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Glibc-2.22 make (infitite loop) error [LFS 7.8 - 6.9]

This error appears when i try to compile glibc package in make pass of Chapter 6.9 - Linux from Scratch 7.8. When make is running, it enters in an infinite loop which repeats the follow: /usr/bin/...
Pablo Saquilán's user avatar
1 vote
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Permission error in Binutil while "make install"

I'm working on LFS7.2. I'm getting permission error while "make install" the binutil package, but I could successfully able to create folder in all the 3 dir (source,tools,usr) with the user lfs. I ...
Prabhu Are's user avatar
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Trying to compile GCC returns a bunch of errors [closed]

For the last hours I'm trying to compile GCC for LFS. But it returns me this: configure: error: in `/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-13.2.0/build/intl': configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables ...
Thiper the Lover's user avatar
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error: invalid initializer va_list ap2 = va_arg(ap, va_list);

I'm currently in chroot building LFS. I was trying to compile a legacy project called install-log but I get this error: (lfs chroot) root:/src/install-log# make install cc -MMD -c -o list.o list.c In ...
umar's user avatar
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