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Does U-SQL support extracting files based on date of creation in ADLS

We know U-SQL supports directory and filename pattern matching while extracting the files. What I wanted to know does it support pattern matching based on date of creation of the file in ADLS (without ...
Nasir's user avatar
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OutOfMemory on custom extractor

I have stitched a lot of small XML files into one file, and then made a custom extractor to return rows with one byte array that corresponds to each file. Run on remote/master Run it for one file (...
Anders's user avatar
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How to extract a file having varbinary column in u-sql script using default Extractor?

I have to Extract the varbinary column in a file. When I tried to extract it with byte[]. It show the error "Conversion Error. Column having invalid characters". U-SQL Script: EXTRACT Id int?,...
Arron's user avatar
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U-SQL Extracting files wrong format

this is my first post/question about U-SQL My process extract from Azure Data Lake Storage huge files data. My problems is one of the files has wrong structure (one field less than expected) and is ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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U-SQL extracting files complete contents (extracting full source code from html files)

I've got a bunch of HTML files in my Data Lake Store and would like to get their full source code into a table (just one column with the code from all the files, the output format is not relevant to ...
Friedrich Staufenbiel's user avatar