Questions tagged [filtering]

Filtering is selecting a subset of some set of data based on various criteria. In signal processing, it is the complete or partial suppression of some aspect of the signal. Use this tag for questions asking for help with filtering datasets.

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1138 votes
13 answers

How to get first N number of elements from an array

I am working with Javascript(ES6) /FaceBook react and trying to get the first 3 elements of an array that varies in size. I would like do the equivalent of Linq take(n). In my Jsx file I have the ...
user1526912's user avatar
  • 16.5k
863 votes
12 answers

How to filter Pandas dataframe using 'in' and 'not in' like in SQL

How can I achieve the equivalents of SQL's IN and NOT IN? I have a list with the required values. Here's the scenario: df = pd.DataFrame({'country': ['US', 'UK', 'Germany', 'China']}) ...
LondonRob's user avatar
  • 75.8k
853 votes
14 answers

Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

I want to filter my dataframe with an or condition to keep rows with a particular column's values that are outside the range [-0.25, 0.25]. I tried: df = df[(df['col'] < -0.25) or (df['col'] > 0....
obabs's user avatar
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457 votes
12 answers

How to filter an associative array comparing keys with values in an indexed array?

The callback function in array_filter() only passes in the array's values, not the keys. If I have: $my_array = array("foo" => 1, "hello" => "world"); $allowed = ...
maček's user avatar
  • 77.1k
399 votes
26 answers

Creating a blurring overlay view

In the Music app of the new iOS, we can see an album cover behind a view that blurs it. How can something like that be accomplished? I've read the documentation, but did not find anything there.
kondratyevdev's user avatar
396 votes
18 answers

Detect and exclude outliers in a pandas DataFrame

I have a pandas dataframe with few columns. Now I know that certain rows are outliers based on a certain column value. For instance column Vol has all values around 12xx and one value is 4000 (outlier)...
AMM's user avatar
  • 17.5k
367 votes
20 answers

JavaScript: filter() for Objects

ECMAScript 5 has the filter() prototype for Array types, but not Object types, if I understand correctly. How would I implement a filter() for Objects in JavaScript? Let's say I have this object: ...
AgileMeansDoAsLittleAsPossible's user avatar
361 votes
9 answers

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

I have an array of _ids and I want to get all docs accordingly, what's the best way to do it ? Something like ... // doesn't work ... of course ... model.find({ '_id' : [ '...
ezmilhouse's user avatar
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348 votes
16 answers

Filtering Pandas DataFrames on dates

I have a Pandas DataFrame with a 'date' column. Now I need to filter out all rows in the DataFrame that have dates outside of the next two months. Essentially, I only need to retain the rows that are ...
AMM's user avatar
  • 17.5k
298 votes
4 answers

Logical operators for Boolean indexing in Pandas

I'm working with a Boolean index in Pandas. The question is why the statement: a[(a['some_column']==some_number) & (a['some_other_column']==some_other_number)] works fine whereas a[(a['...
user2988577's user avatar
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187 votes
9 answers

Filtering collections in C#

I am looking for a very fast way to filter down a collection in C#. I am currently using generic List<object> collections, but am open to using other structures if they perform better. ...
Jason Z's user avatar
  • 13.3k
173 votes
8 answers

Checking if ANY of an array's elements are in another array

I have two arrays in PHP as follows: People: Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 20 ) Wanted Criminals: Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 4 [2] => 8 [3] => 11 [4] => 12 ...
Philip Morton's user avatar
154 votes
9 answers

Is there a way to filter network requests using Google Chrome developer tools?

Is it possible to filter out some requests using Chrome developer tools, say, filter out all image requests?
Adam Lee's user avatar
  • 25.3k
140 votes
6 answers

filter items in a python dictionary where keys contain a specific string

I'm a C coder developing something in python. I know how to do the following in C (and hence in C-like logic applied to python), but I'm wondering what the 'Python' way of doing it is. I have a ...
memo's user avatar
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139 votes
12 answers

Datatables - Search Box outside datatable

I'm using DataTables ( and I would like my search box to be outside of the table (for example in my header div). Is this possible ?
Athanasios Emmanouilidis's user avatar
110 votes
1 answer

Creating lowpass filter in SciPy - understanding methods and units

I am trying to filter a noisy heart rate signal with python. Because heart rates should never be above about 220 beats per minute, I want to filter out all noise above 220 bpm. I converted 220/minute ...
user3123955's user avatar
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108 votes
8 answers

Filtering multiple items in a multi-index Pandas dataframe

I have the following table: Area NSRCODE PBL_AWI CM BONS 44705.492941 BTNN 253854.591990 FONG 41625....
Tristan Forward's user avatar
107 votes
7 answers

How can I filter an ArrayList in Kotlin so I only have elements which match my condition?

I have an array: var month: List<String> = arrayListOf("January", "February", "March") I have to filter the list so I am left with only "January".
Nitt's user avatar
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103 votes
11 answers

How to run a SQL query on an Excel table?

I'm trying to create a sub-table from another table of all the last name fields sorted A-Z which have a phone number field that isn't null. I could do this pretty easy with SQL, but I have no clue how ...
Vap0r's user avatar
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100 votes
4 answers

Remove rows not .isin('X') [duplicate]

Sorry just getting into Pandas, this seems like it should be a very straight forward question. How can I use the isin('X') to remove rows that are in the list X? In R I would write !which(a %in% b).
DrewH's user avatar
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100 votes
7 answers

Filtering out values from a C# Generic Dictionary

I have a C# dictionary, Dictionary<Guid, MyObject> that I need to be filtered based on a property of MyObject. For example, I want to remove all records from the dictionary where MyObject....
Fiona -'s user avatar
95 votes
10 answers

Remove all elements from array that do not start with a certain string

I have an array that looks like this: array( 'abc' => 0, 'foo-bcd' => 1, 'foo-def' => 1, 'foo-xyz' => 0, // ... ) How can I retain only the elements that start with foo-?
Alex's user avatar
  • 67.3k
86 votes
2 answers

Efficient thresholding filter of an array with numpy

I need to filter an array to remove the elements that are lower than a certain threshold. My current code is like this: threshold = 5 a = numpy.array(range(10)) # testing data b = numpy.array(filter(...
fortran's user avatar
  • 74.9k
82 votes
12 answers

How can I return the difference between two lists?

I have two array lists e.g. List<Date> a; contains : 10/10/2014, 10/11/2016 List<Date> b; contains : 10/10/2016 How can i do a check between list a and b so the value that is missing ...
Rory Lester's user avatar
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82 votes
3 answers

Pandas equivalent of GROUP BY HAVING in SQL

What is the most efficient way to use groupby and in parallel apply a filter in pandas? Basically I am asking for the equivalent in SQL of select * ... group by col_name having condition I think ...
Mannaggia's user avatar
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79 votes
5 answers

How do I filter a pandas DataFrame based on value counts?

I'm working in Python with a pandas DataFrame of video games, each with a genre. I'm trying to remove any video game with a genre that appears less than some number of times in the DataFrame, but I ...
uchuujin's user avatar
  • 835
76 votes
8 answers

Filtering array of objects with lodash based on property value

We have an array of objects as such var myArr = [ {name: "john", age: 23}, {name: "john", age: 43}, {name: "jim", age: 101}, {name: "bob", age: 67} ]; how ...
sarsnake's user avatar
  • 27.1k
76 votes
4 answers

Case-insensitive version of array_search()

I have an array like this: $array = ['oooo', 'no', 'mmmm', 'yes']; I'd like to search for a word "yes". I know about array_search(), but I'd like to match "yes", "Yes" ...
Gowri's user avatar
  • 16.7k
76 votes
6 answers

How to filter docker process based on image

I have been trying to get the container id of docker instance using docker process command, but when i'm trying with filter by name it works fine for me. sudo -S docker ps -q --filter="name=...
Priya Dharshini's user avatar
72 votes
3 answers

Eliminating all data over a given percentile

I have a pandas DataFrame called data with a column called ms. I want to eliminate all the rows where is above the 95% percentile. For now, I'm doing this: limit =['95%'...
Roy Smith's user avatar
  • 2,083
72 votes
8 answers

Can Java 8 Streams operate on an item in a collection, and then remove it?

Like just about everyone, I'm still learning the intricacies (and loving them) of the new Java 8 Streams API. I have a question concerning usage of streams. I'll provide a simplified example. Java ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
60 votes
7 answers

How do I remove all zero elements from a NumPy array?

I have a rank-1 numpy.array of which I want to make a boxplot. However, I want to exclude all values equal to zero in the array. Currently, I solved this by looping the array and copy the value to a ...
ruben baetens's user avatar
59 votes
11 answers

Most efficient way to search for object in an array by a specific property's value

What would be the fastest, most efficient way to implement a search method that will return an object with a qualifying id? Sample object array: $array = [ (object) ['id' => 'one', 'color' =>...
André Alçada Padez's user avatar
58 votes
5 answers

How to filter parameters in rails?

Rails has built in log filtering so you don't log passwords and credit cards. Works great for that but when you want to trigger a custom log (like to email) and send your own params or other data ...
chrishomer's user avatar
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58 votes
7 answers

Filtering ZSH history by command

I was told that in ZSH you could do something like command and then when you hit up it would filter the history based on the given command. But when I try this it just cycles the history like bash ...
Guu's user avatar
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56 votes
3 answers

Django excluding specific instances from queryset without using field lookup

I sometimes have the need to make sure some instances are excluded from a queryset. This is the way I do it usually: unwanted_instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=bad_luck_number) ...
Agos's user avatar
  • 18.9k
54 votes
1 answer

How to filter a vector of custom structs?

I am trying to filter a Vec<Vocabulary> where Vocabulary is a custom struct, which itself contains a struct VocabularyMetadata and a Vec<Word>: #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub ...
Zelphir Kaltstahl's user avatar
53 votes
8 answers

How to search an Amazon S3 Bucket using Wildcards?

This stackoverflow answer helped a lot. However, I want to search for all PDFs inside a given bucket. I click "None". Start typing. I type *.pdf Press Enter Nothing happens. Is there a way to use ...
nu everest's user avatar
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53 votes
8 answers

Filtering os.walk() dirs and files

I'm looking for a way to include/exclude files patterns and exclude directories from a os.walk() call. Here's what I'm doing by now: import fnmatch import os includes = ['*.doc', '*.odt'] excludes = [...
Paulo Freitas's user avatar
52 votes
8 answers

Adding the current date with Maven2 filtering

I have a Maven2 project, and I need to add, in a properties file, the current version and the current date. For the current version, I've used ${project.version}, which works correctly. My question ...
Romain Linsolas's user avatar
50 votes
2 answers

How to dynamically do filtering in Java 8?

I know in Java 8, I can do filtering like this : List<User> olderUsers = -> u.age > 30).collect(Collectors.toList()); But what if I have a collection and half a ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 30.8k
49 votes
9 answers

Filtering array of objects with arrays based on nested value

I am trying to filter an array, based on some nested object. I prepared some Fiddle Input array looks like this: let arrayOfElements = [ { "name": "a", "...
bartosz.baczek's user avatar
47 votes
9 answers

Get the difference between two 2-dimensional arrays (each containing a single column of values)

I have an array containing rows of associative data. $array1 = array( array('ITEM' => 1), array('ITEM' => 2), array('ITEM' => 3), ); I have a second array, also containing rows ...
Jonathan Chan's user avatar
46 votes
7 answers

Android LogCat Filter for multiple tags in Eclipse

Clicked on create filter could not figure out from docs how to create a filter for say two or more tags. If I have two tags com.test.TestClassA and com.test.TestClassB how do I create a filter that ...
Androider's user avatar
  • 21.2k
44 votes
16 answers

Fastest Gaussian blur implementation

How do you implement the fastest possible Gaussian blur algorithm? I am going to implement it in Java, so GPU solutions are ruled out. My application, planetGenesis, is cross platform, so I don't ...
43 votes
2 answers

Remove spurious small islands of noise in an image - Python OpenCV

I am trying to get rid of background noise from some of my images. This is the unfiltered image. To filter, I used this code to generate a mask of what should remain in the image: element = cv2....
annena's user avatar
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42 votes
12 answers

Explode string into array with no empty elements?

PHP's explode function returns an array of strings split on some provided substring. It will return empty strings when there are leading, trailing, or consecutive delimiters, like this: var_dump(...
Glenn Moss's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

How to filter a list in-place with Kotlin?

In Java I can remove items from a list with this code: private void filterList(List<Item> items) { Iterator<Item> iterator = items.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ...
BArtWell's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

How to filter for unique combination of columns from an R dataframe

I am trying to filter out the duplicates of a subset of columns from a dataframe in R. I am interested in filtering unique combinations of session, first, and last. The following is what my data ...
megv's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

Get the difference of two arrays of objects by comparing values from a particular column/property

I know there is array_diff and array_udiff for comparing the difference between two arrays, but how would I do it with two arrays of objects? array(4) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#32 (9) { ...
roflwaffle's user avatar
  • 30.2k

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