Questions tagged [web-application-firewall]

A web application firewall is an appliance, server plugin, or filter that applies a set of rules to an HTTP conversation.

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139 votes
2 answers

Nginx startup prompt [emerg] no "events" section in configuration

In the X-WAF deployment, you need to create a new nginx configuration file. However, when testing the nginx configuration, an error is found and nginx cannot be started. I refer to http://blog.51cto....
Dora's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to use Firebase behind Firewall / Proxy?

We are running a simple application that connects to Firebase are reads some data. It fails to connect with the following timeout error: @firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: {"code":"app/invalid-...
Manoj Goel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Getting error as "The scope is not valid., field: SCOPE_VALUE, parameter: CLOUDFRONT", in terraform

I tried to create waf web acl using below terraform script with the region of one of my aws account (abc) as ap-southeast-1 in .aws/config file, But getting below error after applying it. whereas Same ...
Prakash's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Azure API Management - How to get original IP when APM is behind WAF

We have below technical stack Imperva WAF API Management WebApi in WebApp This is current implementation Client IPs are authenticated at WAF level WAF IPs are whitelisted at APIM APIM IP is ...
Manish Joisar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

AWS load balancer returns a 403 response?

When a call comes to a particular URL, AWS load balancer returns a 403 response. Once the browser cache is cleared, it will start working. it happens occasionally. What is the reason? No such response ...
AWS Coder's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception

I have an Integration project, where my RestAPI's call WCF services of other project to do some CRUD operations. My project is built on .net core 2.2.102. I deployed my project in BETA environment(...
abbs's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does Chrome triggers the Azure App Gateway Web Application Firewall?

I have an Azure App Service sitting behind an Azure App Gateway on the WAF v2 tier. We are experiencing an issue where we get the 403 Forbidden response from the gateway in some Chrome browsers, yet ...
KitkatNeko's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to whitelist an ip address in Azure WAF

I have an Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall using the OWASP 3.0 ruleset. I created a custom policy so I could create a custom rule which simply allows traffic if it's from a specific ...
devlife's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is a WAF necessary on Kubernetes?

When reading blog posts about WAFs and Kubernetes, it seems 90+ % of the posts are written by WAF-providers, while the remaining posts seem to be sceptical. So I would like to hear what your ...
Esben Eickhardt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Azure App Service with WAF

I'm looking for some Azure security best practice advice. I've seen some articles around on how to do it, but not if its necessarily required. I have a customer who would like to move to Azure and ...
ColinRobertson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Anybody using, web application firewall for ruby on rails

PS: I was doing to some random search and then I got Whats this web application firewall ? How it works ? Any performance hit, if yes then how much? Should I use this ...
Mohit Jain's user avatar
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4 votes
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Do you think we would need a CDN in front of an api gateway?

We are using AWS and using the Kong API gateway hosted in AWS. Do you think we would need a CDN in front this API gateway? We don't need much caching, as well as we can attach the WAF in AWS to ...
shyju's user avatar
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How to prevent false positive block in Azure WAF for password field

I'm using Azure Front door with a web application firewall policy. Managed rule set 1.0 is configured. It all works pretty well, apart from the password field in the login page of my web site. I see ...
Mr M's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to create a wildcard to deny all requests from all ips in AWS WAF

I got a microservice in an ECS instance in AWS behind a WAF, I want to create these rules: Allow specific IPs (done) Allow all connections from inside the VPN (done) Deny all the other requests. The ...
Adan_SL's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

cloudformation - Is it possible to split a string and assign to property in a list?

How do I split a string and use the value for a property? For example say I have the following string: SomeRule1,SomeRule2. I want use this string to populate the exludedRules property of AWS::WAFv2::...
aaa01ggggg's user avatar
3 votes
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Request blocked on azure waf when form fields have values as json strings

I have a form which has some input fields. Some of the input fields have json strings as values like [{"actionItems":"1","actions":"Go To Home","...
prasoon's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Google dialogflow IP addresses

I am building a Google Home application with DialogFlow. Fulfillment is done via Webhook that points to my virtual machine In the VM the 443 port is open and certificates are configured. However now ...
Ester Gonzalez De Langarica's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Blocking IP's using AWS WAF so that only users connected to a VPN can access CloudFront [closed]

Goal: Use AWS WAF to filter out traffic that hits CloudFront so that only users connected to the OpenVPN network can access the web application. OpenVPN assigns any connected user to an IP in the ...
mysterykid's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Trying to find the ARN pattern for AWS WAF regional

I'm playing around with writing IAM policies for an AWS WAF regional resource. I've created a rule for which I'm trying to see if I can write an IAM policy. That's where I realized that IAM policies ...
chrisrhyno2003's user avatar
3 votes
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Is Azure active directory vulnerable to DoS or DDOS attacks

If I add Azure AD to a cloud architecture do I still need to add a WAF to protect against DOS/DDOS specifically? If attacks can’t get past authentication being the premises of the question.
WiredLessInTX's user avatar
3 votes
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Blocking based on full URL and not just the URI in AWS WAF

I am using AWS WAF across multiple CloudFront distributions which go to different URLs. Generally speaking, it is working well. However, we have noticed particular activity on a few of the underlying ...
JasCav's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Azure WAF 403 Response

I'm getting a '403 ModSecurity Action' on PUT requests to my API. Gets and Posts work as expected. The first thing I thought about is that the WAF may be blocking specific Verbs (i.e. PUT), which is '...
IeuanW's user avatar
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shadowd.flask_connector connector throwing 500 Internal server

I'm trying to connect Shadowd (Shadow Daemon) WAF (Web Application Firewall) with Flask connector from this Documentation Even the normal "Hello world" program is throwing Internal server error. ...
Sundararajan's user avatar
3 votes
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AWS images block

I'm working on an AWS Ubuntu Server protected by the WAF Shield and I'm seeing a strange (at least I think) behaviour. When an image is uploaded to my system, some of them are being denied some not. ...
Rodrigo Alexsandro's user avatar
3 votes
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Not able to block IP address via AWS WAF

I have created a Cloudfront distribution and associated a Web ACL rule with it that blocks all IP addresses that doesn't match my IP address condition. But it is not blocking any IP address. What am I ...
Pooja Jain's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to whitelist VPC outbound traffic

How can we restrict outbound traffic from AWS VPC to the internet, for example limiting outbound traffic to certain trusted domains (URL “whitelisting”). I was thinking on AWS WAF but it seems it ...
Asri Badlah's user avatar
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6 answers

Can I be safe with Web Application Firewall

I saw many web application firewall like mod_security with OWASP extention If I use that in my server, can I be sure by 99% that no one can hack my site with PHP codes ? likes XSS ...
Ata's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Configuring WAF on Azure Front door services

I'm setting up WAF rules for azure front door services provided by Microsoft Azure. Currently, I'm using default ruleset 1.0 provided OTB to block top 10 OWSAP threats. When default rules are ...
IamChandu's user avatar
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Azure Front door WAF policy Microsoft_DefaultRuleSet-2.0-BLOCKING-EVALUATION-949110 block request with Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded message

I have front door and WAF configured for one of my web application. The WAF is currently in detection mode. While reviewing the logs, I majorly see below details in all the block requests ruleName_s : ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Incapsula Rate Limit Per Second

I'm looking at the rate limiting on Incapsula, which limits requests etc. based on per minute. Rate >= {api-rate;4} Is there a way to rate limit based on per second? So if an ip exceeds 1 request ...
chris c's user avatar
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App Insights cookies are blocked by Azure Firewall

We use Application Insights on Frontend and we also use Azure Front Door with WAF(Web Application Firewall) policy. I can see in WAF logs that a lot of requests are blocked by some WAF Managed Rules. ...
Petofi's user avatar
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Linkedin Preview Scraper Agent is blocked on WAF

If someone wants to share a page/link from our public website on Linkedin, the preview doesn't get rendered properly. Also if we check the Post Inspector ( it ...
Mario's user avatar
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Why WAF blocks multiple spaces?

In my project we are using WAF. Recently I found a bug that is, when we are adding multiple spaced words in a textbox for example Hello there, this is a multi spaced word collection . and ...
Amal Ps's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I implement a AWS WAF rule to restrict access of api gateway to the users of other accounts?

I need to write a WAF rule such that access to API gateway is blocked for the users of other AWS accounts. for now, I'm exploring the implementation of WAF but I have managed to create CfnWebCl with a ...
Jawad's user avatar
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1 answer

ERROR creating IPsets 'WAFLimitsExceededException'

I'm creating an AWS WAFV2 configuration (IP sets, webacls ..) with python and boto3. I executed it and it worked at first but then I deleted from the console all the created resources and executed ...
said's user avatar
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Use both owasp CRS and Comodo modsecurity rule set simultaneously

In a modsecurity installation could I setup and use both owasp CRS ( and Comodo rule set ( ...
kgroutsis's user avatar
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1 answer

What IP-addresses do I need to allow the firewall to access

We want to use heremaps geocoder.api. Currently the calls to heremaps are stopped by our local firewall. Our admins told me that it is not possible to add an URL to the firewall rules (geocoder.api....
Markus Zucker's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS WAF vs google bots and other crawlers

I deployed AWS WAF for my ALB(use cloudformation template). And now I want to configure scan probe and bad bot rules to work with google and other search bots.How can I identify "good" bots?
Vlad's user avatar
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2 answers

WAF Rule to block all http/https traffic using Azure Application gateway

When configuring WAFs I'm used to configuring the lowest priority rule to block all inbound http/https traffic. I then add higher priority allow rules to open up the access I require. I cant see how ...
iasksillyquestions's user avatar
1 vote
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Cloud Armor logs aren't very clear when rule is set as "Preview only"

I'm deploying WAF with Cloud Armor and I realized that the rules can be created in a "Preview only" mode and that there are Cloud Armor entries in Cloud Logging. The problem is that when I ...
deniable_encryption's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Need help decoding a cross site scripting javascript attack

Someone posted on Twitter (not sure if I can link it here) a cross site scripting bypass for Imperva Web Application Firewalls. Which looks as follows: <a/href="j%0A%0Davascript:{var{3:s,2:h,5:...
Sebast1aan's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

is there any Web Application Firewall for [closed]

I want to hardening my website against simple dos/xss/sqli/etc... but I don't want to delve into security programming for now so I want to use a ready made class or library something like "...
Vahid Hashemi's user avatar
1 vote
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Whitelisting cross tenant subnet in storage account firewall in azure

I want to access a storage account residing in Azure AD Tenant(say tenant id T1) from a subnet(say S1) residing in other Azure AD Tenant(say tenant id T2). Using azure CLI I was able to add this ...
abhi195's user avatar
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WAF - 200003 Multipart Request Body Strict Validation

I have an application that was doing call to Azure Application Gateway and it was failing when the following rule was enforced: RuleId: 200003 Description: Multipart Request Body Strict Validation ...
Bonomi's user avatar
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AWS WAF with IP restriction

I have an AWS API Gateway which should only be accessed by requests coming from Salesforce IP ranges. How do I accomplish that in Cloudformation with AWS::WAFv2::WebACL?
Tracy Xia's user avatar
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3 answers

Denial of Service attack for One Time Password resend function

In our web application, we have a function where the user reset his/her password. Part of the process requires sending OTP via SMS. The thing is, we have a function in our page that allows user to ...
Hingle McJingleberry's user avatar
1 vote
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Are there open-source WAF solutions?

I am looking for an open-source WAF solution that could be deployed in Kubernetes. I've looked a ModSecurity but it seems like good rules cost money and it also requires lots of tuning.
ladaat's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Amazon Web Application Firewall with application that not hosted on AWS instances?

I'm new with AWS WAF and get stuck with setting up it for application that hosts on some dedicated server. I didn't find any information how to set up it without migration to aws servers, but I found ...
John Titor's user avatar
1 vote
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Set mod_security to detectionOnly for a specific page?

If mod_security is set to ON for the whole website, is there a way I can set specific pages to detection_only? Use case is that the application is used to configure websites, and use of CSS or js is ...
Ross Presser's user avatar
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3 answers

Azure cloud service Web App Not found -404

I've a webapp hosted in azure cloud service. We would like to put the WAF infront of web app per setup below: We have created a The DNS record points to IMPERVA IP address IMPERVA ...
Nil Pun's user avatar
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