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568 votes
37 answers

Flex-box: Align last row to grid

I have a simple flex-box layout with a container like: .grid { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: space-between; } Now I want the items in the last row to be aligned with the ...
Thorben Croisé's user avatar
251 votes
2 answers

Equal height rows in CSS Grid Layout

I gather that this is impossible to achieve using Flexbox, as each row can only be the minimal height required to fit its elements, but can this be achieved using the newer CSS Grid? To be clear, I ...
Hlsg's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Make a div span two rows in a grid

I have a page full of blocks which pile up with display: inline-block. I want to make some four or two times bigger, so I used float: left or right to put other blocks around. My problem is if I have ...
PaulCo's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How can I make a div span multiple rows and columns in a grid?

Building off of a previous question, I'm trying to add bigger blocks to my grid layout. In the last question, I needed to have a div span multiple rows. The problem now is that I need a div to span ...
PaulCo's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Vuetify grid layout - How to fill height of element in grid

I'm trying to create a grid layout but am having trouble. The layout I'm trying to create is attached in the image below. It's easier to show than explain. A side panel card layout that will be ...
Cathal Cronin's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Flexbox, responsive grid of square divs maintaining aspect ratio

I'm trying to create a 2x2 grid with divs. Some of the divs might contain an image, but it will probably be set as a background, with the option background-size: cover. Here's the pen I created: http:...
Carlo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Make elements wrap in groups, not one by one

I have six inline, fixed-size elements and would like to wrap them so that each row has the same number of elements. So with a wide container, there would be 1 row with 6 columns / elements. As the ...
Jay Weisskopf's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Shrink grid items just like flex items in css

Is it possible to shrink grid items just like flex items in css? Grid items .container { display: grid; grid-gap: 10px; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr)); } ....
Yaroslav Trofimov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

CSS Grid Layout with Max-Width, Centered Content

I'm in the midst of learning CSS Grid (long overdue, I know). I've challenged myself to convert a relatively standard float-based layout to a grid, but can't figure out this last part. My goal is to ...
Brett DeWoody's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Flex container with four divs, need three columns, second column with two rows

For a section on a page, I am trying to display two rectangular divs stacked up between two square divs on either side as big as the height of the two stacked divs, inside these divs are img tags. I ...
Álvaro's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Expanding flex items to full width

I'm attempting to create a custom 'iTunes' style expanding layout. However, I am hitting a few issues. I had originally anticipated using flex-box for this. But I can't quite seem to do what I am ...
Jake Fauvel's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Grid layout - is this possible using flexbox?

I'm currently using the following grid-layout: display: -ms-grid; -ms-grid-columns: 400px 100px max-content 1fr 50px; -ms-grid-rows: 1fr 1fr; Which resembles this layout: | <----------------- ...
Nils's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to set a specific flexbox gap in CSS

I'm trying to achieve a flexbox layout with just one flex-grow element and a variable number of smaller elements around it. I need a gap between the elements that's a fixed width - exactly one pixel. ...
Jae Kwak's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why does this Material-UI Grid item move when I click on it?

I am developing a React app using Material UI. I am having an issue with one page of the app. That page contains some text and a button, which are vertically aligned with one another. It also ...
ongobongo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Grid columns using flexbox with fixed size margin gutters

Is it possible to apply a fixed margin (e.g. 5px) to a cell in a flexbox layout, where the row space is evenly distributed among its columns? Want I want to achieve: My current CSS will only align 3 ...
Imperative's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Create table-like grid with CSS starting from a simple HTML list

Is there any way in CSS to create this: ----------------------------------- | lorem ipsum dolor | consectetur | | sit amet | | ----------------------------------- | adipiscing ...
wc.matteo's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Consecutive same color cells should be in same column, gridbox

In my current project I have huge number of sections, each section has one or two rows ranging from 2 to 15 columns, of equal widths. The same colour cells are placed in same column. The positioning ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to set up a dynamic grid based on flex or grid

I want to create a dynamic grid system that should behave like this: first when there is only 1 item it should have a width and height of 100%. When the second child has been dynamically added to the ...
Ronald Zwiers's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Grid layout with undefined number of columns

I have a HTML template: <ul> <li>1 <li>1 <li>22 <li>1 <li>1 <li>333 <li>1 <li>1 <li&...
JayFry's user avatar
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2 answers

Responsive vertical HTML table

If I have a vertically defined table, with a title, like so: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Heading 1</th> <th>Heading ...
Fluxian's user avatar
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3 answers

Evenly sized columns between rows using grid/flex

Consider the following snippet: #container{ border: solid 1px black; display: inline-grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, auto); } <div id="container"> <div class="row"&...
Bob P's user avatar
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1 answer

three/four column list with pop-up description below each item

I have a list of items, with each item having a (fixed size) thumbnail image and some more data. The list should now be displayed in a three/four/X column layout, with the thumbnail images being ...
jack_kerouac's user avatar
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0 answers

CSS - how to make flexbox with wrapping have width of content?

Initial problem I have a flexbox on my page with boxy items that should be aligned in a grid in the center of the page. To achieve this, I used justify-content: center; and it kind of worked but had ...
sisisisi's user avatar
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0 answers

Get a layout with items with different heights in a single row using flexbox [duplicate]

I have been trying to get this going row-wise using flexbox. But as I have been researching, I guess I can't get it using flexbox. I have come across some answers that are suggesting to use the grid ...
Arslan Tariq's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Flexbox children in Safari wider than supposed to be

See this pen: I have a simple Foundation grid and I set display:flex to "row" element in order to get all columns be the same height. It all works fine in ...
Armands's user avatar
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0 answers

CSS Flexbox layout: filling gaps [duplicate]

This is my first time on Stack Overflow. I am new to web design, and have been trying to figure out how to use flexbox in CSS by trying to design a Windows 10-style start menu, made up of a grid of ...
Theo Rulko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

justify-content works differently in Flex and Grid layouts

I'm wondering why using justify-content the grid item takes the whole space available instead of that used in the grid. With justify-content: Without: https://...
Whisher's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

complex flexbox layout with scrollable containers [duplicate]

I have a complex flexbox based layout for my web-app which has several fixed and scrollable containers. This ist how it should look like: The whole layout is 100% height and width and expands ...
Jan Hofmann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

News list multi-columns layout using Grids or Flexbox

INTRO I'd need to implement a layout such the following one to list "Last News" items. I recieve a list of equal items (for example .card DIVs ) and eventually I could limit the total to a ...
Luca Detomi's user avatar
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0 answers

Control div height using Bulma CSS column

In order to have a responsive page, I use Bulma CSS column (based on CSS flexbox) which: Split my page on two equals width columns on desktop. Stack the two full width columns on mobile. On the left ...
srjjio's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to apply LayoutData to elements in a FlexBox?

I have a Label, Input field, Button and 3 Link controls which have to appear in-line on desktop and one below the other on mobile screen, as shown in the pictures below. Desktop: Expected Mobile: I ...
Maruthi Revankar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I center an element when possible without overlapping the sidebar?

Here's what I want to achieve. There's a red sidebar on the left, width fixed with 160px. Meanwhile I want to keep the blue box in the center of the page if possible, with the maximum width of 240px. ...
Hao Wu's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Using flexbox to position unknown number of elements in a grid with min width per element

I am looping through a bunch of objects using Express handlebars and I need to positions them in a grid. However I do not know when to make a new row so I don't think I can use a table. I basically ...
Youssef Moawad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to strech the grid items in a Cartesian plane made with Bootstrap4 and Flex?

I need to implement a cartesian plane with Bootstrap 4 and Flex. The desired output is something like the following image: The plane is composed by a 10x10 matrix. Moreover I need a row containing ...
Gianluca78's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is an element pushed out of view by background image?

I'm making a horizontal scrolling site and encountering an issue where, when using flexbox, my content is pushed out of the page by my background image. Please see my pen:
user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to wrap a div and a img in a display:flex container

EDIT: You need to run the snippet in fullscreen. I have a display: flex container with div element and other with img inside of it , both of them with 50% width. I want them when resizing below 800px ...
Christian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Equivalent of display:flex and justify-content: center in GRID [duplicate]

I have a div with n (can be different number) children. I want to display them in one row and center horizontally. In flex, I would do: display: flex; justify-content: center; How is it possible to ...
underfrankenwood's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

CSS grid set each cell size to its content's height [duplicate]

Hi iam trying to achieve this kind of stlye -> But my code keeps the card rows seperted. meaning the row is taking its biggest elements height and putting it in all of its cells. so i get this ...
theStackUser45's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to dynamically arrange card items to the top?

var size = document.getElementsByClassName("info-box"); for (const key in size) { if (size.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const element = size[key]; element.addEventListener('click', (...
SpiRelli's user avatar
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How to build a column-based layout of expandable cards (spanning over two columns in <=tablet)? HTML, CSS, jQuery

I'm trying to create a layout as follows: Desktop - no cards expanded: Desktop - max one card expanded at a time: Tablet and smaller - no cards expanded: Tablet and smaller - max one card expanded ...
allgoodtigerwood's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to increase the height of a div when using flex? [duplicate]

I have a grid layout of 8 divs. I am trying to increase the height of the 5th div and decrease the height of the 8th div. Every way I have tried I get a big gap. I haven't used masonry isotope ...
user3515765's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set all css-grid (or flex) elements same size?

I'm trying to create a new rich text editor for my web application (student budget), and everything else works fine except the grid/flex layout when trying to set all the buttons to the same size. ...
Nuubles's user avatar
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How to use nested grids in Bootstrap 4 with flexbox

I'm using Bootstrap 4 CSS with flexbox and I'm having issues with nested grids. Nesting grids works as expected in Bootstrap 4 without flexbox, but when flexbox is used elements stack instead of ...
jesse501's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to make a docked list with sticky items on top in HTML?

I am building a single page webapp using Vue/Vuetify. In one of my views I'm trying to create a list (v-list) of items on the right side of the page. The list can be longer than the page height so a ...
Fredrik Andersson's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

CSS Grid with variable height to make it work like masonry layout

I'm trying to create masonry layout using css grid layout. All items in grid have variable heights. The items in the next row should stack to available space of the items in the previous row. i tried ...
sam's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS grid layout with equal height rows, where the shortest cell sets the height for all rows? [duplicate]

Like the title says, I'm trying to create a 2 column grid where the smaller cell sets the height of both columns. Is this achievable with css?
Colin S's user avatar
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I am using flexbox to create my layout, however, I can't properly position the elements on my last row. Can I recreate the same layout with grid?

I have a flex container with a width that is not fixed and a bunch of children inside of it with fixed width. I've set flex-wrap to wrap and justify-content to space-evenly. This works fine and dandy ...
Onyx's user avatar
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Adjusting spacing between Flexbox items in IE while using Grid Layout for other browsers

Given that IE doesn't fully support Grid Layout, I'm using Flexbox for Internet Explorer only, and using Grid Layout for other browsers. Is there a way to add margin/padding to flex items on IE only, ...
user2277916's user avatar
0 votes
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Bootstrap Grid - issue getting desired spacing/padding between text and images within divs

I'm trying to create a simple bootstrap grid with some data results. The spacing the first header (web-based review) and reported text (e.g., 211 -> new line "total projects identified) is ...
tenebris silentio's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Flex/Grid headings have too much height [duplicate]

I have a list of products which I am listing using flexbox. Every flex item has a heading, description and stock status (image too, but it's not necessary in this example). My problem is that ...
Valentin Emil Cudelcu's user avatar