Questions tagged [ifndef]

Is one of the basic C/C++ pre processor macros to include/exclude specific parts of the source code to be compiled. "ifndef" branch is true if a specific pre-processor macro is not defined.

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97 votes
7 answers

Why only define a macro if it's not already defined?

All across our C code base, I see every macro defined the following way: #ifndef BEEPTRIM_PITCH_RATE_DEGPS #define BEEPTRIM_PITCH_RATE_DEGPS 0.2f #endif #ifndef ...
Trevor Hickey's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Conditional exclusion of code in Swift

I am trying to exclude some parts of a Swift file for a specific target. Yet I did not find any replacement of the #ifndef objective-c directive and moreover if I use a form of the kind: #if ...
Fabrizio Bartolomucci's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Multiple definition of namespace function [duplicate]

I just can't get my head around why this won't compile. I have three files: main.cpp #include "expression.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0; } expression.h #ifndef _EXPRESSION_H ...
l. schwarz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Conditional compilation in C and Delphi

The next pattern is common in C code: #ifndef SOMETHING #define SOMETHING #endif The pattern is possible in Delphi code too: {$IFNDEF SOMETHING} {$DEFINE SOMETHING} {$ENDIF} but it is not common - ...
kludg's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you enable "#ifndef/#endif" blocks in makefile builds?

I'm trying to enable debugging options in MuPDF. For some reason they have used #ifndef NDEBUG and #endif greying out code I want to use. I searched throughout the library but couldn't find any traces ...
Some Noob Student's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do I check the existence of a macro function with or without the parens?

Before I define a macro function, I can check that it doesn't already exist (this avoids overwriting a previous definition). I can implement the check and definition like this: #ifndef MACRO(X) #...
Trevor Hickey's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Multiple definition of namespace::variable even using ifndef

I know I must be doing something wrong here. rank.h #ifndef RANK_H #define RANK_H namespace mmi { int chunk; void rank(int my_rank); } #endif rank.cpp #include "rank.h" namespace mmi { //do ...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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4 answers

C++ trying to use #ifndef and #include statements

Ok, so I'm a HTML/Javascript/PHP professional, but I'm trying to learn C++. I'm still a newbie at it, and I have a C++ programming project that I have errors with. The file that contains int main() ...
CalvinCopyright's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Preprocessor arguments and compiling #ifndef #ifdef in C

Trying to apply a default value in my code when compiling the file. I need to set a defined key word to a certain value in my code. So when I compile the code and it doesn't receive any definition ...
Cyberflow's user avatar
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Can #ifndef ignore method or variable duplications?

Consider the code. #ifndef FOO_H #define FOO_H //Code #endif Code can be following cases // Case 1: #define foo 0 // Case 2: void foo_method(){}; // Case 3: int foo; foo.h is included in many C ...
sandy's user avatar
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1 answer

Using ifdef and ifndef directives

I'm trying to check whether a variable is defined using ifndef/ifdef, but I keep getting a not found error from the execution. I'm using GNU Make 3.81, and here is a snippet of what I have: all: ...
Rubens's user avatar
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0 answers

Typedef in header file not visible to another file that includes it

I am encountering the following problem in C: I declare a typedef for a struct in a headerfile ("mep.h") #ifndef MEP_H #define MEP_H typedef struct Mep_tag Mep; <other stuff declared here> #...
Constantine's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Include Guards in C

I have 2 header files that have to include one other. config.h: #ifndef CONFIG #define CONFIG #include "debug.h" typedef struct Config_t { /* some stuff */ } Config; #endif debug.h #...
BeGreen's user avatar
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4 answers

C++ #ifndef TOKEN #define TOKEN

There has been a few cases where I've seen preprocessor code like the following: #ifndef TOKEN #define TOKEN #endif To me, it seems that in this situation (I'm aware of it's use when wrapped around ...
Razioark's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WHY "already defined"?

Please suggest me a hint over here: class UIClass { public: UIClass::UIClass(); }; #ifndef __PLATFORM__ #define __PLATFORM__ UIClass Platform; #else extern UIClass Platform; #endif I'm ...
MixMix's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple #ifndef statements - which one gets applied

Say I have five files: main.c, sample1.c, sample1.h, sample2.c and sample2.h, where in each of these files DEBUG_PRINTS is defined as follows: #ifndef DEBUG_PRINTS #define DEBUG_PRINTS 0 #endif and ...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 answer

possible to use #ifndef on a function name? [duplicate]

I'm working with MicroPython and their header files use a ton of #ifndef function_name void function_name(const char *str, size_t len); #endif Using both an online C and C++ compiler, I tried the ...
Bob's user avatar
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How to combine ifndef win32 with ifndef iOS [duplicate]

I have a C++ code section that I want to exclude it from building iOS. How should I do it? Follow up question: If I already have an #ifndef WIN32. I want to combine exclusion of WIN32 with iOS is it ...
TheWaterProgrammer's user avatar
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2 answers

#define c-preprocessor constants ... what did I wrong?

I am trying once more with arduino and create a small module just to gain fluency in the cpp sintaxe. I am trying to create a utility module with a static method and using a header constant to decide ...
Marcio Barroso's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unexpected #ifndef, No Matching Function Call (Linked List C++)

Hi i am currently working on a linked list project but am receiving a few errors while doing so that I can't seem to solve. The first error i am getting is an undetermined #ifndef. What im confused ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 answers

Include Guards and #ifndef #define Preprocessing Statements

If I do the following: dConst.hpp const int POWER_LEVEL = 9001; genPower.hpp #include "dConst.hpp" #ifndef GENPOWER_HPP #define GENPOWER_HPP const int GENERATOR[1] = { POWER_LEVEL }; #endif I ...
gate_engineer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Multiple include error

I am new to C++ and am trying to include two .h files I made. The includes access each other so depending on the order I include them in one fails or the other. Because of this I know that the only ...
user3016327's user avatar
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1 answer

Compilation error while including header file in compile command

I have two files main.c and header.c. main.c has some macro STR who value I want to define conditionally according to some #define in the file. Case 1: When I include header.c in main.c file, the ...
Anupam's user avatar
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2 answers

ifndef, define & direct assignment of constants

I am just thinking of the difference between below methods, while defining constants: Method1: Create a header file to define all the constants, using include guard: #ifndef c1 #define c1 @"...
Kit Ng's user avatar
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1 answer

Preprocessor command order

I know that when I have only one source file in C++, preprocessor commands are done in order they were written, but what if I have more than one source file? How is the decision made, which source ...
Huuulk99's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using #ifndef breaks node-gyp module

I'm writing a node.js module using C++ and node-gyp but when I fix all the errors, like in this question, which included getting rid of redundant declarations by adding #ifndef ...
Loourr's user avatar
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2 answers

Redefinition error when using ifndef when alias is defined like "const int alias = variable" instead of #define

I defined const UInt8 HE = he; inside namespace Ports in ports.h. Then I included it in ports_logic.h and in ports_logic.h, I have the following code inside namespace Ports #ifndef HP const UInt8 HP = ...
the_naive's user avatar
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2 answers

How does the preprocessor know to translate HEADER_H to header.h?

Per this question, it seems there is some flexibility to how you can write that-- #ifndef _HEADER_H or: #ifndef __HEADER___H__ etc. It's not set in stone. But I don't understand why we're ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Error: #if[n]def expected an identifier

Originally my code was: #ifndef 2DO_H #define 2DO_H int ReadNumber(); void WriteAnswer(int Nsumber1, int Number2); #endif However I was getting an error #if[n]def expected an identifier. ...
jlcv's user avatar
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3 answers

Why should avoid redundant declarations in C++?

I am learning multiple file compilation in C++ and found practice like this: #ifndef MY_LIB_H #define MY_LIB_H void func(int a, int b); #endif Some people say that this practice is adopted to avoid ...
Bubble's user avatar
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2 answers

ifndef isn't working; I have a header file included twice [duplicate]

My Ifndef isn't working. I have MapData.h included twice in both: Generate.cpp and Risky Strats.cpp MapData.h: #ifndef MAPDATA #define MAPDATA #include <iostream> #include <vector> class ...
Random Guy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Confusion with Preprocessor Directives

I have three files File "grandparent.h" #ifndef GRANDPARENT_H #define GRANDPARENT_H struct foo { int member; }; #endif /* GRANDPARENT_H */ File "parent.h" #include "grandparent.h" File "...
rooni's user avatar
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1 answer

Define statement expected a declaration C++

Okay, so I have narrowed the problem having to do with the #ifndef and/or the #define keywords. I have 2 other .h files and the only difference between the ones with no errors and the ones without is ...
Zelf's user avatar
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2 answers

ifndef with multiple AND conditions in makefile gnu

How do I ensure that make command has the parameter ENV passed in it? Eg: make destroy ENV=test if ENV is not passed I should throw error. Code: ENV ?=prod ifndef ENV $(error ENV is not defined, ...
Alfred Hitchkock's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

C++ two header files include each other

There are three .h files A.h: #ifndef __A_H__ #define __A_H__ #include"Card.h" #include"B.h" struct A{ Card card; ..... }; void getCards(A *a, int num); #endif B.h #ifndef __B_H__ #...
soonoo's user avatar
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1 answer

Having trouble with #ifndef in C++

I am creating a software for Raspberry pi using WiringPi. The problem is that WiringPi will fail if it does not detect a Raspberry Pi. So if I want to do some unit testing without using an actual ...
Razican's user avatar
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1 answer

#ifndef why to use an other name than the class name?

Classes declarations usually look like that: #ifndef MY_CLASS_20141116 #define MY_CLASS_20141116 ... class MyClass { ... } #endif My question is, why to not use the class name instead of ...
Adrian Maire's user avatar
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User Defined Build Settings in Test Targets?

i have the following code in my unit tests: #ifndef SERVER_TEST NSLog(@"\n\n!!!--- YOU ARE RUNNING TESTS IN STUB MODE ---!!!\n\n!!!--- Server Responses will be stubbed ---!!!\n\n"); #else ...
dornad's user avatar
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3 answers

Preprocessor #ifndef

Assume I have a.h which includes the following: <stdbool.h> <stddef.h> <stdin.h> Assume I also have b.h which also includes <stdbool.h>. If a.h has the #ifndef preprocessor ...
darksky's user avatar
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1 answer

Use of Macro for static declaration

While reviewing C code that has been migrated from AIX to Cygwin 64-bit, I came across the following snippet. Writing only "static" within the "#ifndef" directive doesn't make ...
aashoo's user avatar
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Using ifndef in the makefile inside a variable defined by export

I want to insert ifndef in the makefile inside export And it seems that there is no possibility export LINKER_INCLUDE_FILES:=$(BASE_PATH)/build/one/bmw/r4_0_cantata/Deploy/src/platform/one/r4/cr4_cpu....
Chana Einhorn's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

about #ifndef and macro_function

i have changed complier from msvc to mingw, macro function : _countof was not inluded in mingw <stblib.h> or <stdio.h> #define _countof(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) maybe it'...
anti-gravity's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Conditional Compile of const static arrays

I am trying to create an error enum and associated text descriptors aligned in the same file. I have a system.cpp file that contains the following: #define SYSTEMCODE #include "myerrors.h" The file ...
frankevans's user avatar
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Redefined symbol in multiple c code with #ifndef directive

I have a stupid problem and I don't see where it comes from. I took care of using #ifndef directive to make sure all my #include are not redefined. Sadly for three of them that's happening. Here my ...
Théophile Leroy's user avatar
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How #ifndef works in different files

So I was trying to include the libraries I have declared in my main.cpp to my header.h //In my main.cpp #include <cmath> #include <deque> #include <vector> using namespace std; //...
Josh's user avatar
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#ifndef error : need to update includepath

My header file "broker.h" is #ifndef _BROKER_ #define _BROKER_ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <list> #...
hyemin ju's user avatar
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#ifndef not letting my files see what's in the header (C++)

So I created a Binary tree class and I want to separate the class definition from its member function definition by putting the class def in the .h file and the function definitions in the .cpp file. ...
Joshua John's user avatar
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Why does the C(++) preprocessor allow be to define a macro but not check if it's not defined?

If I have a simple statement like this: #ifndef A(B) #define A(B) B #endif I get a compilation error... error: extra tokens at end of #ifndef directive [-Werror] #ifndef A(B) ^ But if I ...
adrianmcmenamin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

cpp - why didn't guardian protect me from multiple definitions? [duplicate]

I'm more into JAVA, but when HI-Perf is in the requirements list C/C++ must come on the table. And so it did. And, as expected, I'd stumbled upon something I cannot understand and cannot dig out in SO....
netikras's user avatar
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TUIO #ifndef WIN32 gets ignored

I am using the TUIO framework in Visual Studio 2013. When I build, the error 'pthread.h no such file or directory' appears. It seems TUIO runs on Linux and Windows and the #ifndef WIN32 checks for the ...
Jan V.'s user avatar
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