Questions tagged [implicit]

An implicit in Scala is a function applied or a parameter provided without explicitly appearing in the source code.

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1 vote
1 answer

How to test fastparse parsers in a separate class?

I'm writing a parser, something like, object MyParser: def int[$: P]: P[Int] = digit.rep(1).!.map(s => s.toInt) def digit[$: P]: P[Unit] = CharIn("0-9") Now I'd like to test this in ...
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0 answers

Scanamo Paginated Query Issues

Need example of a method to create paginated query on dynamoDb using scala's, Scanamo library I am trying to create to create a method which performs paginated queries on dynamodb table using a query ...
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1 answer

ZIO Quill: Can't find implicit SchemaMeta for type models.Pet

I'm currently working on a pet store application using ZIO and Quill. As part of my learning process, I've set up a local H2 database and configured it to store pet information. However, I'm ...
53 votes
0 answers

Materialize the Value for a Type that has One Inhabitant

Thanks to @MilesSabin's answer I can write a type level Fibonacci sequence: sealed trait Digit case object Zero extends Digit case object One extends Digit sealed trait Dense { type N <: Dense } ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to summon a `given` member?

Suppose that I have some typeclass trait FooBar[X] and an instance of FooBar[Int]: given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar {} Now, suppose that I have an interface Intf that has some member type ...
0 votes
1 answer

In Scala 2/3, why can't unboxing or view bounds be chained (as in OCaml), and how to fix/circumvent it?

Considering the following example, derived from the official manual of Scala 3 on Context Abstractions:
2 votes
2 answers

How to define a "fallback" implicit?

Consider a tapir.Codec object (this is how I encountered this problem, but I don't think it has much to do with tapir specifically, it is just about implicit resolution priority in general), it has a ...
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2 answers

Contextbound "Temporal" causes: "Cannot resolve symbol flatMap"

I have something like def test[F[_]: Sync: Console](counter: Int): F[Unit] = for { _ <- if(counter % 10000 == 0) Console[F].println(s"counter: ${counter}") else Sync[F].unit _ &...
1 vote
1 answer

Implicit resolution failure when multiple instances present, despite having different types

My goal is to implement a Schema[T] (from scala-jsonschema) and Writes[T] (from play-json) for a handful of T classes whose companions I can't modify. My sub-goal is to define them close together to ...
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0 answers

implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::function::__1::void(int,int)

#include <QApplication> #include <unordered_map> #include <memory> #include <QDebug> #include <functional> template<typename T,typename ...args> class TestClassA { ...
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0 answers

All partial unification algorithms failed on implicit conversion from functions - How to improve in Scala?

Here is a simple example: object UnificationOnConversionFromFn { trait :=>[I, R] implicit def fromVanilla[I, R]( vanilla: I => R ): I :=> R = ??? // fail implicit def ...
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0 answers

Extensions methods using implicits do not compile with Scala 3

Following code compiles fine with Scala 2.13.12, but not with Scala 3.3.1: import scala.language.implicitConversions object Types { trait Vector3f implicit class Vector3fOps(v: Vector3f) { ...
2 votes
0 answers

Scala 3 given/implicit resolution doesn't work as expected

I'm working on the Chapter 11 Case Study: CRDTs from the excellent book "Scala with Cats". The code in the book is written using Scala 2, but I've modified it for Scala 3, specifically 3.3.1....
1 vote
1 answer

Recursive value needs type error in Scala 3 implicit parameter

I'm trying to compile the following code in Scala 3 (worked on Scala 2.13): import scala.concurrent.duration._ @main def main(): Unit = { case class AAA(d: FiniteDuration) val duration1 = 5....
17 votes
5 answers

Need explanation difference between json and dict in Python

I am just curious to understand JSON and Dict in Python more deeply. I have a JSON response from a server like this: `{"city":"Mississauga","country":"Canada","countryCode":"CA"}` And I want to ...
1 vote
2 answers

c# Implicitly typed arrays behind the scenes

Can someone explain how the compiler proceeds here to find the "common" type (double). I assume the IConvertible plays a role here? private static void Main(string[] args) { var nrColl = ...
1 vote
1 answer

HList Ops - how are type classes constracted?

Can someone explain why this code compiles and works like a charm: val a = true :: Some(5) :: true :: HNil[Some[Int]] // Some(5) but this one fails: def foo[HL ...
12 votes
4 answers

Are implicit operators and TypeConverters equivalent?

It seems to me its very easy to implement an implicit operator versus a TypeConverter, so I'm assuming they aren't equivalent because of the prevalence of TypeConverters in the framework (see anything ...
1 vote
1 answer

Adjusting axis’ ticks in plotting with SymPy

Here is the problem: I have two implicit functions F and G. I am trying to find a way to plot them using SymPy. My question is, how to adjust ticks on x- and y-axis, so I can see a crossing point of ...
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0 answers

Implicit equation plotting

I’m not a python expert, just a beginner, I would like to know how I could code and plot the equation shown here by using the implicit equation option??. This is my attempt but not sure how to plot it....
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0 answers

It is possible to provider some default given contextual for class method?

Suppose I have defined a class Test: import scala.collection.{IterableFactory, Factory} class Test: def p1[C[_]](xs: Int*)(using f: Factory[Int, C[Int]]): C[Int] = f.fromSpecific(xs) def p2[C[...
1 vote
1 answer

How to share url from android app with image preview

I want to create a share sheet just like the share exist in google store , as you can see here is google store sample currently I am using this code : ShareCompat.IntentBuilder(context) ....
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2 answers

implicit wait in selenium

I am very confused about how to use implicit wait in selenium driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS); I saw ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why are implicit conversion deprecated in scala?

Taken from "Scala with cats" (page 18): Implicit Conversions When you create a type class instance constructor using an implicit def, be sure to mark the parameters to the method as ...
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0 answers

Scala - Trying to wrap occurrences of booleans using implicits

I'm new to implicits in scala and am sure there is a way to do this but have tried everything I can think of. I have a trait: trait WrappedDataframe[T] extends Rep[DataFrame] def apply[S](colName: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Generic type BoundedComponent struct

I want to do a struct for boundedElements like number that has a max and min value. However I'm stuck on how to do this. Here is an example of a property. The setfield method is just a method to set a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Playwright clicks element (drop down) before it is ready resulting in the drop down not opening

I have a product page containing a product with quantity options. There is a drop down to select the quantities. I want to click this to open it and select an option. The steps are simple: Load page ...
22 votes
5 answers

popen implicitly declared even though #include <stdio.h> is added

This is tiny snippet of my code. #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/...
22 votes
3 answers

How does SQL Server decide format for implicit datetime conversion?

declare @str_datetime varchar(50) set @str_datetime='30-04-2012 19:01:45' -- 30th April 2012 declare @dt_datetime datetime select @dt_datetime=@str_datetime This is giving following error: Msg ...
0 votes
2 answers

how to use implicit intent in android

In my application, I created two activities. In activity1, I created a button, set event: activity2, I created, and write in manifest: when i click to the button in activity1, error was throw: Why? ...
1 vote
2 answers

Question about implicit class argument in Java method reference

In Java, the class portion of a method reference can become the first argument of the function. I've seen lots of examples in working code. But I wondered where in the Java Language Specification this ...
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1 answer

ScalaTest : inject implicit variable

I am from Java background and I am trying to write UnitTests using Scala. My class is as follows : import com.softwaremill.sttp.{HttpURLConnectionBackend, Uri, sttp} class MyClient(endpoint: String,...
83 votes
9 answers

explicit and implicit c#

I'm new to C# and learning new words. I find it difficult to understand what's the meaning of these two words when it comes to programming c#. I looked in the dictionary for the meaning and here's ...
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0 answers

Use default implicit and an overloaded function

Here is what I am trying to achieve: class SomeTest { ... verify(foo).bar(any) verify(foo, times(2)).baz(any) .. inOrder(foo) { implicit order => verify(foo).bar(any) verify(...
3 votes
2 answers

How to properly use collection factories in scala 2.13?

Something like this: implicit class PairOps[A, B, C[X] <: Iterable[X]](val c: C[(A,B)]) extends AnyVal { def swap = { case (a, b) => (b, a) } } Kinda works ... except that val foo: ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Implicitplot with three colors in Maple

I am using implicitplot in Maple using this command: implicitplot(diffr, 0. .. 1, 0. .. 1.0, filledregions = true, coloring = [cyan, yellow]); So, when diffr<0 and diffr>0, I received a diagram ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should I explicitly implement getName(), getAddress(), and setAddress() in my Kotlin code based on the UML?

I have implemented the following UML in Kotlin, and I am now considering whether I should explicitly implement the methods getName(), getAddress(), and setAddress() in my code, as they are mentioned ...
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1 answer

Scala type bound on implemented function

I have a generic class that looks like: class GenericClass[T <: AnyRef] { def getHash(obj: T): String = obj.toString } As you can see, type T needs to have implemented the toString function in ...
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1 answer

In Scala 3, is it possible to summon implicits based on refined type?

Considering the following example: { trait Gen { type S type Ext } type GenAux[_S] = Gen { type S = _S } trait Gen_Fallback1 { given [_S]: GenAux[...
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1 answer

How to write an implicit Numeric for a tuple

I have a scenario where I would like to call sum on a sequence of (Double, Double) tuples. Ideally I would like to do something like the following: implicit def toTupleNumeric[T](num: Numeric[T]) = ...
1 vote
2 answers

Could not find implicit value for parameter F: cats.Applicative[F] with Sync and Temporal

Basically, I just want to add a sleep somewhere, but I don't understand how to provide the implicit Applicative needed. I'm using cats effect 3.5. It's totally new to me. I have been using ZIO for 2 ...
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1 answer

why std::make_unique<A>(*this) could call an implicitly-declared copy-constructor of A

The source question is from Usage of this* in make_unique The code is below, and the best answer says: In clone(), *this is an lvalue-reference to A, so you are constructing a A from an (lvalue-...
3 votes
2 answers

The method implicitlyWait(long, TimeUnit) from the type WebDriver.Timeouts is deprecated what is that Mean really?

please resolve issue , please update the same WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(()); driver.get(""); ...
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0 answers

Idk where I supposedly declared my function as a different type (C) [duplicate]

Well I got this issue and I don't get why? If someone could explain I'm just trying to learn C lmao I don't even have a clue of where I'm supposed to let it implicitly declare this function as ...
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0 answers

Folding a tuple in Scala 3

Working with ZIO and Scala 3, I want to create a utility function productElementsLayer that for a given type A <: Product produces a value of type ZLayer[A, Nothing, (E1, ..., EN) where (E1, ..., ...
1 vote
1 answer

Creating syntactic sugar for a scala argument to give the illusion of a different type

I am creating a library and am exposing a class called A that has in it defined a function func(f: SomeType => A). It is imperative that func is called with the following syntax: val x = new A() ...
19 votes
4 answers

Why in C# an explicit decimal => long conversion operator is called implicitly, losing precision? [duplicate]

The following C# program silently and implicitly calls an explicit decimal-to-long conversion operator, losing precision. I don't understand why this happens. As far as I understand, in C# explicit ...
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2 answers

could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type cats.MonadThrow[sttp.client3.Identity]

I'm considering using stac4s as a STAC client in our Scala project but boy, is it giving me a hard time. The use of cats, monads and all that fancy stuff is very daunting and there's no documentation ...
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0 answers

Scala: Type Mismatch error when passing argument based on the same type

I have a basic scala issue: I defined a custom function to add to Dataset[Row] that lets me create my own WrappedDataset and used an implicit function to achieve that: class CustomFunctions(dataset: ...
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1 answer

Converting case class object to json string using spray json

I am new to scala and I need to convert a case class object to a json string using spray json. The case class look as below: case class DriverDetails(userId : String, names : Option[List[String]], ...

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