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9 votes
2 answers

How to trigger hard refresh when redirecting to a different page in Next.js?

I have a <Link> to a certain page on my Next.js website. Upon clicking it, I want the webpage to hard reload after it redirects to the destination page (whether it reloads before or after the ...
Niranjan Rajesh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to send a unique id to the next page while navigating using Link in NextJS

I am trying to send an id to the next page when the user navigates. I have a homepage where I am fetching an Array of data and using .map to display it in a kind of card-based UI. Now, when the user ...
anshul's user avatar
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1 vote
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Next.JS Link forces page reload on routing if internet connection is slow

I have a React Next.js application, and I use Next.js components for routing. Everything works just perfect, unless the internet connection is getting slow. Reproduced by throttling network in ...
Mikhail Figurin's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why does using [element].click() on the client bypasses router in Next.JS?

We have a React application using Next.js. My understanding is NextLink works by adding a click event to the element, stopping normal navigation and letting the router handle it instead. For example: &...
Scribblemacher's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How push history router without change URL

For example I have a form with three steps. I want that each step are in the history router but without changing de URL Is it possible do it with Next Route or Next Link?
Guillermo Otegui's user avatar
1 vote
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how to keep url query string values even on page refresh

I am using useRouter and Link, while navigating through my webapp. I attach query string to the links so that i can use the passed data of the query, in the page i am redirecting the user to. which ...
jeho Ntanda's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to navigate correctly in nextjs

idk it's pretty simple or what but having difficulty understanding it. here is one parent div wrapped with nextjs Link tag(which navigates me to /playing route) and in this div i have one more tag ...
Ansh Rathod's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

how to link to page in Next.js with locale when project is in subdirectory?

I have a problem with routing in next.js. Project on the server is in subdirectory: Routing i want to achieve:<locale>/<pageName> (add prefix before url). ...
Dawid Mazewski's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Page routing through dropdown (NEXT.js)

I want to route to different pages through dropdown selection. I'm new to react & next, and i have no idea how to do it. "use client" import Link from 'next/link'; function Home() { ...
Rayaan R's user avatar