An iOS Application Developer (SWIFT, Objective C), want to achieve height of success in my career by contributing to the field of Information Technology with my Knowledge in iOS(Swift, Objective C), skills, patience & Team spirit. I wish to see myself with enhanced responsibilities contributing to the success of the firm.
I worked on-
- Follow MVP, singleton, delegation & extension, Facade, Observer,
memento etc design patterns.
- Notifications (Remote and Local).
- Core Location and Mapkit frameworks.
- In app purchase.
- MPL(Mobile payment libs) like Paypal, Stripe etc
- Core animations, UIView animations, quartz core frameworks.
- JSON and XML parser.
- Social network framework integrations like Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn etc.
- Collection view, Split view ipad, Table view - with customize cell,
picker view, etc.
- Core data, SQLite, Keychain Access, User defaults, Plist etc as
persistence storage
- iAD framework
- GCD and Queue for thread handling
- Autolayout and manual constraint set up
- Localization
- SMS functionality, email functionality, Core Telephony framework.
- Rest APIs
- Google Firebase and Analytics
and others
Languages: Swift, Objective-C