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Most scalable way for using generators with ? guide says `from_generator` has limited scalability has a from_generator initializer, it doesn't seem like it's scalable. From the official guide Caution: While this is a convienient approach it has limited portability and scalibility. It ...
SantoshGupta7's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using flow_from_dataframe what is the correct "value" for y_col

I am reading in a csv file with pandas, and give the column names stored in colname colnames=['file', 'label'] # Read data from file data = pd.read_csv('./Hand_Annotations_2.csv',names=colnames, ...
Florida Man's user avatar
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3 votes
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Use generator in TensorFlow/Keras to fit when the model gets 2 inputs

I want to train a model that uses an extra output layer to compute the loss (ArcFace) so the model gets two inputs: the features and the true label: [X, y]. So far I did with the all data loaded at ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Passing a Keras Generator to __call__ method of My Model

I have written my own keras Model, and I'm trying to pass a Keras Generator as input to The problem is that I don't know how to process the generator, when I'm in the call method of MyModel....
Serj Ionescu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get the dictionary output from a generator, which outputs an array with a dictionary for custom keras image generator

I have a custom made generator to output multiple values to predict against. I'm trying to get the values to correspond to a given image, without success. Here is my output: e(array([[[[0., 0., 0.], ...
Steve-0 Dev.'s user avatar
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Selecting according to labels in a TensorFlow generator

I have a very large dataset (VoxCeleb) and each datum has a label (multi-class, can assume that the label is a number between 1 to 5000) and an audio recording. Since it is too large to load entirely ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Tensorflow Keras: Problems to handle variable length input, using generator?

We want to train our model on varying input dimensions. Every input in a given batch and across batches has different dimensions. We cannot resize our input (since we’ll lose our microscopic features)....
Ahmad's user avatar
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Conv2DCustomBackpropInput: Size of out_backprop doesn't match computed:

The error is: InvalidArgumentError: Conv2DCustomBackpropInput: Size of out_backprop doesn't match computed: actual = 16, computed = 5 spatial_dim: 1 input: 10 filter: 2 output: 16 stride: 2 dilation: ...
Rahmaoo's user avatar
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Keras: fit_generator() feeding text in batches to the model

I'm new to the fit_generator() function and since my data is too big to fit into RAM, I figured to solve it via a generator. Now, I do have a folder which contains each sample as a separate file. ...
Felix's user avatar
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How to handle exception in custom Keras Sequence for fit_generator?

I implement my own Sequence (from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import Sequence). However, some bad file which result in exception at __getitem__. If I use model.fit_generator, then training process ...
Haha TTpro's user avatar
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When using generator for representative dataset in quantization it "Failed to convert value into readable tensor"

I am quantizing a model. The model takes 224x224 input. I preprocess the data with a build-in function preprocess_input() which subtracts some center pixels. Now when using a simple image with this ...
Florida Man's user avatar
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How to improve training performance of with generators?

Normally when I train models with tensorflow, I just feed my entire data set to the model training (Scenario 1). However, from time to time this data set is to large to fit into my GPU. For that ...
Max2603's user avatar
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Error in Keras - 'int' object has no attribute 'shape'

I'm using VGGFace model. I am using tensorflow.keras with Tensorflow version 2.4.1. The following is the function for generator: def gen(list_tuples, person_to_images_map, batch_size=16): ppl = ...
Shubhasmita Roy's user avatar
0 votes
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Multi Input Modeling in TensorFlow, with Generator

import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf class ProbDistWRTChoices(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, maxChoice): super().__init__() self.maxChoice = maxChoice def ...
Sayan Banerjee's user avatar
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How to use sklearn.metrics.classification_report with generator?

I would like to use sklearn.metrics.classification_report but I cannot use it directly as my testing data is provided by a python generator. The python generator is given below. Let me give you the ...
kakarotto's user avatar
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Error occurred when finalizing GeneratorDataset iterator: Cancelled: Operation was cancelled - Tensorflow

I am really new with TensorFlow and model building and training. However, I was following a tutorial and everything went well until at one point I got the following error: 2020-04-29 17:24:35....
Rick Astley's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tensorflow 1.9.0: A question about training my model with generators

Situation I am trying to build my own CNN with images I compiled. I have two folders with training and validation data. This is my code so far: import os import sys import shutil import numpy as np ...
Vandrey's user avatar
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