Questions tagged [testflight]

TestFlight was a developer tool provided by Apple for distributing iOS builds wirelessly to beta testers. The service was terminated on February 26, 2015, and the functionality is now provided by iTunes Connect.

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857 votes
11 answers

Xcode 7 error: "Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ..."

I tried to upload my App to iTunes Connect resp. AppStore and got the following error: Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing ...
Awsed's user avatar
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523 votes
12 answers

Missing Compliance status in TestFlight

When I added my latest build for internal testing with TestFlight, I saw that it had a "Missing Compliance" status. Is this a major problem? Why does this appear? How can I resolve this ...
Chandan Jee's user avatar
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237 votes
30 answers

My prerelease app has been "processing" for over a week in iTunes Connect, what gives?

I used Xcode 6.1.1 to upload a new version of a prerelease app to iTunes Connect so I could distribute it to my external beta testers. I've done this with two versions of the same app previously and ...
Robert Atkins's user avatar
187 votes
5 answers

How to tell at runtime whether an iOS app is running through a TestFlight Beta install

Is it possible to detect at runtime that an application has been installed through TestFlight Beta (submitted through iTunes Connect) vs the App Store? You can submit a single app bundle and have it ...
combinatorial's user avatar
147 votes
22 answers

No TestFlight invite email gets sent for internal users

I set up my application for TestFlight. For external users it is waiting for review. But if I want to invite internal users, I select them and press invite. iTunes Connects says they are invited now, ...
Benjamin1956's user avatar
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105 votes
12 answers

TestFight beta testing for internal testers - Build state is "processing"

I've been using TestFlight for a while but this is the first time I'm submitting a build for beta testing directly from iTunesConnect since Apple bought TestFlight itself. I've been experiencing a ...
elbuild's user avatar
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104 votes
7 answers

Xcode ERROR ITMS-90783: "Missing bundle display name"

Today I started to receive this error with fastlane and Xcode: ERROR ITMS-90783: "Missing bundle display name. The Info.plist key CFBundleDisplayName is missing or has an empty value in the ...
Nike Kov's user avatar
  • 13k
101 votes
5 answers

How to re-send external tester invitations on Apple's TestFlight service [closed]

Is there a way to re-send an invitation to an external tester on Apple's TestFlight Beta Testing service? (I am referring to facility for external beta testing accessed via iTunes Connect, not to the ...
algal's user avatar
  • 27.9k
85 votes
6 answers

How do I upload a build to iTunes Connect for TestFlight?

How do I upload my app I made in Xcode to iTunes Connect to invite Beta testers to download it? I read the documentation and I tried what it said but it never uploaded my app.
Python_Is_Great's user avatar
82 votes
9 answers

My app was just rejected for using the Ad support framework. Which library is responsible?

This was simply an update that didn't change anything to do with the rejection reason. Here is the response from the resolution center: Reasons Program License Agreement PLA 3.3.12 We ...
user2844801's user avatar
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82 votes
9 answers

Why push notifications is not working on testflight?

I have tested push notifications as a developer account and it worked, But when i tried to put it on TestFlight for the testers to test it, it didn't show a push notification but the data is correctly ...
Iman's user avatar
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75 votes
4 answers

Difference between internal and external testers in iTunes Testflight beta testing?

Can anyone please explain in complete details the difference between internal and external testers in iTunes Connect Testflight beta testing? The difference here is just too brief. Does internal ...
Deepak Thakur's user avatar
69 votes
5 answers

TestFlight: Complete test information is required to submit a build for external testing

My app is in internal testing on iTunes Connect, but I cannot promote it to external testing. It tells me that the test information is incomplete. I have tried all sorts of things, including reading ...
benevolentprof's user avatar
67 votes
3 answers

What kind of Certifcate and Provisioning Profile is needed for an iOS Apple TestFlight release?

I'm planning to release a beta version of my iPhone app on iOS 8 devices through the new Apple TestFlight app. What kind of Certifcate and Provisioning Profile is needed for that? Do I need a ...
Tom's user avatar
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62 votes
15 answers

iTunesConnect Testflight no builds available for iOS?

I am having trouble adding an admin to one of my iOS builds. When I click to my build, it shows I have 2 people who can test it: But this is not what I'm expecting. I am expecting 3 people. ...
learningtech's user avatar
61 votes
3 answers

Installed App from TestFlight crashes due to alleged UISearchDisplayController

I implemented Dark Mode with the current beta version of Xcode in a relatively old app. I uploaded these to TestFlight for my testers. However, this crashes immediately for anyone who has the public ...
knarz's user avatar
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58 votes
20 answers

iPhone app could not be installed at this time [closed]

I was trying to install my iphone application from testflight. It installs perfectly on few devices but in some after installing about 80 percent it gives an error Unable to download application, <...
mohitum's user avatar
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57 votes
1 answer

How to create a testflight invitation code? [closed]

I am a registered iOS developer and a developer friend of mine is trying to send me a testflight version. For some reason he can't sent me an invitation - I believe this is because I am registered as ...
jonypz's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

Publishing to TestFlight, new testers, do I really need to rebuild/download my provisioning profile?

I have published an app through the testflight website to allow my colleagues to test, and as more and more of them opens the initial email and find time to go through the registration process, ...
Lasse V. Karlsen's user avatar
50 votes
13 answers

How to debug "Invalid Bundle" error which happens only after submitting to app store

I have a lot of frameworks in my app. App works fine in adhoc/enterprise release. Only if I submit to the app store for testflight testing I get this error email from apple: Dear developer, We ...
Taha Selim Bebek's user avatar
50 votes
2 answers

How to prevent iOS crash reporters from crashing MonoTouch apps?

There are plenty iOS crash reporting libraries in iOS, including TestFlight and HockeyApp. If you don't want to depend on services, you can still use libraries like PLCrashReporter. Binding these ...
Dan Abramov's user avatar
48 votes
6 answers

Testflight Profile Installation Failed, the SCEP server return an invalid response

One of my user is having trouble installing the TestFlight App (not Apple's TestFlight). He encountered the error: "Profile Installation Failed, the SCEP server return an invalid response." ...
Cymric's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

iOS 13 TestFlight not reporting crash, only feedback.json

With the new feature of iOS 13 to report crashes for TestFlight builds, on some apps I have a problem that only feedback.json is reported without actual crash report. Is there anything to enable? ...
David Chelidze's user avatar
45 votes
2 answers

App can not be installed via TestFlight: Registered maximum number of devices

Will appreciate any help with an error that is displayed when I try to install an app via TestFlight on an iOS device: " The app can't be installed because you've already registered the maximum number ...
Marat Strelets's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

TestFlight public link doesn't accept new beta testers

I created a public link for a group of testers but the link shows: "This beta isn't accepting any new testers right now." The build has been approved and I set the limit to 10 testers. Why is the ...
ricardopereira's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

How to test In App Purchases through Apple TestFlight?

I uploaded my first app to iTunes Connect (iOS 8, iPhone) and it's now available through Apple TestFlight for internal and external testers. I created a Non-Consumable in app purchase for it and would ...
Tom's user avatar
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43 votes
1 answer

Better MonoTouch crashes with TestFlight

We've hooked up TestFlight and the TestFlight SDK with MonoTouch and so far it's working great. One thing we've noticed is that the crash reports are more geared towards Obj-C apps. They look like ...
jonathanpeppers's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

iOS : Testflight No build available for external testers

I am using testflight as a beta testing tool for my app. I have uploaded the build but invitation are successfully sent to the internal testers but no invitations are sent to external tester. Below ...
Hardik Amal's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Pushing from TestFlight to AppStore new version

I'm uploaded my app to Testflight and it is working ok. Now I need to deploy a new version in App Store. I readed the doc, but ITunesConnect has different user interface and I'm not sure how I can to ...
JPinios's user avatar
  • 523
40 votes
6 answers

TestFlight build on App Store Connect stuck at 'Ready to Submit'

Since the recent update to App Store Connect, I can't figure out at all as to how I submit a new TestFlight build for beta review. Under 'iTunes Connect Users' it says 'Ready to Test', while under '...
Ethan Humphries's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in Xcode8

Update: I attempt to add a String value to the "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" key. And it works.My build version is now available on my TestFlight. ps: 构建版本 means Build Version But I want to know ...
X.Jian's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

How to share TestFlight testers with a public link

Recently Apple introduces TestFlight testers with a public any insight about these. how does it work do we need to add UDID in developer account to install the app how to create a public link ...
Abdul Karim's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

Get access to Build Changelog in Jenkins

I've been pulling my hair out trying to find a way to include the list of changes generated by Jenkins (from the SVN pull) into our Testflight notes. I'm using the Testflight Plugin, which has a field ...
Jim Weinhart's user avatar
38 votes
11 answers

TestFlight rejecting build "get-task-allow" error

So I'm using testflightapp to distribute an ad-hoc build. But I keep getting this message: 'Invalid Profile: distribution build entitlements must have get-task-allow set to false.' I don't have an ...
Tobias's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

How do you view TestFlight crash logs?

I have submitted my app to TestFlight and i have deliberately made the app on my device crash, but i don't see where i can see these crash logs. BTW i want to see other people's crash logs on the ...
Tech Geek's user avatar
  • 381
38 votes
6 answers

Installing TestFlight on iOS 7

After upgrading my iPhone 5 to iOS 7 beta, it seems I have to re-connect it to Testflight. Unfortunately, I can't install the provisioning profile: After selecting 'Reconnect Device', 'Install ...
user1545704's user avatar
37 votes
28 answers

Latest iTunes connect build not showing in TestFlight

I distributed the first build version of my app to internal testers with iTunes Connect and successfully installed on internal tester's devices. Now, I've uploaded the second build via iTunes Connect. ...
Leighton's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

App crashes in Release build but not in debug

As I said in the title, I am writing an app for iPhone which runs perfectly in debug mode but when I build it as release and install it via TestFlight, it crashes. Due to the crash log it might have ...
Ben's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

TestFlight: Use multiple devices

Currently I'm testing TestFlight. I created some internal testers and started the beta tests. The internal testers get an invitation email to begin testing. And here are my questions: Which account ...
testing's user avatar
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35 votes
14 answers
7k views can't contain 16-bit or P3 assets if the app supports iOS 8 or earlier?

Has anyone come across this error when uploading to iTunesConnect. Upload precess gets to "Verifying assets with iTunes store" the I get the following error: I am working with xCode8, embedding a ...
James Peyton's user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

Testflight: Cannot upload build, cannot download SDK

I'm having difficulties with TestFlight today. I've tried to upload ipa for the new app but getting this error: Sorry, we are no longer accepting any new builds that use the TestFlight SDK. Please ...
Tom's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Xcode: Should I Strip Debug Symbols During Copy?

The TestFlight SDK recommends setting Strip Debug Symbols During Copy to YES in Xcode Build Settings to enable the best crash reporting possible. I noticed that it's set to YES by default. Should I ...
ma11hew28's user avatar
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32 votes
9 answers

Where is redeem code for public link for TestFlight?

Sent public URL to a user, and he reported TestFlight does not show the app, but asked for a redeem code? Where can I or he find this code?
János's user avatar
  • 34k
31 votes
7 answers

The app couldn't be installed because developer certificate is no longer valid

I have invited one TestFlight user from iTunes to test my app. The app is currently under review status. When that user tried to install the app, at the time of launching in iTunes, it throws the ...
Abdul Samad's user avatar
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30 votes
8 answers

TestFlight iOS App get-task-allow Issue

I have an app in testflight for ios called MapItTrackIt. Everything has been working great. I just updated to xcode 5.1. I built the app exactly the same way I always have. Same profile and ad-hoc ...
user856232's user avatar
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30 votes
9 answers

iOS TestFlight: Internal Tester not receiving invite

I set up a build and add two Internal Testers. Immediately after pressing the "Invite" button I noticed that the checkbox next to my email address was the only one that remained checked. The checkbox ...
RyJ's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Installing a TestFlight app on iOS iPhone Simulator - Registration Failed

I'm attempting to install a TestFlight app on XCode's iOS simulator using the iPhone simulator. The link to the TestFlight app takes me to a page that says "This device will need to be registered ...
emery's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Testflight app requires iOS8. How do we beta test with iOS7?

Now that Apple have integrated Tesflight into itunesconnect I thought it was time I took a look. I have fallen at the first hurdle - when you invite a tester to test an app they are told they must ...
ED-209's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Comparison between TestFlight Live, QuincyKit and Crashlytics [closed]

I am going to launch my app on the AppStore and I would like to keep track of crashes and fix them as soon as possible. If possible, it would be nice to collect also some additional information about ...
pAkY88's user avatar
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28 votes
8 answers

Apple TestFlight error 'Couldn't accept the invite'

I have installed an app successfully as an internal tester. Now the app is ready for external testing, and has passed Apple review. In the email received from Apple, I clicked the Open in TestFlight ...
Ric Santos's user avatar
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