Questions tagged [motion-detection]

Related to detection of motion related to programming issues, like computer vision, sensor control, etc.

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346 votes
17 answers

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

I want to react when somebody shakes the iPhone. I don't particularly care how they shake it, just that it was waved vigorously about for a split second. Does anyone know how to detect this?
Josh Gagnon's user avatar
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297 votes
1 answer

Store Kinect's v2.0 Motion to BVH File

I would like to store the motion capture data from Kinect 2 as a BVH file. I found code which does so for Kinect 1 which can be found here. I went through the code and found several things that I was ...
Jose Ramon's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

How can I detect and track people using OpenCV?

I have a camera that will be stationary, pointed at an indoors area. People will walk past the camera, within about 5 meters of it. Using OpenCV, I want to detect individuals walking past - my ideal ...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Optical flow ignore sparse motions

We're actually working on an image analysis project where we need to identify the objects disappeared/appeared in a scene. Here are 2 images, one captured before an action has been made by the surgeon ...
Maystro's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How can you track motion using the iPhone's camera?

I saw that someone has made an app that tracks your feet using the camera, so that you can kick a virtual football on your iPhone screen. How could you do something like this? Does anyone know of ...
Burf2000's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Android MotionEvent: find out if motion happened outside the view

I have a button and OnTouchListener attached to it. How can I find if motion (when user presses the button) happened inside or outside it? Both event.getAction() and event.getActionMasked() return ...
Yury Pogrebnyak's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Get rotation and display in degrees

I need something very simple, but I could not find a suitable example to learn from. My sole purpose is the following: As the device is placed flat (on its back) on the desk, it should show 0 (or ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Motion Detection

I really cannot get my head around this, so I hope that someone can give me a little hand ^^ I'm trying to detect motion in C# via my webcam. So far I've tried multiple libraries (AForge Lib), but ...
Jazerix's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Detect a person's motion and identify his body parts moving forward towards camera on Android

I have this requirement where I need to detect body parts or objects moving towards camera. What are some of the sample projects or library that I can look for as a starting point. I can take the ...
Vishwesh Shetty's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What is output from OpenCV's Dense optical flow (Farneback) function? How can this be used to build an optical flow map in Python?

I am trying to use the output of Opencv's dense optical flow function to draw a quiver plot of the motion vectors but have not been able to find what the function actually outputs. Here is the code: ...
James Mallett's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to count steps using an Accelerometer?

I have to develop the same functionality as of this Pedometer App I have observed this Pedometer app in very high detail. It's not a perfect pedometer app. For example, if you stay/sit at one place ...
Tariq's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Visual Odometry (aka. Egomotion estimation) with OpenCV

I'm planning to implement an application with augmented reality features. For one of the features I need an egomotion estimation. Only the camera is moving, in a space with fixed objects (nothing or ...
Christian Strempfer's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Linear acceleration direction to track upward and downward movement of phone

I am trying to track the movement of the device only on the vertical direction, i.e. upward and downward movement. This should be irrespective of the orientation of the device. Things that i already ...
Udit Khandelwal's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to modify motion tracking in AS3

I have this amazing tutorial at In the developer version, the tracker moves along the X-axis. I want it to stay stationary ...
Vivian Lobo's user avatar
9 votes
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How to detect movement of object on iPhone's camera screen? [duplicate]

I have an application which needs to be able to detect the movement of object or image which is shown on camera screen. Is this possible with the iPhone?
Colonel Software's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Android: Tracking mouse pointer movement

Assuming that I am using a generic mouse, is it possible to track the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer in android?
John Erick's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Opencv Motion detection with tracking

I need a robust motion detection and tracking in web cam's video frames. The background is always the same. The aim is to identify the position of the object, if possible without the shadows, but not ...
maximus's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

OpenCV detect movement in python

My goal is to detect movement in specific region on IP camera stream. I managed to write working code, but it's based on my personal understanding. import cv2 import numpy as np import os import time ...
Aleksandar's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?

I'm still hacking together a book scanning script, and for now, all I need is to be able to automagically detect a page turn. The book fills up 90% of the screen (I'm using a cruddy webcam for the ...
Blender's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

how to detect when MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE is finished

I need to detect in my application when user stop moving across a specific view. I'm creating something similar to marque text in my application which can interact while user is touching the view and ...
Android-Droid's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Matlab video processing of heart beating. code supplemented

I'm trying to write a code The helps me in my biology work. Concept of code is to analyze a video file of contracting cells in a tissue Example 1 Example 2: And ...
Zalaboza's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Message queue architecture when messages need to access shared data

I have to build a motion detection service. The motion detection doesn't operate on videos, but instead on just still images. This microservice will need to be able to receive images out of order (...
Dominic Bou-Samra's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Motion Tracking vs Blob Tracking

Hi all I have a simple question that I have been struggling with....what is the difference, if any, between motion component (blob?) tracking and blob tracking? As defined by OpenCV. Does one cover ...
Mikos's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Editing android VideoView frames

Environment: Nexus 7 Jelly Bean 4.1.2 Problem: I'm trying to make a Motion Detection application that works with RTSP using VideoView. I wish that there was something like an onNewFrameListener ...
Danpe's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Motion-detector for moving camera on OpenCV

When the camera is stationary, then it is easy to detect the movement simply by subtracting the previous frame of the current frame, using optical flow: OpenCV v2.4.9.0: Motion Analysis and Object ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

View only registering MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN

I'm having an interesting problem...that I can't seem to find the solution for. I'm using an ObjectAnimator to rotate an ImageView; but the onTouchListener only seems to be registering MotionEvent....
user1164429's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Detecting Significant Device Motion on Android

I've been trying to figure out how to make an application that detects whether the device has been moved a significant amount, something more than just shakes. I am trying to detect a distance of, say,...
Argent's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

xcode ios 6 shake motion calls IBaction from previous view

I'm a bit new to app development. In a viewController ( VPviewController ) i have the following code: - (void) motionBegan:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{ if (motion == ...
Wesley Van De Korput's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Remove background and noise from image

Im trying to remove the background from a video and get a binary images( or 8-bit) where value of the object that moves is 1 and static background is 0. something like this: at first I tried it with ...
user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Detect if video file contains movement

I have a bunch of video clips from a webcam (duration is 5, 10, 60 seconds), and I'm looking for a way to detect "does this video clip have movement", to decide whether the file should be saved or ...
Joel L's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Polling the accelerometer/motion sensor in a MacBook Pro

There is a compiled command line application here that does this. Is there a Cocoa API to query this data?
rennat's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Gyroscope and accelerometer data from Windows?

The Microsoft Surface Pro has a gyroscope and accelerometer, Windows 8, and the full .NET framework. Most articles I find that talk about the motion API point to the Windows Phone 8 API. What .NET ...
Jim's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to calculate where a bullet impacts on a wall (a REAL wall and bullet) [closed]

I am building a very exciting project, and I am creating this post to get new, fresh and crazier ideas. I have a big wall, and I am shooting at it. I need to calculate the exact X and Y coordinates ...
Salvi Pascual's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Motion detection using OpenCV

I see queries related to opencv motion detection, but my requirement is much simpler , so i am asking the question again . I would like to analyse video frames and see if something has changed in the ...
user1919600's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Motion detection and simple analysis with JavaScript?

Lets assume that I have a video playing in canvas and I want to do some basic analysis on that video like edge detection, motion detection and general motion direction. How should I approach this ...
Nikolay Dyankov's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can I get all joint XYZ coordinates in ARKit 3 motion capture

I am trying to write to get all joint XYZ coordinates in ARKit 3 motion capture to getting the XYZ to find the all angles of body. but I can't find the XYZ coordinates so cant do the next step. I am ...
RoyLi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use ViBe algorithm, implemented in opencv, for systema without GPU?

I want to test ViBe algorithm for Background Subtraction. Currently I am using opencv libraries. I found out a sample implementation in opencv/samples/gpu/bgfg_segm.cpp and bgfg_vibe.cpp files. These ...
sam18's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Motion Vector extraction from encoded video file

I am trying to extract motion vector data from an encoded mp4 file. In a previous post I found an answer . But I am not able to run the code ...
Bhushanam Bhargav's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Motion detection on screenshots

I'd like to know if there is a fast algorithm that can detect parts that moved between two sequential screenshots. The algorithm should take two images and output a set of (rectangular) regions in one ...
fuz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

how to detect motion of iPhone 6 device? (determine whether iPhone device moved or not -smallest possible motion on x,y,z- )

I'm working on a task to determine when the iPhone 6 is moving (smallest possible move not even a shake!) at any direction (x,y or Z) . what is the best way to achieve that?
Alaa's user avatar
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1 answer

the difference between SAD and SSD

Can anyone tell me, what's the difference between SAD and SDD? I'm talking about Sum of Absolute Differences and Sum of Squared Differences. just in in SSD u get the measure of difference in the ...
a3dsfcv's user avatar
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1 answer

ARBodyTracking in iOS13: how to get real world coordinates of body joints?

I have an app that uses iOS 13 body tracking to place some markers in a human body in real time using ARKit. . The following code allows me to draw the markers in real time and to get their ...
CarlosBF's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

how to get time if some condition met like gyroscope reading

I want to store time as "dateString" when gyroscope reading x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0 & when x>0.0 && y>0.0 && z>0.0 store time as "dateString1". I am not able to time if condition is met ...
user6313669's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Motion detection in compressed domain (JPEG/Mpeg4/H264)

everyone! I process video from IP cameras and have wrote a motion detection algorithm based on decompressed video analysis. But i really something more fast. I've found several papers about ...
paft's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Compute global motion opencv 2.4.x C++

Here are two images, one captured before an action has been made by the surgeon and the other afterwards. Before: After: Difference: (After - Before) + 128. (The addition of 128 is just to have a ...
Maystro's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Detecting the user's spinning motion

I have been experimenting with the Core Motion framework to detect a user spinning around, say on a merry-go-round, holding an iphone in his hand. There are ways to detect the device motion around ...
Shyam Bhat's user avatar
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1 answer

Resources for working with video feeds in C#

I'm starting to get into a side project that I hope to pull in frames from several small IP cameras, perhaps do a bit of motion detection and redisplay them in a form with alerts. Does anyone have ...
Echostorm's user avatar
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2 answers

In my program i want to detect Activities (walking,running) or location of user When Application is closed(not in Background).is it possible in ios?

In my program i want to detect Activities (walking,running) or location of user When Application is it possible ? Description:- i am using SOMOtionDetector Class for detecting users ...
Rushi trivedi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Biovision Hierarchical File (BVH) Euler angle specification differences

Problem I am trying to get features out of a BVH file by parsing it. The BVH file is exported through NUICapture, a software that captures body movement through Kinect. All BVH example files I know ...
user2391299's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Invensense mpu 9250: dmp

I'm trying to use the dmp to calculate quaternions. I can't understand how to get the dmp data output. I think that they are stored in some registers reachable using i2c but i don't know their address ...
Enrico Gizzi's user avatar

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