Questions tagged [ios11.3]

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63 votes
10 answers

Model is running iOS 10.2 (14C92), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode

I am facing this error, i am done with research on that. I conclude the result, i need one file for device support 10.2(14C92) Please share that file. GoTo: Right click on Xcode 8 or Newer ...
Piyush Sanepara's user avatar
44 votes
0 answers

What is `Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles` error on iOS 11.3

I recently came across this error message: Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles on our error logs from one of our angularjs 1.6 mobile applications. This seems to only happen on iOS devices running ...
Mokky Miah's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Prevent iOS 11.3 overflow bouncing

I've been making use of the preventDefault technique on the touchmove event since now, when I noticed it doesn't seem to work anymore on iOS 11.3, for neither Safari, nor Chrome or Firefox: document....
Alvaro's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

WKWebview getAllCookies crash in iOS 11.3

We have recently migrated to WKWebview. We have added a listener for cookie change, to get the updated cookies and update our own store. - (void)cookiesDidChangeInCookieStore:(WKHTTPCookieStore *)...
spp's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

App Transport Security issue with AVAudioPlayer loading local file objective-C, XCode 9

I have an app which loads a bundled m4a audio file as a local resource and it has worked well for many years now. I'm updating the app to iOS 11.3/XCode 9.3 and it is now failing on iPad (works on ...
Alan Moore's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

WebCore bmalloc::IsoAllocator crashes in iOS 11.3

I am getting crash like this in fabric crashlytics: WebCore bmalloc::IsoAllocator >::allocateSlow(bool) Any clue to resolve this issue?
Scorpian Alive's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Push notification is not working when app is in background (minimized) - iOS

I'm newbie to Swift, I am creating chat application, I need to send notification when app is in foreground or minimized. But I am not getting the notification when app is minimized (it works when USB ...
US-1234's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

PWA standalone issue while redirection in ios 11.3

When redirecting PWA app to another site(which is login page of our site)opens in safari browser not in standalone mode in ios11.3.(We are using parent.href in javascript to redirect to another site ...
Ganesh Prasad Preetham's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to disable viewport zooming in iOS 11.3 safari?

I ve tried all (yes all!!!) the solutions from this question and nothing seems to be working with iOS 11.3? Did someone had success with preventing pinch to zoom with ios 11.3? PS: I know that there ...
Friedrich Siever's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How to achieve greater accuracy in measuring distance using ARKit?

I have optimized ARular app according to my requirement. I have to calculate width of the objects in vertical planes. Both apps (ARular and my modified app) calculates width of the object within close ...
Bhushan B's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

XCcode9.3/iOS11.3 fmdb/sqlite will be crash

XCcode9.3 run project when First time In Debug, fmdb/sqlite crashes most of the time. some info is: "BUG IN CLIENT OF sqlite3.dylib: illegal multi-threaded access to database connection" Did some ...
lauren1573's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Work around to WKWebView http POST no longer sending parameters in iOS 11.3

My application has two views : a login view awaiting user credentials the main view containing the webview When the user inputs his credentials, a native asynchronous POST method is sent to the ...
RandomFly's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

API request failed on iOS 11.3/11.4 when called through VPN connection

VPN connection created successfully on iOS 10 and also API request executes successfully. Also, VPN connection created successfully on iOS 11.3 and 11.4 but API request get failed and showing below ...
Harshal Wani's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can't set httpBody on WKWebView POST request in iOS11.3

following code var webView: WKWebView! override func loadView() { super.loadView() self.webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero) view = webView } override func viewDidLoad() { super....
Ryuichi Aida's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

iOS: xcode 9.3 no simulator found for iOS 11.3 after update [duplicate]

Recently i have updated my Mac OS version to High Sierra(10.13.4).Then I updated the XCODE version to Version 9.3. After successful installation i am trying to run my project on it i found there is ...
Abhinandan Pratap's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

IOS 11.3 PWA clears login token on startup

Unfortunately it seems IOS 11.3 progressive web apps start completely fresh every time its opened from the home screen. Because of this the user is having to login each time the app is opened, has ...
Riley Davidson's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Issue with UIActivityViewController

I am using UIActivityViewController for image sharing, In this, I am getting an error, SLRemoteComposeViewController: (this may be harmless) viewServiceDidTerminateWithError: Error Domain=...
Vandit Mehta's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to move and rotate SCNode using ARKit and Gesture Recognizer?

I am working on an AR based iOS app using ARKit(SceneKit). I used the Apple sample code as ...
Vidhya Sri's user avatar
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App built in release mode using Xcode 11 getting crashed in iOS 11.3 while launching

I have built my application in Xcode 11 and it is launching in all iOS version from 10 to 13.1 under debug mode. But in iOS 11.3 under release mode(After archiving), my app is getting crashed when ...
Ashok's user avatar
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0 answers

Debugging Issues using iOS Web Inspector

I have a web application project which is built using mvc. It is built with custom views for mobile devices and combines a combination of knockout and razor bindings. The app started crashing ...
Robert Dolan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reading Image Files iOS 11.3 and 11.4 in native Webview Cordova/Phonegap app

In the context of an HTML/Cordova app: Before iOS 11.3 you could use an an input with type="file" in your html to open the Photos library in iOS and select an image. Then using FileReader you could do ...
user1791914's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MPMusicPlayerController and iOS 11.3

I have an iOS app which works fine on iOS 6.0 through 11.2, but just started failing on 11.3(.1) and 11.4 betas. The app plays the songs in a playlist from the local device. I have extracted the basic ...
Kevin Wheeler's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Knockout observable about an object property with a method value fails on IOS 11.3 (FIX)

Our product failed on IOS 11.3 with a generic, "problem repaetaed occured on ". It would work fine when connected to a remote debugger on MAC making it hard to find out the cause. I have invested ...
mr.G's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

UITableview Flickering in ios 11 while working correctly in iOS 10.2

I am trying to update my cell size when I click on particular cell.My table gets update perfectly in iOS 10.2 but my table flickers when I run my code on iOS 11 .I am also getting warning in iOS 11 ...
user9294044's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to get file name Uning UIImagePickerController

I am newbie in swift i stuck in a little problem. I am attaching image using UIImagePickerController. Good thing is that successfully attached an image but unable to get attached file name. I tried ...
Ahmad Qasim's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

why I m getting clang error when i run on Xcode 12?

I am facing clang error when I am trying to run the source in Xcode 12.5 But it is working fine in 11.4 In file included from :1: PrefixHeader.pch:15:2: fatal error: malformed or corrupted AST file: '...
Sushmitha's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Set NSArray as a property of custom class

I have created one sub class / custom class of UIView Here is MultiColorView.h file. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MultiColorView : UIView @property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *colors; //...
VRAwesome's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Firebase Storage Download Response Error

I have been able to successfully upload images to firebase storage but have been unable to successfully download the image. I have attempted to download images in all three of the suggested ways on ...
Sam Jensen's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Web app losing local storage when run from Home Screen iOS 11.3

We have a java script web application. We store user credentials in local storage, so that the users stay logged in/do not need to enter their credentials every time they run the app. The web app is ...
smitra's user avatar
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