Questions tagged [python-3.4]

The version of the Python programming language released on March 16, 2014. For issues that are specific to Python 3.4. Use the more generic [python] and [python-3.x] tags where possible.

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358 votes
7 answers

Python type hinting without cyclic imports

I'm trying to split my huge class into two; well, basically into the "main" class and a mixin with additional functions, like so: file: import class Main(object, MyMixin):...
velis's user avatar
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318 votes
19 answers

Python3 project remove __pycache__ folders and .pyc files

What is the BEST way to clear out all the __pycache__ folders and .pyc/.pyo files from a python3 project. I have seen multiple users suggest the pyclean script bundled with Debian, but this does not ...
SalientGreen's user avatar
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307 votes
23 answers

Python3: ImportError: No module named '_ctypes' when using Value from module multiprocessing

I am using Ubuntu and have installed Python 2.7.5 and 3.4.0. In Python 2.7.5 I am able to successfully assign a variable x = Value('i', 2), but not in 3.4.0. I am getting: Traceback (most recent call ...
htc_m8's user avatar
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263 votes
5 answers

Getting value of enum on string conversion

I have the following enum defined: from enum import Enum class D(Enum): x = 1 y = 2 print(D.x) now the printed value is D.x instead, I wanted the enum's value to be print 1 What can be ...
Vaibhav Mishra's user avatar
211 votes
8 answers

How could I use requests in asyncio?

I want to do parallel http request tasks in asyncio, but I find that python-requests would block the event loop of asyncio. I've found aiohttp but it couldn't provide the service of http request using ...
flyer's user avatar
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112 votes
10 answers

How to install pip in CentOS 7?

CentOS 7 EPEL now includes Python 3.4: yum install python34 However, when I try that, even though Python 3.4 installs successfully, it doesn't appear to install pip. Which is weird, because pip ...
Jeff Widman's user avatar
  • 22.7k
98 votes
11 answers

No module named 'openpyxl' - Python 3.4 - Ubuntu

I installed openpyxl with $ pip install openpyxl when I try the command from openpyxl import Workbook I get Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> ...
Fra_Ve's user avatar
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97 votes
3 answers

How to properly create and run concurrent tasks using python's asyncio module?

I am trying to properly understand and implement two concurrently running Task objects using Python 3's relatively new asyncio module. In a nutshell, asyncio seems designed to handle asynchronous ...
songololo's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

Getting values from functions that run as asyncio tasks

I was trying the following code: import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def func_normal(): print("A") yield from asyncio.sleep(5) print("B") return 'saad' @asyncio....
Saad Aleem's user avatar
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82 votes
14 answers

OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I am trying to call a Python file "" from within the python interpreter with subprocess. But I am unable to resolve this error. [Python 3.4.1]. import subprocess[...
Caxton's user avatar
  • 1,070
74 votes
1 answer

Python Enum, when and where to use? [closed]

Python 3.4.0 introduced enum, I've read the doc but still don't know the usage of it. From my perspective, enum.Enum is an extended namedtuple type, which may not be true. So these are what I want to ...
laike9m's user avatar
  • 18.9k
69 votes
5 answers

Getting Home Directory with pathlib

Looking through the new pathlib module in Python 3.4, I notice that there isn't any simple way to get the user's home directory. The only way I can come up with for getting a user's home directory is ...
Alex Bliskovsky's user avatar
69 votes
4 answers

Please explain "Task was destroyed but it is pending!" after cancelling tasks

I am learning asyncio with Python 3.4.2 and I use it to continuously listen on an IPC bus, while gbulb listens on the DBus. I created a function listen_to_ipc_channel_layer that continuously listens ...
Daniel's user avatar
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66 votes
5 answers

What's the correct way to clean up after an interrupted event loop?

I have an event loop that runs some co-routines as part of a command line tool. The user may interrupt the tool with the usual Ctrl + C, at which point I want to clean up properly after the ...
Nick Chammas's user avatar
  • 12.3k
62 votes
3 answers

How can I use functools.singledispatch with instance methods?

Python 3.4 added the ability to define function overloading with static methods. This is essentially the example from the documentation: from functools import singledispatch class TestClass(object): ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
56 votes
4 answers

I have python3.4 but no pip or ensurepip.. is something wrong with my python3.4 version?

I've read in multiple places that python3.4 ships with pip. My OS is Lubuntu 14.04 and the default python version is Python 2.7.6 but in /usr/bin it says I have python3.4 installed (when I run ...
SilentDev's user avatar
  • 22k
55 votes
11 answers

Python 3.4.0 with MySQL database

I have installed Python version 3.4.0 and I would like to do a project with MySQL database. I downloaded and tried installing MySQLdb, but it wasn't successful for this version of Python. Any ...
Srdan Ristic's user avatar
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53 votes
11 answers

How to check if a directory contains files using Python 3

I've searched everywhere for this answer but can't find it. I'm trying to come up with a script that will search for a particular subfolder then check if it contains any files and, if so, write out ...
Heather's user avatar
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49 votes
1 answer

What unit of time does timeit return?

I don't know how to interpret the output from Python's timeit.timeit() function. My code is as follows: import timeit setup = """ import pydash list_of_objs = [ {}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 0: 0}, ...
nivix zixer's user avatar
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47 votes
16 answers

print binary tree level by level in python

I want to print my binary tree in the following manner: 10 6 12 5 7 11 13 I have written code for insertion of nodes but can't able to ...
user2762315's user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

How do I import from a file in the current directory in Python 3?

In python 2 I can create a module like this: parent ->module -> (init calls 'from file import ClassName') ->class ClassName(obj) And this works. In python 3 I ...
user avatar
46 votes
1 answer

Keras not using multiple cores

Based on the famous script, I wrote this one to check that theano can in fact use multiple cores: import os os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '8' os.environ['GOTO_NUM_THREADS'] = '8' os....
Herbert's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Python 3.4 and 2.7: Cannot install numpy package for python 3.4

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and want to use python 3.4 side by side with python 2.7. The installation of python 3.4 worked properly. However, I cannot install the numpy package for python 3 (and as a ...
SmCaterpillar's user avatar
44 votes
9 answers

Subclass `pathlib.Path` fails

I would like to enhance the class pathlib.Path but the simple example above dose not work. from pathlib import Path class PPath(Path): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super()....
projetmbc's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers


As the documentation says, an enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. The PEP8 says that constants are usually named as UPPER_CASE, should I use this ...
cdonts's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

Set debugger breakpoint at end of a function without return

I am debugging method f() that has no return in it. class A(object): def __init__(self): self.X = [] def f(self): for i in range(10): self.X.append(...
user's user avatar
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37 votes
4 answers

normalize non-existing path using pathlib only

python has recently added the pathlib module (which i like a lot!). there is just one thing i'm struggling with: is it possible to normalize a path to a file or directory that does not exist? i can ...
hiro protagonist's user avatar
35 votes
13 answers

Solving install issues with Python 3.4 on Windows

I have recently tried to install Python 3.4 as an alternative installation on my system in an attempt to familiarise myself before migrating code. My main Python installation is 2.7.6. I tried the 64 ...
ChrisProsser's user avatar
  • 12.9k
35 votes
3 answers

lxml.etree.XML ValueError for Unicode string

I'm transforming an xml document with xslt. While doing it with python3 I had this following error. But I don't have any errors with python2 -> % python3 cstm/ Traceback (most recent ...
Papouche Guinslyzinho's user avatar
34 votes
4 answers

Hide some maybe-no-member Pylint errors

The following Python fragment code gets analyzed by Pylint: if type(result) is array.array: read = result.tobytes() ... with the following error for the last line: E:401,22: Instance of 'int' ...
Liviu's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Why does the asyncio's event loop suppress the KeyboardInterrupt on Windows?

I have this really small test program which does nothing apart from a executing an asyncio event loop: import asyncio asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() When I run this program on Linux and ...
skrause's user avatar
  • 989
33 votes
1 answer

Test an object is a subclass of the type of another instance

I have this code: class Item: def __init__(self,a): self.a=a class Sub(Item): def __init__(self,a,b): self.b=b Item.__init__(self,a) class SubSub(Sub): def ...
A-P's user avatar
  • 537
33 votes
2 answers

What is a DynamicClassAttribute and how do I use it?

As of Python 3.4, there is a descriptor called DynamicClassAttribute. The documentation states: types.DynamicClassAttribute(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) Route attribute access on a ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 25.1k
32 votes
3 answers

How to list all exceptions a function could raise in Python 3?

Is there a programmatic way to get a list of all exceptions a function could raise? I know for example that os.makedirs(path[, mode]) can raise PermissionError (and maybe others), but the ...
hiro protagonist's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

cx-freeze, runpy and multiprocessing - multiple paths to failure

This is a bit of a complex one, and may take some of your time. The basic problem is, that on linux (Ubuntu in my test case) a cx-freeze'd version of my program (Omnitool) is not able to create ...
Berserker's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Compiling Python 3.4 is not copying pip

I have compiled Python 3.4 from the sources on Linux Mint, but for some reason it is not copying pip to its final compiled folder (after the make install). Any ideas?
Rui Lima's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

System Python conflict between Anaconda and existing Python installation

I've been going with a basic Python3.4 install that I've been installing many modules into for over the past month but have reached a point where pip is coming up short and I'm going to just install ...
jxramos's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

How to install pandas for Python 3?

I try to install pandas for Python 3 by executing the following command: sudo pip3 install pandas As a result I get this: Downloading/unpacking pandas Cannot fetch index base URL https://pypi....
Roman's user avatar
  • 128k
28 votes
5 answers

Finding entries containing a substring in a numpy array?

I tried to find entries in an Array containing a substring with np.where and an in condition: import numpy as np foo = "aa" bar = np.array(["aaa", "aab", "aca"]) np.where(foo in bar) this only ...
SiOx's user avatar
  • 478
28 votes
4 answers

setting up environment in virtaulenv using python3 stuck on setuptools, pip, wheel

Running the following: virtualenv -p python3 venv gives: Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python3 Using base prefix '/usr' New python executable in /specific/a/home/cc/students/...
Taivanbat Badamdorj's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

python import multiple times [duplicate]

I suppose this is a general question so sorry if not posted in the right place. Say for instance, I have a function a which imports os. If I was to call this function from another file multiple times ...
JONAS402's user avatar
  • 621
27 votes
9 answers

pyttsx: No module named 'engine'

I'm trying to install TTS package by using this. Everything was okay until I tried to execute the following command: import pyttsx I got back this error: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-...
Jokhongir Mamarasulov's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Reload a Module in Python 3.4 [duplicate]

I know this might sound like a really stupid question but whatever. I've made a small script in Python and I've made some changes while in a shell. Normally, on an OS X computer (It's running Python 2....
Zizouz212's user avatar
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27 votes
29 answers

Making a collatz program automate the boring stuff

I'm trying to write a Collatz program using the guidelines from a project found at the end of chapter 3 of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. I'm using python 3.4.0. Following is the project ...
DeltaFlyer's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

How to get text from span tag in BeautifulSoup

I have links looks like this <div class="systemRequirementsMainBox"> <div class="systemRequirementsRamContent"> <span title="000 Plus Minimum RAM Requirement">1 GB</span> </...
GLHF's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Eval scope in Python 2 vs. 3

I came across bizarre eval behavior in Python 3 - local variables aren't picked up when eval is called in a list comprehension. def apply_op(): x, y, z = [0.5, 0.25, 0.75] op = "x,y,z" ...
PattimusPrime's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

HTTPResponse object -- JSON object must be str, not 'bytes'

I've been trying to update a small Python library called libpynexmo to work with Python 3. I've been stuck on this function: def send_request_json(self, request): url = request req = urllib....
Chevron's user avatar
  • 374
26 votes
1 answer

Discovering keys using h5py in python3

In python2.7, I can analyze an hdf5 files keys use $ python >>> import h5py >>> f = h5py.File('example.h5', 'r') >>> f.keys() [u'some_key'] However, in python3.4, I get ...
user14717's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

How can I construct an enum.Enum from a dictionary of values?

I'd like to generate some types at runtime from a config file. For simplity, let's assume I already have the data loaded as a python dictionary: color_values = dict(RED = 1, YELLOW = 2, GREEN = 3) ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 96.6k
26 votes
5 answers

Auto register Django auth models using custom admin site

I implemented authentication management using Django auth with the default admin site but then I wanted to use my own AdminSite to rewrite some behaviors: class OptiAdmin(admin.AdminSite): ...
gerosalesc's user avatar
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