Questions tagged [face-recognition]

Face recognition is the process of matching faces to determine if the person shown in one image is the same as the person shown in another image. This is distinct from face detection which only determines where an image exists a face. Face recognition has broad use in security technology, social networking, cameras, etc.

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170 votes
11 answers

Face recognition Library [closed]

I'm looking for a free face recognition library for a university project. I'm not looking for face detection. I'm looking for actual recognition. That means finding images that contain specified faces ...
Janusz's user avatar
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76 votes
4 answers

Open source face recognition for Android [closed]

Using Android, what are the open-source option for face recognition.
Roshan Wijesena's user avatar
58 votes
5 answers

Android camera2 face detection

There is not enough info about camera2 face detection mechanism. I used the Camera2 sample from Google: I set face detection mode to FULL. ...
p37td8's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

keep loging missing server connection for kctconnectioninvalidatednotification

When my project running face recognition module will continue to output: Missing server connection for kCTConnectionInvalidatedNotification. What could be causing the issue? how can I resolve it?
Wong Sam's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Face Detection in Android?

I am currently working on an experimental camera app. I'm looking into implementing face detection at the moment and am currently weighing up my options. I have considered the OpenCV port available ...
James's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Facial recognition/detection PHP or software for photo and video galleries

I have a very large photo gallery with thousands of similar people, objects, locations, things. The majority of the people in the photos have their own user accounts and avatar photos to match. There ...
Peter Craig's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How can I use Android's Face Unlock within my own private application? [closed]

I want to use Face Unlock as a second factor for my app, since most of my users will not lock their phones with a password. Are there Android APIs available to integrate Face Unlock in an Android app?...
Keya's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

module jdk.compiler does not "opens" to unnamed module @4bae33a6

I cloned this Project from Github I am going to use the FaceRecognizition from this project. But as soon as I try to ...
Greg W.F.R's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Unstable face recognition using OpenCV

I’m developing an android application for face recognition, using JavaCV which is an unofficial wrapper of OpenCV. After importing com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_contrib.FaceRecognizer, I apply and ...
Y.AL's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

State of the art in face recognition

I have looked a little bit into face recognition recently. However I am overwelmed by the number of algorithm that there are. PCA, LDA, IDA, Gabor Wavelets, AAM ... Say you wanted to make something ...
Maarten's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How do facial recognition programs work? [closed]

What flow would the program go through?
Aaron's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Face recognition in R [closed]

Are there any face recognition algorithms written in the R statistical language? If not, please provide guidance on where I might start translating other algorithms to R.
Jefferson X Masonic's user avatar
18 votes
9 answers

How to align face images c++ opencv

I am developing a C++ application for face authentication. First, I have to detect the face and pre-process the image. For face detection I have used the HaarCascadeClassifier. The problem is that ...
OntoBLW's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

Facial recognition/merging software [closed]

Can anyone point me in the right direction of some facial recognition libraries & algorithms ? I've tried searching/googling but i mostly find thesises and very little real software.
thr's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

building wheel for dlib ( loop

trying to install dlib and face_recognition from Ubuntu taking reference from but after following commands: i am stuck at: Building wheels for dlib,...
rahul's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Face Recognition on Android

I'm trying to develop a Face Recognition app on Android and since I don't want to use NDK on the project (simply don't have the time to switch), I'm sticking to develop the whole app with Java and ...
Cypher's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Face authentication to unlock my app programmatically

I am developing an android app which uses fingerprint/face recognition for unlocking the app. I have successfully integrated fingerprint authentication using BiometricPrompt. But didn't know where ...
Kanagalingam's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Face recognition in Java

Can any one suggest me an open source face recognition framework in Java?
user189352's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Android Face recognition & get similar faces from the database

In my application I'm going to implement an image search like Google image search. Only difference is here I'm searching only for human faces. Here's how it goes.. user take a picture of a person ...
Ramesh Jaya's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Attribute error while using opencv for face recognition

I am teaching myself how to use openCV by writing a simple face recognition program I found on youtube. I have installed opencv version 2 as well as numpy 1.8.0. I am using python 2.7. I copyed this ...
RatstabOfficial's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

3D Object Detection-Opencv

I have tried face recognition using OpenCV using the documentation provided on their wiki. Its working fine and it can detect multiple faces. However there is no data provided on the site regarding 3D ...
praxmon's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Open CV Face Recognition not accurate

In my app I'm trying to do face recognition on a specific image using Open CV, here first I'm training one image and then after training that image if I run face recognition on that image it ...
R.Coder's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to find out detected face is real or fake

I am developing one security related project, there is need to check any face is detected or not, if face is detected then do some action, if face is not detected then close app. Everything is ...
Yogesh Rathi's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Face comparison (Not recognition or detection) using OpenCV and Keras?

First of all here is my github link for the question. And here is my question: I would like to do a face comparison function using Python. And I can successfully(?) recognize faces using OpenCV. ...
Ellery Leung's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Biometrics with iris and face recognition

In blog Better Biometrics in Android P they said: "To keep users safe, most apps and devices have an authentication mechanism, or a way to prove that you're you. These mechanisms fall into three ...
Hoa.Tran's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Face Recognition for classifying digital photos?

I like to mess around with AI and wanted to try my hand at face recognition the first step is to find the faces in the photographs. How is this usually done? Do you use convolution of a sample image/...
Jeremy E's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

why is shape-indexed-feature so effective on face alignment?

I am implementing some face alignment algorithm recently. I have read the following papers: Supervised descent method and its applications to face alignment Face alignment by explicit shape ...
tidy's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Face recognition authentication in android [closed]

Similar to fingerprint authentication for apps, i am trying to implement face recognition authentication in one of my android app. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve the same using any library or ...
imi's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

GStreamer warning: Cannot query video position: status=0, value=-1, duration=-1

I am using the OpenCV package with the face_recognition package to detect faces on my laptop webcam. Whenever I run it, the code runs fine but I run into the same GStreamer error. from ...
Kai Strachan's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Opencv3 and Python 2.7 on Virtual Environment - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'createLBPHFaceRecognizer'

I have a python function with opencv 3. it works without virtual environment.Also I installed opencv on venv from:pyimagesearch. i am trying to run that python function on venv, then it gives an error ...
Gkan's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

ios Vision VNImageRequestHandler orientation issue

I am trying to detect faces via camera using VNImageRequestHandler (iOS Vision). When I point on the photo by the camera in landscape mode it detects faces but with opposite orientation mode. let ...
Svitlana's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

opencv face recognition returns same name from DB for unknown users

I've done the detection part. But when it comes to recognition, When another unknown person comes in front of the camera it should display "unknown person," but it is displaying the database person's ...
hacker's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Classify faces from VNFaceObservation

I'm working with Vision framework to detect faces and objects on multiple images and works fantastic. But I have a question that I can't find on documentation. The Photos app on iOS classify faces ...
mhergon's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to use openCV and HAAR Cascades to blur faces?

I would like to know is there is a way to blur the faces that have been automatically identify by the haarcascade face classifier. using the code below, I'm able to detect the faces, crop the image ...
Arnaud Geotribu's user avatar
10 votes
7 answers

Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images

(A similar question has been asked on superuser for answers related to applications. The question is posted here to gather programmable solutions for the same) At my work place, passport sized ...
10 votes
3 answers

Face detection and comparison

I'm running a small research on face detection and comparison for my article. Currently, I'm using rapid face detection based on haar like features based on OpenCV cascade (I'll implement learning ...
user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to get a measurement of confidence level when using haar face detection using OpenCV?

I developed an application for face detection using OpenCVs HAAR cascade face detection. The algorithm works fine, however every once in a while It finds patterns on the wall or ather things that are ...
Itay k's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Face unlock code in Android open source project?

Does anyone know the location of the face unlock code in the android source tree? I'm looking to include some face recognition in my app and would love to use the code that google has already created....
Brian Griffey's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Opencv - Haar cascade - Face tracking is very slow

I have developed a project to tracking face through camera using OpenCV library. I used haar cascade with haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml to detect face. My problem is if image capture from webcame ...
Nick Viatick's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Face detection not working for Front Camera

So basically, i have this code, if(mCamera.getParameters().getMaxNumDetectedFaces()==0) { System.out.println("Face detection not avaliable"); } else ...
Kratz's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

iOS11 vision framework mapping all face landmarks

I am playing with vision framework and getting all landmark points with this code: if let allFaceLandmarks = landmarks.allPoints { print(allFaceLandmarks) } But cant find mapping for these ...
sametbilgi's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Face recognition using android sdk not opencv

I am currently work on face recognition in android. I spent reasonable time on internet and I found FaceDetector.Face class in Android. And these are the utilities of this class: Constants float ...
Ayse's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Compare two faces (and their likeness)

Is there is a way to compare two faces (perhaps with OpenCv) and get a score of their likeness? I mean to apply a facial recognition algorithm, but only between 2 faces, not on an entire dataset. The ...
Marco L.'s user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Dlib (GPU supported) is not working properly, not sure?

My System Configuration: Windows 10, Nvidia 940mx 2GB GDDR5 GPU, 8GB RAM, i5 8th generation. Software installed: CUDA toolkit 9.0 cuDNN 7.1.4 I have successfully installed dlib with GPU support ...
tusharK3411's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to develop a Face recognition iPhone app? [closed]

I am trying to develop an iPhone for Face recognition/detection. In my app i want to make my iPhone camera should be auto focused and auto capture. How to recognition the face from iPhone app? It ...
Gopinath's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to check if dlib is using GPU or not?

My machine has Geforce 940mx GDDR5 GPU. I have installed all requirements to run GPU accelerated dlib (with GPU support): CUDA 9.0 toolkit with all 3 patches updates from https://developer.nvidia....
rahulreddy's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to get 3D coordinate Axes of head pose estimation in Dlib C++

Dlib C++ can detect landmark and estimate face pose very well. However, how can I get 3D coordinate Axes direction (x,y,z) of head pose?
Rain Maker's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

how to save/crop detected faces in dlib python

i want to save the detected face in dlib by cropping the rectangle do anyone have any idea how can i crop it. i am using dlib first time and having so many problems. i also want to run the fisherface ...
Irum Zahra Awan's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can I perform facial recogntion on iOS?

I've started work on an application for iOS that would recognize faces from a photo or from the iPhone / iPad camera. Existing solutions like OpenCV and Core Image (in iOS 5.0) provide facial ...
Mateus Nunes's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is there any open technology to recognize face features?

I need to make baby face depending on parents' photos. Something like: It may be not very advanced and may just try to recognize, for example, eyes from constant set of ...
bobrik's user avatar
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