Questions tagged [samsung-mobile]

This tag is for questions related to application development issues affecting just Samsung Mobile devices.

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92 votes
6 answers

sendUserActionEvent() is null

I've got a real doozy here. When I click on spinners, open menu items, or open context menus on long-clicks I get the same Logcat message: 08-02 21:20:57.264: E/ViewRootImpl(31835): ...
crocboy's user avatar
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86 votes
23 answers

No debuggable processes in logcat when phone detected by Android studio

Everyone! I got so confused by android studio. when I plug in my phone to debug apps, logcat can detect my phone, but I can not choose process. It said "no debuggable processes",not common &...
kimichang's user avatar
  • 963
86 votes
10 answers

Chrome's remote debugging (USB debugging) not working for Samsung Galaxy S3 running android 4.3

Ever since I upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S3 to android 4.3 (from 4.1.2) I am unable to use Chrome's remote debugging for android (more details here). I have the developer options and USB debugging ...
Alphonso's user avatar
  • 1,295
79 votes
9 answers

appcompat-v7 v21.0.0 causing crash on Samsung devices with Android v4.2.2

We just changed our application to use the appcompat-v7 support library in order to take advantage of the support actionbar and support Material themes. Using v21.0.0 of appcompat-v7 (andv21.0.0 of ...
Erik Pedersen's user avatar
46 votes
10 answers

Capture keys typed on android virtual keyboard using javascript

I have a web page with a textarea, and I need to capture the keys typed by the user (so that I can substitute different unicode characters for the keys typed). My current code is as follows: $("#...
agentwarn's user avatar
  • 755
45 votes
0 answers

WebView native crash: "Operation not permitted" - ILL_ILLOPC

I'm seeing a lot of crash reports similar to the crash below, and I'm at a loss for how to diagnose the issue. Crash heading in Google Developer Console: Native crash at /data/app/
Mark McClelland's user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

Samsung Galaxy s3 emulator settings

Can anyone with galaxy s3 access confirm the below emulator settings for Galaxy s3? Target: Google APIs - API Level 15 Skin: Built-in WXGA720 Hardware Back/Home: yes Abstracted LCD density: 320 ...
Netverse's user avatar
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41 votes
16 answers

Why can't OSX detect android Galaxy S for USB debugging?

I searched for similar questions on this issue but found none related to Mac OSX. Situation: Trying to test android apps on a Galaxy S (Details below) but Mac is not detecting the device. Tried all ...
eric's user avatar
  • 4,923
40 votes
1 answer

Android Usage Access for Android 5 Samsung devices

As you might know, since Android 5 was launched, accessing the recent tasks (usage stats) of your device requires the user to enable this feature manually (Settings->Security->Usage Access). My app ...
Hannibalem's user avatar
37 votes
1 answer

Getting DeadSystemException on Samsung SMG950U (Android 8.0.0) and SM 955 (Android 8.0.0)

I am working on a native android app & getting the following report in my Crashlytics but I am unable to figure the the exact reason for this. I have two activities SplashActivity and MapActivity ...
Xc0d3r's user avatar
  • 571
33 votes
2 answers


I am attempting to install my app on my new Samsung Galaxy S8 for the first time from Android Studio. When I do so, I get the following error message: Installation failed with message Failed to ...
Code-Apprentice's user avatar
32 votes
8 answers

Prevent Samsung predictive text in HTML form

I have an HTML form with a text input field. As the user types, we do AJAX requests to get predictive text suggestions, based on a list of values in our database. We display that list and the user ...
duncan's user avatar
  • 31.7k
31 votes
2 answers

RuntimeException with Dagger 2 on Android 7.0 and Samsung devices

On my Google Play console I see quite a lot crash reports since I started to use Dagger 2, but only on Android 7.0 and mainly on Samsung devices, some Huawai and Motorola devices and some rare Xperia ...
Denis Knauer's user avatar
  • 1,020
30 votes
3 answers

Samsung hovering API with finger

Samsung has done something great with the hovering API, and I'm interested in including it in my app. The problem is that the hovering API included in the SPen SDK only work with the SPen and not with ...
Stephane Mathis's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Eclipse Android SDK cannot see new Samsung Galaxy S4 device via a USB connection

Using Eclipse (Juno SR2) with all the latest updates for Android (ADT plugin v21.1.0) cannot see the new Galaxy S4 as an available device via the USB connection. Per the Samsung website the correct ...
BonanzaDriver's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Samsung Galaxy Phone is not recognized on Android Studio

My Samsung phone was not recognized by Android Studio on windows 7. I repaired it by installing the Samung Driver here: I tested with ...
jony's user avatar
  • 277
27 votes
4 answers

Android: AVD-Settings for Galaxy S3-Like AVD

I need help with the AVD-Settings for my new Virtual Device. I need the settings for an AVD that has the same size like the new Samsung Galaxy S3.
h00ligan's user avatar
  • 414
26 votes
4 answers

Adding Samsung multi-window support to Android application

I went and tried to add Samsung's multi-window support for my app following this link. My app did appear in Samsung's multi-window applications tab, and I was able to drag and drop it into the screen, ...
Rohit Malish's user avatar
  • 3,209
25 votes
1 answer

Samsung system image for Android emulator?

Is there any way to get the Android emulator to run a system image other than vanilla Android? I'm developing an app that works fine on the emulator, a physical Huawei device and a physical Motorola ...
Magnus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
25 votes
3 answers

DatePicker crash in samsung with android 5.0

I am having trouble with creating a datepicker in samsung note 2 device with lollipop 5.0. The exception is: java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: %d can not format java.lang.String arguments ...
Vilson Hoxhallari's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Enable real fixed positioning on Samsung Android browsers

The Android browser, since 2.2, supports fixed positioning, at least under certain circumstances such as when scaling is turned off. I have a simple HTML file with no JS, but the fixed positioning on ...
Mr. Shiny and New 安宇's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

How do I make my android app appear in Ultra Power Saving Mode

Some samsung devices have an Ultra Power Saving Mode which turns off wifi, turns the screen grayscale and limits usage to a few basic apps. It however does allow you to add some apps which can then ...
abel's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

In galaxy tab , onCompletionListener of videoView is not getting called

For video view in Android, I have added some media player listener such as onPreparedListener, onCompletionListener etc. But when video get completed then onCompletionListener is not getting called. ...
user2526886's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Android native crash initiating from /system/framework/arm/boot.oat

After recent update of my application in Google Play, I started receiving lot of crash reports, all of them are from Samsung devices with Android 5. Lower android versions work fine and devices of ...
michalsrb's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Connection stuck while using Samsung Remote Test Lab

I want to track down a bug on Samsung Devices using Samsung RTL. Sadly i cant get that client to work on my System (macOS 10.13.1): It just says Connecting... Nothing happens from here. Steps i did ...
Julime's user avatar
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21 votes
9 answers

Keyboard hiding EditTexts in Fragments

edit: I need to use the keyboard, but it hides my EditText, I need it to scroll so the keyboard is not hiding it. I am using a Samsung tablet. My style: parent="android:Theme.Holo.NoActionBar....
user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Camera : setDisplayOrientation function is not working for Samsung Galaxy ACE with Android 2.3.6

I was trying to create a simple camera application for research. I Read Android Camera Official Document and then started coding. so I did some steps to get it work 1.Added required permissions for ...
20 votes
5 answers

Getting an error on Android 8 on a Samsung device using SCameraCaptureSession

I'm trying to capture a video using SCameraCaptureSession class. While using a function of this class - setRepeatingRequest (which described here), I'm getting the following error: java.lang....
lior_13's user avatar
  • 589
19 votes
3 answers

Serial number from Samsung Device running Android

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.0 (7") On the back of this device is a serial number of the format RF3C6000MNA When I go into settings on my device, and choose About Device->Status->Serial Number, ...
Rich S's user avatar
  • 3,356
19 votes
4 answers

MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3

NOTE: I'm not working at the company where I worked when I posted this question, therefore, even though some great answers might come in, I won't actually be testing them since I don't have a reason ...
marienke's user avatar
  • 2,475
19 votes
2 answers

Can't call void android.view.View.setTranslationZ(float) on null object

I am using library recyclerview-multiselect in my project to select multiple items on recyclerview On samsung device: When I longpress and select a item the multiselector starts but as soon as I ...
chin87's user avatar
  • 508
19 votes
2 answers

Android: variable has incorrect value in while loop

When developing an Android app in Android Studio, a variable used within a while loop has an incorrect value. I reduced it in a test case to a very simple case: Create a new project in Android Studio,...
Hielko's user avatar
  • 344
18 votes
3 answers

java.lang.NullPointerException with Nougat

My app has been humming along nicely through various Android versions. I have users running it on Android 4.3, 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 with no problems. However a user with a S7 Edge has just updated with ...
Gavin's user avatar
  • 460
18 votes
1 answer

Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab

I am turning ON Camera LED light using FLASH_MODE_ON. Samsung Galaxy Ace have only three flash modes : on, off and auto. FLASH_MODE_TORCH not working in Samsung Galaxy Tab & Samsung Galaxy Ace ...
Kartik Domadiya's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Resources$NotFoundException on Samsung

One of my app is crashing on Samsung S5 (SM G900V to be precise) with this exception: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/...
M-Wajeeh's user avatar
  • 17.2k
17 votes
2 answers

Layout on Samsung Galaxy Note

I have a weird issue that only occurs on the Samsung Galaxy Note. I have landscape and portrait layouts , in normal and large , as per :
Chris's user avatar
  • 1,637
17 votes
3 answers
8k views - Choosing a Category?

How can I choose a category when submitting a new app in Under the Category menu all I see is "Main Category" or "Galaxy Specials" When I choose Main Category, then I ...
Ginger's user avatar
  • 8,482
17 votes
9 answers

jquery ajax GET request executing twice

I have the following ajax request that is executed at a click of a button: <a href="javascript:test()"><img src="css/images/test.png"></a> function test(){ console.debug("*"); ...
gmh04's user avatar
  • 1,351
17 votes
3 answers

YouTube iframe embeds cannot autoplay on Android

I'm using a webView in my Android app to load YouTube iframe player and auto play videos. It works fine on Samsung Galaxy S2 & S3, but when runs on Samsung Galaxy S4, it always results in gray ...
iForests's user avatar
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17 votes
0 answers

IndexOutOfBoundsException on Samsung devices

I'm getting an IndexOutOfBoundsException on Samsung Galaxy S5 and Note 3 and 4. It doesn't reference my code. Has anyone encountered this? I haven't been able to find anything on here. It appears to ...
ono's user avatar
  • 3,054
17 votes
1 answer

Samsung Multiwindow crash

I have an app on the play store which supports Samsung's multiwindow mode, before the 4.4.2 version of the Samsung ROM, everything was fine, however, I noticed that the crash reports started to rise ...
Tancho's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How can I create an Android AVD for a Samsung Galaxy Note 2?

I want to create an AVD to test apps on a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I have checked similar questions, but they are intended for older AVD versions. Which device should I use? Should I set the target as &...
Dragon warrior's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

BiometricPrompt crashes on Samsung S9 with Face unlock

I am using the new BiometricPrompt API in Android P (API 28) in my application. (I am actually using it inside a wrapper based on this project so that it functions on older devices too, but that is ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
  • 16.5k
16 votes
8 answers

Non-game App gets treated as game by Samsung game launcher

Whenever I open my android app it triggers the game mode/game launcher on samsung galaxy s8. But the app isn't a game. In a previous version the app used opengl and it seems like samsung treats an app ...
Ascot Harris's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Activity won't render randomly, shows only white screen on Samsung

So, I acknowledge that this is a truly vague question. What happens is that very randomly and rarely on only Samsung devices (2x S3 and 1xS4 mini) the starting activity (basically any activity, I have ...
splangi's user avatar
  • 683
16 votes
1 answer

AssetManager$AssetInputStream.finalize() timed out after 10 seconds

We see an stream of the following crashes, all on Android 4.3 Samsung Galaxy s3 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: android.content.res.AssetManager$AssetInputStream.finalize() timed out after 10 ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 12.3k
16 votes
1 answer

MP3 streaming in C# .NET 4.5.1 MVC 5.2.2 on Samsung 6S

I have to use a TTS (Text to Speak) SaaS from ReadSpeaker in order to add audio to the application that I am developing. Now the basic SCAPI account that we are currently using has a basic setup ...
Idra's user avatar
  • 5,787
16 votes
1 answer

Disabling or detecting the app specific power saving mode

Samsung devices (well, at least some of them) add all installed apps to an "App Power Saving Mode" list which affects the background services listening to some crucial info for the app. Some apps, ...
iamkaan's user avatar
  • 1,515
16 votes
3 answers

Android browser / Samsung Galaxy SII scrolling bug on web forms. Select list hitboxes don't scroll

EDIT: I've uploaded a video to youtube demonstrating the bug here: I've got a really weird bug that I found testing my new web application on a Samsung ...
pantryfight's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How to record video of particular width and height on samsung device android?

Hello I am making an android application in which I am using custom camera for recording camera.I am having problem on samsung device.I can not set the profile of Media recorder to CamcorderProfile....
Nitin's user avatar
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