Questions tagged [implicit]

An implicit in Scala is a function applied or a parameter provided without explicitly appearing in the source code.

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ZIO Quill: Can't find implicit SchemaMeta for type models.Pet

I'm currently working on a pet store application using ZIO and Quill. As part of my learning process, I've set up a local H2 database and configured it to store pet information. However, I'm ...
Penchala Yegu's user avatar
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How to define a "fallback" implicit?

Consider a tapir.Codec object (this is how I encountered this problem, but I don't think it has much to do with tapir specifically, it is just about implicit resolution priority in general), it has a ...
Dima's user avatar
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In Scala 2/3, why can't unboxing or view bounds be chained (as in OCaml), and how to fix/circumvent it?

Considering the following example, derived from the official manual of Scala 3 on Context Abstractions:
tribbloid's user avatar
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How to test fastparse parsers in a separate class?

I'm writing a parser, something like, object MyParser: def int[$: P]: P[Int] = digit.rep(1).!.map(s => s.toInt) def digit[$: P]: P[Unit] = CharIn("0-9") Now I'd like to test this in ...
Todd O'Bryan's user avatar
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Scanamo Paginated Query Issues

Need example of a method to create paginated query on dynamoDb using scala's, Scanamo library I am trying to create to create a method which performs paginated queries on dynamodb table using a query ...
zeus's user avatar
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All partial unification algorithms failed on implicit conversion from functions - How to improve in Scala?

Here is a simple example: object UnificationOnConversionFromFn { trait :=>[I, R] implicit def fromVanilla[I, R]( vanilla: I => R ): I :=> R = ??? // fail implicit def ...
tribbloid's user avatar
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Implicit resolution failure when multiple instances present, despite having different types

My goal is to implement a Schema[T] (from scala-jsonschema) and Writes[T] (from play-json) for a handful of T classes whose companions I can't modify. My sub-goal is to define them close together to ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Extensions methods using implicits do not compile with Scala 3

Following code compiles fine with Scala 2.13.12, but not with Scala 3.3.1: import scala.language.implicitConversions object Types { trait Vector3f implicit class Vector3fOps(v: Vector3f) { ...
Suma's user avatar
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Scala 3 given/implicit resolution doesn't work as expected

I'm working on the Chapter 11 Case Study: CRDTs from the excellent book "Scala with Cats". The code in the book is written using Scala 2, but I've modified it for Scala 3, specifically 3.3.1....
Abhijit Sarkar's user avatar
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Recursive value needs type error in Scala 3 implicit parameter

I'm trying to compile the following code in Scala 3 (worked on Scala 2.13): import scala.concurrent.duration._ @main def main(): Unit = { case class AAA(d: FiniteDuration) val duration1 = 5....
galbarm's user avatar
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c# Implicitly typed arrays behind the scenes

Can someone explain how the compiler proceeds here to find the "common" type (double). I assume the IConvertible plays a role here? private static void Main(string[] args) { var nrColl = ...
McFly's user avatar
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HList Ops - how are type classes constracted?

Can someone explain why this code compiles and works like a charm: val a = true :: Some(5) :: true :: HNil[Some[Int]] // Some(5) but this one fails: def foo[HL ...
Oskar Furmańczuk's user avatar
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Implicit equation plotting

I’m not a python expert, just a beginner, I would like to know how I could code and plot the equation shown here by using the implicit equation option??. This is my attempt but not sure how to plot it....
Cesarengineer's user avatar
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It is possible to provider some default given contextual for class method?

Suppose I have defined a class Test: import scala.collection.{IterableFactory, Factory} class Test: def p1[C[_]](xs: Int*)(using f: Factory[Int, C[Int]]): C[Int] = f.fromSpecific(xs) def p2[C[...
esse's user avatar
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implicit wait in selenium

I am very confused about how to use implicit wait in selenium driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS); I saw ...
user3559982's user avatar
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How to share url from android app with image preview

I want to create a share sheet just like the share exist in google store , as you can see here is google store sample currently I am using this code : ShareCompat.IntentBuilder(context) ....
Somaia Damlakhi's user avatar
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Adjusting axis’ ticks in plotting with SymPy

Here is the problem: I have two implicit functions F and G. I am trying to find a way to plot them using SymPy. My question is, how to adjust ticks on x- and y-axis, so I can see a crossing point of ...
Alena's user avatar
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Generic type BoundedComponent struct

I want to do a struct for boundedElements like number that has a max and min value. However I'm stuck on how to do this. Here is an example of a property. The setfield method is just a method to set a ...
LaLoutreCouillue's user avatar
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Scala - Trying to wrap occurrences of booleans using implicits

I'm new to implicits in scala and am sure there is a way to do this but have tried everything I can think of. I have a trait: trait WrappedDataframe[T] extends Rep[DataFrame] def apply[S](colName: ...
B-Brennan's user avatar
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how to use implicit intent in android

In my application, I created two activities. In activity1, I created a button, set event: activity2, I created, and write in manifest: when i click to the button in activity1, error was throw: Why? ...
Thanh Tùng's user avatar
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Question about implicit class argument in Java method reference

In Java, the class portion of a method reference can become the first argument of the function. I've seen lots of examples in working code. But I wondered where in the Java Language Specification this ...
cha's user avatar
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Use default implicit and an overloaded function

Here is what I am trying to achieve: class SomeTest { ... verify(foo).bar(any) verify(foo, times(2)).baz(any) .. inOrder(foo) { implicit order => verify(foo).bar(any) verify(...
Dima's user avatar
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How to properly use collection factories in scala 2.13?

Something like this: implicit class PairOps[A, B, C[X] <: Iterable[X]](val c: C[(A,B)]) extends AnyVal { def swap = { case (a, b) => (b, a) } } Kinda works ... except that val foo: ...
Dima's user avatar
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Implicitplot with three colors in Maple

I am using implicitplot in Maple using this command: implicitplot(diffr, 0. .. 1, 0. .. 1.0, filledregions = true, coloring = [cyan, yellow]); So, when diffr<0 and diffr>0, I received a diagram ...
Reza Farahani's user avatar
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Should I explicitly implement getName(), getAddress(), and setAddress() in my Kotlin code based on the UML?

I have implemented the following UML in Kotlin, and I am now considering whether I should explicitly implement the methods getName(), getAddress(), and setAddress() in my code, as they are mentioned ...
Ali Dehkhodaei's user avatar
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In Scala 3, is it possible to summon implicits based on refined type?

Considering the following example: { trait Gen { type S type Ext } type GenAux[_S] = Gen { type S = _S } trait Gen_Fallback1 { given [_S]: GenAux[...
tribbloid's user avatar
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Could not find implicit value for parameter F: cats.Applicative[F] with Sync and Temporal

Basically, I just want to add a sleep somewhere, but I don't understand how to provide the implicit Applicative needed. I'm using cats effect 3.5. It's totally new to me. I have been using ZIO for 2 ...
Terry BRUNIER's user avatar
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why std::make_unique<A>(*this) could call an implicitly-declared copy-constructor of A

The source question is from Usage of this* in make_unique The code is below, and the best answer says: In clone(), *this is an lvalue-reference to A, so you are constructing a A from an (lvalue-...
wssbygone's user avatar
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Idk where I supposedly declared my function as a different type (C) [duplicate]

Well I got this issue and I don't get why? If someone could explain I'm just trying to learn C lmao I don't even have a clue of where I'm supposed to let it implicitly declare this function as ...
Erwan Maigne Montamat's user avatar
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Creating syntactic sugar for a scala argument to give the illusion of a different type

I am creating a library and am exposing a class called A that has in it defined a function func(f: SomeType => A). It is imperative that func is called with the following syntax: val x = new A() ...
B-Brennan's user avatar
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Folding a tuple in Scala 3

Working with ZIO and Scala 3, I want to create a utility function productElementsLayer that for a given type A <: Product produces a value of type ZLayer[A, Nothing, (E1, ..., EN) where (E1, ..., ...
Markus Appel's user avatar
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Playwright clicks element (drop down) before it is ready resulting in the drop down not opening

I have a product page containing a product with quantity options. There is a drop down to select the quantities. I want to click this to open it and select an option. The steps are simple: Load page ...
James M's user avatar
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Why in C# an explicit decimal => long conversion operator is called implicitly, losing precision? [duplicate]

The following C# program silently and implicitly calls an explicit decimal-to-long conversion operator, losing precision. I don't understand why this happens. As far as I understand, in C# explicit ...
kaalus's user avatar
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Scala: Type Mismatch error when passing argument based on the same type

I have a basic scala issue: I defined a custom function to add to Dataset[Row] that lets me create my own WrappedDataset and used an implicit function to achieve that: class CustomFunctions(dataset: ...
B-Brennan's user avatar
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could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type cats.MonadThrow[sttp.client3.Identity]

I'm considering using stac4s as a STAC client in our Scala project but boy, is it giving me a hard time. The use of cats, monads and all that fancy stuff is very daunting and there's no documentation ...
Bossie's user avatar
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Converting case class object to json string using spray json

I am new to scala and I need to convert a case class object to a json string using spray json. The case class look as below: case class DriverDetails(userId : String, names : Option[List[String]], ...
bugdebug's user avatar
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Why can't the compiler chain conversions?

Let T1, T2, T3 be three types. We also define two given instances of the Conversion class so that the compiler can go from T1 to T2 and from T2 to T3. The following code then compiles fine: type T1 ...
t9dupuy's user avatar
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Implicit conversion differencies

The following works: case class Fraction(d: Int, n: Int) { def *(other: Fraction) = Fraction(d * other.d, n * other.n) } implicit val int2fraction: Int => Fraction = { x => Fraction(x, 1) } ...
Sergey Bushmanov's user avatar
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No implicit Ordering defined for ord

I want to define a collection class and require its element being Ordered Considering the code below: class MyCollection[K: Ordered[K]] { def func(seq: Seq[K]): Unit = { seq.sorted } } The ...
Ziqi Liu's user avatar
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Using Postgres enum with Quill

I'm trying to use a Scala 2 enum with Quill, like so: import io.getquill.MappedEncoding object MyEnumType extends Enumeration { type MyEnumType = Value val ONE, TWO, THREE = Value implicit ...
daharon's user avatar
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How import spark.sqlContext.implicits._ works in scala?

I'm new in Scala Here's what I'm trying to understand This code snippet gives me RDD[Int], not give option to use toDF var input = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)) But when I ...
Javastudent's user avatar
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Doobie cannot find or construct a Read instance for Type of case class with Timestamp

Given a case class representation of a data row with a java.sql.Timestamp: case class ExampleRow(id: String, ts: Timestamp) And query expecting an ExampleRow: import doobie._ import doobie....
Ramón J Romero y Vigil's user avatar
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Proving that a match type resolves to a specific concrete type

I am trying to create an implementation of a trait that uses a match type, where the right-hand-side of that match type is known in advance. However, I can't seem to get the compiler to accept my &...
fehrvuerh93's user avatar
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Implicit declaration of function // Problem with a createString function

Hey Guys i need your help. I am learning for my C-exam in two days. For that i had written a little code for a simple list. My Problem is that i get every time the same error: "implicit ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Insertion into scylladb table using phantom library in scala not working

I'm new to ScyllaDB, and trying to perform CRUD operations using phantom library in scala. First I've made 3-node cluster and its running fine. Datacenter: DC1 =============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=...
Zaryab Ali's user avatar
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Parametric polymorphism issue with spark implicits, value toDF is not a member of Seq[T]

This is on scala 2.12.10 and spark 2.4.8. I am trying to define a trait as follows with a method that can convert an array of some case class to be converted to a dataframe. The type parameter is ...
Ken Myers's user avatar
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How to add extension method to a singleton object in scala 2?

I've stumbled upon this thread and there @prolativ provided some fancy scala 3 syntax for creating extension methods for objects extension (int: Int.type) def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = s....
Killjoyer's user avatar
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"Deferred inline method `foo` in trait `Foo` cannot be invoked": Pairs

I was just experimenting with the behavior of givens and inline in Scala 3.2.2, and ran into the following example: trait Max[X]: inline def max(a: X, b: X): X inline given maxForDoubles: Max[...
Andrey Tyukin's user avatar
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How to summon a `given` member?

Suppose that I have some typeclass trait FooBar[X] and an instance of FooBar[Int]: given intIsFooBar: FooBar[Int] = new FooBar {} Now, suppose that I have an interface Intf that has some member type ...
Andrey Tyukin's user avatar
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Type negation in Scala 3

Is it possible to implement fail proof Not[A] type in Scala 3? Here is a question asked some years ago: how-can-i-have-a-negation-type-in-scala. Unfortunately, a solution based on 'not given A <:&...
Turin's user avatar
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