Questions tagged [function-declaration]

A function declaration is the process of describing only the return type, argument types, and name of a function. This is required in some programming languages to use functions that were defined at a later point in the code or in another file. Use this tag for questions that pertain to or problems caused by forward declaring functions in languages that support or require doing so.

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529 votes
31 answers

Does using const on function parameters have any effect? Why does it not affect the function signature?

For example, imagine a simple mutator that takes a single boolean parameter: void SetValue(const bool b) { my_val_ = b; } Does that const actually have any impact? Personally I opt to use it ...
Rob's user avatar
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286 votes
5 answers

Is there a difference between foo(void) and foo() in C++ or C?

Consider these two function definitions: void foo() { } void foo(void) { } Is there any difference between these two? If not, why is the void argument there? Aesthetic reasons?
Landon's user avatar
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227 votes
9 answers

Is it possible to define more than one function per file in MATLAB, and access them from outside that file?

When I was studying for my undergraduate degree in EE, MATLAB required each function to be defined in its own file, even if it was a one-liner. I'm studying for a graduate degree now, and I have to ...
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
89 votes
5 answers

What's the significance of a C function declaration in parentheses apparently forever calling itself?

In gatomic.c of glib there are several function declarations that look like this: gboolean (g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full) (gint *atomic, gint ...
Andreas's user avatar
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87 votes
6 answers

Alternative (K&R) C syntax for function declaration versus prototypes

What is useful about this C syntax — using 'K&R' style function declarations? int func (p, p2) void* p; int p2; { return 0; } I was able to write this in Visual Studios 2010beta // ...
user avatar
87 votes
3 answers

How to provide explicit type declarations for functions when using GHCi?

How to I define the equivalent of this function (taken from learnyouahaskell) inside GHCi? import Data.List numUniques :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int numUniques = length . nub Without the type ...
mattbh's user avatar
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83 votes
11 answers

Why can't I define a function inside another function?

This is not a lambda function question, I know that I can assign a lambda to a variable. What's the point of allowing us to declare, but not define a function inside code? For example: #include <...
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
  • 38.4k
66 votes
7 answers

Does int main() need a declaration on C++?

I was taught that functions need declarations to be called. To illustrate, the following example would give me an error as there is no declaration for the function sum: #include <iostream> int ...
vinibrsl's user avatar
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65 votes
3 answers

Whyever **not** declare a function to be `constexpr`?

Any function that consists of a return statement only could be declared constexpr and thus will allow to be evaluated at compile time if all arguments are constexpr and only constexpr functions are ...
Lars's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

Function default argument value depending on argument name in C++ [duplicate]

If one defines a new variable in C++, then the name of the variable can be used in the initialization expression, for example: int x = sizeof(x); And what about default value of a function argument? ...
Fedor's user avatar
  • 18.4k
40 votes
4 answers

Maximum number of parameters in function declaration

I know that minimum number of parameters in function definition is zero, but what is the maximum number of parameters in function definition? I am asking the question just for the sake of knowledge ...
Sarfaraz Nawaz's user avatar
37 votes
2 answers

Can a function prototype typedef be used in function definitions?

I have a series of functions with the same prototype, say int func1(int a, int b) { // ... } int func2(int a, int b) { // ... } // ... Now, I want to simplify their definition and declaration. ...
bitmask's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

How does ampersand in the return type of a function declaration work? [duplicate]

In this piece of code, why f() is declared as "double & f(..."? What does it mean and how does it work? I don't even know what to google to find the answer to my question. Please help. double a = ...
Azad Salahli's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Function pointer parameter without asterisk

I have seen this definition of a function that receives a function pointer as parameter: double fin_diff(double f(double), double x, double h = 0.01) { return (f(x+h)-f(x)) / h; } I am used to ...
Freeman's user avatar
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26 votes
11 answers

Why do functions need to be declared before they are used?

When reading through some answers to this question, I started wondering why the compiler actually does need to know about a function when it first encounters it. Wouldn't it be simple to just add an ...
Björn Pollex's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Should a virtual c++ method implementation in .cpp file be marked virtual?

I have a virtual C++ method that I'm defining in a .h file and implementing in a .cc file. Should the implementation in the .cc file be marked virtual, or just the declaration in the .h file? E.g., ...
David Lobron's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

C++11, `noexcept` specifier, definition versus declaration

If a declared function has a noexcept specificator (noexcept, noexcept(true), noexcept(false), or any other noexcept(expr) which evaluates to true or false), but it's defined in another place, do I ...
ABu's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

Swift - Take Nil as Argument in Generic Function with Optional Argument

I am trying to create a generic function that can take an optional argument. Here's what I have so far: func somethingGeneric<T>(input: T?) { if (input != nil) { print(input!); }...
Coder-256's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

If arrays are passed by reference, why should I use int(&)[]? [duplicate]

Consider: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Change(int arr[3]) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[i] = 1; } } int Test() { int arr[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; ...
Francesco Derme's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

How is this possible to use in c++?

To my surprise, I found that the name of a c++ object can be the same as class name. Can someone explain to me the reason why? When I declare an object of class a as a a1(), it does not raise an error,...
nihar's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Assigning function to function pointer, const argument correctness?

I am learning the basics of C++ and OOP in my university now. I am not 100% sure how a function pointer works when assigning functions to them. I encountered the following code: void mystery7(int a, ...
edwardlam0328's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

What does this declaration typedef void foo(); mean? [closed]

I don't understand the meaning of typedef void interrupt_handler();. Could someone explain it with some examples? typedef void interrupt_handler();
Lefteris Sarantaris's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Why does an empty declaration work for definitions with int arguments but not for float arguments?

I thought the difference is that declaration doesn't have parameter types... Why does this work: int fuc(); int fuc(int i) { printf("%d", i); return 0; } but this fails compiling: int fuc(); ...
compiler's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

K&R style function definition problem

The following code works: int main() { void foo(int); foo(3); return 0; } void foo(a) int a; { printf("In foo\n"); } but this one does not: int main() { void foo(float); foo(3.24);...
nitzs's user avatar
  • 259
14 votes
3 answers

letting a java function accept a collection or an array

I am trying to write a function that takes some strings and does something with them. The only thing I'm going to do that the set of strings is loop over them. Right now I end up with an awkward ...
BostonJohn's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

static inline vs inline static

I have noticed that both work, what is the correct way to use inline here? static inline int getAreaIndex() OR inline static int getAreaIndex() Plus, getAreaIndex contains a large loop. sometimes ...
user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How to understand this define

Nowadays , i was reading the APUE.and i found the function defined as below: void (*signal(int signo, void (*func)(int)))(int); i was confused, i know signal is pointer to a function and the last (...
Sim Sun's user avatar
  • 587
12 votes
2 answers

what does "-&gt;" mean in swift when declaring functions?

example function func example(titles: [String]) `-&gt;` [UIButton] { } and where could i find more docs on this topic (docs relevant to functions declaring in swift)?
Bob's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

OCaml: Declaring a function before defining it

Is there a way to declare a function before defining it in OCaml? I'm using an OCaml interpreter. I have two functions: let myFunctionA = (* some stuff here..... *) myFunctionB (*some stuff *) ...
Casey Patton's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

extern declaration and function definition both in the same file

I was just browsing through gcc source files. In gcc.c, I found something like extern int main (int, char **); int main (int argc, char **argv) { Now my doubt is extern is to tell the compiler that ...
Pavan Manjunath's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Why can't a typedef of a function be used to define a function?

From § of ISO/IEC 14882:2011(E): A typedef of function type may be used to declare a function but shall not be used to define a function The standard goes on to give this example: typedef ...
Shea Levy's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to prevent error : this old-style function

I am following a tutorial and my code seems normal but I got a message which says This old-style function definition is not preceded by a prototype code.c : void viderBuffer() { int c = 0; ...
user15873596's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Is it good programming practice in C to use first array element as array length?

Because in C the array length has to be stated when the array is defined, would it be acceptable practice to use the first element as the length, e.g. int arr[9]={9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; Then use a ...
Ian Stewart's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why is it allowed to omit the first dimension, but not the other dimensions when declaring a multi-dimensional array?

Why it is not necessary to mention first dimension of multidimensional array and necessary to mention other dimensions: int A[][][2]={{{1,2},{3,4}},{{4,5},{5,6}}}; // error int A[][2][2]={{{1,2},{3,...
Rishab Shinghal's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Linker can't find function definition in a namespace

I get this /tmp/ccnL7Yz1.o: In function 'main': main.cpp:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to 'dng::genDungeon()' main.cpp:(.text+0xf0): undefined reference to 'dng::clrDungeon(char**)' collect2: ...
Борис Кот's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

How to define a "callable" parameter in a Python docstring?

Consider an implementation of filterNot (basically the opposite of filter): def filterNot(f, sequence): return filter(lambda x: not f(x), sequence) The parameter f can be a "function" or a "...
Chris W.'s user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What if I declare a function with empty parameter table, then pass arguments to it?

For example, #include <stdio.h> void foo(); int main(void) { foo(); foo(42); foo("a string", 'C', 1.0); return 0; } void foo() { puts("foo() is called"...
nalzok's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why parentheses are important in function pointer declaration?

I don't understand why the declaration below is accepted: typedef void (*_tStandardDeclaration)(LPVOID); while the following doesn't: typedef void *_tDeclarationWithoutParenthesis(LPVOID); ...
YeenFei's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

an error about C struct array in formal parameter

I have got the following code: struct student_info; void paiming1(struct student_info student[]); struct student_info { int num; char name[6]; }; The IDE gives an error error: array ...
pureZer's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Finding out which functions are called within a given function [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Generating a Call Graph in R I'd like to systematically analyze a given function to find out which other functions are called within that very function. If possible, ...
Rappster's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Forward-declaration of a `constexpr` function inside another function -- Compiler bug?

While producing a MCVE for this problem I stumbled upon, I've found the following discrepancy between compilers: Consider the following code : // constexpr int f(); // 1 constexpr int g() { ...
Quentin's user avatar
  • 62.6k
8 votes
5 answers

Does C support optional null parameters?

In Python, I'm used to things like def send_command(command, modifier = None): and then the modifier argument is optional, and the absence of the argument can be differentiated from an argument of ...
endolith's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Local function declaration inside namespace

In such a situation namespace n { void f() { void another_function(); } } Should the function another_function be defined inside the namespace n or outside? VS 2012 (with the ...
Seth Carnegie's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How do I interpret this declaration that appears to be a function declaration, but doesn't fit the usual mould?

I'm trying to decipher this declaration from sqlite3.c SQLITE_PRIVATE void (*sqlite3OsDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *, void *, const char *))(void); It seems like it is declaring a function because subsequently ...
David Heffernan's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Function without return type specified in C

I came across this piece of code in C: #include <stdio.h> main( ) { int i = 5; workover(i); printf("%d",i); } workover(i) int i; { i = i*i; return(i); } I want to know how the declaration ...
Sanjana S's user avatar
  • 141
7 votes
3 answers

Alternative function syntax difference

What's the difference between these two functions? auto func(int a, int b) -> int; int func(int a, int b);
MBZ's user avatar
  • 27k
6 votes
4 answers

Function with 0 arguments - void vs void*?

I know that you can declare a function without any arguments simply like this: void test() { cout << "Hello world!!" << endl; } But I have also seen void test(void) { ...
user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Why ++str and str+1 is working and str++ isn't?

I know that here are some explanations about the difference between p++, ++p and p+1 but I couldn't understand it clearly yet, especially when it's not working with that function: void replace(char * ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 109
6 votes
2 answers

Why does declaring the same function both with and without parameters not cause compilation errors?

For the code: int hi(int); int hi(); int main() { hi(3); } I don't get any compilation errors (calling hi(); without arguments does get a compilation error). I expected that the compiler would ...
arye's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Function arguments: upper bound vs parent class as argument?

Consider we have: abstract class FlyingObject; case class Rocket(name: String) extends FlyingObject; what is difference between those two function declarations: def launch[T <: FlyingObject](fo: ...
PrimosK's user avatar
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