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Extract text from PDF section keeping strings in one line

I have a bunch of PDF files and I need to extract some information from them. The "section" have the text "Referências" and looks like the picture below: I tried a lot of text extractor tools to ...
Wolgan Ens's user avatar
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Issue parsing PDF with Apache Nutch - extractor plugin

I am trying to index web pages AND pdf documents from a website. I am using Nutch 1.9. I downloade the nutch-custom-search plugin from The plugin is ...
cgoasduff's user avatar
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PDF text extractor

I need to upload into a database the information stored in advertising leaflets from the major retail chains (eg Carrefour, Lidl etc). The quickest solution I've found is: I download the PDF from ...
Dr. Clò Luca's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Extract a specific data from pdf files

Can someone give some solution, idea or just an indication about how I can extract some specific data from a pdf file, I used pdfbox with PDfTextStripper to extract all the text in the pdf file, it's ...
Ismail Brahmi's user avatar