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189 votes
5 answers

Grid of responsive squares

I'm wondering how I would go about creating a layout with responsive squares. Each square would have vertically and horizontally aligned content. The specific example is displayed below...
garethdn's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

Change the order of col-*-12 columns in Bootstrap using push/pull

I have two columns of the same size (.col-xs-12) and I would change their place when the screen size correspond to that of a mobile device. I would place them in the reverse order. I have read that ...
Mazzy's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

min-width for column in Bootstrap grid system [duplicate]

I have following HTML with Bootstrap CSS. <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4" style="min-width: 66px;">Name</div> <div class="col-sm-1" style="min-width: 120px;">...
sasha_trn's user avatar
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21 votes
10 answers

Mosaic of images HTML/CSS

I want to make an image layout with portrait images inside a div with a fixed aspect ratio of 3:2. The size of images is 327x491px. The main issue is unwanted spaces between images. How do I align ...
Developer Desk's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Responsive Grid Layout Framework [closed]

I want an easy to use grid framework for my current web project. These are the features i would appreciate: fluid grid layout: boxes that can be aligned horizontally (side by side), each having the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Create a 4x4 responsive grid of squares with a margin of 20px on each side of the container? [duplicate]

I want to create a grid of responsive 4x4 squares with a margin of exactly 20px on the left and right sides of the overall container. Furthermore, this would effectively eliminate the left margin on ...
J82's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to make a CSS GRID, with uneven column widths, responsive?

I have created a CSS GRID and each row has 2 columns. The first column takes up 25% of the width and the second column takes up 75%. I have achieved this using .grid-container{ ...
Aftab's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

Items grid with inner padding only

What techniques are there for creating a products grid that has padding between each item, but only within the grid? For example, what I am trying to achieve is the below: Sample markup: <div id="...
MAX POWER's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Responsive 4 box grid from two to one columns

I'm a beginner in css and I have a little problem. I tested different methods to handle a responsive 4 div grid with css, and I failed. I want to responsively arrange the 4 divs as an grid with 2 ...
user3668869's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

CSS Responsive grid 1px gap issue

I am working on a responsive grid system for a project. The grid is made up of blocks which are floated left and have a width of 25%. Inside these block are are images which are set to either 100% *...
dahliacreative's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to swap grid positions (materializecss) on different devices?

I'm building a website using MaterializeCSS I have two boxes: A (col s12 m8 l8) B (col s12 m4 l4) <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- Box A --> <...
Chuck K's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Bootstrap layout on lower resolution

I have the following code: <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"> <input style="width:100%" > </div> </div> And Fiddle: Sample On my default resolution: ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Responsive Grid Layout - Dashboard Style - 100% height&width container

Am looking to make this a pure responsive css grid for 11 html divs. <div class="dashboard page-container">w100%, h100% <div class="box1">w20%, h25%</div> <div class="...
StackThis's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Making responsive grid elements fit by height

I'm trying to get my head around working with responsive webdesign (by column stacking) and I'm currently using this grid for my layouts: which I think works quite ...
bomortensen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

CSS - Responsive grid with equal margins and fixed size blocks

I'm trying to push the limits of CSS to replicate what would be a common grid-layout in print. Requirements : Margins between blocks and between blocks and edge of the container must be equal. The ...
Ryan Norbauer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Responsive Segment Layout with React Semantic UI

I have a challenge adding CSS gutters to Semantic-UI grids. I have one Grid column with a segment that's being rendered repeatedly. Here's my code: import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from '...
mayorsanmayor's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Responsive Grid Layout Portrait-orientation Dashboard 100%h&w CSS?

I have a dashboard for @media (orientation: landscape) { that I would like to make a @media (orientation: portrait) { version of.. Here's the landscape: And here's the ...
StackThis's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to position multiple screen filled (responsive) DIV's?

I'm working on this for a couple of days but can't figure out how to do this properly. I want to have a website that contains 25 images. Now, every image should be screen filling, and therefore be ...
Kaleid0sk0p's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fixed width items in a responsive grid?

I have fixed width elements that I'd like to make a grid of. The only issue is that I want it to be responsive. Basically have as many items as it can have in one row, and then move the item to the ...
user1952811's user avatar
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2 answers

Layout tiles with variable sizes without tables, filling available space

I want to create a page layout that resembles the following ############ ##### ##### ##### ############ ##### ##### ##### ############ ##### ##### ##### ############ ############ ##### ###...
John Arrowwood's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Foundation 4 responsive grid layout for large screens

I've used compass to create new sass project with zurb foundation 4 framework. My screen.scss file looks following: // Reset and normalization settings @import "normalize"; // Global Foundation ...
Eugene Manuilov's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Keep aspect ratio of divs inside a grid [duplicate]

I am creating memory game. I am using 24 cards in aspect of 6:4, i e. 4 rows with six cards in each row. Here is picture what i want to achieve and what I have on my screen resolution: And here is ...
user2496520's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Grid layout with images

I'm trying to build this grid layout for images with HTML and CSS. I would like to use divs rather than table but I'm not sure what's the best way to go. Also I need to put a short description below ...
user3216026's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to Create Responsive Web Page With Static Header?

I'm real happy with the header I just created: But unfortunately, the goal of this project is to create a responsive website using rows and columns. We were instructed to use a 12 column grid system. ...
HappyHands31's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Bootstrap grid - columns first?

I'm fairly new to Bootstrap and have come across a problematic task that I first thought would be pretty simple. And maybe it is for someone with sufficient experience of Bootstrap. If I have a row ...
linurb's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

getting the height of a div to match the width when it shrinks responsively

In the jsfiddle here I have 3 divs where the width is based on perencentage. Is there a simple way (without having an image in it) to get the height to match a certain ...
Blake Bowman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I make tables respect the grid in Bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap tables do not respect the grid even if they have col-xs-X classes defined. Here's a minimal example that shows how the (red) table doesn't line up with the (gray) grid:
Thomas David Baker's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Bootstrap 3 ordering column into same row in responsive layout

I' m developing a responsive layout but I have problems to sort columns. I can´t sort columns within a single row. <div class="row"> <div class="well col-sm-8" style="background-color: red"&...
Ivan Rodriguez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to create an easy responsive grid with one column and two boxes?

I want to create a CSS grid (without using any external library) where I have two columns. The first column contains one box. The second column contains two boxes. The box in the first/left column ...
dialogik's user avatar
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0 answers

Responsive images in columns

I have a generally problem with responsive images: The websites I create often have two to four columns. When I have a three or four column grid with an image in every column, the images are very ...
Sven's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I add extra column classes in Bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap 3 changed the previous approach of span classes for the grid system for the more explicit col-xs, col-md, etc. An excellent improvement imo, but still I find that I would like to add extra ...
alekosot's user avatar
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2 answers

Bootstrap cards/thumbnails not lining up side by side correctly in the grid system & card deck

I'm having a problem with getting Boostrap's thumbnails & cards to line up side by side in their grid system. Basically, this is an assignment & I have to follow certain parameters: -must use ...
KindeR66's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ResponsiveGridSystem 1.6% = 20px: Why?

I'm looking into using the ResponsiveGridSystem and on the site they have the following information regarding column margins: A margin of 1.6% gives you about 20 pixels on a standard monitor, but ...
Levi Hackwith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Responsive thumbnail grid equal spacing

I have a grid of thumbnails: .thumbnail-container { border: 1px solid red; float: left; width: 25%; (depending on screen size) } .thumbnail { display: block; ...
James's user avatar
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1 answer

Align bootstrap columns in left-right-left order

I dont know how to start this question, I want make this grid with bootstrap but I cant do the following: Dekstop mode +-----------------+------------------------------+ | content1 | ...
Vinsens's user avatar
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1 answer

Bootstrap 3 RC1: Column Ordering

I have two primary boxes: an 8-col wide box with a bunch of panels and a second, 4-col (offset-1) to the right as a sidebar. I want to push the sidebar on top of the box o' sidebars on small screens. ...
elithrar's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

CSS Grid collapse element when resizing and make disappear

I have a row of 3 columns. When I resize the page I would like the elements to keep their width but if any element cant fit the adjusted screen size then I would like it to drop down to the next row. ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Create custom grid system width defined column widths

The bootstrap 3 grid system targets 4 different screen resolutions, depending on their width: Large / col-lg (>= 1200px width) Medium / col-md (992px - 1199px) Small / col-sm (768px - 991px) Extra ...
Pascal Klein's user avatar
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1 answer

Nesting rows in zurb Foundation grid

I am new to working with Zurb Foundation 5. I am trying to build a complex header bar using the columns and rows. However, I want to use nested rows within a main row. Is this possible with ...
colleen's user avatar
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2 answers

Grid columns do not fill parent container

I have a grid layout using Bootstrap 3, with rows containing varying numbers of columns. My expectation of the grid behaviour is that the margin between column items would change as the parent ...
duncanhall's user avatar
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How Do You Anchor Multiple Child Elements to the Bottom of a Parent Element in a Responsive Design?

I have a parent element that has Bootstrap 3's .row CSS class. Within this element are two child elements (each with a Bootstrap column class), one of which has a varying height depending on the data ...
Greenstick's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't get react to render my css grid layout responsively

I am trying to make a grid for a chess game. 8x8 with 64 squares. I want the grid to expand and shrink depending on the screen size. I can easily achieve the desired behavior using basic html and a ...
David's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write media query for this grid layout

I want to use media queries on a grid layout below for smaller screens like mobile and tablet but it doesn't apply properly when I try to use them. the full code for the grid layout page can be found: ...
lighting's user avatar
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2 answers

Responsive grid with columns of same height

I'm struggling with what should be a simple layout problem I have a layout with 4 headline boxes. The 4 boxes need to be the same height when 4 across ("deskop" view). They also need to be the same ...
JezB's user avatar
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1 answer

Bootstrap Squared Columns for Tic-Tac-Toe Board?

I am building a Tic-Tac-Toe interface, currently using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. I'm trying to get the board to be perfectly squared (1:1) but I'm getting nowhere. The boxes have to be taller so ...
10110's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting up a 2-Column Grid Bootstrap

Hello I am trying to develop an alternating two column grid layout with bootstrap, where there would be one image on the lefthand size of the screen, then reverse down the web page until the end user ...
Breionna Myles's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Responsive Grid Layout with background image

I want to make grid layout with images as background.I want 2 column and 2 row grid but with different heights and widths. It should be responsive and when we resize the window or screen, the grid and ...
Aruna Jithin's user avatar
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how can I adapt a bootstrap carousel to contain a form while remaining responsive (code example inside)

I have modified a carousel to contain a form and i'm having trouble getting things laid out the way I want in the grid. Bootply If you load this on a computer the layout is looking the way i want, ...
Pumnkin Pie's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Make an image grid centre responsively

I have an image grid that is made up of a whole lot of divs, within each div is a heading, a small picture and a description. When the grid is at the maximum width, everything sits in it centred. When ...
user3673061's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Bootstrap - constructing a fluid grid

I have a number of items that I want to display 4 across on a large screen, 3 across on a smaller screen, two across on smaller and so on. I have each group of 4 elements in a row with each having ...
AFlyingLemon's user avatar