Questions tagged [matomo]

An open source (GPL license) web analytics system. Formerly known as Piwik.

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45 votes
2 answers

Piwik Filter Graph by Custom Variable

In piwik, is it possible to filter the visitors graph based on a custom variable from the tracker? I want to show an evolution graph of all the visits with a 70 value in the first custom variable slot....
stampede76's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to track browser version through piwik?

I am a developer and I am trying to collect data to determine what browsers we need to support for our website. We have piwik installed and tracking for several months. But I notice that it does not ...
user1295718's user avatar
8 votes
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Faking the 'path' of a cookie - via .htaccess / javascript / or otherwise?

Background I have php/js software (Piwik), which sets a cookie to track visits to the site. Our site (ie; not Piwik) is setup so that all URLs (except for resources) are written back to /public/...
Jess Telford's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Listen to route change with next.js to use with matomo/piwik

I'm trying to listen to route changes on a next.js app, in order to log navigation to matomo (aka piwik). According to next.js' documentation, I have to do something like this:'...
rap-2-h's user avatar
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7 votes
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Using Piwik for a Single Page Application

Building a single page / fat client application and I'm wondering what the best practice is for including and tracking using I'd like to use Piwik in a way that is architecturally ...
SimplGy's user avatar
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How to use Piwik device detector in php project?

I want to use php device detector that is part of famous Piwik project, but i can't understand how to include and use the code in my php code? i don't want to use composer. I wrote: <?php include ...
علیرضا's user avatar
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Piwik Localhost Tracking

On piwik, I use localhost as a test website. When I type in localhost from my computer, piwik updates its statistics correctly but when another person (co-worker) in the same LAN types in my IP ...
jonathan1987's user avatar
6 votes
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Separating Piwik's backend and tracking URL

I am using a copy of Piwik, which is excellent. For paranoia additional security, I want to place Piwik's back-end in a folder that is protected by Apache basic authentication, and whose path is ...
Pekka's user avatar
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3 answers

Don't log certain requests in Apache access.log

I recently replaced Google Analytics by the self-hosted analytics tool Piwik. This means that every time someone connects my website, a Javascript tracking code is executed ...
Basj's user avatar
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How can I show a Hit/Visits Counter on my page which uses Piwik for analytics

I want to show the Visits for the current day on a homepage. That page is tracked with Piwik. How to use the API with PHP to get the (unique) visits and hits for today so that I can show them ...
kmindi's user avatar
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Piwik : Track event on a button click which redirects to a web page

I have integrated Piwik in my web site, where I want to track successful and unsuccessful logins. The successful login will redirect the user to Home page, where as on unsuccessful it will redirect ...
sunshine's user avatar
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1 answer

Piwik tracking in an android application

I want to do data analytics for my android application using Piwik. In Piwik's documentation, they suggest using GitHub. I got the Piwik API and download the following file:
Madhan Devan's user avatar
5 votes
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Web analytics solution for website creator

I have site which is a creator of smaller websites, and I'd like to have separate analytics for each user. Is there a way do automate adding the Google Analytics to the website? As far as I can see, ...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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Unable to track route changes in Angular 8 via Matomo/Piwik

I've followed the Matomo docs (not especially helpful in terms of where to put things and how to implement them) and I've also tried the method of using ngx-Matomo and for some reason that isn't ...
h34th3r5's user avatar
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Multiple php-fpm containers behind nginx

I want to "dockerize" three php based web apps behind nginx as proxy/frontend (also docker, official container): own app, piwik (official php-fpm docker container) and nextcloud (official php-fpm ...
user8184380's user avatar
5 votes
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Piwik change event action name

Is there simple way to change event action name by site id in piwik? Or everything must be done manually in database? Or transfer one action name to another? There is a way to delete everything by ...
user avatar
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Piwik: How do I track a visitor (User ID) across domains (PHP/JS)?

I'd like to link the current visitor's IP to a specified user ID (via PHP) which Piwik should track across several (sub)domains. There are several (sub)domains and I want to give a visitor (IP), who ...
Markus Unterkofler's user avatar
5 votes
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Piwik not running in Phonegap Apps

I'm using Piwik to analyse the user-actions on my sites, and everything is working fine when the site is shown up in the browser (on PC, Mac, and phone browser). But when I surf to the same pages (...
John Brunner's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I get the previous url using $ionicHistory.viewhistory?

I want to track the page where the user was previously than the current one. I was trying to use $ionicHistory.viewHistory() but I can manage to get it. I'm new to angularjs and $ionic so I guess this ...
Diego Aguado's user avatar
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How to add Matomo tracking code in VueJS Single Page Apps?

I wanted to confirm whether I got my analytics tracking setup correctly in my single page application within the VueJS framework. I am using the Vue plugin for Matomo which is found here: https://...
redshift's user avatar
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Importing apache logs into piwik

I am in the process of switching my site analytics from GA to Piwik and would like to incorporate all the historic data that I can. I have already concatenated the full trail of apache log files I ...
DroidOS's user avatar
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PIWIK Store visits per User ID as well as or instead of per IPs

I have piwik to track my website visits. My website has a login page and I would like to do the analysis per userid, not necessarily per IP. Is there a way where piwik can store my user session ...
Jenninha's user avatar
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Integrate Piwik tracking code into Sphinx-generated docs hosted on

While offers the possibility to enable Google Analytics for a page by just adding the tracking ID within a project's settings, the same offer does not seem to exists for using Piwik. I ...
mindm49907's user avatar
4 votes
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Query Count of Specific Event Action in Piwik

I need to make a widget/plugin for my organization using Piwik but I'm a little lost. We send custom events to Piwik such as: Category: Staff Action: Login How would i query piwik from within a ...
Kyle Decot's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is the piwik tracking script not usually directly included on the page?

Piwik (analytics software), works by including a small script just before the </body>: <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(...
vkjb38sjhbv98h4jgvx98hah3fef's user avatar
4 votes
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Matomo tag manager implementation in Vue

I am using the Vue plugin for Matomo which is found here: I imported the VueMatomo plugin in my main.js entry file like so: import VueMatomo from 'vue-...
Jackson's user avatar
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1 answer

How to track searches in piwik?

The site I'm building has a jquery based search input that hides or shows elements that match whatever you type in: There's no submit button - results are displayed in real time. ...
czmj's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamic inclusion of piwik code by means of server side filtering inside apache server

After a few hours of fruitless attempts I would like to ask you all for a little assistance with a simple setup: For a bunch of web applications and sites I run using the apache2 http server I use ...
arkascha's user avatar
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How to integrate Piwik analytics with Ionic2 application?

Does anyone know how to integrate Piwik analytics with Ionic 2 application ? In Ionic 2 native documentation, they have provided a plugin named Google analytics which connects to Google's native ...
user2594251's user avatar
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docker-piwik - unable to access document

What is my problem? I want to use Docker to deploy the web analytics tool Piwik on my CentOs 7 Server. To achieve this I have followed this page, which states that in order to run the piwik ...
kiltek's user avatar
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PIWIK GeoIP (PECL) giving unknown location

I have installed piwik successfuly on my system. But geoIP location is not working. I have followed guide at piwik FAQ to configure GeoIP Geo location by PECL extention. But is is always showing ...
Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq's user avatar
4 votes
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how do I import iis log files to piwik?

when trying to import the log files there isn't really much help from the read-me file or in the tutorial. all the information that you get can be seen bellow. can anyone elaborate on this, for ...
user63565's user avatar
3 votes
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How to track Angular route views and link click through using Piwik

Does anybody have a working example of Piwik integration with an Angular App? I have the following code in mine but only see views of the page and no route views ever show up. I'm new to Angular so ...
freeBSD's user avatar
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is it good to delay run of tracking code

I know tracking codes for piwik, google analytic and other similar stuff, placed at the end of page to not affect page rendering. But there is a minor problem that the page still not complete. The ...
wtayyeb's user avatar
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Error: Could not parse application options: invalid option: --manifestdir

I was trying to install piwik-dev-environment. According to instructions I cloned the repo, installed Vagrant and executed vagrant up. The process ended with the following error: Error: Could not ...
Lukasz Wiktor's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Add Google Analytics to SharePoint sites and subsites

My workplace currently hosts a few hundred SharePoint sites and subsites with WSS 3.0 and we'd like to start tracking site activity using Google Analytics or PIWIK. Either tool uses a snippet of ...
Michael La Voie's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

piwik tracker status 500 installation error

I have to configure PIWIK for web analytics. I am configuring it on localhost so that I can understand it before finaly deployment. My OS is centos 7. During installation, I am facing following error ...
Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to create href link inside array

Actualy I have to populate table data using php array to my dashboard. The table contains the URL. I need to set href which is used to redirect to the dynamic link.(below is my while loop code). I ...
Baskar .A's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the Matomo tracking code the way it is [closed]

The default code to include Matomo analysis in a website looks like this: <!-- Matomo --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || []; _paq....
jdm's user avatar
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Matomo - Multiple Containers / Tag Managers on Single Site

Setup My team is building a web component, which is integrated on many host sites Each of these host sites is managed by a different team and has its own Matomo Tag Manager with its own id e.g. <...
Martin Jaskulla's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does Piwik wants to be newly installted on Heroko after a couple of days?

I have installed the tracking tool Piwik as a Heroku App. It works fine but after ~ 2 days, if I visit the app url, I must go through the installation stepts again. The DB is still remaining, so if I ...
ZengineAlex's user avatar
3 votes
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Configuration for Piwik behind nginx reverse proxy with rewrite

I'm using Piwik behind an Nginx reverse proxy and Piwik is running on an Apache Server. I also use a rewrite rule ( /piwik/ to / ). For Chrome and Safari on Mac the login process for Piwik isn't ...
user1610's user avatar
3 votes
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piwik setCustomVariable not working

I use piwik to track my web page visits and it works fine. I just added this code to the javascript on my page: var _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['...
user2924714's user avatar
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Matomo on DigitalOcean Managed Database Cluster MySQL 8 - sql_require_primary_key error

I've moved our Matomo installation to DigitalOcean Managed Database Cluster MySQL 8. Since I've moved it there some metrics are not accessible and I see the following error: Mysqli statement ...
Pascal Bajorat's user avatar
3 votes
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Customize piwik widgets in iframe - seriesPicker, legend, styles

My piwik version is 2.14.1. I am integrating Piwik widgets via iframe in my website. This is an example link: myPiwik/index.php?module=Widgetize&action=iframe&moduleToWidgetize=VisitsSummary&...
chmielot's user avatar
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1 answer

Tracking email newsletter with piwik

I want to track email newsletter especially with piwik. Now there's the following image tracking code given (source): <!-- Piwik Image Tracker --> <img src="
Tom's user avatar
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Piwik installation with nginx + varnish + memcached = can't log in?

I moved my piwik installation from an apache server to nginx using varnish and memcached. I'm not sure when, but at some point it stopped allowing me to login, giving the error: Error: Form ...
mobster34's user avatar
3 votes
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piwik, how to get data per sub-domain?

I have many sub-domains and I want to event data for each sub-domain. what I did is execute HTTP request like this, for each sub-domain: /? idSite=6& token_auth=out-outh-token& format=json&...
yonatan's user avatar
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Piwik: generate a counter image to display it on external sites

It is possible to generate a image (php gd) with a count of visitors of my piwik tracked site. I want Embed a flag counter in a external site. On this page iframe or flash not allow. so i can't ...
BenRoe's user avatar
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Multi-tenant support with Google Analytics / Piwik + MVC?

Is there any way to configure google analytics or Piwik to work with any domain / subdomain? I have a multi-tenant app that is accessed via URLs like the following: ...
RobVious's user avatar
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