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2 answers

youtubeExtractor for Android

I want to use youtubeExtractor for android app and I found library like compile 'com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT' There is a sample code in github I copied it. ...
wowo's user avatar
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JSON path extractor

I have the following JSON response and I wanted to build the JSON expression to extract the "connectionId" based on given "systemId" and "connectionConfig"."type" value. For example, extract "...
Lakshmi Vaimpalli's user avatar
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1 answer

Jmeter json path extractor - How to Remove String

I have a problema with the next point: { "id":"3be62315-cd79-4e13-9536-0ee496e72184;1.0", "objectType":"DOCUMENT", "metadata": { "gdoc:filePath":null, "gdoc:filename":...
Samuel's user avatar
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Extracting values from JSON with top level array using Jmeter JSON Extractor

In my JMeter test plan, I have a sampler which returns the list of authors and their books in JSON format. I would like get the id of all authors only. That is, In this case, I should get [1,2,3] in a ...
JSDeveloper's user avatar
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JMETER Regular Expression Extracto. How can i get the specific extractor using the response i get below

Im not sure why the regexp extractor gives me a 'null' value Response GET http://t1vm-esource01/eSourceUAT/esoa%20printing/Reports/soa.ashx?docIndex=null&mastKey=SF8962 Heres my regular expression:...
Von Prejillana's user avatar
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trying to pass the value (which is extracted from json path extractor) to the next http request

I have extracted 10 values from a Json path extractor, naming device_1,device_2,device_3 to device_10. I am able to see these 10 values in debug sampler and now i want to pass on these value to the ...
khushbu's user avatar
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JSON Extractor : Extract from Sampler Result and from response and use in another HTTP request

I am new to JMeter and trying to extract the ApplicationCookie from Sampler Result, which looks like below .AspNet.ApplicationCookie=j6rRWJLR44frKxJn3skUv-...
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