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How to Extract title, body and images from HTML with Apache tika parser

I want to extract title, html body(plain text), image urls from HTML page, it it possible to use Apache Tika server to achive it?
bertyuan's user avatar
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How to Fetch or extract value from Div tag using Jmeter

I want to fetch OTP value(123456) from Div tag, as it changes every time. How can i do this in Jmeter? I have some idea that, it can done by xpath extractor & reguler expression..but doesn'...
TRILOKI Gupta's user avatar
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extracting data from a website (spotify) using javascript

I'm trying to extract text data from a list on spotify (a list of artists I follow) using javascript console in firefox browser. I'm using this code to extract all the artist names from the elements ...
janj's user avatar
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Xpath text selector on HTML Javascript Text Output

I am new to Xpath and currently working to extract data at below link: Xpath as below will print all text value as code in snippet. Is there ...
Shah Rezza's user avatar