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Why can't I read a joblib file from my github repo?

I've built a simple app in Python, with a front-end UI in Dash. It relies on three files, small dataframe, in pickle format ,95KB large scipy sparse matrix, in NPZ format, 12MB large scikit KNN-...
AxW's user avatar
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Python 3.6 fails to install to non-standard directory under Linux

I have a completely insulated boostrapped toolchain+binaries setup (located under /home/tools) that has been able to build everything that I throw at it. That includes Python 2.7.14, which built ...
onlinespending's user avatar
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Do I really need Python on my Linux system (specifically my LFS one)?

I'm building an LFS system and I'm hoping to deploy the Linux distro I build for a very specific purpose. I won't say what the purpose is, but I purposefully left out Python, among some other packages,...
ioi-xd's user avatar
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Building Python 3.6.4 on Linux from scratch

I'm trying to build Python 3.6.4 from LFS 8.2-systemd so I run the configure command: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared \ --with-system-expat \ ...
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