Questions tagged [recaptcha-v3]

reCaptcha v3 is the previous version for Google reCaptcha. reCaptcha v3 returns a score for each request without user friction. The score is based on interactions with a site and enables the user to take an appropriate action for a site.

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101 votes
8 answers

Google Recaptcha v3 example demo

Until now, I was working with Google Recaptcha v2, but now I want to update my WebApp using the lastest version (v3). Is it possible to anyone add a fully working Google Recaptcha v3 example for a ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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77 votes
12 answers

How to validate Google reCAPTCHA v3 on server side?

I've just set up the new google recaptcha with checkbox, it's working fine on front end, however I don't know how to handle it on server side using PHP. I've tried to use the old code below but the ...
Moatez's user avatar
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70 votes
11 answers

Test invisible recaptcha

We have integrated invisible recaptcha in one of our websites. Whenever we submit the form it automatically submits. I read in some google groups that we would get a challenge when accessed on edge ...
Prajwal's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

How does reCAPTCHA 3 know I'm using Selenium/chromedriver?

I'm curious how reCAPTCHA v3 works. Specifically the browser fingerprinting. When I launch an instance of Chrome through Selenium/chromedriver and test against reCAPTCHA 3 (https://recaptcha-demo....
Mr J's user avatar
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47 votes
1 answer

Recaptcha V3 error incorrect-captcha-sol randomly

I'm getting incorrect-captcha-sol error code sometime while using Google reCAPTCHA server side verification api. I have integrated google recaptcha validation to some of my apis. To do so, I pass ...
Rahul Bansal's user avatar
26 votes
9 answers

Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist (reCAPTCHA v3)

I've integrated reCAPTCHA v3 in one of my forms. In onload, there's a token produced and google captcha logo in the bottom right corner. But when I submit the form, in console there is an error shown, ...
Hossain Amin's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Google's Recaptcha V3 - should I track the score, or suffice with the "success" being true?

Background: my website is pretty simple, containing a main page with a list of links (provided by 3rd party service) - each links pops up a file upload input with a submit button. In that popup I ...
noamyg's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How to implement reCaptcha V3 in ASP.NET

Does anyone have a full implementation demo of reCaptcha V3 in ASP.NET? I found this article: Google Recaptcha v3 example demo At the moment I am using reCaptcha V2 with the following code: public ...
Tig7r's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

How to pass ReCaptcha v3?

ReCaptcha v3 will not present a captcha anymore, but rely on browser fingerprinting and other information google can get about you. Here is a test:
allo's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Google reCAPTCHA in China

My site is using Google reCAPTCHA control but I am hearing its being block in China, Is there anyway around this I see there is some people reporting that changing the API to https://www.recaptcha....
user avatar
18 votes
6 answers

I got "timeout-or-duplicate" error using ReCaptcha v3

I got a contact form on my website on Laravel and I'd like to place a ReCaptcha v3 but for now the result I got from the verification is the error "timeout-or-duplicate". Can you help me from A to Z ?...
Saku's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

What is the URL for Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console?

The link to the admin console isn't working - it shows a 404 page. I need to access this to generate a site-key. Link: OR: ...
Fortnite ProSnipes's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

How to solve Google v3 reCaptcha timeout?

We have a PHP form that is several tabs and times-out on the reCaptcha. Everything is done in one page and it works perfectly fine IF the form is completed in <3 minutes. The idea of a solution is ...
Burndog's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

reCAPTCHA V3: how to deal with expired token after idle?

For Google reCAPTCHA V2 it was clear what to do when the token gets expired because of idle: the customer has a change to click on the reCaptcha checkbox again. For Google reCAPTCHA V3 it is ...
Haradzieniec's user avatar
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13 votes
0 answers

Google ReCaptcha 3 always returning score of 0.9

I am trying to guard against bot registration on my website by using Google ReCaptcha 3, I want to set a score threshold limit based on data collected over a period of time. However, the score is ...
Brad Waterhouse's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

I get an error that does not exist in Error code reference - browser-error I used reCAPTCHA v3 and got an error code not listed in the official documentation. { success : false, error-codes : [ &...
book forest's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to solve Browser Error when verifying with ReCaptcha?

From some time I am receiving an error code browser-error during ReCaptcha's verification on a Web App (Node back-end, HTML / JS front-end). This thread here explains that it's an error which comes ...
Chique's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to emulate a robot behaviour when using Google Recaptcha V3

I have implemented google recaptcha v3 in my application and i'm pretty confident that it is working (when testing it I get the response I'm expecting). However I am but a simple human and I would ...
NicolasR's user avatar
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10 votes
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Am I allowed to translate the reCAPTCHA v3 text containing the links to Privacy Policy and Terms of Service?

According to the docs if I want to hide the reCAPTCHA v3 badge I have to display some text containing links to Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the ...
David's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does google reCAPTCHA v3 score drop after many requests?

I would expect recaptcha v3's score to drop if a user (or bot) repeated does the same thing, however that doesn't seem to be the case. Here's a brief extract from my logs while I try different ...
Samuel Colvin's user avatar
9 votes
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'content_security_policy.extension pages': Insecure CSP value "" in directive 'script-src'

I am trying to add content security policy to my V3 manifest file for applying reCaptcha v3 to my chrome extension but I keep getting the following error 'content_security_policy.extension_pages': ...
Haseeb Zahid's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

google reCAPTCHA v3 bottomleft

Reading through the code at there are numerous references to bottomleft (as opposed to bottomright where the icon is generally ...
Samuel Colvin's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to use Recaptcha v3 with VueJS using uve-recaptcha-v3 when I get a vue_1.ref is not a function error?

I am using vue-recaptcha-v3 in a VueJS app but am immediately getting an error. My main.js looks like this: import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import router from './router' import ...
Johnny John Boy's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Recaptcha V3 assets cause Pagespeed issues - how to defer

We're currently using Google Recaptcha V3 across the public-facing portions of our site - while doing Pagespeed Insights performance testing (Mobile), Google themselves is reporting unused/undeferred ...
laserslasers's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How do I display the captcha icon only on certain pages (VUE reCAPTCHA-v3)?

I use this package : I add on my main.js : import { VueReCaptcha } from 'vue-recaptcha-v3' Vue.use(VueReCaptcha, { siteKey: 'xxxxxxx' }) I add this ...
moses toh's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to include reCAPTCHA v3 in the background of pages?

In the reCAPTCHA v3 docs, it says reCAPTCHA works best when it has the most context about interactions with your site, which comes from seeing both legitimate and abusive behavior. For this reason,...
jojochuu's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

recaptcha v3 front end .execute() returning strange result with )]}' ["rresp","..."]

This is virtually identical to recaptcha v3 frontend returning strange, emptyish (invalid?) result with )]}' On the recaptcha settings page -
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Google reCAPCTHA v3 should go in every page or not?

I'm migrating from Google reCAPTCHA v2 to v3. As they are quite different, I have a question. I used to place my reCAPTCHA v2 only inside web pages where a form exists, to make users click and avoid ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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7 votes
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Recaptcah V3 Site key Exceed Limitation

Google Recaptcha V3 has a service limit quota of 1000 calls/second or 1 Million requests/month for the free tier. else if the application exceeds these limits then google Sends a warning to the site ...
Murad's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Integrating Google reCaptcha v3 into Angular app with ng-recaptcha

I'd like to protect a register page from automatic submitions, so I decided to try reCaptcha v3. It's an Angular application, and I'm using ng-recaptcha module for easier integration. I've set up a ...
Fel's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What do I do with low Scores in reCAPTCHA v3?

I have set up reCAPTCHA v3 on my ASP.NET MVC project. Everything is working fine and is passing back data properly. So the code below depends on another dll I have, but basically, the response is ...
HumanHickory's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do the keys work with reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise?

I'm trying to include reCAPTCHA in a React application I'm developing, with Next.js for the server side functionality. I think I'm fundamentally confused by reCAPTCHA Enterprise. The former "free&...
EB2127's user avatar
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4 answers

Google recaptcha v3 issues

Why does recaptcha v3 throw an error ? ... when I check the humanity of a visitor a second time on the same page? Token is clearly NOT a duplicate. ... so what is a duplicate? First token: ...
fodon's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does Flask-WTF support reCAPTCHA v3?

I have been trying to integrate Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a website through the RecaptchaField provided by Flask-WTF. I know that reCAPTCHA v3 is newly introduced by Google and I am wondering if Flask-...
disooqi's user avatar
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0 answers

Google reCAPTCHA V3 version, receiving "browser-error" response to the user who access the page from iphone Safari browser, what could be reason??

In our web application, we implemented & using google reCAPTCHA V3 version. For some of our end-user (mostly occurs to iphone safari browser end-user) we receive "error-code" : as "...
Ashok Kumar Ragupathi's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

How to generate recaptcha token in integration test in java?

I am trying to write integration test (Junit) in java to test recaptcha v3. But I cannot hardcode recaptcha token. I tried referring to
MEGHNA KAPOOR's user avatar
6 votes
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Recaptcha V3 : ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type

We have been using recaptcha V3 for ours sites since last 6 months. But since last week we are facing ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type. I double checked and confirmed that the keytype is V3 in ...
gijo's user avatar
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1 answer

Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'recaptchaenterprise.assessments.create' denied on resource

I keep getting this error, I am trying to implement google reCaptcha v3, I gave myself all possible permissions on my service account but nothing seems to work. I don't even understand the error. ...
Bassel Turky's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to prevent Google reCAPTCHA (v3) from enabling the button it's attached to

I'm adding reCAPTCHA v3 to the user registration form on my website. Previously, the submit button on the form was disabled by default and gets enabled after some validation (ToS acceptance, etc.). ...
mgalgs's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to show reCaptcha v3 just in register page?

I'm building an app with Angular 12 and Ionic. I have protected the register form with the ng-recaptcha package ( which uses the Google reCaptcha v3 (https://...
Miguel Posadas's user avatar
5 votes
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Blazor recaptcha validation attribute IHttpContextAccessor is always null

I thought I would have a go at using Blazor server-side, and so far I've managed to overcome most headaches one way or another and enjoyed it, until now. I'm trying to write a validator for Google ...
Mark Perry's user avatar
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Whitelist in google reCAPTCHA v3

Is there any way to whitelist ip's from google reCAPTCHA v3 that google didn't consider those ip's as bot. is it possible?
Atanu Samanta's user avatar
5 votes
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Google reCaptcha V3 not working in Incognito browser

We are currently facing issues with Google reCaptcha V3 implementation for incognito. It works fine in Standard browser mode. The issue is when you are filling a form in the incognito mode the ...
Yatheen's user avatar
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Recaptcha timeouts on some browsers

Using react-google-recaptcha-v3 executing await executeRecaptcha("contact"); timeouts on some browsers. I am not sure if the root cause is within the repo (issue) or upstream, as it only ...
ohlr's user avatar
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Is there an Invisible reCaptcha for iOS Application? (don’t require user clicks)

Google offers a great way to protects your native Android app from malicious traffic: SafetyNet reCAPTCHA API With that you can implement an invisible captcha which 0 extra clicks. Check the ...
nanz's user avatar
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recaptcha V3: server-side in Java

I cannot find any code about server-side for recaptcha v3 in java. I already added the code in my jsp file (client-side) (as you see below) but how to process it in server-side? Actually, I need ...
Sami's user avatar
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Google reCaptcha v3 loads v2 API js

We are implementing Google reCaptcha v3 and all the setup is done as described in the official documentation However, when the page loads, I see in browser network that recaptcha__[locale]>.js loads: ...
kosmeln's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I implement Google Recaptcha v3 in a PHP form?

I would like to insert a contact form the new version (V3) of Recaptcha. I have looked for different solutions, but they only show part of the code, they are incomplete or I get an error, and most of ...
kikerrobles's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Using Google ReCaptcha v3 in Next.js

Using React ^16.13.1 & Next ^9.4.4 Attempting to get react-google-recaptcha-v3 working within my app. It appears to be hanging at const result = await executeRecaptcha("homepage") in ...
David S's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

wait for result before proceeding

I'm using Google's reCaptcha V3 as part of my Angular(7) project. I would like to wait for the Token's response before proceeding to the rest of the code and before checking whether the Token is ...
JumpIntoTheWater's user avatar

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