatar
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emacs weird rendering of child frames

First and foremost: I'm still an emacs noob, so please consider me misunderstanding things. I'm currently experience weird rendering errors when using child frames in emacs. This problems is ...
Artemios Antonio Balbach's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does startx need xterm installed

Im linking to a remote linux machine. I want to be able to view the files/ directories on this machine using a GUI. I run xming and ssh and putty.I then stried to start the windows ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to get X display settings

I have downloaded and installed Xming on my Windows 7 laptop. I am using a PUTTY session to connect to my linux box and start a X Windows application but the $DISPLAY variable is itself not getting ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Xming how to disable listening on network interfaces?

I've searched and searched, but I can see no option to restrict Xming from listening on all my network interfaces. I'd like to set Xming to listen ONLY for X11 forwarding via SSH tunneling. Is it ...
user3700234's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't use xming with putty, Windows 7 locally on remote Linux

I have used xLaunch, Multiple Windows, Start no client, Clipboard, No Access Control, no additional parameters or font server -- that is, defaults all the way. On Putty, When I connect to the ...
Topological Sort's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Image file is not of type1

So I'm here running my program on ssh secure shell and with Xming, but when I try to display my ".jpg" or ".bmp" image file on it, it returns an error: "Image file is not of type 1". What does this ...
jack london's user avatar
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cv2.imshow() not displaying text properly

I am trying to display an image with cv2 in python: import cv2 img = cv2.imread('Prova.jpg') cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.waitKey(0) the image looks good. But all the texts are not showing correctly:...
maple's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I compile matlab-codes in my computer and run them in another computer?

First of all I must say: please be patient with me! I work with matlab at my university. Lately I have being working with time-demanding codes and my computer is not powerful enough. A professor, and ...
Sergio Haram's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

emacs server not persisting across SSH sessions [closed]

I am having difficulties with emacs server closing unexpectedly. I am connecting over SSH with PuTTY from a Windows 7 machine to an ubuntu machine, using xming to handle x11 windows. It seems to be ...
Eldritch Cheese's user avatar
1 vote
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Xming: why JFrame lost focus when it is setUndecorated(true)?

I have strange situation: when I starting some java application on remote computer via Putty + Xming - and if JFrame is setUndecorated(true) - it can not gain focus again if it was lost: jFrame....
Ernestas Gruodis's user avatar
1 vote
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fail to update jdk1.7.0_45 in raspberry pi

I'm developing the TV Scoreboard app with the use of window laptop and raspberry pi. I'm using the putty to have socket connection. Before that it request to state the X11 server variable, so I have ...
user3113582's user avatar
1 vote
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Recurring problem with plotting graphs in WSL Ubuntu

I am writing a code that should graph a simple function, and it temporarily works, but I keep encountering this cycle of problems when I restart my computer: The first time I try running the code, it ...
enricw's user avatar
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Differences between Xming and ssh -x

I have been setting up Qt Creator to run on an embedded device (Odroid XU-4) for my work and I have been getting issues with initialising the application. when I call qtcreator, I get: odroid@odroid:...
o.schofield's user avatar
1 vote
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Text fields and areas in swing applications become non-editable when forwarding X11 session with XMing using openjdk

I'm attempting to run intellij from a Linux machine that is connected with putty that has had the display forwarded by Xming. Intellij is able to come up and I'm able to use most of the widgets, ...
lordoku's user avatar
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Xterm on raspberry-pi to Xming on windows

I have a raspberry-pi. I have it set up so I can ssh into it with putty from my windows machine. I have codeblocks installed on the raspberry-pi. I would like to be able to open and display the ...
Elena's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to open the frame (swing) in full screen mode in xming

I've developed an app in Java Swing which is running absolutely fine in windows but the same when ran in linux (RedHat 64 bit) doesn't open in full screen mode because of which some of the components ...
Raja Arora's user avatar
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Xming and picture rendering in Matlab

I'm using xming on Windows XP computer to connect to Linux server and run Matlab scripts there. I have 2 configurations of xming and both have problems related to matlab output figures. In ...
lugger1's user avatar
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Can't get vscode to display through x windows

Trying to run vscode remotely, and display it back to my Windows machine. Working on Amazon EC2 instance, logging in through putty and using x-ming for the xserver on Windows. I can launch and display ...
MBFGeek Farker's user avatar
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How to create a font alias if system doesn't support the font?

Currently running a program in OpenVMS on a Vax machine and sending it to a Windows 10 PC running Xming. I am having errors with the fonts. After research have found that the fonts I am having errors ...
lnm94673's user avatar
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Using Xming to show VMS display and receiving errors about fonts/color

I am trying something new to me and have not found much information on the subject... I am running Xming on a Windows 10 PC (this is on an isolated environment and cannot be connected to the internet) ...
lnm94673's user avatar
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How to connect Windows Ubuntu20.04 LTS to my Xming server

I want to be able to use gedit from my windows 10 machine, but I can't get my Ubuntu20.04 LTS app to open any displays over my xming server. I know the Xming server is set up because it shows up in ...
Arashi Nakamura's user avatar
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Corrupt colors when Xming is in multiwindow mode

I've just upgraded Xming from about 7.5 to and colors no longer display properly in multiwindow mode. On my Windows PC I run Xming in multiwindow mode like this: "C:\Program Files\Xming\...
Fulby's user avatar
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Why dbca giving error NoClassDefFoundError

After doing the configuraton on Putty for X11. When I am running dbca I am getting the following error: [oracle@XYZ bin]$ dbca Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not ...
Rosey Khatun's user avatar
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facing an error running meld on ubuntu 16.04

did a fresh install of meld (3.14.2-1) on ubuntu 16.04, and running it gives the following error. $ meld Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory ...
user111's user avatar
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installing intellij on remote redhat 7 server, can't read instructions because character encoding problems

So im trying to install intellij idea to my remote redhat 7 server, and im trying to access it via Xming from my local PC with windows on. Problem is that starts, but the character encoding ...
Károly Módos's user avatar
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Xming Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 Linux Subsystem

What I am trying to do is basically run Visual Studio Code on the Linux subsystem of a Windows 10 Anniversary Update machine. I have installed the package using gdebi and solved the few ...
Julian Marcon's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

X11 Forwarding can't open display (client rejected?) [closed]

I've read similar questions, and have applied the suggestions posted, but none seem to fix my issue... In Putty, I've enabled x11 forwarding, with the 'X display location' set to 0.0 The remote ...
ben's user avatar
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Can't connect to X11 window in raspberry pi

I'm trying to run My Java Program final GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance(); mux_a = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_02, "MUX_A", PinState.LOW); mux_b = gpio....
deepakraj raj's user avatar