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82 votes
9 answers

C# Macro definitions in Preprocessor

Is C# able to define macros as is done in the C programming language with pre-processor statements? I would like to simplify regular typing of certain repeating statements such as the following: ...
user avatar
52 votes
11 answers

Why aren't there macros in C#?

When learning C# for the first time, I was astonished that they had no support for macros in the same capacity that exists in C/C++. I realize that the #define keyword exists in C#, but it is greatly ...
Andrew Garrison's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

C# version of __FUNCTION__ macro

Does anyone has a good solution for a C# version of the C++ __FUNCTION__ macro? The compiler does not seem to like it.
Filip Frącz's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to Paste as Comment in VS2010?

This is a micro optimization that I'd have in my ideal IDE - the ability to paste from the clipboard directly into the editor as a comment. The idea is sometimes I feel like I lose entire seconds to ...
Aaron Anodide's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is there a method to swap the left and right hand sides of a set of expressions in Visual Studio?

I have a decent sized set of data that needs to be stored in an active record. In order to prepopulate the form fields on the page, I have already written the following code: Device device = new ...
John Rasch's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

DTE.ExecuteCommand and wait

I would like use macros for publishing my webapplication project. The little problem is, DTE.ExecuteCommand run asynchronously, and I need to wait until the command is done. Example: DTE.Windows....
TcKs's user avatar
  • 26.2k
8 votes
6 answers

#define conversion from C to C#

Is this C code: /* LERP(a,b,c) = linear interpolation macro, is 'a' when c == 0.0 and 'b' when c == 1.0 */ #define LERP(a,b,c) (((b) - (a)) * (c) + (a))
Danpe's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers


How would I go about using the GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM macro in C#?
user1151923's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to generate multiple files through one template/macro with Resharper?

When I write my APIs for applications I always follow a set pattern (who doesnt!?) that looks like this: User (Folder/Namespace) User.cs UserDao.cs UserDaoFactory.cs UserService.cs ...
SventoryMang's user avatar
  • 10.4k
6 votes
4 answers

Implement similar properties within a class using a "template" in C#

I've been wondering for a time now - in C# is there a way to define a "template" for several properties within a class. Here is what I mean: Let's assume I have the following class class ...
user360607's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Run macro until the end of the file in Visual Studio

Is there some AddIn or extension for Visual Studio 2008 that will allow me to run Macro until the end of the file? I really hate holding CTRL+SHIFT+P and waiting until end of the file is reached.
nikib3ro's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Why is post-compilation code injection a better idea than pre-compilation code injection?

So we all know that C# doesn't have a C-like macro pre-processor (and there's a good thread on why here). But now that AOP is gaining traction, it seems like we're starting to do stuff with post-...
dkackman's user avatar
  • 15.3k
5 votes
2 answers

Scheduling to run a macro on every hour

Is there anyway to schedule a macro in Umbraco or a .ascx file to run every hour? thanks
user2026013's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Are there macro facility for Java or C#?

Macros are useful. Therefore, I occasionally bemoan the absence of macros in Java and C#. Macros allow me to force in-line but allow me the code-manageability of non-macro code. Is there any Java- ...
Blessed Geek's user avatar
  • 21.4k
4 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio user-defined property sheet macros in C#

I have inherited a C# solution where the projects have a configured "Post-build command line". In this command line, there are a couple of user-defined property sheet macros that copy various output ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How would I retrieve the fully qualified name of an identifier in a VS macro?

I'm trying to resolve the fully qualified name of a c# identifier at a certain point (cursor) of a code window, using a Macro (or even an Add-in) in Visual Studio 2008. For example, if the cursor is ...
ste's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

C# macro-style generics

I am looking for a way to have generics which only exist at compile time for the purpose of code reuse: not having to copy/paste classes and methods. Just text replacement basically, like macros, with ...
SemMike's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Create a macro for Microsoft Access via Interop

Is it possible to create a new macro using C# using the Interop library in Microsoft Access in a similar fashion as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint? In the other applications, you have access to Microsoft....
Middas's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Is there any way to emulate "macros" in c#?

I’m trying to make CodeContracts in C# look more like statements so i need a tool that allows me substitute some code before the compiler sees it, if there is no way to do it i guess a Visual Studio ...
David Darias's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Macro-like structures in C# ==OR== How to factor out a function containing 'return'

I never thought I'd have a need for anything this (since macros are bad, right?), but it turns out I do. I find myself repeating the following pattern over and over again in my code, dozens if not ...
zildjohn01's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Creating Inline Functions and Macros

I know this is wrong (trying to code in C# with a C/C++ mindset). But is it possible to create inline functions / inline recursive functions (til the Nth call) / macros in C#? Because if I intend to ...
Trauer's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Defining custom macros to be used in build events

I am trying to define custom macros like pretty commonly done in c++ solutions to be used in, but not limited to, build events in .net core. For example, I would like to extend pre-defined macros such ...
Hasan Emrah Süngü's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Query custom table in form builder auto responder

I have a custom form built using Kentico form builder. In my form, I reference a custom table via a foreign key...meaning that my form stores the id that is a reference to my custom table data. In my ...
Mark Fasel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Find docs that have macros in C#

I'm trying to build a tool in C# that will trawl through a list of documents, and produce a list that have macros. I can't find a property that will let me identify such documents though. Is there a ...
BlueLou's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can I disable the generation of obj in the same directory for _every_ project I have?

I'm tidying my projects. And I found the way to remove the object folder with adding: %TEMP% In my projects. But I want somehow to make this global setting or to auto delete my obj dirs after a build....
blez's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

C# GUI macro libraries or general approaches?

In a C# WinForms application (on .NET 3.5, probably 4.0 soonish), how would you go about allowing the user to define their own macros? For instance, a user could want the key press CTRL+K to mean ...
Eyvind's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Umbraco 8 - Error in all.generated.cs when I add Macro inside RTE

When I try to add any kind of Macro (Even if it just includes an empty <Div>) into a RTE, it throws the next error: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Error getting value from '***' on '...
Askish's user avatar
  • 27
3 votes
1 answer

error "the action was blocked by organization policy ms office 2016"

I am working on MS Office plugin. On MS Office previous version then 2016, it works fine but on MS Office 2016, I am getting an error "the action was blocked by organization policy ms office 2016". As ...
Sumeet Vishwas's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

I need a Visual Studio macro to split one CS file with multiple classes into multiple files with single classes

I believe that this type of functionality is built into JetBrains ReSharper, which I've actively decided not to use (oh stop with your surprised face and gasping). Nothing against ReSharper, I just ...
brady gaster's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

C# How to Select an Open Application Window

I'm trying to create a basic macro recording/playback system. If I wanted to select an open application (like notepad) to bring it to the front for input, how would I go about calling it by name or ...
ashurexm's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Using Generics in c# in order to avoid code duplication

(Language is c# with VS 2008) I have the following problem: There are a number of structs (provided as is from 3rd party) that all implement certain methods with the same signatures. I would like to ...
Ury Jamshy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

replace placeholders in string

I have strings like below: Insert into Emp(Id,Name,Number,Address) values({Id},"Abc",{Number},{Address}); In above string {Id} ,{Number} and {Address} are placeholders which I want to replace with ...
maniac's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Convert String or Char to Keys object

If I use the following code: for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { char c = text[i]; Keys k = (Keys)(byte)c; MessageBox.Show(c.ToString() + "|" + k.ToString()); } ...
ashurexm's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Using AWK or SED to Duplicate Lines and Ultimately Create Method Wrappers

No solution found yet on stackoverflow for this simple question. Some answer it somewhat but I am a newbie at awk and sed. I would like to create wrappers for my methods in my input code file. It has ...
Buck's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sorry, we couldn't find Test.xlsm. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?

I am running a macro code from my C# application. I have placed the Test.xlsm file in the project itself with Properties: Build Action: Content Copy to Output Directory: copy always. However, I get ...
Learner's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Regex.Match not working for finding string contained in other text C#

I am using the following C# Regex call to find all instances of some macros that are placed in a text file: MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(txt, @"/{macro:(.*?)}/"); but it is returning no ...
Feech's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to setup different Resources for different compile macros in Visual Studio?

I have a String resource that needs to have different value based on the conditional compile. How to setup different Resources for different compile macros in Visual Studio 2008 Professional?
Pentium10's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

C# generic with similar classes

Suppose I have a C# class like: class MyClass { String a, b, c, d; int e, f, g, h; } Now suppose I also have: class OtherClass1 { String a, b, c, d; int e, f, g, h; } and ...
dablumen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Simplified C-macro-like function calls in C#

I'm writing a wrapper for a C dll. Various C functions are wrapped for C# applicatons. Now consider some simplified part of the wrapper below. public enum ErrorCode { OK = 0, ... ... } ...
Sept's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

no overload for method 'Open'/'Run' takes '1' arguments

I met this problem as title showed when I editing script task in C # in SSIS, I tried several solutions found online, but don't work. can you find out why? using Microsoft.VisualBasic;using System; ...
user2334435's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Excel Interop C# Can't add VBProject Error 800A03EC on Workbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(..)

I) Global Explanation Hello, I'm developing an app in C# using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. In my case I implement some olds macros stored in a file to an Excel Workbook, opened by C#, to upgrade ...
Dykoine's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to find and use process ID to send keystroke to Excel application in C#

A process is identified by filtering parent process ID numbers, when the correct process is found that should receive a keystroke. This application is an Excel workbook. A macro is run inside this ...
Pydan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio 2012 - How to automate open close curly brace?

In Visual Studio 2012 I created a macro to create an open curly brace, create a new line, create a new line, create closing brace and move cursor one line up followed by a TAB. That macro was ...
user2418209's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Compile code based on which version of Visual Studio you are using with .Net

Is there a way to detect Visual Studio version via a macro or code? (C#) I'm trying to maintain a repository whose codebase is written in C# where users are using both VS2015/VS2019. So far I have ...
feyd's user avatar
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0 answers

Is it possible to write Visual Studio 2010 macros in C#? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: C# for writing macros in Visual Studio? Is there a way to write Visual Studio 2010 macros in C#? If not, any idea when this will be possible?
Dan's user avatar
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2 answers

How does someone go about writing a "macro" in C#?

I know something about MACROS. I don't mean the ASSEMBLY language kind. I am talking about those programs that you can use perform repetitions actions on another program. I am talking about those ...
xarzu's user avatar
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1 vote
8 answers

Is there a way in Visual Studio to convert text to a C# string literal?

Is there a way in Visual Studio to convert text to a C# string literal and back? For example if I have the text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh ...
Roland Rabien's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

C++ What is this simple macro doing?

I'm converting a C++ application in C# and managing to work my way through most of it. However I'm stuck with the following statement: #define GET_SHCALL_ID(L) (((L) >>...
Peter Bridger's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Visual Studio Macro - Code Gen Language

I am writing a macro for Visual studio that will generate some code. I would like for the macro to generate for both C# and VB, is there a way to determine what language is being used in the active (...
Brian Schmitt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Kentico macro method inside template not working

I have recently been working on Kentico sites, and the following issue has occurred recently, and never thought this won't work. I have got a template on Kentico 8, and I want to display the content ...
Jordan's user avatar
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