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246 votes
1 answer

GridView VS GridLayout in Android Apps

I have to use a Grid to implement Photo Browser in Android. So, I would like to know the difference between GridView and GridLayout. So that I shall choose the right one. Currently I'm using ...
Lakshmi Sreekanth Chitla's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How GridLayout items come from the Adapter(List/Image) in Android App

Is it possible to Get the GridLayout items from the Adapter in Android. Like, The items in the GridView come from the ListAdapter associated with this view. Please clarify my doubt.. Thanks
Lakshmi Sreekanth Chitla's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Bootstrap Grid System new line does not look nice

Recently, I started making an admin page on my site to edit multiple small tables (1-5 entries). They got all displayed on one page, and the tables got nested in a div as follows: <div class="row"&...
Florian Müller's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating Cells for GridLayout in Java

I'm trying to create a grid for my snakes and ladders game in java, but I have a small problem where there is an unwanted space in the grids I've created Does anyone know how I can get rid of that? ...
Beeraj Jhummun's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to properly use GridLayout to position elements in a JFrame?

This is what I want my JFrame to look like: ________________________________________________________________________________ |Play -...
LaneWalker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Java learn using SWT gridlayout and griddata

I understand and can use FormLayout, FormData, FormAttachment but I can't understand how GridLayout, GridData is working. I want to learn using GridLayout and GridData because it's more like a table, ...
Reteras Remus's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

WPF: DockPanel Last Visible Child Fill?

The behavior I'm looking for is basically that of a DockPanel, I would like the last child to fill the available space. The catch is that I would like it to be the last visible child. In my case I ...
Derrick Moeller's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Gridlayout Faulty - I need to replace not add data, and I need horizontal scrolling

here's my code: public LMSPanel() { setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3,10,10)); grid = new JLabel [10]; int k = 1; while (k <= 9) { grid[k] = new JLabel("", JLabel.LEFT); ...
David's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

CSS Grid layout can't get layout to behave the way I want no matter what I do

Hey guys so im trying to do this assignment and one of the requirements is that it uses a grid layout in CSS so I have put together just the beginning of the page trying to get the layout to work the ...
Jskye26's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS grid layout, simple responsive design

I'm trying to understand the CSS grid. My layout consist of two menus (red), one on each side of a main content box in the middle (blue). When the screen becomes smaller and there is not enough space ...
Rasmus Puls's user avatar
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Java grid layout GUI - how to enter new pane on event?

How can I set a button to link to a completely different grid pane? If I click the JButton "More options" for example, I want it to link me to a new page with more JButton options. Right now, ...
Kevin Li's user avatar
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1 answer

java GridLayout component size

I want to make a JPanel (with GridLayout) that contains a grid of custom components. All is ok, but I have problem with the components size. The components size each time grows or diminishes so the ...
javment's user avatar
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2 answers

Android Studio: Buttons in Grid Layout change size in emulator

enter image description here I don't know how to make all button sizes the same... I tried making grid to wrap content, it worked, but button sizes were a bit different depending on the number of ...
Crashendo Dt's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot resolve symbol 'GridLayout'

When I try to program a program in Android Studio, I found this error but I did not know how to resolve it Cannot resolve symbol 'GridLayout' this error rises up in Android Studio I search on internet ...
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Bootstrap - make the images inside the column with the same height?

How can I make the images inside the column all having the same height? I am trying to make a grid layout like this site. This is my attempt with bootsrap. But I can't make the heights the same: ...
Run's user avatar
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1 answer

css grid uneven height without jQuery Masonry plugin

Is it possible to have uneven height grid in CSS? I have taken this illustration from a different question, but the answer to that question was "Use Masonry". So I want to achieve the result in ...
tolgap's user avatar
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1 answer

GWT Grid alternative for Java

What is the Java equivalent of a GWT Grid (where you can insert graphical object onto coordinates x,y on the Grid)? I've made something in Java that looks like it, made by using a JPanel with a ...
stealthjong's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I make a grid using divs?

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code? I am trying to create a grid using divs. This is what I have so far and I am not sure why it is not creating the grid. I have googled this so many times ...
newatthis's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

GridLayout dynamically change to fill Gone view

I am using a GridLayout to design a dashboard which a 2 columns based one. So I am just adding widgets and it directly define the Grid. The issue I have is that, I have 12 cells but some will be set ...
Seb's user avatar
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CSS complex grid auto layout

I am making a website with unknown number of cells in the layout and I would like to make the styles with CSS only. My idea was using CSS grid, but is there a way of using it in a the manner shown on ...
Jakub Srnka's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Android Grid layout with different weights (span both row and column) [without RecyclerView)

I am trying to have a Grid layout which spans in both row and column based on the item weights. For example, in a Grid Container where the number of columns is 3: if the first Item has a weight of 2 ...
Mehdi Satei's user avatar
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0 answers

How to define the height of a row when using CSS Grid Layout? [duplicate]

I've managed to create a very simple layout so that the <div class="content"> fills to the remaining available height. HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <...
Marco's user avatar
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1 answer

Diagonal lines of squares in grids

I have a python grid class in which I am trying to create a method to get the diagonal line of tiles that a certain tile belongs to. I have succeeded in doing this for going down from left to right in ...
user1149589's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

New row leaving space in MUI Grid system

In the following image the blue block is rendered under the red and green blocks. I would like the blue block to render directly underneath the red block. Is there a way to achieve this with MUI grid? ...
Chetan Kondawle's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Fill a GridLayout from Kotlin

I'm android studio noob. I'm trying to fill a grid layout from kotlin activity. My code for the xml is this: <androidx.gridlayout.widget.GridLayout android:id="@+id/grid" android:...
David Zomada's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Wpf Grid Layout

is WPF grid layout with * width or column, heavy for UIs? <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="334" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /...
Mohammad Zare's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

HTML/CSS Struggling to setup Grid Layout

Let me start by saying that I am by no means experienced, lol. So, my confusion is never-ending. My main problem is, I'm needing to use a grid layout to style a form. I'm new to grid layout, but I ...
RyanD's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS Grid layout with dynamic height

I need to create layout 2x2 blocks with min-width 500px and min-height 300px. (first img). I can collapse blue block (by click on it) to height 100px and the block which is below must fill the gap and ...
hell112358's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Grid row to fill available content of page

I have five rows in a grid layout. There is a header row at the top. I want the content row to fill everything it can of the available space. I want the footer row to be at the bottom. Between the ...
Mc_Topaz's user avatar
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1 answer

grid layout with resize horizontal not resizing columns [duplicate]

I've got a grid layout and I'm using resize: horizontal on one. It lets me resize the box but it doesn't resize the other columns as I would expect it to. html, body, .main { height: 100%; ...
IMTheNachoMan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Proportional CSS grids - What's the catch?

I've been developing website for many years and after a years break I'm getting back into it, so decided this would be an ideal time to look into grids and responsive design. Over the last few days I'...
Fourjays's user avatar
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1 answer

No Scrollbar appearing for WrapGrid in Windows 8 application

I currently have a WrapGrid bound to an ObservableCollection of BitmapImages. What I wish is for these to be displayed, 4 items per row, extending downwards - and when the WrapGrid extends past the ...
Simon Kiely's user avatar
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1 answer

AS3 - Create a grid with customizable row and col values based on array length?

I'm working on a Layout plugin to place all items added to the the parent object in a grid formation. I want to be able to set the column, row, padding values. I push all child objects into an array ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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1 answer

How to build my own Grid Layout in ANDROID so that it can work with the devices which are below API 14

I want to build a Calculator App, in which I want to format all the required buttons in such a way that, they all appears in a Grid form to me.... The one which I've made is only running on Android 4....
Saumya Rastogi's user avatar
0 votes
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MUI Grid Layout - 2 different layout in Mobile and browser view

I am working on a layout design which will have browser view (aka lg) and mobile view (aka xs). And is there anyway to design the follow layout since I have spend a day but still struggle in build the ...
0o0SkY0o0's user avatar
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1 answer

How to center Bootstrap Cards with Even Spacing on Website?

I'm working on a React application using Bootstrap, and I'm facing challenges in getting the Bootstrap Cards to be centered with an even spacing on my website. The space between three cards in a row ...
RighteousRocks's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Product List with grid layout and other element in between

I want to create a product list with grid layout where it is possible to display another element in between the list. The products of the list are added in a shop cms dynamically through a for loop so ...
Maxswift's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to properly use ScrollView in Kivy Python?

I have this code where i want to change the position of the buttons, but if i change the position, the scroll is no longer working. How to manage to make it work? Below is the working version. If i ...
moro_922's user avatar
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material UI grid layout design

Im completely new to Material UI and im trying to make use of Grid concept to position my components in much dynamic way. I would like to create the grids in the following pattern and i'm stuck in ...
vivek.p.n manu's user avatar
0 votes
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How do i create a grid (Matrix 4xn) with checkboxes in vaadin?

I'm trying to create a grid matrix with checkboxes (see picture 1). But I want the checkboxes to be as big as the grid (see picture 2). How can I realize that? Is it possible in Vaadin to make the ...
sulox32's user avatar
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Custom Grid Layout column border

I have a question. How can I do that custom double side border in my xml file? I tried to use various variants of custom drawable, but in the end it did not work out the result I needed. Any ideas? ...
Дмитрий Самойлов's user avatar
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Nativescript Angular Dynamic Grid Layout From Array

Nativescript newbie here! I have been trying to display items inside an array of objects in a grid format (like this: to no avail. I am able to ...
Sech's user avatar
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An open source grid layout other than the frameworks available

Are there an open source code for css grid layout, am aware of the existence of frameworks such as bootstrap and masonry, am wondering if there are any way of getting grid layout without using these ...
mazinAlmas's user avatar
0 votes
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How can i make this GridLayout in Java?

I have a specific grid i want to make but im not sure how to make it ------------------------------------------- | | | |...
xR34P3Rx's user avatar
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java, swing, Gridlayout problem

I have a panel with GridLayout But when I'm trying to run the program, only the first button out of 100 is shown. Futhermore, the rest appear only when I move the cursor over them. What's wrong with ...
josh's user avatar
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implement periodic table like grid layout in iphone app?

i am just developing some simple app which show the periodic table but my problem is how can i achieve the periodic table like layout in my iPhone app in just landscape format. i have tried to ...
BhavikKama's user avatar
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How to wrap and stack items in QML, into rows and columns

I have a series of buttons that I want to appear in columns at the bottom of my QML page. The number of columns across should depend on the width of the window, as the window width increases I want ...
TSG's user avatar
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How do I count the number of paths in this problem?

You are given an n×n grid where each square contains an integer between 1…n^2. A route in the grid starts from some square and moves always either vertically or horizontally into another square, which ...
mathematician256's user avatar