Questions tagged [ios11.4]

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44 votes
0 answers

What is `Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles` error on iOS 11.3

I recently came across this error message: Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles on our error logs from one of our angularjs 1.6 mobile applications. This seems to only happen on iOS devices running ...
Mokky Miah's user avatar
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14 votes
0 answers

Crash when EZRecorder calls ExtAudioFileWrite on iPhone X

I have a sample app that uses AudioKit to record audio and display a waveform of that audio data. This sample app has two viewControllers with the root vc being a blank page with a button that will ...
KyleCas's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

AVCaptureSession freezes when torch is turned on

We have barcode scanning functionality in our iOS app and we give the customer the ability to toggle the torch on and off as needed. On the iPhone X (and only on the iPhone X) when the ...
sully77's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to programmatically set constraints when View sizes are different?

Using Xcode 10, iOS 11.4+, Swift 4 I have a series of UIViewControllers that I am navigating through, each of which is being placed into a ContainerView. Based on which VC is pushed, I am hiding/...
wayneh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

react native fs ios download time out

i'm using react-native fs to download content from a CMS into an react-native app. The idea is to use the app to serve the online content/website for offline use. The app does well on Android without ...
t.h.kuegler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

NativeScript ListView scroll event

How can I detect when a ListView is scrolled? I tried wrapping the ListView in a ScrollView and using the scroll event on the ScrollView. Doesn't work.
Chris McKnight's user avatar
1 vote
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How to update UITableview Header height while scrolling programatically

In My application I have top navigation bar and a tableview below the navigation bar. I have CollectionViewCell with two rows which added inside the UITableViewHeader programmatically. When ever I ...
Madhu's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.4'

I'm new to swift and developed simple program. It can run smoothly with build-in simulator. When I'm trying to deploy to real device, it got "Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product ...
Thet Thet's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

iOS PushNotification using Firebase

I am implementing Pushnotification on my project.I have Connected my project to firebase and than if I push notification from firebase Cloud messaging than notification properly coming in my Real-...
Kumar Lav's user avatar
1 vote
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XCode 9.4.1 >> Simulator iPhone 8 Plus OS 11.4 issue

I have recently installed XCode 9.4.1 on my MAC, current MAC OS is 10.13.4. When I run application on simulator (iPhone 8 plus with iOS 11.4) or on any other simulator which is having iOS 11.4. It is ...
Jignesh Fadadu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NativeScript tap on element with z-index

I am trying to create mapping over image for the areas to tap on. It's for a demo for now and I don't have time to build out all of the native parts. For now I am overlaying a StackLayout on top of ...
Chris McKnight's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NativeScript flat ActionBar overlapping ScrollView

I have a flat ActionBar flat: true in CSS and a ScrollView inside of a GridLayout. The view initially renders with the ScrollView underneath the ActionBar. A margin-top on the GridLayout (top level ...
Chris McKnight's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Xamarin: CGImageSource.FromUrl returning null

I am using the following code in my application. string imageUrl = "https://imageUrl.png/"; //This is a valid url. I can see the image when I paste the url into my web browser var url = new NSUrl(...
Dave's user avatar
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0 votes
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Silent notification is not working when app in background in iOS 11.4.1

I'm trying to develop a messenger app, client needs to send only silent notification when app is in foreground or in background. It works perfectly in IOS 10.2.1 Verizon iPhone. After update to 11.4....
US-1234's user avatar
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3 answers

Hide navigation back button on iOS 11.4

To hide the back button on iOS, we generally write: self.navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem?.backBarButtonItem = nil or self.navigationController?.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil ...
pkc456's user avatar
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App Store: app is released and showing on 9/10 devices, but not all

The device that can't display the app is running version 11.4.1 (15G77). Instead of showing any apps, it's instead displaying 'no apps found'. Hoping someone has had a similar issue and found a fix. ...
Pico Media's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add Superscript string in Localization file in iOS

I have localizable English and French. I want display Registered symbols as a part of word i.e "MyApp®". English part of localization file shows this symbol correct in iOS APP UI. Same needs to ...
aMo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

NativeScript RadListView component template

I am trying to use an Angular component as the template for RadListView. <StackLayout> <RadListView [items]="stories" marginRight="-2" separatorColor="...
Chris McKnight's user avatar
0 votes
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how to work on In-App-Purchase in ios objective c?

I am trying to add In-App-Purchare in application. With the help of some YouTube videos and other tutorials I have performed some code in my project. But there is no response on tapping the button. ...
Charishma Rao's user avatar
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Unable to build metal library with iOS SDK 11.4

I am trying to launch my application on iPad pro and getting an error when trying to create a new library with dispatched data as shown in the below image Error on creating new library with existing ...
Naveen Kumar's user avatar
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Locationmanager didEnterRegion not called after ios11.4 upgrade

I am facing a strange issue. My app was calling didEnterRegion method earlier and after upgrading to my iOS 11.4 this method is never getting called, although the other delegate methods of ...
Arbaz Shaikh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Xcode 9.4 + Only Test-flight app crash

I reuploaded my app to TestFlight via Xcode 9.4 but it is continuously crash after splash screen on that test flight build in IOS 11 while same test flight working in IOS 10. While when running in the ...
Hindu's user avatar
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-1 votes
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UITextView Slants in the DesignView and at RunTime

: Situation: As shown in the Image above, I have designed the layout using Xcode 9 and soon after the design was complete, I noticed a weird layout issue. If you look closely, you can observe the ...
Ümañg ßürmån's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

iOS 11.4.1 shows device Jailbroken when it is not

I have been using different techniques for jailbreak detection and it was working fine till iOS 11.4. However when I upgraded my iOS to latest 11.4.1 it is showing me the device is jailbroken when the ...
am449's user avatar
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