i have a challenge while using next/link while using the [folder] in next.js enter image description here
above is my pages tree. A user is supposed to be sent to the route .types/[type] , type being the dynamic name of the product the user selected. which actually works. on that page above, a user can get details for that particular product by navigating to ./this page, can edit the product details by navigating to ./edit , the index.js will show orders made on that product, while the ./[booking] will show details of the order made for that product. the problem is. the moment the user clicks the link below to navigate through the product; enter image description here
upon clicking the same links again, they'd have changed to "http://localhost:3000/types/[types]/mytype/this" including the "[type]" in the link, making it wrong, there by crushing the page is there anyone with a solution ?? please
doesn't exist in your folder structure. Did you mean to send to user to/types/[types]/this