Questions tagged [mplayer]

MPlayer is a free and open source media player.

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40 votes
3 answers

Re-sampling H264 video to reduce frame rate while maintaining high image quality

Here's the mplayer output for a video of interest: br@carina:/tmp$ mplayer mplayer: Symbol `ff_codec_bmp_tags' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.5.2 (...
BrianTheLion's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

playing a specific interval of a video in mplayer using command line option

I am using mplayer to play videos... I wanted to know if there are command line options to play a specific interval of a video in mplayer? For example, if I want to play a video file from 56 secs for ...
assassin's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

rtsp stream capturing

I'm looking for some universal way to dump rtsp stream. I want to figure out, that some rtsp stream is working well and server is sending some watchable video. openRTSP At first, google recommends ...
ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

how to stream live videos with no latency (ffplay, mplayer) and what kind of wrapper could be used with ffplay?

I have been testing playing multiple live streams using different players because I wanted to get the lowest latency value. I tried gstreamer player (gst-launch-0.01), mplayer, totem and ffmpeg player ...
user573014's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to control mplayer from another program easily?

I'm setting up a computer running OpenBSD that I wish to play all the music I will ever want. I want it to basically set in a corner and do it's thing. The problem with that is that I want to control ...
Earlz's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to extract frames using mencoder into specific directory?

I can't seem to extract images into a specific directory. The current command I am running is mplayer -vo jpeg CustomLogoAni.mp4 Is it also possible to set the prefix for the file? Similar to ...
slik's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

osx - Playing youtube videos in terminal as text using mpv or mplayer with libcaca or aalib?

I installed via homebrew: brew install mplayer mpv libcaca aalib to try to play videos as text in my terminal. Using mplayer, I tried aa: youtube-dl -o - ...
thepiercingarrow's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How can i create a stable checksum of a media file?

how can i create a checksum of only the media data without the metadata to get a stable identification for a media file. preferably an cross platform approach with a library that has support for many ...
yawniek's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

disable XQuartz and revert to mavericks's default x server

I have installed XQuartz 2.7.5 on Mavericks. After that videos I play with mplayer seems to load on a separate window, all white stuck with only the audio playing. I have disabled Xquartz by disabling ...
Fixtree's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I create an MPlayer playlist with a shell script? [closed]

I am trying to create a shell script in Linux that when executed searches a directory for all media files then creates a playlist and plays it with MPlayer.
RoundRobin's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is there a command to stop and pause mplayer using the PId?

I am playing mplayer from my qt application using the play button. I have two buttons called pause and stop. For play button I used system ("mplayer "+s.toAscii()+"&"); where s is the playlist. ...
yamuna mathew's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Subprocess.Popen stops ( or malfunctions) after a few seconds

I am a complete beginner so apologies for any mistakes. This is my code in Python 3.5. It executes in Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 3. import subprocess radio = subprocess.Popen(["mplayer", 'http://...
Rinogg's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Linux tee command with multiple fifo. fifo blocks tee

I am trying to develope one program to play and record some rtmp streames. The program is developed in Qt. i am using the rtmpdump and mplayer. since both are running in seperate process, i am using ...
user937065's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Pipe all keyboard commands automatically to an embedded mplayer instance when a modifier key is pressed in pyqt4

This is a follow up question to this answer: Consider the following code, which embeds mplayer in a QWidget. The problem is that it doesn't react to any ...
student's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

mplayer slave: set volume before starting the playback

I know this is about a specific program (mplayer back-end); however it will be used to program a front-end so I hope it is still considered on-topic on Stack Overflow. I want to run two mplayer slave ...
leemes's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Python: Send command to mplayer under slave mode

I'm trying to send command via pipe to mplayer when running it under slave mode like this: import subprocess, time # start mplayer song = 'mysong.mp3' cmd = ['mplayer', '-slave', '-quiet', song] p = ...
kakyo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Python: Parse stream title with mplayer

I'm writing a simple frontend in Python to play and record internet radio channels (e.g. from shoutcast) using mplayer (in a subprocess). When a user clicks a station the following code is run: url = ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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1 answer

libcaca - changing ascii glyphs to Katakana

I am creating a video effect that is supposed to look as in "Matrix" movie, but a bit different ("Matrix"-like video output will be mixed with an altered alpha channel with real ...
stackoverflower's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

mplayer failing to play on-line .pls files when started from cron

I've built a system using a Rasberry Pi and a piFace. Push buttons are used to naviagate a menu system and select various options. These include playing (using mplayer) locally stored mp3 and m4a ...
KirbyJames's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Avoiding visual artifacts when embedding MPlayer in PyGTK

I'm trying to create a basic PyGTK app to embed MPlayer inside a window (since it otherwise doesn't work well with tiling WM's, which I like). I'll put my code so far at the end of this post, but ...
12qu's user avatar
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1 answer

MPlayer: change sound pitch and speed independently

I have spent some time experimenting with MPlayer slave mode protocol: in a custom application I have two controls: one for changing pitch and one for changing speed. This is easy to implement using ...
andrei's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a Motion JPEG frame by frame with variable frame-rate

I'm analyzing a number of solutions to the problem that I have in hand: I'm receiving images from a device and I need to make a video file out of it. However, the images arrive with a somewhat random ...
ivarec's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I get a MP3 file's details (like the author, title, album, year, etc.) with not too complicated coding?

I just want a simple piece of code that can give me the author, album, year, title and genre from a mp3 file. If one can, in the form of variables so that I can work with that. All I want to do is let ...
Armand Maree's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Reading console output from mplayer to parse track's position/length

When you run mplayer, it will display the playing track's position and length (among some other information) through, what I'd assume is, stdout. Here's a sample output from mplayer: MPlayer2 2.0-...
xfx's user avatar
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5 answers

Get current playing file in MPlayer slave mode

Problem: I can't find any way to reliably get the current playing file in an MPlayer playlist. Here is how far I have gotten. This working ash script monitors a text file with the path to the current ...
fodder's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I create an EDL (Edit Decision List) file using SMPlayer

I'm trying to find out how to create a .edl (Edit Decision List) file using SMPlayer. I know how to do it using mplayer (i.e. mplayer -edlout file.edl). But I can't figure it out for SMPlayer. All I ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

slave mode mplayer pipe

I am loading mplayer in slave mode like this: mplayer -slave -idle -input file=/tmp/pipe the pipe file contains: loadfile /mymusic/1.mp3 Sofar it's running my 1.mp3 as expected. But i want to ...
TMpic's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change title of MPlayer window?

Can I change title of MPlayer window? I play a video with this command: mplayer pinguin.mpg
Dmitro's user avatar
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How to read/open files with space in name

I'm trying to develop a server for mplayer using Java but I can't open files that have spaces in name (e.g. "File with space.mp3"). I'm following this tutorial here. The problem is, every time I try ...
keysuke's user avatar
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1 answer
2k views works fine in interactive python shell, but not in script [closed]

File playing normaly in python shell. Same code in script not playing, but getting right duration. What is wrong? >>> import mplayer >>> p = mplayer.Player() >>> p.loadfile(...
user4968's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

mplayer does not work when Python script run in background

I have a python script that plays some audio files with mplayer. This is how I call mplayer in the code:["mplayer","-msglevel","all=-1",audiofile]) it works fine if I run the script ...
fis83's user avatar
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Terminal giving "Unknown option on the command line: -gf" error with YouTube video streaming script using youtube-dl and mplayer

I have made a bash script where I can stream a YouTube video with youtube-dl and play it with mplayer. I based it on this terminal command: $ mplayer -ontop -cookies -cookies-file ./cookie.txt $(...
user3082122's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

init.d: starting mplayer via "start-stop-daemon"

with an Ubuntu machine I'd like to run MPlayer like a daemon. In foreground the following configuration is exactly what I need: mplayer -slave -idle -input file=/tmp/mplayercontrol. Now, I wrote ...
Fabio Mora's user avatar
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1 answer

How to batch generate EDL (edit decision list) files for a folder of videos with different run times

How can I skip an exact amount of seconds from the start, and another amount of seconds from the end, for a collection of videos whose durations differ? This is the format for the EDL I am using with ...
DnK's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How does MPlayer recognize an MJPEG stream?

Since MJPEG over http consists basically on the transmission of a series of JPEG images seperated by a defined seperator, how does MPlayer recognize that it is an MJPEG stream? Thank you
Emy's user avatar
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0 answers

I want to make a CLI program asynchronous using nodejs

Specifically I want to have nodejs process running in the background that can spawn child processes (in this case playing music files with mplayer) and then I want to control this from a separate ...
olleicua's user avatar
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2 answers

mplayer/VLC video playlist with pauses

Before I start re-encoding a bunch of video files into a single one... Is there a way to create a playlist, in any format supported by either Mplayer or VLC (or both), which instructs the player to ...
sphakka's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get the stop position in mplayer when I quit?

If I have a script that plays a file using mplayer and I stop the playback half way through, is there a way to store the playback position where it stopped?
Tomcomm's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check whether mplayer plays a file or not?

I am trying to check if mplayer is playing an mp3 file. I currently use this line from python strace -p " + str( + " 2>&1 | head -n 200 | grep 'read(3' That is because I know that ...
Vintage's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Address of a Global Variable in the Heap Address Range

I was debugging the MPlayer-1.3.0 source code, and I saw a global variable whose address (returned by GDB or even simple printing) was in the range for the heap allocations, instead of the data ...
TheAhmad's user avatar
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2 answers

How To playback to memory with mplayer

I need to embed a video player into my program (C++) but I cannot use XEmbed, because I must do some postprocessing. Is it possible to write the output as a raw RGB to a buffer of memory like you can ...
Alessandro Pezzato's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

JAVA IPC on Windows

I want to open a named pipe using Java and extract the content of that archive (rar / zip /etc..) to a named pipe, then run Mplayer with the location of that pipe and play the movie. I tried to open ...
shay's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Stream radio using SOCKS in a terminal

I want to listen to the online radio "" via terminal, but there is a limitation: the website is blocked on my network, so I have to use proxy to access it. I've set up a SOCKS 5 proxy for ...
berlloon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to make mplayer continue after pausing it via a named pipe?

Create a named pipe. mkfifo /tmp/mplayer-control Run it in slave mode mplayer -slave -input file=/tmp/mplayer-control mymusic.mp3 Now in another terminal i can make mplayer pause or quit echo "...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

mplayer output 4 audio channels to jack

I am struggling with getting mplayer to reproduce a 4 audio channel wav file. I created a 4chn audio file. Want mplayer to player, and output it to jack. The problem is that i am only able to get in ...
MrCastro's user avatar
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1 answer

mpylayer, PyQt4 and lineEdit

Consider the minimal example below. It works perfectly until I uncomment the following lines: # self.mainwi = QtGui.QWidget(self) # self.lineEdit1 = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.mainwi) # self....
student's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is any command to stop and pause the mplayer using the PId

hello friends i am playing mplayer from my qt application using the play button....i have two more buttons called pause and play button i used system ("mplayer "+s.toAscii()+"&"); where ...
yamuna mathew's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to loop the video on mplayer with Raspberry Pi?

I'm currently trying to play a video clip using a Raspberry Pi with 3.5-inch touch display. I know that omxplayer has the function to make it loop, but from some reason omxplayer can't play my video ...
m-1127's user avatar
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1 answer

Copy displayed picture on a TPanel into a TImage

I've embedded MPlayer video results into TPanel successfully, BUT can't copy TPanel results into a TImage. ONLY the normal picture of TPanel is copied into TImage : Embedding is performed using ...
SAMPro's user avatar
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MPlayer libavformat/tls_securetransport.c fatal error: Security/Security.h: No such file or directory

I am trying to compile MPlayer with ./configure --enable-gui from mplayer-checkout-2015-05-07 on openSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) (x86_64). I get the following error: libavformat/tls_securetransport.c:35:...
user3101068's user avatar

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