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Cascade multiple RNN models for N-dimensional output

I'm having some difficulty with chaining together two models in an unusual way. I am trying to replicate the following flowchart: For clarity, at each timestep of Model[0] I am attempting to generate ...
OmnipotentEntity's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Saving a Tensorflow Keras model (Encoder - Decoder) to SavedModel format

I've written (with help from TF tutorials) an image captioning model which uses an encoder-decoder model with attention. Now, I want to convert it to TfLite and eventually deploy it in Flutter. I'm ...
Rushil Desai's user avatar
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Can I change the statefulness of RNN after training?

If I build and train my RNN based model with stateful=False, can I simply do (e.g.): model.layers[0].stateful = True And have it take effect as might be expected for use in prediction? I ask ...
Mastiff's user avatar
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What does Keras do with the initial values of cell & hidden states (RNN, LSTM) for inference?

Assuming training is finished: what values does Keras use for the 0th cell state and hidden states at inference (in LSTM and RNN layers)? I could think of at least three scenarios, and could not find ...
Jonn Dove's user avatar
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Elastic Weight Consolidation Algorithm Implementation in Keras

I am working on an LSTM based model to predict logs-anomaly. My model architecture is as given: ______________________Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================...
Sayan Dey's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

LSTM - Use deltaTime as a feature? How to handle irregular timestamps?

I'm trying to create a LSTM for classification of data sequences. The data structure of every training input that I would use is: [[ [deltaX,deltaY,deltaTime], [deltaX,deltaY,deltaTime],... ],class] ...
devnull's user avatar
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What is the connections between two stacked LSTM layers?

The question is like this one What's the input of each LSTM layer in a stacked LSTM network?, but more into implementing details. For simplicity how about 4 units and 2 units structures like the ...
sikisis's user avatar
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Converting Keras RNN model to TensorFlow Lite model in TF2

I am currently trying to convert a RNN model to TF lite. After multiple failed attempts I tried running the example given in the repository found here. This threw errors too due to changes in the ...
DVK's user avatar
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How to freeze tensorflow variables inside tf.keras framework on eager execution mode?

I'm trying to fine tune the input weights in a recurrent cell without letting the backpropagation affect previous states (kind of truncated backpropagation with n = 1). I'm using tf.keras and eager ...
Pablo Brusco's user avatar
1 vote
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Tensorflow.keras: RNN to classify Mnist

I am trying to understand the tensorflow.keras.layers.SimpleRNN by building a simple digits classifier. The digits of Mnist dataset are of size 28X28. So the main idea is to present each line of the ...
DanielTheRocketMan's user avatar
1 vote
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Meaning of 2D input in Keras LSTM

In Keras, LSTM is in the shape of [batch, timesteps, feature]. What if I indicate the input as keras.Input(shape=(20, 1)) and feed a matrix of (100, 20, 1) as input? What's the number of batch that it'...
Josh's user avatar
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Can I split my long sequences into 3 smaller ones and use a stateful LSTM for 3 samples?

I am doing a time-series sequence classification problem. I have 80 time-series all length 1002. Each seq corresponds to 1 of 4 categories (copper, cadmium, lead, mercury). I want to use Keras LSTMs ...
codeananda's user avatar
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Output layer of LSTM (many to many)

I want to use LSTM to predict Y (size = [batch_size, time_length=1, feature_dim=3]) from X (size = [batch_size, time_length=42, feature_dim=12]). The problem is using data (12 features) during past 42 ...
Xu Shan's user avatar
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Fitting a custom (non-sequential) stateful RNN (GRU) model

I am facing some problems in training the following GRU model, which has to be stateful and output the hidden state. import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf #2.1.0 from tensorflow import keras ...
bonobo's user avatar
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Replacing `dynamic_rnn` with `tf.keras.layers.RNN` giving different results

For a simple many to one time-series prediction problem where I want to predict a value given previous 4 values, I am using a code which employs dynamic_rnn. I want to replace this with tf.keras....
Ather Cheema's user avatar
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Implementing Sequential Variational Autoencoder (State-Space Model) on TensorFlow

I'm currently trying to implement a version of variational autoencoder in a sequential setting. I work on TensorFlow with eager execution mode. As the problem setting, I have two sequences of ...
lalala.yeyeye's user avatar
1 vote
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Tensorflow 2 custom LSTM Cell initial states

I try to implement a custom LSTM cell. Firstly, I try to reproduce the original LSTM cell before I put customization. However, I run into a problem that the initial state is a single tensor instead of ...
lzj994's user avatar
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In a Keras custom RNN cell, what are the dimensions of the inputs and outputs?

The custom cell takes (input,state) and generates (output,state). I believe input is a tensor, and state is a list of tensors. From fighting through error messages it appears that the tensors carry ...
Mastiff's user avatar
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How to use Tokenizer (Keras)? Unable to generate tokens on Character level

goal: vectorizing on character-level problem: output is not a unique number per character/letter, instead all letters are converted to 1 Question: What is wrong with my code? I have a dataframe (df). ...
Jaap's user avatar
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Differentiation Issue in Predictive Alignment for Attention Implementation

I am trying to implement local-p attention based on this paper: Specifically, equation (9) derives a alignment position based on taking the sigmoid of some non-...
Uzay Macar's user avatar
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Tensorflow/Keras LSTM RNN model for consumption forecast not learning/underfitting

Hi everyone I need help! I have build a LSTM RNN model with Tensorflow and Keras to predict the electricity consumption of a building. I have half hourly data since august 2021 (just above 4 million ...
ben's user avatar
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Call tf.stop_gradient() on hidden states of recurrent neural network in Tensorflow/Keras

I have a question on Tensorflow/Keras and the use of tf.stop_gradient() in connection to RNN:s. In this pytorch guide, they call .detach() on the hidden states that the model outputs before passing it ...
user202542's user avatar
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RNN where features are sequences with different lengths

I have a sequential RNN using Keras. Some of my features are sequences with different lengths (eg time series where data is collected daily or monthly) and some other features are scalars. Would this ...
as76's user avatar
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Error while importing tensorflow: No module named tensorflow.tsl

I've working on RNN_LSTM and the codes were working well just a month ago, but now gives errors, I tried to fix but no result.... Found out the error is on TensorFlow I installed successfully but can'...
Sana Isam's user avatar
0 votes
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Understanding Keras Layer Shape

My features/targets look like: x[0] = [10, 15, 13] y[0] = [1, 4] The numbers represent lookup indexes for words in english and french. Here's the shape of my input and training data: input: (137861, ...
Patrick Ward's user avatar
0 votes
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Input shape for a RNN in keras

My data set has the following shapes: y_train.shape,y_val.shape ((265, 2), (10, 2)) x_train.shape, x_val.shape ((265, 4), (10, 4)) I'm trying to use a simple RNN model model=models.Sequential([...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
0 votes
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Keras multi-input model with tf.keras.utils.Sequence [duplicate]

I am trying to train an RNN model in Keras to predict the next element in a sequence (e.g. given [a,b,c,d] predict e). Each element in the sequence has two components (lets call them x and y) of ...
Jan Kaiser's user avatar
0 votes
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Keras(TensorFlow backend) multi-gpu model(4gpus) is failing when using Masking on input of LSTM network

Masking the input layer in LSTM and trying to run on multi-GPU-model with fi_genrator of Keras using TensorFlow background is throwing errors. created a fit_generator for an LSTM, and code runs on ...
NarenSuri's user avatar
-1 votes
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loss value deep learning model is inf

I train a RNN deep learning model as bellow: model = Sequential() initializer = tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal(mean=.5, stddev=1) model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.2,input_shape=...
afrooz's user avatar
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-1 votes
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TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable?

I am trying to plot the Model accuracy and Model loss learning curves after I have successfully trained my LSTM model to see the pattern of the learning curves (to see if its overfitting or ...
Eilham Hakimie's user avatar