Questions tagged [http-error]

An error code as a result of an HTTP request.

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477 votes
39 answers

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

I'm really new to setting up web servers in general. I've got IIS 8 on Windows 8, and I'm trying to set up a little site locally, while doing some development. In IIS I choose Add Site, give a name, ...
Andreas's user avatar
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178 votes
54 answers

HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure

I was experimenting with a new feature that comes with .NET core sdk 2.2 that is supposedly meant to improve performance by around 400%. Impressive so I tried it out on my ABP (ASP.NET Boilerplate) ...
jazb's user avatar
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98 votes
3 answers

Rest error message in HTTP Header or Response Body?

I have a REST service that is exposed to iPhone and Android clients. Currently I follow the HTTP codes 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 500 etc. My question is where is the recommended place to put the ...
James Cowhen's user avatar
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72 votes
3 answers

Overriding urllib2.HTTPError or urllib.error.HTTPError and reading response HTML anyway

I receive a 'HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error' response, but I still want to read the data inside the error HTML. With Python 2.6, I normally fetch a page using: import urllib2 url = "http://...
backus's user avatar
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63 votes
4 answers

how to get access to error message from abort command when using custom error handler

Using a python flask server, I want to be able to throw an http error response with the abort command and use a custom response string and a custom message in the body @app.errorhandler(400) def ...
richmb's user avatar
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58 votes
7 answers

Global error handler for any exception

Is there a way to add a global catch-all error handler in which I can change the response to a generic JSON response? I can't use the got_request_exception signal, as it is not allowed to modify the ...
joscarsson's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Instagram/feed API media URL shows 'URL signature expired'

I am using Instagram feed API to show my Instagram posts on my Website. But some video URL shows 'URL signature expired'. Any solution for me ?
Arun Singh's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

How to convert ConstraintViolationException 500 error to 400 bad request?

If I use a constraint like this @NotNull and then in the controller public User createUser( @Validated @RequestBody User user) {} It gives a really nice 400 exception with ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Need response body of HTTP 500 with file_get_contents (PHP)

Using file_get_contents as part of custom SOAP implementation to apply SOAP calls (ALL libraries that we tried would not do SSL + certificate based authentication with SOAP 1.2 correctly). However ...
frEEk's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

urllib2 HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

I have a piece of code like this host = '' % (query, page) req = urllib2.Request(host) req.add_header('User-Agent', ...
PyFan's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Is HTTP 501 appropriate for an unimplemented API?

Is an HTTP 501 error appropriate for functionality which the server plans to support, but does not currently, such as a particular case of an API? For instance, if I was designing a webmail app and I ...
coppro's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Understanding “408 Request Timeout” on Apache with PHP

Issue description - Apache logs I found items similar to this one in the Apache log file: [24/Feb/2013:06:06:25 -0500] 19 "-" 408 - "-" I’ve got custom log format and ...
Victor Smirnov's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

400 vs 422 for Client Error Request

I've read a lot of posts and articles regarding proper http status code to return for client request error. Others suggest to use 400 as it has been redefined in RFC 7231 though I'm not sure if the ...
cessmestreet's user avatar
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23 votes
8 answers

How to send Laravel error responses as JSON

Im just move to laravel 5 and im receiving errors from laravel in HTML page. Something like this: Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found. 1/1 NotFoundHttpException in Application.php ...
Andres's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

How do I display custom error pages in Asp.Net Mvc 3?

I want all 401 errors to be be redirected to a custom error page. I have initially setup the following entry in my web.config. <customErrors defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx" mode="On"> <...
Ahmad's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Trigger a HTTP error in Rails

I'm trying to call a custom instance of a 403 HTTP error in Rails but I can't seem to figure out how to do this... I have several user authentication roles and basically if a role tries to browse to ...
Ganesh Shankar's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

REST-API, proper HTTP status code for invalid DELETE

I'm designing a RESTful API that is using the HTTP status codes and verbs as key components in communicating. On the religious level it's on the zealot side of RESTafarian. Rule of thumb for ...
Cleric's user avatar
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21 votes
9 answers

Pytube: urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 410: Gone

I've been getting this error on several programs for now. I've tried upgrading pytube, reinstalling it, tried some fixes, changed URLs and code, but nothing seems to work. from pytube import YouTube #...
Madjid's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

500.19 error in IIS7 when an error occurs

Setup: Windows 7, IIS7. I am working on an app that is being viewed through the local IIS server, not the built in debugging web server. So my app url is http://localhost/foo/bar.aspx. There is no &...
Joel's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

How to enable ASP classic in IIS7.5

I am running IIS 7.5 in Windows 7 and have already gone into "Turn Windows features on or off" and enabled ASP in "Internet Information Services/World Wide Web Service/application Development Features"...
Brandon's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Accessing HTTP Error Response Body from HttpInterceptor in Angular

I have an HttpInterceptor to catch errors and display them in a modal. Besides error code and message, I would also like to show the body of the response which actually holds a more precise ...
Severin's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

DownloadManager - understanding ERROR_HTTP_DATA_ERROR

My application depends heavily on android DownloadManager component to download files with approximate size of 3-10 mega bytes. when scaling up (to millions of downloads) the big picture is clear: ~50%...
Tal Kanel's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Ajax CORS Request with http 401 in preflight

I am struggling for hours now. I want to make a simple ajax request to another domain, but get http 401 Error all the time: jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var challengeid = $('#codepressHook')....
lance dörksen's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

What are the 404;1, 404;2 etc HTTP error codes for?

In IIS I can configure my custom error pages. For each HTTP Error code I can say where to go. Several codes have a number of "sub" codes available. For example 404 has a regular 404, 404;1, 404;2 and ...
Boris Callens's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

HTTP headers for chunked encoding POST - Error 411

I'm sending data to a server with an Arduino which requires constructing an HTML POST line-by-line. I don't necessarily know the Content-Length a-priori, so I am using "chunked" encoding. When I ...
Tom Wainwright's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Why do I see Failed to fetch error while dping apt-get update

apt-get update in my jenkins job fails wth Http404 error on pulling docker hub related repositiories 12:38:54 + uname -a 12:38:54 Linux c612ce175fe3 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:...
ambikanair's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Angular - how to simulate HttpError response in service

How can I simulate HTTP error response in Angular service? I often need to handle different HTTP error codes and sometimes I need implement solution, but backend is not ready. How can I mock errors ...
Kamil Naja's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable goslate language detection request : Python

I have just started using the goslate library in Python to detect the language of the words in a text but after testing it for 7-8 inputs, I gave the input which had the words written in two languages,...
POOJA GUPTA's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Nodejs Express Return Error Code with Res.Render

I am using nodejs with express. I would like to return a custom 404 not found error page. I have it working. however I have not found a solution of how to return a error code with res.render(). I saw ...
joshua-anderson's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How does HttpResponse(status=<code>) work in django?

I'm experimenting with HTTP error codes in django so I have a question about HttpResponse(status=<code>). For example, I want to send a HTTP error code 405, I have the following code: def ...
hmrojas.p's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

web.config errors fail with responseMode="File"

According to Microsoft's documentation, for static (i.e. HTML) content, web.config should read responseMode="File" for each error. Currently, my web.config includes <httpErrors errorMode="Custom"&...
Trojan's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

python 3, errorhandling urllib requests

from difflib import * import urllib.request,urllib.parse,urllib.error from urllib.parse import unquote import time import pdb try: file2 = urllib.request.Request('site goes here') file2....
Rhys's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url

Recently I started to get requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: using soundcloud (0.5.0) Python library. It happens in ...
Alex's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

HttpServletResponse#sendError How to change ContentType

I'm creating a simple Servlet to answer a form submition. This servlet receive POST request and should response Application/JSON datas. This is working well. I want now to add errors managment to my ...
pdegand59's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

IIS HTTP Error 500: The requested Page cannot be accessed because related configuration data is invalid [duplicate]

I have successfully published an ASP.NET Core website on IIS (version 10) on my local machine (Windows 10) and browsed it. However, when I deploy it on IIS on another PC (using same versions), it ...
Hussein Salman's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

IIS Express Error http 404.17 – not found running a WCF service

I just created a WCF Service Application in VS2013 with framework 3.5. for exposing some methods I have in a class library project. Everything went fine but when I tried to see if the service runs, ...
Ricker Silva's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Proper use of HTTP Error Codes. 550 - Why is it 5xx instead of 4xx?

Today a co-worked used a 550 error on a delete action when the user doesn't have permission which at first looked to me bad because as I'm aware of, that kinda error looks like a client (aka 4xx) ...
Bart Calixto's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer


I'm trying to set up an ngrok tunnel to a locally run webserver serving on port 5000. I can access the website fine over localhost:5000, but when I set up an ngrok tunnel on port 5000 I get net::...
Andrew's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

The request was aborted: The request was canceled. No solution works

Our console applications are making hundreds of WebRequests to Facebook every minute (with using multiple apps and hundreds of access tokens). Now, they started to fail with the exception message in ...
Kornél Regius's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

'Length required', when posting data with cURL

I keep getting a <h1>Length required</h1> error, when submitting a post string to a server. $cookie = "Secret cookie data here"; $searchData = array( '__EVENTTARGET' => '...
Ragnar123's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Inconsistent ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM error on page-load

I do have at least two wordpress sites which very inconsistently throw a varying number of net::ERR_HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM errors. When these errors occur the number of errors thrown highly ...
SunnyRed's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

getting Http error 404 in Pytube. What is reason for this? [closed]

This code used to work 4 days back now it is showing error. I tried using pytube3 but that does not help. from pytube import YouTube** YouTube('').streams** ...
shadow5893's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Recovering from HTTPError in Mechanize

I am writing a function for some existing python code that will be passed a Mechanize browser object as a parameter. I fill in some details in a form in the browser, and use response = browser.submit()...
StackG's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

HTTP Error 302 using uploadify

I use uploadify to upload files into my web site. It works with one hosting company. And doesn't with other company ( Error is: HTTP error: 302. Does Anybody know how to resolve this ...
Yuriy Mayorov's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why Won't Google API V3 Return Children?

I want to use Python to get a list of all the files/folders in a given folder in Google Drive. The call I'm using is this: query = parentID + " in parents" response = service.files().list(q=query, ...
Elliptica's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How do I catch a 404 error in urllib? (python 3)

I've been reading tens of examples for similar issues, but I can't get any of the solutions I've seen or their variants to run. I'm screen scraping, and I just want to ignore 404 errors (skip the ...
StatsViaCsh's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

flask "get_or_404" like function but with another status code

What I know: We all know that flask has a useful query.get_or_404 we can call it to any class object and return the object or raise a 404 error if the object is not found. The problem: I have a ...
Espoir Murhabazi's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

`open_http': 403 Forbidden (OpenURI::HTTPError) for the string "Steve_Jobs" but not for any other string

I was going through the Ruby tutorials provided at and I encountered the following code: require "open-uri" remote_base_url = "" r1 = "...
Yahoo-Me's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Angular HttpClient: How to get raw HTTP response, even if error

In an Angular service using HttpClient, I've created a method that returns the raw HTTP response from a POST: httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' //...
Chuck Bevitt's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Intermittent 102 Error (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) when connecting to JIRA

For the last few months we have suffered from intermittent 102 errors when trying to connect to our internal server hosting JIRA and Stash over port 8080 and 7990 respectively. I'm not familiar with ...
Alasdair Stark's user avatar

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