Questions tagged [python-imaging-library]

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) provides the Python language with a de-facto standard foundation for image work. PIL’s API is lightweight but semantically consistent; it furnishes a range of comfortably Pythonic tools throughout much of the imaging lexicon: processing, analysis, compression and codec abstraction, etc. – all of which builds upon a bespoke and readily extensible library structure.

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635 votes
25 answers

How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio?

Is there an obvious way to do this that I'm missing? I'm just trying to make thumbnails.
saturdayplace's user avatar
476 votes
9 answers

How do I convert a PIL Image into a NumPy array?

How do I convert a PIL Image back and forth to a NumPy array so that I can do faster pixel-wise transformations than PIL's PixelAccess allows? I can convert it to a NumPy array via: pic =
akdom's user avatar
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446 votes
7 answers

How do I get the picture size with PIL?

How do I get a size of a pictures sides with PIL or any other Python library?
I159's user avatar
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390 votes
21 answers

How to install PIL with pip on Mac OS?

I am trying to install PIL (the Python Imaging Library) using the command: sudo pip install pil but I get the following message: Downloading/unpacking PIL You are installing a potentially insecure ...
user3006710's user avatar
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369 votes
31 answers

ImportError: No module named PIL

I use this command in the shell to install PIL: easy_install PIL then I run python and type this: import PIL. But I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line ...
Asma Gheisari's user avatar
314 votes
15 answers

How do I read image data from a URL in Python?

What I'm trying to do is fairly simple when we're dealing with a local file, but the problem comes when I try to do this with a remote URL. Basically, I'm trying to create a PIL image object from a ...
Daniel Quinn's user avatar
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305 votes
15 answers

Python Image Library fails with message "decoder JPEG not available" - PIL

PIL does support JPEG in my system. Whenever I do an upload, my code is failing with: File "PIL/", line 375, in _getdecoder raise IOError("decoder %s not available" % decoder_name) ...
Ravi's user avatar
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280 votes
3 answers

How to convert a NumPy array to PIL image applying matplotlib colormap

I have a simple problem, but I cannot find a good solution to it. I want to take a NumPy 2D array which represents a grayscale image, and convert it to an RGB PIL image while applying some of the ...
heltonbiker's user avatar
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243 votes
8 answers

How to merge a transparent png image with another image using PIL

I have a transparent png image foo.png and I've opened another image with: im ="foo2.png") Now what I need is to merge foo.png with foo2.png. (foo.png contains some text and I ...
Arackna's user avatar
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219 votes
12 answers

How to show PIL Image in ipython notebook

This is my code from PIL import Image pil_im ='data/empire.jpg') I would like to do some image manipulation on it, and then show it on screen. I am having problem with showing PIL Image ...
WebOrCode's user avatar
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209 votes
13 answers

Combine several images horizontally with Python

I am trying to horizontally combine some JPEG images in Python. Problem I have 3 images - each is 148 x 95 - see attached. I just made 3 copies of the same image - that is why they are the same. My ...
edesz's user avatar
  • 12.1k
203 votes
4 answers

How to crop an image using PIL?

I want to crop image in the way by removing first 30 rows and last 30 rows from the given image. I have searched but did not get the exact solution. Does somebody have some suggestions?
Taj Koyal's user avatar
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181 votes
18 answers

scipy.misc module has no attribute imread?

I am trying to read an image with scipy. However it does not accept the scipy.misc.imread part. What could be the cause of this? >>> import scipy >>> scipy.misc <module 'scipy....
ustroetz's user avatar
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180 votes
13 answers

Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

I'm trying to install Pillow (Python module) using pip, but it throws this error: ValueError: jpeg is required unless explicitly disabled using --disable-jpeg, aborting So as the error says, I tried:...
mchfrnc's user avatar
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179 votes
10 answers

In Python, how do I read the exif data for an image?

I'm using PIL. How do I turn the EXIF data of a picture into a dictionary?
TIMEX's user avatar
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170 votes
5 answers

Convert image from PIL to openCV format

I'm trying to convert image from PIL to OpenCV format. I'm using OpenCV 2.4.3. here is what I've attempted till now. >>> from PIL import Image >>> import cv2 as cv >>> pimg =...
md1hunox's user avatar
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159 votes
5 answers

How can I save an image with PIL?

I have just done some image processing using the Python image library (PIL) using a post I found earlier to perform fourier transforms of images and I can't get the save function to work. The whole ...
user1999274's user avatar
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153 votes
8 answers

Image library for Python 3

What is python-3 using instead of PIL for manipulating Images?
banx's user avatar
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149 votes
8 answers

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL

I'm using PIL to convert a transparent PNG image uploaded with Django to a JPG file. The output looks broken. Source file Code'/tmp/output.jpg', 'JPEG') or ...
Danilo Bargen's user avatar
142 votes
8 answers

How to reduce the image file size using PIL

I am using PIL to resize the images there by converting larger images to smaller ones. Are there any standard ways to reduce the file size of the image without losing the quality too much? Let's say ...
Yashwanth Kumar's user avatar
137 votes
12 answers

Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy

I need a python method to open and import TIFF images into numpy arrays so I can analyze and modify the pixel data and then save them as TIFFs again. (They are basically light intensity maps in ...
Jakob's user avatar
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136 votes
11 answers

Add Text on Image using PIL

I have an application that loads an Image and when the user clicks it, a text area appears for this Image (using jquery), where user can write some text on the Image. Which should be added on Image. ...
Apostolos's user avatar
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134 votes
2 answers

Open PIL image from byte file

I have this image with size 128 x 128 pixels and RGBA stored as byte values in my memory. But from PIL import Image image_data = ... # byte values of the image image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (128,...
Michael Dorner's user avatar
134 votes
4 answers

Convert PIL Image to byte array?

I have an image in PIL Image format. I need to convert it to byte array. img =, mode='r') roiImg = img.crop(box) Now I need the roiImg as a byte array.
Evelyn Jeba's user avatar
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132 votes
28 answers

Can't install PIL after Mac OS X 10.9

I've just updated my Mac OS to 10.9 and I discovered that some (all?) of my Python modules are not here anymore, especially the Image one. So I try to execute sudo pip install pil, but I get this ...
Vincent Audebert's user avatar
132 votes
5 answers

Get pixel's RGB using PIL

Is it possible to get the RGB color of a pixel using PIL? I'm using this code: im ="image.gif") pix = im.load() print(pix[1,1]) However, it only outputs a number (e.g. 0 or 1) and not ...
GermainZ's user avatar
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129 votes
1 answer

cannot write mode RGBA as JPEG

I am learning to use 'pillow 5.0' following book 'Automate the boring stuff with python' The info about the image object In [79]: audacious = auda In [80]: print(audacious.format, audacious.size, ...
user avatar
125 votes
6 answers

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

I have generated an image using PIL. How can I save it to a string in memory? The method requires a file. I'd like to have several such images stored in dictionary.
maxp's user avatar
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122 votes
11 answers

Center-/middle-align text with PIL?

How would I center-align (and middle-vertical-align) text when using PIL?
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
120 votes
13 answers

"The headers or library files could not be found for jpeg" installing Pillow on Alpine Linux

I'm trying to run Python's Scrapy in a Docker container based on python:alpine. It was working before, but now I'd like to use Scrapy's Image Pipeline which requires me to install Pillow. As a ...
Kurt Peek's user avatar
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119 votes
8 answers

How to show PIL images on the screen?

I am doing some image editing with the PIL libary. The point is, that I don't want to save the image each time on my HDD to view it in Explorer. Is there a small module that simply enables me to set ...
Bartlomiej Lewandowski's user avatar
115 votes
6 answers

How do you composite an image onto another image with PIL in Python?

I need to take an image and place it onto a new, generated white background in order for it to be converted into a downloadable desktop wallpaper. So the process would go: Generate new, all white ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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107 votes
7 answers

PIL "IOError: image file truncated" with big images

I think this problem is not Zope-related. Nonetheless I'll explain what I'm trying to do: I'm using a PUT_factory in Zope to upload images to the ZODB per FTP. The uploaded image is saved as a Zope ...
Georg Pfolz's user avatar
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101 votes
11 answers

How to use PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

I'm trying to make all white pixels transparent using the Python Image Library. (I'm a C hacker trying to learn python so be gentle) I've got the conversion working (at least the pixel values look ...
haseman's user avatar
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98 votes
5 answers

Getting "cannot write mode P as JPEG" while operating on JPG image

I am trying to resize some images, most of which are JPG. But in a few images, I am getting the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 168, in modifyImage ...
vlad halmer's user avatar
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94 votes
6 answers

Using PIL to turn a RGB image into a pure black and white image

I'm using the Python Imaging Library for some very simple image manipulation, however I'm having trouble converting a greyscale image to a monochrome (black and white) image. If I save after changing ...
user714852's user avatar
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93 votes
4 answers

Convert png to jpeg using Pillow

I am trying to convert png to jpeg using pillow. I've tried several scrips without success. These 2 seemed to work on small png images like this one. First code: from PIL import Image import os, sys ...
alex's user avatar
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92 votes
4 answers

Convert opencv image format to PIL image format?

I want to convert an image loaded TestPicture = cv2.imread("flowers.jpg") I would like to run a PIL filter like on the example with the variable TestPicture but I'm unable to convert it ...
Arsenal Fanatic's user avatar
92 votes
12 answers

Multiplying a tuple by a scalar

I have the following code: print(img.size) print(10 * img.size) This will print: (70, 70) (70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70) I'd like it to print: (700, ...
devoured elysium's user avatar
91 votes
6 answers

PIL TypeError: Cannot handle this data type

I have an image stored in a numpy array that I want to convert to PIL.Image in order to perform an interpolation only available with PIL. When trying to convert it through Image.fromarray() it raises ...
Jerome's user avatar
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90 votes
7 answers

Resampling a numpy array representing an image

I am looking for how to resample a numpy array representing image data at a new size, preferably having a choice of the interpolation method (nearest, bilinear, etc.). I know there is scipy.misc....
Gustav Larsson's user avatar
89 votes
2 answers

how to save a pylab figure into in-memory file which can be read into PIL image?

The following is my first shot which never works: import cStringIO import pylab from PIL import Image pylab.figure() pylab.plot([1,2]) pylab.title("test") buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() pylab....
nye17's user avatar
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88 votes
16 answers

ImportError: cannot import name _imaging

I installed Pillow, and after I want to do: from PIL import Image I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/...
tomooka's user avatar
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87 votes
14 answers

PIL thumbnail is rotating my image?

I'm attempting to take large (huge) images (from a digital camera), and convert them into something that I can display on the web. This seems straightforward, and probably should be. However, when I ...
Hoopes's user avatar
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83 votes
3 answers

Get error when try to install PIL [duplicate]

I try to install PIL but get errors, what should I do? $ Command Result ------------ $ pip install PIL Collecting PIL Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from versions: ) ...
Shira's user avatar
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83 votes
6 answers

PIL cannot write mode F to jpeg

I am taking a jpg image and using numpy's fft2 to create/save a new image. However it throws this error "IOError: cannot write mode F as JPEG" Is there an issue with CMYK and JPEG files in PIL??? ...
JHHP's user avatar
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81 votes
17 answers

Python: The _imagingft C module is not installed

I've tried lots of solution that posted on the net, they don't work. >>> import _imaging >>> _imaging.__file__ 'C:\\python26\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL\\_imaging.pyd' >>> So ...
user483144's user avatar
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80 votes
19 answers

Why can't Python import Image from PIL?

The single line that I am trying to run is the following: from PIL import Image However simple this may seem, it gives an error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\...\2014-10-22_12-49....
Betohaku's user avatar
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78 votes
14 answers

PIL rotate image colors (BGR -> RGB)

I have an image where the colors are BGR. How can I transform my PIL image to swap the B and R elements of each pixel in an efficient manner?
Claudiu's user avatar
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78 votes
2 answers

How do I close an image opened in Pillow?

I have a python file with the Pillow library imported. I can open an image with But how do I close that image? I'm not using Pillow to edit the image, just to show the image and ...
Chase Cromwell's user avatar

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