Questions tagged [logic]

Logic refers to the ultimate flow of your code and how you arrive your desired solution. Questions should relate to finding a coding solution (or improving existing coding logic) to a given problem. Please use with an appropriate language tag, a thorough description of your logic, and the relevant code you're working on. General logic questions are off-topic. If you simply need a code review, consider

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2070 votes
14 answers

What is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048?

I have recently stumbled upon the game 2048. You merge similar tiles by moving them in any of the four directions to make "bigger" tiles. After each move, a new tile appears at random empty position ...
nitish712's user avatar
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295 votes
6 answers

Are || and ! operators sufficient to make every possible logical expression?

The logical expression ( a && b ) (both a and b have boolean values) can be written like !(!a || !b), for example. Doesn't this mean that && is "unneccesary"? Does this mean that all ...
JakeTheSnake's user avatar
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129 votes
15 answers

Solving "Who owns the Zebra" programmatically?

Edit: this puzzle is also known as "Einstein's Riddle" The Who owns the Zebra (you can try the online version here) is an example of a classic set of puzzles and I bet that most people on Stack ...'s user avatar
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120 votes
3 answers

Type-juggling and (strict) greater/lesser-than comparisons in PHP

PHP is famous for its type-juggling. I must admit it puzzles me, and I'm having a hard time to find out basic logical/fundamental things in comparisons. For example: If $a > $b is true and $b > ...
hakre's user avatar
  • 195k
112 votes
2 answers

Simple 'if' or logic statement in Python [closed]

How would you write the following in Python? if key < 1 or key > 34: I've tried every way I can think of and am finding it very frustrating.
Zak's user avatar
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106 votes
4 answers

Why does this if statement, with an assignment and equality check, evaluate to false?

How does a Java if statement work when it has an assignment and an equality check OR-d together?? public static void test() { boolean test1 = true; if (test1 = false || test1 == false) { ...
RoHaN's user avatar
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94 votes
5 answers

Why does javascript accept commas in if statements?

I stumbled across some javascript syntax that seemed like it should produce a parse error of some kind but doesn't: if (true, true) {console.log('splendid')} else {console.log('horrid')} // splendid ...
Matt's user avatar
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92 votes
9 answers

Is ((a + (b & 255)) & 255) the same as ((a + b) & 255)?

I was browsing some C++ code, and found something like this: (a + (b & 255)) & 255 The double AND annoyed me, so I thought of: (a + b) & 255 (a and b are 32-bit unsigned integers) I ...
Martin's user avatar
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89 votes
10 answers

JQuery .hasClass for multiple values in an if statement

I have a simple if statement as such: if ($('html').hasClass('m320')) { // do stuff } This works as expected. However, I want to add more classes to the if statement to check if any of the ...
Danny Englander's user avatar
87 votes
2 answers

What is the combinatory logic equivalent of intuitionistic type theory?

I recently completed a university course which featured Haskell and Agda (a dependent typed functional programming language), and was wondering if it was possible to replace lambda calculus in these ...
grasevski's user avatar
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84 votes
7 answers

Why if (n & -n) == n then n is a power of 2?

Line 294 of java.util.Random source says if ((n & -n) == n) // i.e., n is a power of 2 // rest of the code Why is this?
David Weng's user avatar
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74 votes
6 answers

In Java, what are the boolean "order of operations"?

Let's take a simple example of an object Cat. I want to be sure the "not null" cat is either orange or grey. if(cat != null && cat.getColor() == "orange" || cat.getColor() == "grey") { //do ...
Stephano's user avatar
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74 votes
9 answers

General rules for simplifying SQL statements

I'm looking for some "inference rules" (similar to set operation rules or logic rules) which I can use to reduce a SQL query in complexity or size. Does there exist something like that? Any papers, ...
MicSim's user avatar
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73 votes
6 answers

Which Logic Operator Takes Precedence

So, I'm looking into writing a slightly more complex operation with logic operators in an if-else statement. I know I can do parentheses, and I know it's the better way of doing this, but I've gotten ...
Jtaylorapps's user avatar
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68 votes
15 answers

Looking for simple rules-engine library in .NET [closed]

Does anyone know of a good .NET library rules library (ideally open-source)? I need something that can do nested logic expressions, e.g., (A AND B) AND (B OR C OR D). I need to do comparisons of ...
Kurtz's user avatar
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67 votes
13 answers

Multi-variable switch statement in C#

I would like use a switch statement which takes several variables and looks like this: switch (intVal1, strVal2, boolVal3) { case 1, "hello", false: break; case 2, "world&...
BanditoBunny's user avatar
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65 votes
10 answers

Most efficient/elegant way to clip a number?

Given a real (n), a maximum value this real can be (upper), and a minimum value this real can be (lower), how can we most efficiently clip n, such that it remains between lower and upper? Of course, ...
Alex Z's user avatar
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61 votes
3 answers

Curry-Howard isomorphism

I've searched around the Internet, and I can't find any explanations of CHI which don't rapidly degenerate into a lecture on logic theory which is drastically over my head. (These people talk as if "...
MathematicalOrchid's user avatar
60 votes
4 answers

Higher-order unification

I'm working on a higher-order theorem prover, of which unification seems to be the most difficult subproblem. If Huet's algorithm is still considered state-of-the-art, does anyone have any links to ...
rwallace's user avatar
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59 votes
11 answers

Why does IQueryable.All() return true on an empty collection?

So I ran into a situation today where some production code was failing precisely because a method performed exactly as documented in MSDN. Shame on me for not reading the documentation. However, I'm ...
52 votes
25 answers

Fastest way of finding the middle value of a triple?

Given is an array of three numeric values and I'd like to know the middle value of the three. The question is, what is the fastest way of finding the middle of the three? My approach is this kind of ...
Gnark's user avatar
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52 votes
4 answers

Mustache - How to detect array is not empty?

I want to implement the following logic with Mustache: {{#if users.length > 0}} <ul> {{#users}} <li>{{.}}</li> {{/users}} </ul> {{/if}} ...
Trantor Liu's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Jasmine expect logic (expect A OR B)

I need to set the test to succeed if one of the two expectations is met: expect(mySpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); expect(mySpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual(false); I ...
naugtur's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

Django edit form based on add form?

I've made a nice form, and a big complicated 'add' function for handling it. It starts like this... def add(req): if req.method == 'POST': form = ArticleForm(req.POST) if form....
mpen's user avatar
  • 277k
46 votes
5 answers

Median of 5 sorted arrays

I am trying to find the solution for median of 5 sorted arrays. This was an interview questions. The solution I could think of was merge the 5 arrays and then find the median [O(l+m+n+o+p)]. I ...
codeObserver's user avatar
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45 votes
8 answers

C++ interview preparation [closed]

I have a Phone interview coming up next with with a company which works in financial software industry. The interview is mainly going to be in C++ and problem solving and logic. Please tell me the ...
Light_handle's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

Why is '' > 0 True in Python 2?

In Python 2.x: >>> '' > 0 True Why is that?
parxier's user avatar
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44 votes
9 answers

Why are default arguments evaluated at definition time? [duplicate]

I had a very difficult time with understanding the root cause of a problem in an algorithm. Then, by simplifying the functions step by step I found out that evaluation of default arguments in Python ...
Mert Nuhoglu's user avatar
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44 votes
9 answers

Booleans have two possible values. Are there types that have three possible values? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What's the best way to implement an 'enum' in Python? I’m writing a function that, ideally, I’d like to return one of three states: “yes”, “no”, and “don’t know”. ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
43 votes
11 answers

What is fuzzy logic?

I'm working with a couple of AI algorithms at school and I find people use the words Fuzzy Logic to explain any situation that they can solve with a couple of cases. When I go back to the books I just ...
DFectuoso's user avatar
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42 votes
10 answers

Find the biggest interval that has all its members in list in O(n) [duplicate]

I was asked this in an interview. Given a list of integers, How can we find the biggest interval that has all its members in the given list? E.g. given list 1,3,5,7,4,6,10 then answer would be [3, 7]....
Jayram's user avatar
  • 19.2k
41 votes
10 answers

XOR of three values

What is the simplest way to do a three-way exclusive OR? In other words, I have three values, and I want a statement that evaluates to true IFF only one of the three values is true. So far, this is ...
Josh's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

How does Djinn work?

OK, so I realise that I will probably regret this for the rest of my life, but... How does Djinn actually work? The documentation says that it uses an algorithm which is "an extension of LJ" and ...
MathematicalOrchid's user avatar
41 votes
18 answers

How do I determine if *exactly* one boolean is true, without type conversion?

Given an arbitrary list of booleans, what is the most elegant way of determining that exactly one of them is true? The most obvious hack is type conversion: converting them to 0 for false and 1 for ...
SCdF's user avatar
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40 votes
7 answers

AND/OR in Python? [duplicate]

I know that the and and or expressions exist in python, but is there any and/or expression? Or some way to combine them in order to produce the same effect as a and/or expression? my code looks ...
JNat's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Fastest way to get sign in Java?

I'd like to get the sign of a float value as an int value of -1 or 1. Avoiding conditionals is always a good idea in reducing computational cost. For instance, one way I can think of would be to use ...
Engineer's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

oracle sql date not later than today

I need to display some data if it's a - new data - updated data let's say, I will be basing these data from a publishdate column and updated column where publishdate and updateddate are both ...
sasori's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio Project/Item Template Parameter Logic

Since I have only seen a few posts on the topic but no in-depth explanation of the logic for parameters in templates for Visual Studio, I figured I'd post this here. Following the MSDN article you ...
maschall's user avatar
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37 votes
8 answers

Reason for "all" and "any" result on empty lists

In Python, the built-in functions all and any return True and False respectively for empty iterables. I realise that if it were the other way around, this question could still be asked. But I'd like ...
detly's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

my code for a rock paper scissors game (called toss) is as follows: var toss = function (one,two) { if(one = "rock" && two = "rock") { console.log("Tie! Try again!"); } // ...
Kevin's user avatar
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36 votes
15 answers

jQuery password strength checker

I'm quite new to jQuery, and I've written a simple function to check the strength of a password for each keypress. The idea is that every time a user enters a character, the contents is evaluated to ...
Evernoob's user avatar
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35 votes
8 answers

What are the best uses of Logic Programming?

By Logic Programming I mean the a sub-paradigm of declarative programming languages. Don't confuse this question with "What problems can you solve with if-then-else?" A language like Prolog is very ...
mbac32768's user avatar
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34 votes
8 answers

Is it common for 0 to mean ‘true’ and 1 to mean ‘false’ in a C API?

I came across an is_equals() function in a C API at work that returned 1 for non-equal SQL tables (false) and 0 for equal ones (true). I only realized it after running test cases on my code, one for ...
Ben's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Universal and Existential Quantifiers of First-Order Logic

I am taking a Scala programming course. At one point the instructor said: Functions blah and bladdy are the universal and existential quantifiers of first-order logic. Could someone translate "...
More Than Five's user avatar
31 votes
17 answers

How can I simplify this set of if statements? (Or, what's making it feel so awkward?)

My colleague showed me this piece of code, and we both wondered why we couldn't seem to remove duplicated code. private List<Foo> parseResponse(Response<ByteString> response) { if (...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Ruby if .. elsIf .. else on a single line?

With the ruby ternary operator we can write the following logic for a simple if else construct: a = true ? 'a' : 'b' #=> "a" But what if I wanted to write this as if foo 'a' elsif bar 'b' else '...
Noz's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Is there an AND option on the rules condition in .gitlab-ci.yml?

I want to create some nested conditions: i need this pipeline to work when it is a merge or merge request and with certain name start "feature". So, is there an AND condition in the 'only' ...
Claudio Torres's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Predicate vs Functions in First order logic

I have been so confused lately regarding difference between predicate and function in first order logic. My understanding so far is, Predicate is to show a comparison or showing a relation between ...
TeaCupApp's user avatar
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30 votes
11 answers

Elegant way of reading a child property of an object

Say you are trying to read this property var town = Staff.HomeAddress.Postcode.Town; Somewhere along the chain a null could exist. What would be the best way of reading Town? I have been ...
David's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

What does `true = false` mean in Coq?

[I am not sure this is appropriate for stack overflow, but there are many other Coq questions here so perhaps someone can help.] I am working through the following from
andrew cooke's user avatar
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