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Building LFS: Segmentation fault with make on a graphical shell

I'm building a LFS system following the steps from the book (version 7.6, though I think the problem is not related to a specific version). After building the toolchain (chapter 5) now I'm into ...
alexrc's user avatar
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shell script - redirect all data from stdout to /dev/null [duplicate]

i use travis-ci to build linux from scratch version 7.8. during build, travis-ci throw error because log file large than 4 mega bytes. you can see at lfs-auto, build #15 now, i want to redirect all ...
Kevin Leptons's user avatar
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Linux from scratch: 'tools/include' is not a directory when installing linux-5.5.3 API Headers

I am working on linux from scratch and I am at section 5.6 linux-5.5.3 API Headers. I was able to extract the tar, cd into the new directory, and make. At this point I am inside the linux-5.5.3 ...
atultw's user avatar
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Understanding LFS environment setup

I have some questions regarding the suggested setup from LFS. Question: what is this command really doing cat > ~/.bash_profile << "EOF" exec env -i HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1='\u:\...
BluePython's user avatar
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