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2 answers

unapply method of a case class is not used by the Scala compiler to do pattern matching, why is that?

abstract class Animal case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal Say I have defined Cat and Dog, two case classes. Then I use them like this: val ...
Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot instantiate ObservableList with an extractor

I have a custom object FermentableInRecipe, which populates a TableView. In order to respond to changes to items in the list, as well as the list itself, I have decided to employ an extractor. Here is ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 answer

Java Metadata Extractor causes java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use this library for Images Metadata Extraction in Java , using NetBeans. I imported the file metadata-extractor-2.7.0.jar into the jar ...
Ozeta's user avatar
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TableView navigates to the last row cell after commit edit when using extractor for TableView ObservableList

I have a TableView of Bean type that consists of name, quantity, price, and total price columns. These columns have the ability to be changed using TextFieldTableCell except the total column which is ...
Amir Victor's user avatar
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1 answer

Email Extractor Java Pattern excluding characters before a dot

I am currently using an email extractor which is working well, but I would like to change its pattern which is: [^a-zA-Z0-9-](?<num>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,20}@[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,20}\.[\.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[^a-...
Lola1234's user avatar
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Design pattern for consecutive object value extractor

Consider an object that extracts object values from a source on a "pull" basis, until a special value (e.g., null) is encountered. In Java, the API could be something like public interface ...
PNS's user avatar
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2 answers

java: extract points from a txt file [closed]

Suppose I have a txt file called "filename". The data inside is as following, N 12 39 34 23 12 22 5 7 7 10 11 8 . . . left column contains the x value of each point. Right column ...
catchwisdom's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot install JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin

I cannot install JSON Path Extractor Plugin from Plugin manager nor manually. I saw this answer but I cannot find the plugin by name using plugin manager and the same here
eeadev's user avatar
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JavaFX: Make TableColumn observe formatted Double with extractor functionality

I have a TableView poulated by an ObservableList of a custom object FermentableInRecipe, where one of the TableColumns is defined to handle Numbers, and should display values as a percentage. The ...
Joe's user avatar
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JavaFX ContextMenu items not displaying changes during runtime

So I am writing an AutosuggestMenu that adds a listener to a TextField and recommends suggestions in a popup ContextMenu, based on comparing the keystrokes entered with the Collection of words ...
SKNB's user avatar
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Dealing with NULL in ObservableList Extractors

I have an ObservableList with an extractor, so that the listener attached to the object fires when properties of the items in the list are changed: ObservableList<User> users = FXCollections....
Paka's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove Hyperlink and images in word document?

I have tried to remove Hyperlink and image in word document using Apache POI? this is my code String text; for (String coba : xw.getParagraphText()) { text = xw.stripFields(coba); text = coba....
user3708259's user avatar
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2 answers

Library that can extract and play video file

I will build a simple program that Can play video file (.mp4) in my program. Can extract the video, so that I can get the title, length, subtitle, and the audio, etc. What is the library in Java ...
Fajri Koto's user avatar