Questions tagged [rx-android]

RxJava bindings for Android

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258 votes
3 answers

Use cases for RxJava schedulers

In RxJava there are 5 different schedulers to choose from: immediate(): Creates and returns a Scheduler that executes work immediately on the current thread. trampoline(): Creates and returns ...
bcorso's user avatar
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229 votes
10 answers

When to use RxJava in Android and when to use LiveData from Android Architectural Components?

I am not getting the reason to use RxJava in Android and LiveData from Android Architectural Components.It would be really helpful if the usecases and differences between the both are explained along ...
rahul66's user avatar
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122 votes
3 answers

Get response status code using Retrofit 2.0 and RxJava

I'm trying to upgrade to Retrofit 2.0 and add RxJava in my android project. I'm making an api call and want to retrieve the error code in case of an error response from the server. Observable<...
A.B.'s user avatar
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112 votes
4 answers

Unable to create call adapter for io.reactivex.Observable

I'm going to send a simple get method to my server(it is Rails app) and get the result using RxJava and Retrofit. The thing that I did is: My interface: public interface ApiCall { String ...
Hussein Ojaghi's user avatar
106 votes
6 answers

Rxandroid What's the difference between SubscribeOn and ObserveOn

I am just learning Rx-java and Rxandroid2 and I am just confused what is the major difference between in SubscribeOn and ObserveOn.
Rathore's user avatar
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103 votes
8 answers

Combine a list of Observables and wait until all completed

TL;DR How to convert Task.whenAll(List<Task>) into RxJava? My existing code uses Bolts to build up a list of asynchronous tasks and waits until all of those tasks finish before performing other ...
Craig Russell's user avatar
85 votes
1 answer

Retrofit with Rxjava Schedulers.newThread() vs

What are the benefits to use Schedulers.newThread() vs in Retrofit network request. I have seen many examples that use io(), but I want to understand why. Example situation: ...
Mikelis Kaneps's user avatar
80 votes
3 answers

How to use CompositeDisposable of RxJava 2?

In RxJava 1, there was CompositeSubscription, but that is not present in RxJava2, There is something CompositeDisposable in rxJava2. How do I use CompositeDisposable or Disposable in RxJava2?
anand gaurav's user avatar
61 votes
11 answers

How to ignore error and continue infinite stream?

I would like to know how to ignore exceptions and continue infinite stream (in my case stream of locations)? I'm fetching current user position (using Android-ReactiveLocation) and then sending them ...
Ziem's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

rxjava merge observables of different type

I'm new to rxjava. I need to combine two observables that emit objects of different type. Something like Observable<Milk> and Observable<Cereals> and get a Observable<CerealsWithMilk>...
Jelly's user avatar
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47 votes
15 answers

Deliver the first item immediately, 'debounce' following items

Consider the following use case: need to deliver first item as soon as possible need to debounce following events with 1 second timeout I ended up implementing custom operator based on ...
tomrozb's user avatar
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47 votes
5 answers

Retrofit API call receives "HTTP FAILED: Canceled"

Can't figure out why is this happening. Neither one of rx callbacks (onCompleted(), onError(), onNext()) not gets triggered by my call. The only thing i receive is this okhttp output: D/OkHttp: -->...
sleexed's user avatar
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43 votes
7 answers

How to stop and resume Observable.interval emiting ticks

This will emit a tick every 5 seconds. Observable.interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, .subscribe(tick -> Log.d(TAG, "tick = "+tick)); To stop it you can use ...
Jan Seevers's user avatar
41 votes
4 answers

RxJava: Error occurred when trying to propagate error to Observer.onError

I am getting a IllegalStateException error in the Rx Library and don't know exactly where the root of the issue is, whether it is with RxJava or something I may be doing incorrectly. The fatal crash ...
Scott B's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

How do I get Response body when there is an error when using Retrofit 2.0 Observables

I am using Retrofit 2.0 to make api calls that return Observables. It all works good when the call went through fine and the response is as expected. Now let's say we have an error response, it throws ...
achie's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

Android RX - Observable.timer only firing once

So I am trying to create an observable which fires on a regular basis, but for some reason which I cannot figure out, it only fires once. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Observable<Long> ...
James King's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Use RxAndroid or RxKotlin when programming in Kotlin for Android? [closed]

I am going to start using reactive programming in my Android project. I am using Kotlin as primary language and now I would like to apply Rx. My first choice was RxAndroid but then I noticed that ...
Damian Petla's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

RxJava flatMapIterable with a Single

I'm trying to tidy up my code a little, and Single is looking like a good choice for me as I'm doing something that will only ever emit one result. I'm having an issue though as I was using ...
spO_oks's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

Retrofit "IllegalStateException: Already executed"

I have a Retrofit network call that id like to run every 5 seconds. My current code: Handler h = new Handler(); int delay = 5000; //milliseconds h.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() {...
Orbit's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

RxJava Combine Sequence Of Requests

The Problem I have two Apis. Api 1 gives me a List of Items and Api 2 gives me more detailed Information for each of the items I got from Api 1. The way I solved it so far results in bad Performance. ...
Mayr Technologies's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

Get the latest value of an Observable and emit it immeditely

I'm trying to get the latest value of a given Observable and get it to emit immediately once it's called. Given the code below as an example: return Observable.just(myObservable.last()) .flatMap(...
E-Kami's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

When to unsubscribe a subscription

I have a question regarding how to unsubscribe an observable. I have two codes and I'm not really sure about which one is better. Example 1 -> Unsubscribe the subscriber once the stream has finished: ...
MarcForn's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

RxJava : How to handle error with zip operator ?

I am using RxJava and RxAndroid with Retrofit2. Observable<ResponseOne> responseOneObservable = getRetrofitClient().getDataOne() .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers....
Priyank Patel's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Difference between RxJava and RxAndroid?

Why do we need to use RxAndroid with RxJava? What is the functional difference between them and actual use of RxAndroid and RxJava? I can't find proper answer for this.
Drim's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

rxjava add items after observable was created

I just started using rxjava and I got stuck. Maybe I'm not using rxjava in the right way, but I need to add items to an Observable after it was created. So I understand that You can just call ...
Jelly's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

How to handle rotation with Retrofit and RxJava/RxAndroid in Activity?

I read here that we can use some global cache in order to handle rotation. You can prevent this by using the cache or replay Observable operators, while making sure the Observable somehow survives ...
DeniSHow's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Rx 2 Android what is better Single or Observable for api calls?

when we use retrofit2 for doing API rest calls with Rx, What is the best approach to use, Single or Observable? public interface ApiService{ Single<Data> getDataFromServer(); Observable<...
Jose M Lechon's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Periodic HTTP Requests Using RxJava and Retrofit

Is it possible to use RxJava/RxAndroid and Retrofit to perform periodic http requests to update data every x seconds? Currently I am using an IntentService and Recursive Handler/Runnable that fires ...
Jeremy Lyman's user avatar
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24 votes
9 answers

How to resolve Duplicate files copied in APK META-INF/

I am using rxjava and rxvolley on my android aplication. When I try to run it I get this error Execution failed for task ':testapp:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug'. >
Dani Garcia's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

RxJava timer that repeats forever, and can be restarted and stopped at anytime

In android i use Timer to execute task that repeats every 5 seconds and starts after 1 second in this way: Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { @...
MBH's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Why RxJava with Retrofit on Android doOnError() does not work but Subscriber onError does

can someone explain me why code like this: networApi.getList() .subscribeOn(Schedulers.newThread()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doOnError(...
wojciech_maciejewski's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

RxJava single background thread scheduler

I'm fairly new to RxJava so this is probably a dumb question. I am going to describe my scenario. I have some code running on the UI thread which will update some images but those images are not ...
casolorz's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Process Observable on background thread

I am using RxAndroid for stream operations. In my real use-case, i am fetching a list from the server (using Retrofit). I am using schedulers to do the work on a background thread and get the final ...
WonderCsabo's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Observable runs on main thread even though subscribeOn() is called on another thread

I got a weird issue in one of my activities. When coming back from taking a picture / video, in my onActivityResult I am showing a dialog that lets the user name the camera. Once the user presses OK, ...
Yoshkebab's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How to use "if-else" in RX java chain?

I am a newer on RXJava/RXAndroid. I want to implement this case: chose different way based on some condition in RXJava. For example, first, I fetch user info from network and if this is a VIP user, I ...
niu yi's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

How do I handle exceptions in map() in an Observable in RxJava

I want to do this: Observable.just(bitmap) .map(new Func1<Bitmap, File>() { @Override public File call(Bitmap photoBitmap) { //...
Sree's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

RxJava onError Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

first i will try to explain what im trying to do, next you will see what im doing(code). Since im new at RxJava, and still learning fell free to give me your opinion. So, im calling a network API ...
user1851366's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Convert AsyncTask to RxAndroid

I have the following method to post response to UI using otto and AsyncTask. private static void onGetLatestStoryCollectionSuccess(final StoryCollection storyCollection, final Bus bus) { new ...
Fshamri's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Using Consumer interface of Reactivex

I'm new to ReactiveX. I was learning it from reading source-code. Everything was so clear but suddenly I got this word named "Consumer" which was an Interface. It was used in place of Observer. Can ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Rx Java mergeDelayError not working as expected

I'm using RxJava in and Android application with RxAndroid. I'm using mergeDelayError to combine two retro fit network calls into one observable which will process emitted items if either emits one ...
Bobbake4's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

RxJava + Retrofit -> BaseObservable for API calls for centralized response handling

I am new to RxJava so please forgive me if this sounds too newbie :-). As of now I have an abstract CallbackClass that implements the Retofit Callback. There I catch the Callback's "onResponse" and "...
GuyZ's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How can I make this rxjava zip to run in parallel?

I have a sleep method for simulating a long running process. private void sleep() { try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ...
s-hunter's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Observable, retry on error and cache only if completed

we can use the cache() operator to avoid executing a long task (http request) multiple times, and reuse its result: Observable apiCall = createApiCallObservable().cache(); // notice the .cache() ----...
Plato's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How to update UI from Android service using RxJava/RxAndroid

I have a Bound Service which responsible for downloading files and thus it knows the downloading status/progress. And the UI (Fragment or Activity) has to show/update download progress from the ...
Amirhossein Kazemnejad's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What is the proper way to handle subscriptions in RxJava/RxAndroid for an Activity Lifecycle?

I am just getting started on RxJava/RxAndroid. I want to avoid context leaks so I created a BaseFragment like so: public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment { protected ...
Sree's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Queuing tasks with RxJava in Android

I'm developing application for Android with background data synchronization. I'm currently using RxJava to post some data on server in regular intervals. Other than that, I'd like to provide user with ...
Darko Smoljo's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Updating fragment from Activity Using Rxjava Android

I have a simple use case where: Activity1 create a fragment1 fragment1 after creation notify to activity that it is created and update its activity1 views. activity1 after getting notification update ...
Zulqurnain Jutt's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why should one consider using AndroidObservables in RxJava

As i understand AndroidObservable helps ensure that : a Subscriber always observes on the main thread when a fragment/activity is detached/stopped, then the observation stops immediately, and ...
KG -'s user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Filter list of objects in RxJava

I am trying to filter the list on the basis of it's property. For example, Sensors class has a property isActive and I want to get all the objects with isActive as true but I am unable to do it. I ...
user2908751's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

RxAndroid textview events called automatically before text change events

I used rxandroid for debounce operation on an edittext search I used private void setUpText() { _mSubscription = RxTextView.textChangeEvents(searchStation)// .debounce(500, ...
George Thomas's user avatar

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